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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Aces High MC (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 2)

Page 3

by Christine Michelle

  “Fuck, Little Red, you are so damn good at that.” She chuckled at the compliment I paid her, but then her moans ticked up as Whiskey started pumping into her harder. I noticed Fox’s hands were wrapped around Whiskey’s thighs as he went to town on either one, the other, or both of them despite the pounding Whiskey was now giving the woman who was clearing shuddering under the weight of an intensely satisfying orgasm. A moment after she tipped over, she took Whiskey with her. As he pulled out, the condom was shucked by a separate set of hands, and he expelled the rest of his come into our friend’s mouth. Little Red hadn’t noticed that portion of the program, because she had collapsed face first onto my still denim-covered thighs.

  As everyone came down from their respective orgasm induced highs, Little Red giggled again. “If this was supposed to be wrong, I don’t think I ever want to be right again. Fucking fantastic!” I laughed as I ran my fingers through her lovely hair. When I glanced up the guys were watching what I was doing with an intensity that made me slightly uncomfortable. They’d been trying to ‘fix me’ since Camilla fucked me over. I wasn’t sure that was possible, but there was definitely something about this girl that I liked. Not necessarily in the respect that I would ever have a romantic relationship with her, but something screamed at me that we could be really good friends. That was a step I hadn’t even been willing to take with a woman in two years. So, it was something at least.

  “You called me ‘Little Red,’” the woman said as she tipped her head up off of my thigh to look at me. I gave her a half-cocked grin. “Couldn’t remember my name, huh?” She laughed, so I knew she wasn’t about to get offended by the fact.

  I chuckled along with her. “Honestly, I don’t remember you ever saying it, but I was lost in thought for a bit at the club.”

  “Lost in thought,” she giggled. “Yeah, I bet that’s what all the guys there were doing… getting lost in thought.” She smiled brightly as I tucked her sweat-soaked hair behind her little elven ears. “I’m Amy, by the way. Amy Webber.”

  “Gavin Travers, but best to call me Tango or T, like these knuckleheads do,” I offered. That was definitely far more than I’d offered any woman in far too long, and judging from the full on grins said knucklehead friends were throwing my way, I’d just done something to make them stupidly happy.

  “Amy, when do you get out of school for the summer?” Whiskey finally asked.

  “Two weeks, why?”

  “How would you like to come hang out with us in Spearfish for a while?”

  The grin on her face answered for her. “I’d love to.” That was the moment Amy Webber crash landed into the world of the Aces High MC, and our own personal, oddball little clique within the club.

  Chapter 3


  (11 months ago)

  Amy Webber breezed into our world at the clubhouse two weeks after we met her, and she quickly managed to charm everyone here. Granted, no one really understood quite what to make of who she was with or why she was there since she definitely flirted with all three of us in the WTF crew, but what she didn’t do was tolerate come-ons or flirting from anyone else. She wouldn’t flirt or carry on with anyone else either. Both Whiskey and Fox were gone for the girl already, and I was just waiting to see how that dynamic played out for all of them.

  The first day she came to visit us, I joined in, and we had a replay of the night we’d all met her. It was definitely an interesting time, and I got off in her hot little mouth again, but that’s where it ended for me. I still wasn’t ready to engage with another woman in any more of an intimate way. If you could call sharing a woman with two other guys and blowing your load in her mouth intimate.

  “Hey, T!” Amy called out as I was eating my breakfast in the kitchen. I thought I’d had the place to myself this morning since most of the guys were partying pretty hard last night, but I’d forgotten that the trio of Whiskey, Amy, and Fox had crashed a bit earlier. Well, crashed probably wasn’t the word, but they weren’t drinking anymore at least.

  “Amy,” I called out after I swallowed my bite.

  She glanced at me in an odd way, but then sat down across from me at the table and reached over to steal my toast. “Are you upset with me?” Her eyes were clear, and didn’t look accusatory, just curious.

