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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Aces High MC (Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 2)

Page 12

by Christine Michelle

  His arms wrapped around me tightly as he breathed out the words, “Thank you.” He kissed my shoulder again. “You don’t know what it means to hear that you understand.”

  “I do know, though.” I reminded him as the memories of the times when I was judged by my scars filtered to the surface. I unconsciously ran a finger over one of those scars and suddenly Tango’s hand was there closing over my own and squeezing slightly before he moved it out of the way and brought my arm up near his face as if he were about to kiss me there. I snatched my arm away.

  “No!” The word left my mouth on an exhaled breath. Tango just smiled at me.

  “I was just looking, babe. I’m going to fix these for you so that they can’t keep tainting your world. You had a tattoo under this one before. Would you want the same thing?” I shook my head. “Okay, then you’re going to think on it and tell me what you might want, and we’re going to come up with something beautiful to put over this, because you are more than these scars. You are far more than that moment you have suspended in time when you think on how they got there. I want to change those memories for you and make something better.” He leaned in and placed another sweet kiss right where my shoulder met my neck and then he sighed. “I think you’re probably the only woman who could understand my situation without judging me for it. I should have known you’d have a better perspective on things than other women would.”

  Tango pulled the cold bag of ice away from my cheek. It was still red, no doubt, but I had a feeling it was just because of the ice now and not the smack. His fingers traced lightly over my cheek before they pulled away only to be replaced by his lips.

  “So sorry you got hurt because of me, babe.”

  “Not your fault,” I reiterated.

  “Still, sorry. It shouldn’t have happened.”

  “No, it shouldn’t have, but it’s done, and I’m tired of dwelling on it.” I put my fingers under his chin and lifted his face until his beautiful golden-green eyes were looking right into my own. Then, I leaned forward and ghosted my lips over his. It was just a tickle, a hint of affection. Then I sucked his top lip into my mouth between my lips, and licked it gently while eliciting a groan from Tango. It was about that time that he finally decided to throw caution to the wind and join in. His fingers dove into the hair at the nape of my neck, tugging my head into the position he wanted me in, and then he took my mouth with his in one of the most heated, sensual kisses I’ve had in my entire life. I would have stripped down right there and ridden him into oblivion if he hadn’t stopped me.

  “Why the fuck are you so sticky?” He asked as he pulled away from me, his hands having a hard time releasing my hair that had been doused in seltzer water. I just laughed.

  “Rabbit and I may have had a training incident behind the bar just before Amy showed up.” I snickered out my response as I recalled some of what happened before Tango interrupted my story.

  “I definitely want to hear all about that later, but right now I need to get you back to our room.”

  “I don’t think anyone will bother us back here right now,” I told him as he kissed me again.

  “Nope, but I’d rather my brothers not watch our first time together.” I looked around then thinking I’d see someone else in the room. There was no one. “Cameras,” he stated.

  “Oh! Rabbit is one smart bunny!” I laughed.

  “He the one that told you to talk in here?” I nodded. “Good. Now, I’ll be able to hear first hand what she had to say to you, and so will Whiskey and Fox after she attempts to lie. Although, I think we caught enough of it for them to finally understand.”

  “Most likely,” I agreed. “Now, enough about them, let’s go back to our room.” That was all she wrote, because he stood, flung me over his shoulder and carried me out of the break room and through the commons area to the boisterous hoots and hollers of the many men still gathered around. This was the sexy kind of caveman Alpha display that women swooned over in the movies. It wasn’t like the things that happened during my captivity with a different type of MC. There was nothing sexy about being kidnapped, tortured, and nearly raped. Nothing at all. I was thanking my lucky stars that my brother enlisted the help of Tango and the guys of Aces High MC this time. He hadn’t just saved my life with that decision. He’d saved my soul, and put me in the hands of people who would be able to help repair some of the damage that had been done. I wasn’t just talking about Tango’s offer to cover up my scars with new tattoos either. The entire club, minus Amy, had my back and bent over backwards to make me feel welcome and part of things here.

  There were secrets a plenty, but they weren’t the kind that were there to hurt me. If anything the secrets the men kept were designed to make sure the women stayed safe, and I respected the hell out of that. More importantly though, I was about to go finally be able to indulge in my favorite past time, seeing Tango naked. I’d seen him dressed all the way down to his boxers before and the sight alone had left me wanting and more than willing. It seemed as though it was finally time to unveil his package, and get some relief for the relentless teasing I’d endured the past few weeks.

  Chapter 12

  ~ Liza ~

  As soon as we entered the room Tango pushed me up against the door once it closed behind us. His big hands reached under my thighs and literally held me up while I wrapped my legs around him. His mouth captured mine; tongue plunging into my mouth and dueling with my own. The heat building between us was about as unbelievable as the rather large bulge that was pushing against my most sensitive spot, demanding just as much of my attention as the man’s mouth was.

