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Curves for Him - 10 Delicious Tales

Page 120

by Aubrey Rose, Dez Burke, A. T. Mitchell, Catherine Vale, Marian Tee, Harper Ashe, Eliza Gayle, M. G. Morgan, Shirl Anders, Milly Taiden

  “What can I get you?”

  She turned to the female bartender. The woman had short dark hair with a purple streak on the side. Jordan didn’t scare easy, but the way the woman smiled at her, as if she could see right into her head made her more than a little uneasy.

  “I’m...some water please.”

  The last thing she needed was to get drunk in a place filled with paranormals.

  “I doubt a pretty little human like you came all the way in here just to drink the water,” she whispered, leaning over the bar.

  Jordan glanced around the place, watching the couples gyrating in the dance floor.

  “I was looking for someone.” She attempted to evade the all-knowing eyes on the bartender.

  There were too many people in the club. It had been a mistake to think she’d be able to recognize the white wolf as a human in the flickering lights of a place filled with shifters and other creatures.

  “I’ve seen a lot of shifters in here. The one you seek is gone. You better go before you find yourself in trouble.”

  Jordan opened her mouth to question the woman, but a group of patrons asked for drinks.

  “Okay, Jordan. We heard that. Come out and let’s go. The longer you’re in there, the more nervous it makes me,” Emma ordered.

  “Too bad, I was really starting to like the whole growling atmosphere—” Jordan turned, bumping into someone in the process. Someone way too close. She glanced up into angry—oh boy—grey eyes.

  “Aric, I—”

  “Not a word.” The deathly growl made the hairs on her arms stand on end.

  She glanced over her shoulder at the smiling bartender. The crowd parted as he dragged her to the other side of the club. She bumped into a couple making out. Aric’s hand tightened on her wrist. Her earpiece fell. Going back to get it was not even a possibility in the sea of bodies.

  People moved out of Aric’s way. She wondered how he did that. Hell, she’d had to struggle to get to the bar. After a few steps, she heard some snarling and then he turned to look at her. No wonder everyone was making a path for them. He appeared ready to bite someone’s head off. It was debatable if it was hers or someone else’s.

  “Aric!” She tugged on her hand, trying to get loose.

  He pushed a door open, shoving them outside in the process. This wasn’t the way she’d come in. The door he’d taken them though led into a dark alley. He let go of her hand and turned to face her, his features tight with anger. She took quick steps back, until her back was pressed on a metal gate.

  Someone other than the sexy man she knew was staring back at her. This Aric was angry. This Aric was dangerous. This Aric was damn hot.

  “What the heck is your problem?” She complained. Oh hell. She knew what his problem was, but she wouldn’t back down. So she’d gone into a club full of paranormals. His brother’s club. Nothing happened.

  His brows dipped low. Fur sprouted from the sides of his face. He fisted his hands and stepped toward her. “My problem?”

  She could hardly understand his words from how rough his voice sounded, but she wasn’t scared of him. Maybe her heart raced. A little. Her hands might be somewhat shaky. But she wasn’t scared. He took another step.

  She shouldn’t like this aggressive Aric. It was wrong. Yet her pussy clenched at the dangerous look in his eyes. “Yes. What is your problem?”

  Another step and he was right in front of her. He gripped either side of the metal gate, caging her head.

  “My problem is that you, a human, came into a well-known shifter hangout without back up.”

  “I had—”

  “Your human friends in the car do not count. Somehow Ellie’s conversation with one of them about you looking for answers on who the white wolf was, led her to discuss you being here.” He growled the words out. “Here. Alone. Defenseless.”

  “I’m fine. It wasn’t a big deal. And I’m hardly defenseless. I’ve taken self-defense classes, and I can kick ass.”

  “You don’t seem to understand all that could have gone wrong.” He lowered his face to inches from hers. “I could have lost you.”

  Her heart tripped in her chest. “But I’m fine.”