  “Nope, why would you think that?” I asked, giving her all of my attention while I put my hungry stomach on hold.

  “I just…” She stopped and hesitated a moment. “Well, you’ve only joined us the once since I’ve been here. I was just wondering if I did something to piss you off.”

  I smiled at her. “No, you haven’t done anything. I’m not upset with anyone. It’s just not always my scene. I’m cool with the once in a while group event, but for the most part, I keep to myself.”

  “If you want it to be just the two of us one night, I’m sure the other guys wouldn’t mind,” she told me with a hopeful lilt to her voice.

  Again, I simply smiled at her, but inside I was trying to figure out what it was she really wanted. “That’s not going to happen either,” I told her honestly. “I don’t mind joining in with you guys once in a while, but being with a woman one on one isn’t really in the cards for me right now.”

  She poked her lip out in a mock pout. “It’s because you’re ex-girlfriend did a real number on you, huh?” She tossed out casually. I said nothing, narrowing my eyes slightly as she continued speaking. “The guys told me about what happened, and said that you probably wouldn’t be into doing much because of it.” Those mother fuckers. Amy was a nice girl, but we really didn’t know her, and I didn’t appreciate them sharing my history with her. I didn’t even realize I had balled my fist up around my fork so tight that my knuckles were starting to turn white until a small, soft hand closed around them. “I didn’t mean to make you mad. I’m just trying to understand, and maybe help get you to move past what she did.”

  “I don’t need a goddamn therapy session,” I grouched out. “Whiskey and Fox need to keep their fucking mouths shut about shit that ain’t there’s to tell,” I added as the two bastards in questions walked into the kitchen together. They stilled at my tone, and then glanced at Amy to make sure she was okay.

  “You don’t speak to her with that tone,” Whiskey called out. I huffed out a laugh that held no humor.

  “I was speaking to you with that last bit, you big-mouthed fucker. My business is just that! Mine! Don’t appreciate the two of you telling it to a stranger.” When Fox attempted to butt in at that point I narrowed my eyes further at him. “No! Just because you’ve fucked a few times doesn’t make her anything more than a person you’re fucking and getting to know. She doesn’t get my past, my present, or my future unless I’m the one giving it. We clear?” They both nodded, looking contrite. I just stood pushed my plate away, and walked out of the room. There were times when it was best to get some space and some air.

  ~ Later that night ~

  “It wasn’t my intention to piss you off after you said you were all good earlier,” Amy said as she brought me a beer, most likely as a peace offering.

  “Don’t worry about it. I was just pissed at my boys for running their mouths. Never was angry with you for something that wasn’t your doing.” She was looking beautiful tonight. Her red hair was pulled up in some sort of loose messy bun thing on her head with a few long curls breaking free to fall around her face. Her lips were a cherry red and her pretty blue eyes were rimmed in a gray liner that made the color in them pop. I had a hard time taking in the rest of her when her gorgeous face commanded so much attention, but her c-cup breast were being hugged by a form-fitting gray sweater dress that was also doing amazing things for her ass despite her smaller stature and narrow hips. She definitely knew how to play up the assets that worked best for her.

  “You think you’ll join us tonight?” She asked quietly.

  I just shrugged my shoulders. “Guess it depends on how I feel later. Not exactly feeling the warm and fuzzies for the guys right now, so
it might be awkward with me there.”

  “But you’re never really there for them anyway. They get off on being there together as much as they get off on me. I don’t think that’s the case with you.”

  “Well, I’m not going to tell you I don’t enjoy watching, because I definitely do. It’s like live porn that you get to join in on.” I winked at her with my response to help make light of the statement I made.

  She grinned. “Yeah, I guess it is that. Still, I think you’re different.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m not the different that is going to come busting in and take you away from them for a one on one relationship if that’s what you’re gunning for,” I told her while looking her in the eye to be sure I caught her response.

