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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Aces High MC (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 2)

Page 7

by Christine Michelle

  While I was surveying the space it wasn’t lost on me that there were bikers lounging about here and there. It seemed relatively laid back, but then again, it was only 2:30 in the afternoon. According to Tango, things could get pretty wild around here and they did have club whores that were generally known as sweetbutts, but that his club jokingly referred to as BRATs. When I’d asked what BRATs meant, Tango had chuckled before informing that it meant ‘Bitches Relinquishing Ass and Tits’ or some such nonsense the oversexed idiots of his club had come up with. All that really mattered was that each of the women who fell in that category were here willingly to service the members who chose to use them. Yes, I did throw up in my mouth a little when he described it. Mostly, because I remembered the girl with no name from when I had been taken by the King’s Demons. She hadn’t been so willing to service anyone, and it made things very difficult for me to process why any woman would knowingly consent to putting herself in that situation. I just couldn’t wrap my head around the freedom aspect after having my only interaction with that sort of situation coming from a dark and horrible place. None of the women I saw in this place, so far, appeared to be bothered by a single thing though.

  Actually, the more worrisome thing was that I was receiving a few appreciative looks from some of the men lounging about when Tango glared in the general direction of his President. “Did you send out the memo?”

  “I did,” he offered on a chuckle. “I told them hands off, that doesn’t mean they can’t appreciate the scenery, T.” Tango grumbled something in response that I didn’t quite catch, but it didn’t matter, because he grabbed hold of my hand and started pulling me to the right, and down one of two halls I hadn’t even taken notice of yet, because I’d been too busy orienting myself with the other half of the large space.

  “Your room is down this hall for now, but I will be sure to get you moved over near mine as soon as possible.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with this hall?”

  “This is where the BRATs stay. We have some visiting members from another chapter in right now, so most of the rooms were taken up where the members and guests are usually placed since we haven’t finished renovations downstairs yet.”

  “Will there be an issue with people trying to get into my room?” I asked the question quietly so as not to offend anyone, or give out ideas, but my words stopped Tango cold in his tracks.

  “You know what? I think you’d be best taking my room for now. I can bunk with one of the guys, or take this room down here for the time being until the guys from Cedar Falls head back home.”

  “I don’t want to put you out,” I told him.

  “Fuck that! I’ll never get any sleep if I’m worrying about some asshole trying to get in your room thinking you’re another BRAT.” Just then the prospect I had seen briefly, and from a distance, in Reno strolled by. “Hey, Ashton, grab Liza’s bags from the room you put them in, and bring them to mine.”

  Ashton’s face grew a little pale then as he glanced between Tango and myself guiltily. Tango immediately went on edge, waiting for whatever the younger man had to say. “Well, I just came from there, and the thing is, I didn’t have a key to the room when I went to put her stuff in there before.” Oh damn, I think I already knew where this was going and I was sick to my damn stomach over it. Before he could say another word one of their whores came out of a different room wearing my Vintage Rolling Stones t-shirt that my dad had given me. It was an original t-shirt he had gotten for my mom many years ago, and she had never worn it, because it wasn’t her thing.

  “You thieving ass bitch, get my fucking shirt off your nasty ass body, right now!” I yelled out, causing the entire room behind us to go dead silent. I did not give a single fuck though. This whore was wearing my shirt. It still had my mom’s name on it, and was signed by Mick, himself.

  “This isn’t yours, you crazy cunt!” The woman screamed back at me.

  “Turn around. I bet it says, ‘To Katie, Love Mick” on the back. “The Katie in question was my mom since the shirt was signed for her.”

  “Listen, you stupid whore, just because you don’t know how to lock your shit up…” the girl started, but her eyes widened at something over my shoulder. I didn’t bother to turn and look.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Iceman bellowed from just behind me.

  “I was just telling Tango that when I put Ms. Liza’s things in the room meant for her, I didn’t have a key, so I had to go find one.”

