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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 110

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  Even as he was trying to let her go, give them space ... he didn’t. He brushed her hands aside when she tried to dress herself, doing it for her ... slowly.

  “Hands up,” he ordered, and when she complied he pulled her sports bra over her hands, wrists, then upper arms, where he stalled. Looking down at her raised breasts, feeling the intensity inside him at having her slightly captive, arms raised and bound. He damn well loved it.

  “Christ, Tess,” he muttered. “The things you do to me.” Then he gathered some of the resolve he used to own and he pulled her sports bra down to cover her breasts. Her gaze was heated and a bit timid, wondering about this theme they fell into, with his power and her submission. Submission to him.

  Then he knelt on one knee, holding out her exercise pants for her to step into, with his nose straight across from his perfect pussy. He damn well liked dressing her ... pulling that spandex up her bare legs, up to her slit and over her hips.

  “My thong,” she said.

  His gaze turned up to her as he tugged the spandex to her waist. “It’s mine now.”

  Her light blue eyes drew a darker shade as her soft lips parted. “I keep losing my panties to you,” she teased.

  Yeah, the ones he didn’t keep, he ripped off. He stood slowly, easing up her body. Then he reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, flipping it open under her nose. A shiny platinum business credit card was on the top, which he pulled free, turning it too her. “Buy more. Skimpy, sexy, and lots. I’ll get your name put on the card.”

  Her gaze lifted to him, with those blue eyes widening. “Vincent?” She shook her head lightly. “Oh, I couldn’t.”

  His gaze narrowed and he grabbed one of her hands, placing the card in her palm. “Anything touching my pretty pussy I’m paying for.”

  She gulped as he closed her fingers over the card. “Wow,” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “Babe. Most women would be snatching that from me while trying to dick the amount I offered higher.” He clasped her nape. “You are not most women.” Tess was still staring at the card as he chuckled again, and murmured, “Breathe, baby.”

  She sucked in a breath and he tilted her chin up. “Are you getting me naughty panties to look at?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good,” he offered. “Let’s sit.” He guided her to the chair, where he pulled her onto his lap again. “Any bras or lingerie comes with that, I’m good.”

  Her arms wrapped around him with his card still clutched in one hand. “Thank you, honey,” she murmured, then she dipped to kiss him. The kind of lip action that told him she really liked him, and she really liked going out shopping for sexy things to wear for him. It was very good.

  But he had a new mission to accomplish and he’d been indulging like he was a fucking kid lately. So he broke the kiss, but kept his hand at her nape.

  “I know you’re late for work, beautiful. Do you need to call?”

  She shook her head, with her hand petting his chest. “I fibbed a little about that. My part-time girl is covering.”

  “Fibbed?” he asked, showing her the amusement in his gaze.

  She nodded. “A little,” she murmured.

  “Big fibs will get you spanked.” It was so unexpected, he figured, Tess gasped her breath against him with wide eyes. “A couple little ones together will get you over my knee. Get it?”

  Her soft lips opened and closed twice. They’d been doing it all along, but now he was expecting her to admit it.

  “Y-you’re going to spank me if ...” She stuttered to a halt.

  He nodded. “Yeah,” he replied, squeezing her ass for emphasis, then he added, “I like it. You got a perfect ass for it.”

  Her cheeks grew red as she squirmed in his lap. “Not too hard?” she pressed.

  “Depends on how naughty you are,” he replied firmly.

  “I don’t ... well, umm ... geez.”

  “You like bossy, baby. Admit it.”

  She wrapped his shoulders and hid her face in his neck. Then he felt her nodding. So, okay, she could take her time admitting it out loud. He squeezed her in an embrace. “All this waits, though. I think we should put a hold on sex,” he told her. Knowing he was laying a big one on her.

  “What,” she exclaimed, popping out of his neck. “Vincent,” she demanded, then she waited with alarm on her pretty features.

  “Got to say, beautiful, it’s going to be fucking hard keeping my hands off you. But it’ll show you the man I am. And the man I will be with you.” He wrapped his fingers in her soft, long hair as her eyes got bright and he saw tears in them. “I wanna give us a chance to make this last.”