  “That’s good, because I don’t want that. I just think we all work well together, and you’re all close, so I thought you were like one big package deal. I’m okay with that. I can’t for the life of me explain why, because I’ve never done anything like it in my life, but when we’re all together it just feels right. You know?”

  I didn’t really respond to that other than to nod my head. I understood where she was coming from. It felt right to her, I wasn’t about to judge, especially since I’d participated a couple times already, but I also knew it wasn’t something I would be doing indefinitely either. I wasn’t ready for a real relationship with a woman again, yet, but one day I would be and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to be sharing her with anyone else.

  “When do you go back to school?” I finally asked, changing the subject.

  “I see what you did there, but I’ll let it go, for now. I have two glorious months off before I have to go back. It’ll be my last semester too. So, once winter rolls around, I will officially be able to cut and style anyone’s hair.” She laughed.

  “Why the laughter?” I asked.

  “Well, because it’s obviously not an important job or anything,” she started saying and I cut her off.

  “Amy, every motherfucker here needs a trim from time to time, and imagine what we’d look like if we attempted to do it ourselves.” I mock cringed. “Not to mention the old ladies, BRATs, and dancers we have who all need their hair cut, styled, colored, permed, or whatever else they’re doing to hair these days. Someone has to do it. Your job is important. Don’t ever let anyone demean you for it. So, you’re not a doctor! Guess what? You won’t have the stress of possibly screwing up and killing someone on a daily basis. You will earn a paycheck, and it’s legitimate money. Be proud.”

  The smile on her face was simply amazing. “Thank you for that!” She finally told me, still grinning big.

  “I am here to boost your ego anytime you need it!” I joked with her when Whiskey finally made his way to us.

  “What’s going on? We just saw you light up like a light bulb from across the room,” he told her.

  “Nothing much. T was just telling me I should be proud of my schooling and my future career.”

  “Well, yeah, you should. Speaking of that,” he started when Fox walked up. “We were talking to Mila from Ruby’s early and she said that Janice is going to be moving on soon since her boyfriend is joining the Marines. She’s the one that does hair for all the girls over there. I was thinking, with the timing being what it is, you might be able to slide right into that position once Janice leaves. It’ll help the girls out of a bind, and get you that first paying gig until you can find something or set up your own place like you were talking about.”

  “I’m glad I made it here before you spilled the beans without me, asshole!” Fox joked while punching Whiskey lightly on the bicep. “What do you think of that?” He turned to me to ask my opinion.

  “I think it’s a great idea. Everyone loves you,” I offered turning to Amy. “You don’t mind dealing with bikers or the women that are around, so that makes you damn near perfect for the job, really.”

  Amy squealed then, as if she’d been waiting for my approval too before getting excited. “Really?” She finally squeaked out as she looked at each of us in turn. “Oh my God, I’m so excited! I can’t believe how lucky I am!”

  ~ Three Weeks Later ~

  “Can I ask you a question?” Amy inquired as she threw her arms around my neck, hugging me from behind as I sat in the kitchen chair trying to have my morning coffee.

  “Of course,” I answered and waited for her to come around to face me for this conversation. Instead, she leaned in over my shoulder and placed a kiss at the corner of my mouth before speaking. Then she moved her lips closer to my ear. “Why haven’t you come to bed with us lately?” It had been a week since I’d participated in their little sexcapades. Truthfully, I wasn’t exactly interested, but kept bowing down to pressure from either Whiskey or Fox to be a part of their endeavors. Part of me did it just to prove I was okay, because I knew that’s what they were looking for when they invited me. Still, that didn’t make answering the question much fun.

  “I’m not oversexed like the rest of you,” I started and felt her tense up. “Look, it’s nothing personal, and I’m not judging anyone. I just, I don’t need or want it like the others do.” I shrugged as I said this and just tried to blow it off, but that was when Amy came to sit on my lap with her arms still draped around my neck.