  “Any one of those shifters is ten times stronger than you, not to mention the other paranormals in there. They could have broken you with the flick of a wrist. My brother wasn’t there to offer his help. I wasn’t there.” His eyes glowed bright. He lifted a hand and slid a finger down the side of her face. Clearly it was his favorite move to make, not that she minded.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered.

  He held her entranced. His lips were so close. There was no willpower in her system when it came to him. The sound of the music inside the building heightened her awareness of her surroundings.

  "I have been giving you time to come to terms with who you are."

  She huffed. There he went with the macho crap. "And who am I?"

  He slid the finger over her bottom lip. The way he slipped it back and forth, so softly and carefully, made her breath catch.

  "You still don’t understand.” His gray eyes flashed with the wolf power. “You own my heart. You're the most important person in my life." Tenderness filled his gaze, followed by unquestionable determination. "And I won't let anyone hurt you. That includes you. I will do anything to protect you. Even if it means stopping you from putting yourself in harm's way."

  He kissed her. Hard. There was no arguing with that kind of logic. After those words she couldn't even remember what the argument had been about.

  Soft rumbles sounded in his chest. The kiss turned wild. Tongues mated, hands groped, and bodies pressed tight. He pushed her back against the metal until she stood flush between his sexy muscles and the gate with nowhere to go.

  She ran her hands down his chest, to the waist of his jeans, and tugged his zipper down. His hard cock sprang forth. She wrapped her hand, well as much of her hand as she could, around the thick pulsing shaft.

  He snarled and lifted the hem of her dress.

  Arousal shot through her veins and pooled at her core. Material ripped and he slipped his fingers into her pussy.

  “Oh god.”

  “So wet.” He gripped her hair with one hand while fingering her pussy with the other.

  Waves of heat built inside her at warp speed. He sucked on her tongue and bit her lip. Her nipples ached. Her body grasped at his digits, sucking him deep. She continued stroking his cock. Beads of moisture dripped from his slit and ran down the sides. She used his own precum to lubricate and jerk his shaft.

  “Hang on,” he ordered.

  She lifted her hands behind her head and slipped her fingers into the open holes of the metal gate. He hauled her up by the waist. She wrapped her legs around his hips and welcomed his invasion. The head of his cock slipped into her in a deep penetrating drive.


  “So tight,” he growled into her neck.

  Electricity sparked between them, lighting embers of lust. He kissed her harsh, beating pulse, licking from her collarbone down to the valley of her breasts. The thin material of her dress stood in the way. He met her gaze and bit on the edge of the dress. She tried to swallow past the dryness in her throat. Jesus H. Christ. What was this man doing to her? His eyes glowed bright grey. Her pussy gripped at his cock while tension wound its way into a tight knot inside her. He tugged the material down until her breasts were bared to him.

  “Beautiful” He groaned before latching on to her nipple. Stars exploded behind her lids. He continued to thrust into her body with a single-minded focus. With a nip and a suck, he moved on to her other nipple.

  “Oh dear God, do that again.”

  He rumbled over her chest, licking and lavishing her with sucks and bites. She whimpered. The sound of voices from the mouth of the alley only served to enhance her arousal. They could be found at any moment. His thrusts quickened.

  Her lungs struggled to get air in. He licked his way back to her mouth to brand h
er with his lips. An inferno built inside until she swore she was going to internally combust.

  “You feel so fucking tight. So perfect around my cock.”

  “God, that’s amazing.”

  “Tell me you like what I’m doing.”

  She groaned. “I love what you’re doing.”

  “And I love the tight, sleek feel of your pussy on my dick.”

  Tension grappled her muscles, her body, and her sex. She hung at the edge of a precipice, ready to fall.

  He grazed his teeth on her neck and bit down. Pleasure blasted through her in waves of bliss. Her channel constricted tight around his cock. He growled into her sweaty shoulder and came hard. His body held stiff while he pulsed and came inside her. They panted in unison, trying to steady their ragged breathing and crazy heartbeats. He kissed her again. This time there was no aggression, just tenderness.

