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Free Falling

Page 12

by Lisa Gerkey

  “I’m giving you two seconds to tell me no, otherwise, we get naked and deal with all the damn feelings we have bottled up. This will fix a lot of shit for both of us.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Josh.”

  “You don’t want me? Come on, baby. I want you to crave me the way you want the goddamn drugs! I’ve been apart from you for weeks. Once isn’t enough. I’ll never have enough of you. You almost had a setback. I get it. I’m sure there will be more. Use me, Kennedy. Forget the damn pills and the shit you shoot through your veins. Forget all that and take your frustration out on me, baby girl. I can handle it. I swear I can take anything. Anything, Kennedy, but I can’t stand the thought of you going out there and getting yourself hurt, or worse. I can’t… I’ll never get those images out of my head from the day I found you in the woods. That bastard is still out there. He’s watching and waiting for you. You need to stay close to people who can protect you. Close to me.”

  My emotions get the best of me. Maybe I took a notch or two off of my manhood by pouring myself out to her, but I need Kennedy to know. I need her to get it. When she watches me wipe the moisture from my eyes, I think she finally understands.

  “I love you, Kennedy.”

  I stride toward her standing on the opposite side of the room. A few steps and then I scoop up a handful of her soft, silky hair and pull her to me. She moans when I crash my lips against her. Kennedy claws at my shirt to hold on. One small hand grips the front and the other brushes over my back and down to my ass. She’s fierce as she fights to unfasten my jeans.

  Kennedy frees my cock and strokes me up and down. I pull my lips away from hers and push her, so she falls back on the bed. “Got these jeans off, doll, and spread your legs for me. I want to take my time, but I can’t. I’ll worship you later, but right now I need inside you. I need to fuck you hard, sweetheart.”

  I remove my own clothes. When everything’s lying in a pile on the floor, I fumble with my wallet to get a condom and hurry to get it in place. Kennedy’s spread out on the bed. She’s gorgeous, sexy as hell, and ready for me. Her legs fall open revealing her perfect, sweet pussy. She doesn’t take the time to remove her thin shirt, but I don’t mind. I pull her to the edge of the bed and slam into her hard with one thrust. Her eyes roll back, and she moans.

  I fuck her hard with long, deep strokes. With one hand, I push her shirt up to reveal her round breasts. Who knew that barely a B cup could turn me on so goddamn much? They’re fucking perfect. I take one in my hand and squeeze gently, and then I tweak the nipple with my fingers. “Josh, Josh, oh my god! Please don’t stop!” She raises her hips and meets every thrust. Her legs quake around me. I tug the shirt over her head. I can stand no part of her hiding from me. I use it to wipe the sweat from my face and toss it on the floor, all without stopping our rhythm.

  “Come on, baby girl. Let it all go.” Her eyes connect with mine right when her orgasm hits. The exchange between us is so intense, I almost look away, but I don’t. I cup her beautiful face with my palm and hold her gaze while I pump enough times to let her ride it all out, and then I fall on top of her and find my own release. The pressure I’ve been carrying around for weeks has evaporated and disappeared.

  I didn’t lock the door when I came in, and with the racket, I know my father might decide to see what’s going on. As much as I want to stay buried in her forever, it wouldn’t do this moment justice if someone came in and saw, so I ease from her warmth. I don’t want to go outside the room to get to the bathroom, so I strip the condom away and find a small trash can beside the desk in the corner to toss it away.

  Kennedy barely moves a muscle. She’s opposite from when I walked into the room a little while ago. “Feel better, baby? I know I needed that with you.” I crawl back on the bed and help her get adjusted so we can get under the covers together.

  Chapter Twenty


  “It’s crazy how it worked, but yeah, I feel a thousand times better. Why are you here?”

  I graze my hand across Josh’s chest and down to his abdomen. A storm has raged inside me for days, but now I feel calm and peaceful. I thought it was drugs, turns out Josh is all I needed.

  “Maggie called. She just told me there was an incident. I guess she thought that would be easier than telling me they had a wild woman locked up in the bedroom. Baby, I’m sorry Dad did that to you, but…I’m not sorry he kept you from making a huge mistake. We both knew you’d have these kinds of days, so I don’t want to dwell on it. I want to enjoy being here with you.”

  “I’m glad you’re here with me, but don’t you have more important things to worry about right now. Staci? And, the baby?”

  “Nothing is more important to me than you. I’ve told Staci over and over that she and I can’t be together. The baby isn’t here yet, so there’s not much I can do about that for a few more months. I won’t turn my back on a child. He or she is always going to be a part of me and every decision I make, but I want you in my life, too.”

  He saw me a little while ago when he walked in here. I can’t believe he’d consider having me anywhere near a child. I want to talk to Josh about something else though, so I change the subject. I want to focus on the reason I’m in Kentucky.

  “Josh, do you think you could go with me to see Lindsey? I’ve tried to get your dad and Maggie to help me, but Maggie doesn’t have a relationship with her daughter. She hasn’t seen her in years. She says she isn’t ready. I don’t want to go there alone. Can you come with me?”

  “Sure. I don’t mind. Maybe while I’m here, I can dig into my past a little. Dad has a lot to explain, too. Seems like he and Maggie have a lot of secrets buried somewhere.”