  She nodded, then her lips were against his, kissing softly. But they kept it soft and short. “Okay, honey, you lead and I will follow ... anywhere,” she whispered.

  “Hell, baby.” He grasped her tight again. This time he kissed her nose, then drew back. “Serious stuff now,” he warned her. “You get your divorce papers served?” She nodded. “You heard anything?”

  Her frown told him before her words. “No. Not a word. He called wanting money the other day, then texted me to basically order me to the concert tonight.”

  “Money?” Vincent asked, feeling his anger rise. He remembered the bastard pulling money out of Tess’ purse. “What is he, broke?”

  He stroked her hair, liking the feel of her against him. This was the way to talk with his woman, he decided once again.

  “He wasn’t rich or anything. But he had money from when he was a day trader, before he decided his life calling was to be a talent agent.” Tess paused, looking at him seriously as she played with the edge of his collar. “I think he’s used any money he had on Luna,” she whispered. “He said I had to pay now to save my shop, but that would mean he did something illegal, because—”

  “Damn it,” Vincent cussed lowly. “It’s in your name, right?” He watched her nod. “You own the building?” She nodded again. “Fucking Luna,” he uttered. “Navarro wants to look like a high roller for her. I cut her off, so ...”

  Tess looked at him quizzically now—she had no clue how much money he had. One lucky damn thing ... he had money before Luna and there was a prenup. Tess’ fingers started playing with his hair behind his ear.

  “I need to find out what he did,” she told him with that pretty, soft voice she had. “But I’d give up the shop to be rid of him now, though.”

  Without even thinking about it, his hand wound the hair at the back of her head, drawing her lips closer to his. Hell, they were supposed to be cooling it. But he kissed her lightly anyway.

  “I’d give up mine too,” he murmured, and she had no clue how big that was as she smiled against his mouth.

  “I’m taking defensive classes so we don’t have to worry about Luna ... you know, coming after me,” she told him with a quick voice, inching back and looking at him, watching for his reaction.

  He was surprised and protective. He thought every woman should learn to kick ass to defend themselves. But he didn’t like the reason Tess thought she had to. And defense was one thing, but against a knife or other objects it was another thing.

  “Who’s teaching you?” He wasn’t going to take it away from her.

  Her gaze slid to the side and she tensed, making him wonder why. “Cabe or he said he’d get someone.” Then she took a breath and blurted, “I didn’t tell you but Luna came to the shop.”

  When Tess finished the story, he was as tense as she was, and he knew his gaze glittered dangerously. “Fuck that bitch, I am ending this,” he ground out angrily.

  “I know you will, Vincent. We will,” Tess said, petting him, then hugging him. “We will,” she assured him once more, against his ear.

  “I didn’t go with her, baby. Not to fucking bed,” he said tightly, making Tess lift to lean back and look at him closely. “I had to get her away from you, turn her attention. Maybe she’s mentally whacked. But I knew better than you what hurt she’d try to deal out
on you, so I tried to deflect her.”

  “I know, Vincent. I think I always knew, even though it hurt.”

  “It makes no sense,” he told her. “She does not want me, but she fucking claims me. I only matter if someone else wants me.” He shook his head.

  Tess pressed against him deep. “I think we could go crazy trying to figure out why they are like they are, and we will never find an answer.”

  He pulled her head down to his chest, holding her. His gesture telling her she was right. “You’ll stay at my place. I’ll deal with it in a separate room. But if my plan tonight goes righteous, by the end of the week ... you, me, out on a date.” He squeezed her on the promise.

  “That’d be so wonderful,” she exclaimed softly, but then she added, “I want to go with you tonight, Vincent.”

  His instant reaction. “No.”


  Tess looked in the mirror at her killer outfit. She’d bought it for a trip to Vegas that she and her low-life, nearly ex-husband was supposed to take her on. Never happened. He’d had a talent in Houston he’d had to babysit instead.

  “More like a blonde, brunette, and redhead,” Tess muttered, turning to the side and looking at her profile. Trying to outdo Luna Whitehorse’s perfect body, perfect face, and new stage outfits might be too much of a challenge for a simple Vegas outfit.