  “Why were you just now finding a key to the room today when you got back three days ago with her shit?” Iceman asked.

  “Her things were in the brother’s wing before, but when we got company Rabbit told me to shift her room down here until they left,” Ashton explained. “I brought her stuff down, but didn’t even think about the key situation until after I went to close the door and realized it’s one of the two rooms down here with a key lock only.” That put a chill in my bones. It’s a good thing Tango had already offered up his space, because I’d be damned if they put me in a room that could be locked from the outside with a key.

  Iceman stepped in front of me, reached out, and turned the whore in front of us around so we could see the large, printed words on the t-shirt, just like I said there would be. “Mother fucker!” He lamented, then snatched the shirt right off the bitch’s body, leaving her naked from the waist up. He handed it over to me. “What the fuck else of hers did you steal?”

  The girl looked absolutely shell-shocked now with her big, fake tits on display. Though, she didn’t seem to care about her semi-nudity. She was more concerned with Iceman’s wrath. “I want every fucking bitch that works here out in this hallway NOW! I don’t give two fucks if you’re in the middle of servicing a brother, get the fuck out here!”

  “Oh shit,” Ashton hissed out under his breath. Doors started parting and girls stepped out in various states of undress.

  “Line up along the wall, now!” Iceman’s command was heeded immediately. He stood opposite them along the other wall and eyed each of them momentarily before moving on. Then his gaze landed back on Tits Magee who had stolen my shirt. “What else of hers did you take? You’ve already stolen and attempted to lie to a brother and his guest. I’m warning you now, you do NOT want to add to that particular list right now.”

  “It’s all sitting on my bed still, but honestly this was the only thing I took from that room. The rest was already out here in the hallway,” she managed to get out on a whimper.

  Iceman turned to me then. “Go with the prospect and check your things. Take note of anything you think may be missing, then come tell me.” I did as he asked. When I came to the door of the room it was obvious I didn’t have to go any further though. My bags were wide open, and there didn’t appear to be anything left in them. The gasp that escaped my mouth probably let on how bad it was.

  “Those fucking cunts stole everything, down to my underwear. Who the fucks steals another woman’s panties?” I questioned throwing accusing eyes their way. A couple of the women in the line flinched. Iceman took note and pulled them out.

  “Get everything, and I do mean everything, you took from that room and bring it back in there now. Place what you took in a pile at your feet and wait there for me.” Three girls, including the whore who had been wearing my shirt, scampered off to their respective rooms and began gathering things. Four more women just stood there snickering.

  One had the audacity to speak. “I told those skanks that shit wouldn’t go over well. It would have been different if they each only took one thing, but greedy bitches get what’s coming to them.”

  “And what the fuck did you take?” I scanned the woman, and noticed she was hiding her hands behind her back. I walked over and snatched at her arm to get her hand out when the tink-tink sound of a ring falling to the floor caught everyone’s attention. I looked down to find my grandmother’s ring. The one that my dad had hidden in some luggage years ago came rolling out to meet my feet. I stooped to pick
it up, and then stood and immediately slapped the whore who had the audacity to attempt to steal it. “This was sewn into a hidden compartment in my luggage by my late father. So, not only did you attempt to steal a family heirloom, you had to cut it out of my things.”

  The woman said nothing, just sneered at me as I stepped back. By now, the three women who had admitted to stealing things had already moved through the hallway, back to the room that was supposed to be mine, with arms full of my clothing and belongings. Another woman raised her hand. Iceman rolled his eyes at her gesture. “What Sheri-baby?”

  “Amber gave me some new shampoo and conditioner earlier, and some makeup that would match my complexion. I’m thinking I know where she got it, and why she was so willing to give it away now.” She glanced my way then. “I never used it, because I never trust a whore not to tamper with shit.”