  My hands gripped well-defined shoulders, holding on, pulling him closer, and wishing I could rip the clothing off that was separating our flesh. In fact, his shirt was being balled into my fists before he took the hint and ripped it from his body for me. Mine was next leaving me with my jean-clad legs wrapped around his waist while only a bra covered my upper half. Tango’s mouth was exploring down my neck, over my collarbone, and eventually settled at the top of my breasts where the mounds were being pushed out of the c cups of my bra thanks to our frenzied movements. He used his teeth to nip at the edge of one of the cups and pull it down, liberating my stiff nipple from its confines. I wasn’t sure if it was pleasure, agony, sweet relief, or all of the above when his mouth clamped down on my nipple sucking, biting, and licking the turgid peek with his very talented mouth while his hands went to work unclasping my bra behind my back.

  Everything came together all at once. My bra slipped down my torso, he lifted his mouth, only long enough to swap which breast he was giving his attention to, and then he pulled the straps of my falling bra down my arms and tossed it across the room while releasing my nipple with an audible pop as he brought his mouth back to meet my own. We each were working at the other’s jeans, trying to unfasten them when a banging sounded in combination with the vibrations of someone pounding on the door that my bare back was leaning against startled us both out of our lust-induced haze.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Tango called out in frustration.

  “Sorry, T. Iceman sent for you. There’s been a development in your situation.” I didn’t recognize whom the voice on the other side of the door belonged to, but whoever it was would be known from here on out as Captain Cock-block, because seriously, he couldn’t have worse timing. The dude had quite literally just interrupted one of my fantasies come to life. At least, it had been about to come to life before we were so rudely interrupted.

  “Shit!” Tango groaned against my neck. “If Iceman’s calling me down, it’s important, babe. I’m so sorry.” Frustration rolled off of me in waves as I dropped my legs and slid down Tango’s hard body until I could touch the floor again. Then I slowly moved out from under the cage his arms had me in and leaned down to pick up the shirt he’d flung off of me moments ago.

  “Go on,” I sighed.

  “Babe,” he started while adjusting his still half-hard cock in his pants.
“The last thing I want is to have to walk out that door right now, but I promise, we are going to finish this when I get back.”

  I smiled weakly at him and turned to the mess we’d left on the bed earlier when we’d been working together. “No worries. I’ll be here when you’re done,” I agreed. Something made me wonder if I would be here much longer considering the way the man at the door had said there had been a development in the situation. My heart hurt when I thought that maybe these men were tired of hiding me, and I’d finally be turned over so the brutes that took me once before when I was younger could finish what they’d started back then.

  Strong arms wrapped around me from behind, tugging my back into his front. “I mean it, Liza. We’re picking this up as soon as I get back. And I don’t want you to worry. I’ll handle whatever has come up, and you will be kept safe.” He kissed my head, let go, and left the room after that. I heard him lock the door too, making me smile, because he was always thoughtful of my security. I needed to remember that whenever I had doubts about anyone else. Tango wouldn’t allow them to hurt me. I knew it in the same way I knew how to take air into my lungs in order to stay alive. It was just sort of an innate thing.

  ~ Tango ~

  “This better be good,” I snarled as I walked into the office currently housing Iceman, Rage, and Spinner. One look at all their serious mugs and I knew it was probably going to be worth them interrupting what had promised to be a damn good time with Liza.

  “Sorry man, it couldn’t wait,” Rage called out to me. “We all saw you haul her upstairs, trust that we would have given you time if it were an option.”

  I nodded. “What’s going down?”

  “Got word from King’s Demons. Random has put out a claim on your girl. He says she’s his rightful property to take since her brother took his Old Lady and ruined her.”

  I laughed. “And that means fuck all to me!”

  “Same for us, but his club is backing the claim, country-wide, not just their local chapter. So, we’re looking at possible blow back. They have a chapter out near Boulder too that we weren’t aware of until they just hit us up with a request to meet.”

  “You’re fucking serious?”

  Spinner took over then. “Completely serious, they sent a request for us to meet up and negotiate for the girl’s release from our care.”

  I glanced around the room, damn near in a desperate state. “I’m not handing her over to those assholes.” I turned to Iceman then. “You heard what she told me about what went down when they nabbed her before. She just barely got out of there without being raped, she was branded for shit’s sake, and she watched a slave girl starve herself to death, because death was more welcoming than the life she was stuck in. Now, this asshole is claiming her as an Old Lady replacement? Fuck that!”

  “Calm down,” Iceman stated as he stood from his seat behind the desk. “I didn’t say we were going to be handing her over. We’re just letting you know what the bastards have requested, and that trouble’s brewing.”

  “Any luck tracking Frank down yet?” Ice’s demeanor immediately changed as he scowled up at me.

  “No, and I gotta say, I wouldn’t mind a few minutes alone with him in a room for my own personal reasons.”