  But the mini dress was super tight, had a sweetheart neckline, and was strapless with sequins everywhere. Normally a redhead shouldn’t wear red, but this red was deep and rich with gold flecks. The dress was amazing, but ohmygod it hugged her butt.

  Tess looked at her sequin-encased ass in the mirror, blushing. If she wore the right shoes Steven’s jaw would drop when he saw his little flower shop housewife, soon-to-be ex, wearing it.

  Vincent would be mad.

  Tess went to find heels, a purse, and a wrap ... anyways. She was at her house ... the only place she’d find a dress like this, and it looked as if Steven hadn’t been home for the entire time she’d been gone.

  “He’s addicted,” Tess muttered, rummaging through her closet. But she didn’t care anymore except to maybe make his jaw drop ... and then frown, as she wrapped herself around Vincent, showing Steven she’d found a real man and Steven could freaking have Luna.

  Tess found a sparkly clutch and a printed light wrap ... next she went burrowing for heels. They had to be really high and really sexy. She was more worried about Vincent, she thought, while looking through her high heels. He’d told her, well, ordered her actually, to stay at his house and not go to the, quote, “fucking concert.”

  Well, she really liked Vincent being bossy in bed and she really liked him domineering when she was naked out of bed or in his truck or his office or ... But really, this was different. He was going to break it off with Luna ... crazy psycho Luna, and Vincent would be surrounded by all Luna supporters. Steven, the mob, the band ... Vincent needed someone to take his back.

  Tess was going to show him, it was her!

  She felt secure enough in going an hour later, after the concert started. That would give Vincent time for his vote and to be waiting to serve Luna divorce papers. She wasn’t even going to the concert itself, but she was planning to wait close by in Redrock’s bar. She didn’t need to incite Luna further by flaunting the fact she caught Vincent while Luna was losing him. She just had to be close, in case Vincent needed support.

  The fact she’d not thought it all through wasn’t in her favor. But it didn’t stop her. There were security guards and everything at Redrock, and Luna freaking Whiterose was not going to keep Tess from supporting her man.

  However, thirty minutes later, when she sashayed her killer dress and her open-toed glittering gold high heels into Redrock, and then farther into the intimate, darkened bar—she was floored to see Steven sitting at a table with his head hanging between his hands.

  She’d intended to text Vincent and tell him she was close by. That way he could cool off before he came to her, but now she quickly skirted toward the bar, praying Steven wouldn’t look up. She skipped her gaze around looking for Luna ... nope. Hmm, that didn’t look good for Steven, did it? She glanced at the long bar and saw it wasn’t very full so she scooted toward it, intending to stay out of Steven’s eyesight.

  “What could be wrong?” she muttered, setting her purse on the bar top and unwinding her wrap. Another quick peek through the crowd showed Steven still looking as if he was head down going to cry.

  “No one showed.”

  Tess held back a tiny gasp, turning to look up at Cabe. He was a surprise. “Umm ...” she mumbled.

  Cabe’s gaze drifted over her and he looked stormy, as in tightened jaw and glittering gaze with auras of heightened emotions. “Fuck, that dress,” he uttered as his mahogany-charged eyes moved over her slowly again, making her blush. “First spandex, now this.” His hand raked over his lighter blond entwined over darker blond streaked hair.

  She’d just opened her mouth to ask him what he meant by his first comment, and thereby bypassing his second, and to ask him why he was there, when he added, “The concert busted.”

  Her eyes widened as she wondered how he knew or cared. “It did?” she asked, disbelieving, but really, if she’d thought about it at all, which she hadn’t, she’d have guessed ruin.

  Cabe moved closer and they both leaned against the bar. “Wasn’t twenty people there,” Cabe told her in a low voice.

  “Wow.” She peeked at Steven again, still with his head hanging. Wow.

  Then Cabe blew her mind. “That’s my wife over there. Way in back. Lip-locked with the fucking mayor ...”