  She slipped back on to her feet, swaying slightly from the wobble in her knees. He’d fucked her boneless. If that wasn’t some kind of gift she didn’t know what was. She fixed her dress and watched him warily. Sex between them should come with a warning along the lines of: Likely to make you get on your knees and thank your maker for his cock.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Don’t do that again.”

  His concern was new, nice, but unsettling. She needed to adjust to his possessive attitude. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I wanted to see if I could figure out who that wolf was.”

  A slash of fear dashed through his eyes. “You have to stay safe. For me.” And then he added softly. “Please.”

  She wasn’t heartless. The man was being caring and concerned. “I promise to stay safe.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he lifted a finger to stop her.

  “No more coming here unless you have backup of the shifter kind.”

  “Fine. Are you happy now?” She sure as hell wasn’t. She was sexually frustrated even after being fucked into stupidity. She wanted to take him home, tie him to her bed, and ride his cock like she was competing in a rodeo for best time.

  She was going to have to give up her search for the white wolf. Aric’s request mattered to her.

  “You’re important to me.” His quiet words dug deep into her heart, flooding her with a new kind of emotion she’d been afraid to let loose. Love.

  Chapter Seven

  Aric led Jordan back to the main street where her friends were parked. He watched Emma and Nicole jump out of the car and embrace her in a group hug.

  “Thank God!”

  “We called Ellie, but she said Aric was already aware you were in there.” Emma glanced from Jordan to Aric. Jordan’s hair was a mess, her makeup had run with the heat of their mating, and she looked unsteady on her feet. Not to mention, she had red marks from his kisses all over her neck.

  “I’m fine.” She ran a hand over her hair. “I just want to go home.”


  “No.” She turned to him. A small smile played over her lips. “Aric will take me home.”

  She slipped her hand in his. The beast inside him calmed instantly. Jordan appeared ready to understand his need for her safety. Screw holding hands. He put his arm around her shoulders, hugging her to his side.

  “” Nicole stared wide-eyed from one to the other.


  After waving her friends away, he led her to his truck. Once inside, he watched her stare absently at the road.

  “There are things about me you should know,” she started after he got on the main street.

  The way she said the words, with so much apprehension and nerves, made his animal worried. He could scent her fear. But why? There was nothing she could tell him that would make him feel any different for her.

  “We don’t have to talk about it now.” He tried to make her more comfortable. She was sitting stiff on the passenger seat, and it worried him.

  “I know, but I want to.” She glanced at him with pain filled eyes, before she looked away. “It might help you decide if this is what you really want.”

  He almost put the car in park to shake her. She still didn’t understand that he’d wanted this––her––for years. For much longer than he was willing to admit to any other person.


  “My parents were drunks,” she rushed out. “Angry drunks.”

  He stopped the truck. Anger started to rise at thoughts of what they might have done to her.

  “When they had me, they were having a dry spell. Until I was about four. Then everything went down hill.” She twined her fingers together tight on her lap.

  He swallowed hard, listening to her heartbeat increase in her chest with her embarrassment. Sharp spikes of pain jammed his heart. He’d never realized how much she’d suffered. How much she’d needed for someone to care for her.

  “It was difficult to grow up with nothing. No love. Nobody who cared. In a household where the money they got went to liquor. When I met Ellie...” She cleared her throat. Pain drifted from her, filling the truck with her sorrow. She didn’t have to deal with telling her story alone. He undid her belt and pulled her to his lap. The pain in his chest increased with each thick swallow she took. She dropped her head on his shoulder and took a deep breath. “Ellie became my salvation. I was a fat girl with parents who didn’t care, with old clothes that didn’t fit, and I had a shit attitude. I hated everyone. I hated me. But I loved Ellie.”

  He hurt for her. No, he mourned for her. For the girl he remembered and the woman who’d lived with that. He’d been so close and yet had distanced himself to allow her to grow without realizing she needed people who cared. Guilt stabbed at his gut.