  “You can toss it all. I’ll get new stuff,” I told her. She nodded then offered me a small smile. “I like that you weren’t afraid to call all these cunts out for what they did.” She turned back to Iceman then. “Amber was right though, there were already things thrown out into the hallway when we came back in earlier. I just ignored it thinking someone was having trouble with their woman or a new girl was being hazed or something.” The blond seemed like a sweet girl. She didn’t seem shy or anything, but she had a somewhat soft-spoken demeanor that made me wonder why she was here. I always pictured the clubwomen who did this willingly a bit differently. In my mind they were all more hardened biker bitch like this Amber girl.

  “Let’s go see if that’s everything returned,” Iceman said as he indicated for me to move to the room. Before he stepped forward he turned to the prospect again. “Make sure no one out here moves until we’re done.”

  “Sure thing, Iceman.”

  It took more than fifteen minutes to go through everything while trying to remember what exactly I had packed to bring with me and what I didn’t. I knew all the important things, and they were all accounted for again. I separated the underwear out of the piles though. No fucking way in hell would those things touch my body again, even after washing. Nope. Nope. Nope. I pointed to the pile. “You can burn those, because the fuck if I’m putting them back on my body. There’s not enough bleach in the world.”

  “You little…” one of the whores seethed. I couldn’t see which one, but it didn’t matter, because Iceman shut her down, and let me know exactly who had spoken.

  “Shut it, Amber!”

  “It looks like all my important things are back. I can’t honestly remember what I packed and what I didn’t when it comes to my more generic stuff, so the best I can tell you is this looks about right.” I shrugged as I scrunched my nose in distaste over the fact that some nasty bitches had their grubby little paws all over my things.

  “Okay then,” Iceman leaned out into the hallway. Cass, get in here,” he called. The other three women who had brought my stuff back willingly when asked were already standing near the door. When the woman showed up I realized she was the one who had taken my ring. Once she was in the room too Iceman started talking. “You four have 15 minutes to pack your shit and get the fuck off our property. Honor and loyalty are a hallmark here. If we can’t trust you, you don’t stay. You were told this before you got your room here. It was explained to you that you would treat our guests as you would our brothers. You stole from our guest, so that means you would steal from a brother.”

  “We thought she was another sweetbutt,” Cass snipped back sassily.

  “Sweetbutts are our guests too. Just because you’re paid to be here doesn’t make you any less of a guest. You steal from anyone while living under my roof and you’ll find that you need to get the fuck out. Be glad I’m giving you a minute to pack, because, now I have to wonder what else you have in your rooms that you took without permission.” He turned to another brother then who had come in on the tail end of what was going on. “I want a brother or prospect on each of the four of them until they are off the property. Get Mech to remove them from the system too.”

  “Sure thing, Ice,” the gorgeous blond man said before turning to me with a smirk. “Should be interesting having you around. Rage’s woman got rid of two sweet butts when she first showed up. You just tore down her record with 4 gone in under an hour.” He slapped his hands together and rubbed them while laughing. “Ah, the entertainment.”

  “Go fuck off, Rabbit!” Tango told the man with a chuckle. “Don’t listen to him. You didn’t make any of this happen. They did this to themselves. That’s not on you, babe.” I just nodded and started scooping my things back into the suitcases.

  “We’re gonna need to put a call out for more girls real soon,” Iceman told Rabbit as they both left the room. “The guys are going to get restless. Call Spinner and see if any of Ruby’s girls want to come over. I know a few of them were chomping at the bit to switch things up a while back.” I didn’t hear anymore of their conversation as they walked out of range.

  Once I had all my stuff zipped up in my luggage I turned to see Tango watching me. “That everything, babe?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to need new toiletries. Like Sherri-baby said out there, I don’t trust a whore with shit.” He laughed and nodded.

  “We’ll take a ride out to town and hit up a store for you once we get this stuff moved. I’m so sorry about your things and this whole mess.”