  Tess grabbed Cabe’s arm, stunned, leaning into him to look over his shoulder. She had to do it on her tiptoes, but her four-inch heels helped. “Cabe,” she exclaimed, looking and seeing a pretty brunette lady with a stylish, short haircut, wearing an evening gown that had a very bare back, and who was practically in Mayor Tilly’s lap. Mayor Tilly, who everyone knew was a love-them-and-leave-them dog.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she whispered against Cabe’s very stiff shoulder. “You followed them to the concert?” she guessed.

  She felt his head nod, and she watched his wife ungluing her attention from the mayor to look around. Cabe’s wife’s gaze roamed ... Tess started to warn Cabe she’d see him, when Tess saw it was too late. His wife’s gaze jerked back to Cabe’s broad back with Tess looking over his shoulder.

  Tess jumped backward. “Shoot,” she blurted. Cabe’s face was very close, turned down to look at her. “She’s seen you,” Tess warned him in a whisper, and she saw raw pain tensing across his features.

  Damn them, damn all cheaters to hell, she thought.

  Suddenly, Cabe grabbed her, pulling her on tottering heels against the hard line of his body. His hand gripped her chin, pressing it upward, and then his mouth covered her lips. Holy hell! Cabe was kissing her! Protest was in her mind—one second before all her senses melted into a hot kiss from a really hot guy.

  Seconds later, she felt Cabe moving them around in a circle as they kissed. Then she heard an exclamation behind her. Cabe’s really nice mouth lifted from her lips, but he continued to hold her against him as she dazedly looked at Cabe’s wife glaring daggers at them.

  “How dare you kiss my husband!” Cabe’s wife exclaimed.

  “Vega, your fucking tongue was just down Tilly’s throat,” Cabe snarled back at her.

  Uh oh, domestic battle begins, Tess thought, as she found out Cabe’s wife’s name was Vega. Very unusual ... Then something wiped the drama, playing out in her space, as she locked gazes with Vincent.

  She’d never disengaged from an embrace quicker, pushing Cabe so hard, she nearly fell backward, but Vincent stalked forward and caught her. Not holding her close, but at arm’s length.

  Cabe’s voice came close to her ear. “Thanks for helping me grab some dignity.” Then Cabe stopped by Vincent and growled at him. “You ever fuck up with her, I’m moving in.”
Then Cabe stalked away with Vega skipping after him, exclaiming.

  Vincent’s hand tightened on her arm as she opened her mouth to explain, but right then a new voice invaded. “T, you have to take me back or we’ll be bankrupt!”

  Tess ignored that startling revelation from her husband, closing in on them, as she gripped Vincent’s arm back, trying to draw nearer to him. “He kissed me. I didn’t expect it. I swear it was ...” Vincent’s features were etched as if he held back enormous amounts of fury.

  “What are you doing here with him,” Steven demanded, and she felt his hand on her shoulder. “What’s going on here?”

  Her eyes widened in alarm, and then her mouth opened and closed with no sound as she looked helplessly at Vincent, basically begging him with her gaze to help her. While she held her breath, waiting to see if he would save her. He looked no less of lean, masculine, suppressed fury when he tugged her into the line of his body and she quaked in relief.

  “Get your fucking hand off her,” Vincent snarled, then she was transported, still stuck to Vincent’s side, but away from Steven.

  “That’s my wife!” Steven started to exclaim.

  “Was your wife,” Vincent growled. “Now she’s my woman.”

  Steven looked thunderstruck, his gaze jumping between them. “No way,” Steven uttered.

  “Oh yeah, fucking way,” Vincent spat. “Your and Luna’s fucking affair helped us meet.”

  Well, if a person could look like their head blew off, that was what Steven looked like. Tess just hoped she’d not royally messed up all Vincent’s plans as she hugged Vincent’s side, while glaring at Steven.

  “You two are ...” Steven pointed back and forth between them. “You two are ...” He did it again, then hissed, “Together.”

  Tess finally found her voice. “Talk to my lawyer, Steven. I don’t want to talk to you ever again.”

  Tess tugged on Vincent, trying to get him to move. She didn’t want bloodshed, which looked as if Vincent was willing and very capable of doing.

  Steven blurted, “You can’t be together, it’s illegal or something.”


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