  “Do you know why I love Ellie?”

  He shook his head. He’d seen Ellie walk through their door one day with a quiet thirteen-year-old friend, but he’d never known the back-story.

  “I was being teased one day. I could have handled it. They weren’t saying anything I wasn’t used to. Calling me names. Talking about my old hand-me-downs. I was getting ready to break a nose or two. And that’s where Ellie came in.” Her voice started to wobble. “I was used to dealing with that stuff alone, but Ellie came up beside me and asked if I wanted to sit with her at lunch.” She sniffled. “The prettiest, most popular girl in school became my friend instantly.”

  Jesus. He’d need to buy his sister a serious gift for being so amazing. A knot formed in his throat. He couldn’t say anything.

  “But that’s not all. She didn’t just become my friend. She tried to protect me. Whenever someone made an attempt to bully me, she jumped in to defend me. Ellie was the first person that was truly on my side. And she never asked for anything in return.”

  Pain and pleasure made holes in his heart. He was furious Jordan had suffered so badly at the hands of other kids, but was happy Ellie had taken it upon herself to befriend her. His sister was a natural born protector and he couldn’t be more proud of her.

  “Then I met your parents and you and your brothers. And... I didn’t understand how you could have such a loving family, but my parents didn’t even want to look at me.” She laughed bitterly. “Not unless they needed some of my babysitting money. Or to disappear on my sixteenth birthday, taking with them the money I’d saved for college.”

  His chest tightened with rage. He was having a hard time reigning in the urge to snarl.

  “How did you go to college if your parents stole your money and took off?”

  He knew she’d attended alongside Ellie, but wouldn’t have imagined she’d gone through so many hardships. Obviously Ellie hadn’t shared enough of Jordan with him.

  She lifted her face to his. Surprise filled her gaze. “Your parents helped.”

  “What? What do you mean my parents?”

  Where the hell had he been that he didn’t know about this?

  She straightened. “It’s true. After what happened with my parents, they showed up to my house and promised to help me continue going t
o school.” She glanced down at her lap before smiling softly. “They became my lifeline. They bought me food and encouraged me to continue going to school. I felt wrong depending on them so much, so I worked two jobs, but it was thanks to them I went to college.”

  He had no idea. No one had ever said anything.

  Her eyes widened. “You really didn’t know?”

  He shook his head.

  “I...I don’t know if I’m the person you should be with, Aric. I have a hard time trusting people. Hell, I have a bit of an attitude if you haven’t noticed.” She laughed. “Your parents and Ellie are the only ones who have been on my side before I met any of the other girls. I’m broken.”

  She wasn’t broken. She was scared.

  Pain fisted around his heart in a vice grip. The last thing he’d ever want was to hurt her. He turned to face her fully.

  “I’ve wanted to be with you for years,” he admitted.

  Doubt sparked in her eyes. He nodded. “It’s true. Ellie’s known for years that I wanted you. She thought it was just lust at first, but recently when I admitted to her you were more than someone to be with for a night, she warned me to not push you.”

  “Push me?”

  “Into a relationship unless you were ready.”

  Her brows lifted. “Oh.”

  “She’s always been very protective of you, and I didn’t realize why until now. Ellie loves you like the sister she never had.”

  She sniffled. “I love her so much. She’s more than family.”

  “Jordan, I can’t promise you I’ll be anyone other than who I am. But I can’t fathom not spending more time with you, helping our relationship grow.”

  She bit her lip. She folded and unfolded her hands, agitated. “You really want to do this? I should warn you I have a jealous streak.”

  He grinned. “I do too.”

  When she didn’t appear convinced, he tipped her head up. “I’m not perfect, far from it. But what we have, this connection that’s deeper than I’ve ever felt for any other woman. I want it to grow. Do you feel the link?”

  She raised a hand and placed it over his heart. “I do.”


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