  “It’s okay. Obviously, you had a bit of problem with sticky-fingered skanks here. Glad I could help weed them out for you. I feel like you guys got a little repayment for taking on my brother’s problems now.” He smirked and grabbed both of my suitcases. I followed along behind him and kept my eyes glued to his muscular back and shoulders the whole way. It didn’t stop me from noticing the Amy woman glaring at me as we passed her. She was literally sitting on two men’s laps as we moved beyond them, and yet she was giving me the stink-eye over being near Tango? That was just strange. At least, I thought it was until I saw her back. She had a kutte on like many of the men only hers had a banner thing across the top that said “Property of WTF” and one across the bottom that said Aces High – Dakotas Chapter.

  What the fuck, indeed, because it didn’t take a rocket scientist to put together the three best friends, Whiskey, Tango, and Fox equaled WTF. I waited until we got to Tango’s room to ask him personally.

  “Is that Amy woman your old lady too?” The weird, quizzical look on Tango’s face made me think my question was silly for a moment. That moment didn’t last long though.

  “No, why would you ask that?”

  “Her Kutte had ‘Property of WTF’ written on it. I thought that stood for you three guys.”

  “No, her property patch says W plus F.” He said it so nonchalantly that I didn’t think to question it anymore.

  “Looks like WTF. They might want to get that fixed so there’s no confusion, considering you told me everyone calls you three WTF collectively.”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” he offered.

  “Do you have an old lady? Is someone going to come to your room looking for you later, and want to kick my ass for being here?”

  Tango laughed then. “Nope. I haven’t been with a woman in almost two years. Nearly made the mistake of asking a cheating girlfriend to marry me. Thankfully, she let me know what she was about before I pulled the ring out.”

  “Shit, that’s rough! I guess I can understand the hiatus then.”

  “What about you? No boyfriends, fiancé, or husband being left behind. It was my turn to laugh.

  “Definitely not,” I muttered.

  “Why definitely not?”

  “I’ve dated here and there over the years, so don’t get me wrong when I say this, but my ordeal I went through at 19 left me undateable for the most part.”

  “What do you mean? Were you too traumatized?” He asks, his voice full of concern for me.

  “No, nothing like that. It’s just that locals in Reno wouldn’t go near me, because I’d been marked by the assholes.
The few men from out of town who would date me weren’t there long enough to make anything out of it. Those who decided to stick around, and there were only two, were quickly run out of town once they found out what the marks on my arms meant. I tried to live a normal life in spite of what happened to me, but someone in that fucked up MC there didn’t want me to have an ounce of happiness.” I sighed.

  “So the punishment you got for your brother’s bullshit years ago never really ended?”

  “No, I guess in a way, it didn’t.” We had managed to make it all the way up the stairs, down the hall, and to the third door on the right from the balcony area overlooking the goings-on down in what I’d heard referred to as ‘The Commons’.

  “This is my room,” Tango explained as he unlocked the door. “Well, it’ll be yours until the other guys leave and we can get you one on this same hall.”

  “Thank you.” I hoped he understood just how genuine that sentiment was, because I truly meant it. He didn’t have to get involved, or get his club involved with rescuing me from my brother’s bullshit. He left a tattoo convention early to get me out of town faster, and now the man was giving up his personal space for me. “Can I ask you something, and you not think I’m a total nutcase?”

  He chuckled. “I guess that depends on what you’re asking.”

  “You know my history. Do you think…”? I glanced around noting the bed was a King size and there was a small loveseat tucked up under the windowsill. Perfect. “Do you think you could stay in this room too until mine is ready. I just.” I stopped short trying to form my thoughts into words. “Logically, I know you’re trying to help me, and that you guys aren’t like King’s Demons. Hell, what your president just did with the women who stole my things proved that. I still, um… it’s just that all the bikers… it makes me nervous being here.” Okay, so that wasn’t the most eloquent way to basically say I’m quaking in my boots, but it apparently got the job done.


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