  “I get differences in sex drives, but is that the only thing keeping you away, or is there something more I can do?” She was damn near pouting, and I always hated this part. She would get insecure every few days or so if I continued to turn down a romp with everyone. Actually, it was getting to be so tasking that I had asked Iceman, our club president, to consider me for the next out of town run that was needed. I didn’t care what it was. I just needed to be gone.

  “I already told you, all of you, that it’s not like that. I’m busy trying to open my shop, and that has me exhausted.” I was about to add to the sentiment that I just wasn’t that into it when one of the BRATs walked in, saw Amy on my lap, and hissed in her general direction.

  “How many of the boys are you going to try to fuck at once, Amy? You do know you only have three holes, right?” Amy stiffened in my arms.

  “You better mind yourself,” I called out to the woman, whose name I couldn’t have remembered if my life depended on it.

  “I don’t get it,” she continued on. “Does she have a magic fucking pussy or something? I mean she’s got the entire W.T.F. brood all hemmed up in her shit. There must be something special,” the woman spat out snidely. It was the first time someone had mentioned me as a part of their little sex-group in my presence and I wasn’t certain how I felt about the inclusion. Sure, I joined in with them once in a while, but no one really knew that I never had sex with her. Hell, I never even worked at pleasing her, if I was being honest. I just took my visuals, my blowjob, and went about my business. I let the other two take care of her needs, because again, and I hate to sound like an asshole, but they kept inviting me, and I didn’t really care to be there or not be there. I was indifferent.

  The sweet butt continued on, “maybe you’re pussy is just so loose you need more than one dick in a hole to feel full.” Amy stood then, and turned to face the nasty little bitch that was spewing filth about her. “You earn your place here by sucking anyone’s dick who asked, or opening your other holes to them. I’m not judging, but you needn’t be the pot calling out the kettle, because I have my own place to live, my own money to spend, and I’m here only because I want to be. I’m here because I’m having fun with MY boys, not because they pay me to be a toy. If you don’t like it, you can fuck right off!”

  “They’re not YOUR boys, sweetheart!” The club whore spat back at her. Then her evil grin should have been a clue as to what was coming next, but I didn’t catch on until it was too late. “Sherri-baby had them all three together before you ever came along. What you got ain’t some special thing for them.”

  A hurt look crossed Amy’s face momentarily before she schooled her features and responded. “Then I’m sure Sherri-baby knows why I choose to have
my fun!” Amy started to walk off, and I got up to follow her. Before I left I turned back to the whore.

  “Be warned, I’m putting you on notice now, you get in Amy’s face again, and I will put you out on your ass with or without the club’s approval. She’s no whore, unlike you. Whores are disposable. She isn’t.” The woman gasped and sputtered, but didn’t dare say a word back to me. They all knew better than to talk back to a brother who was putting them in their place. Once I finished I went to find Amy who had kept going when I stopped.

  “Amy,” I called out, and took a couple steps to catch up to her before pulling her over into a little alcove created by a bay window that faced the courtyard out back. “Listen to me, before you go thinking things that aren’t true. The boys and I were only with one woman together before you, and that was the night we were inducted as full members here. We were so fucked after all the shots they made us down that night that none of us even knew which sweet butt it was that we shared until now. I had no clue it was Sherri-baby. To be honest, I still couldn’t tell you which one that is without getting someone to point her out.”

  Amy cringed, and I laughed. “Yeah, I feel about the same. Not any of our finest moment, and all of us were tested afterward just to be sure. There was evidence someone used condoms, but honestly, none of us could remember much beyond walking into a room together and waking up in a tangle of body parts and hung over nastiness.”

  “I get it. No need to placate me. I never thought you guys didn’t have a history before I came around. It was tough to hear it from her considering the shit she was saying, but I’m not upset.” Amy was ever the sweet girl. Despite her kinky proclivities in the bedroom, she really was one of the sweetest women I’d ever known.


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