  Iceman once had a little sister who had been kidnapped by the local kiddie-creeper. He had been 12 at the time, his sister was only eight, and Iceman saw her being stuffed into the back of a car, but couldn’t get to her in time. His testimony had eventually led to the man being found, and ultimately to the time his vile ass served in prison before he was killed there. Iceman wasn’t in time to save the little girl from all sorts of horrendous shit before she was eventually killed though, and anyone who knew him understood that the heavy weight of that knowledge still plagued him to this day. Every time he saw Liza’s scars I would see him shiver as if someone had just walked over his little sister’s grave.

  “I get that, man. Had I known her full story before we left Frank in Reno I would have made that happen as well.”

  Iceman nodded. “We have eyes on his woman out there so if he comes around we’ll know and have him brought here. He doesn’t get a choice anymore. With the damn King’s Demons moving in closer to us, I have to wonder how they even knew she was here. With Frank in the wind the answer to that ain’t looking so good.”

  I swallowed down my initial reaction and immediately started putting a plan together for how to deal with Liza when she heard the possible news that the KDs might have her brother. A small part of me hoped he was with them and pissing his pants each minute he was there, because he’d put his own sister in a worse position once upon a time. The other part of me knew that Liza wouldn’t want that for her brother, no matter what she’d endured as a result of his stupidity. I wasn’t certain what the fallout was going to be, but no matter what Liza was my priority.

  “We have men coming in from other chapters,” Iceman cut into my thoughts. “They’ll be here in the next couple days as we prep for this meet up we’re supposed to have.”

  “Where exactly are we going to be meeting them?”

  “I’m looking for a neutral location somewhere between us and them at the moment. I’ll update when everything’s set. Be prepared to get moving as soon as the others get here though. I want a chance to get there and take a look around before the KDs swarm in too.”

  “Probably be easier to do if you knew where ‘there’ was,” Rabbit stated from over my shoulder. Shameless popped him the stomach and then shook out his hand.

  “Damn, kid, you got metal plates in there?”

  Rabbit’s wide grin expanded. “Abs of steel, brother.”

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Spinner announced, exasperated with his brother as usual.

  “Told you not to knock those workouts,” Rabbit scolded as he turned a little so we could all see his backside. “Check it out, buns of steel too.”

  “For Christ sake, are we done here?” Spinner asked as he started heading for the office door.

  “Yeah, we’re done here for now. Tango, stick around.”

  I waited for the others to clear out of the space that seemed much too small only moments ago, but now seemed cavernous with the large-bodied men missing from it. “What’s up, Prez?”

  “What’s up with this Amy situation? She gonna be a problem here?”

  I sighed and then took the seat opposite of where Iceman sat on the other side of the desk. “I wish I could tell you, but the people to talk to would be Whisky and Fox.”

  “Whiskey and Fox have their heads up her ass, and didn’t see this shit storm brewing sooner so I’m asking you.”

  “Honestly, I had my head up my own ass and didn’t see it coming either. I don’t know if she was always a bit touched and we just never noticed it.” I shook my head. “I wasn’t around her as much as the other guys, so I can’t say for sure. Maybe it’s the hormones. Either way, the guys have informed her that she isn’t welcome here right now and definitely not until she gets her shit together again.”

  Iceman nodded. “How’s Liza with all the drama that went down? I saw the video of that confrontation in the back room.”

  “She was just fine until I got called down here for the updates,” I ground out a little harshly thinking back to how on fire she was for me upstairs only a little bit ago.

  Iceman chuckled at that. “Sorry about that. Never thought I’d be the one cock-blocking you.” His chuckling subsided, and he leveled me with a serious look. “You claiming her?”

  “I am,” I stated without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Thought as much.” Iceman stood and came around the desk then. “She’s in for a tough road ahead. Things aren’t looking good for her brother. We have eyes on the sister-n-law, and are ready to pull her out and send her somewhere else if need be, so you need to be prepared for that. We can’t take a pregnant woman on here, especially with the KDs bringing trouble so close to our doorstep, but that means your woman might feel inclined to go too.”

>   “Where are you going to send her?”

  “Hopefully,” he sighed and parked his ass against the desk. “Nowhere. Realistically, it’s probably going to come down to sending her to Tallahassee. Crusher already agreed to it, and they’re ready for her if need be. Ready for Liza too, if that becomes a reality.” Crusher was the President of the Tallahassee Chapter, and all around good guy, even if his good guy persona was hidden under layers of rough edges, and darker things. The Tallahassee Chapter was one of the few in Aces High still involved in the gun trade after a few strings of bad luck when attempts to seed legit businesses into profitable ventures failed. From what I heard he had been working with the women of Sierra High Evermore MC to develop a realistic business model that the guys in Tallahassee could use to get themselves out of the gun trade now that most of them were settling down with their women and starting families.

  “Shit,” I hissed out. I hadn’t even thought about the possibility of Liza not sticking around.

  “They’re ready for you too, if you need a place there.”

  My head whipped up instantly, and my eyes met with Iceman’s crystalline ones. He was dead serious. “I can’t transfer there. Whiskey and Fox are about to be dads, Amy’s crazy, and I have a feeling they’re going to need me around. Besides, this is home.”


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