  I’m a little nervous about meeting Lindsey. It’ll be a bit hard to explain showing up on her doorstep, but I hope she’ll talk to me. Lately, I’ve had a bad feeling. Jayson isn’t a patient man. If Lindsey slips up, I know he’s waiting with his eyes wide open, ready to pounce on her.

  At least I have Josh with me now. He calms me. Who knew sex could be such good therapy?

  “Do you think she’ll talk to us? Jaycee says Lindsey is tough to connect with, and it takes her a while to warm up to people.” I look over at Josh in the driver’s seat. She lives on the opposite end of the county from where Josh’s family lives, but still, the drive doesn’t take nearly long enough to ease my nerves before we’re already turning onto the road that leads to Hawthorne Farm.

  “She lives with her grandma. Hopefully, we can get one of them to listen. As long as we make them aware of the danger. Although, I can’t imagine Lindsey doesn’t already know that Jayson won’t give up until he’s caught. I just hope he’s caught before one of you girls has to deal with him again.”

  The house is beautiful. It’s an older farmhouse, but it’s been renovated and updated. The porch wraps around the front with a swing hanging on it. Everything looks lovely, peaceful, and just downright homey.

  Josh rings the doorbell. An older lady answers the door. “Can I help you?”

  “We’re looking for Lindsey…”

  She wrings her hands together and looks us both up and down. It seems Ms. Hawthorne knows of the danger. She’s hesitant to talk to us. Or, perhaps she just doesn’t like people showing up at her door.

  “Please, Ms. Hawthorne. We just want to talk to her. She doesn’t know me, but she was friends with my sister, Jaycee, in Nashville. I’m worried she’s in danger. Jayson Phoenix tried to kill me. I think he’s coming after Lindsey. This is Josh, my…Josh is my…”

  “Hello, my name is Josh. I’m Kennedy’s boyfriend. Can we talk to Lindsey?”

  The lady’s face softens a fraction, but not much. “Lindsey’s down the road at the next house. A young man she knows from Nashville moved into our rental property a few weeks ago, Luke Miller. She’s with him.

  Lindsey and I spent most of the day in the kitchen, making some desserts. I had to run into town to grab more sugar. When I came back, she wa
s gone. I assume she walked down to see him.”

  We get back in the truck. Josh threads his fingers with mine as he drives us to the next house. It’s only about a mile, maybe a little less. It looks like the house we just left, only smaller.

  “Babe, did you know Lindsey was in a relationship with someone in Nashville?”

  “Grant and Jaycee told me a little. Lucas is Grant’s brother-in-law. He was married to Grant and Jon’s sister, Emily. Emily passed away a while back… Lucas and Emily were helping Lindsey get on her feet. Apparently, Emily found her in a women’s shelter and connected with her. I don’t know what’s going on between Lindsey and Lucas now… Maybe they’re just friends.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  “I thought you and I were just friends, but you told Lindsey’s grandmother that you’re my boyfriend. What’s that all about?”

  We’re still sitting in Josh’s truck, parked in the driveway of the house where Lindsey is supposedly inside. Our hands connected, Josh pulls me toward him as far as he can until the console between us gets in the way. He smirks at me. The look on his face is filled with mischief and something else, desire, I think.

  “I’ve never fucked a friend into a coma before, beautiful. Remember last night?” His eyes dart between mine and my lips. “I want to do it again. I can’t get enough of you, Kennedy. We are so fucking much more than friends, baby girl. I want to crawl inside you and never leave…and if we don’t get out of this truck, I’ll have to get inside you right now.”

  Yes, please. I hate we’re in a place where people can see us. Lindsey and Lucas could come out any second. I shift around on the seat desperately needing to put the fire out he’s kindled with his sexy words.

  “I want you right now, too, Josh. I’m burning up for you.”

  He reaches across the console and opens the button on my jeans and slides the zipper down. It’s a tight fit, but he pushes his fingers inside and down to slide through my heat. I can feel how wet I am for him. When he finds it, he groans beside me.

  “Ride my hand, baby. One of us can get what we need. I want you to come all over my fingers, Kennedy.”

  I rock against his hand when he puts two fingers inside me. It feels so good when he stretches me and goes deep. I lay my head over and set my lips on his. His smell, his taste, everything makes my skin tingle and my head spin. A few thrusts, and then he kisses my chin down to my neck. “Fuck, Josh.” His fingers hit the spot inside that keeps the orgasm going on and on. It’s a good thing we’re closed inside the truck because there’s no way I can stay silent.

  When the feelings ebb, my face grows warm. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “You’re so sexy, Kennedy. Fucking unbelievable how damn gorgeous you are when you come. It’s also pretty hot to see you blush like that, but don’t be ashamed, sweetheart.”

  I’m so relaxed and spent. I lay my head back and close my eyes while Josh works to fasten my jeans back in place. It feels incredible having someone take care of me the way he does.

  “Thank you for that. I guess I owe you now.”

  I wish we had more time. Any minute someone will come out to see what’s going on in the driveway. If we were anywhere else and had more time, I’d show Josh exactly how I want to pay him back. I haven’t had his cock in my mouth yet. I dart my tongue across my lips when I think of tasting him for the first time.

  “Kennedy! Stop! Fuck, I only have so much willpower.” He rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. I open my mouth and capture it and suck it between my lips. My face is probably ten shades of red, but I don’t care. He exhales sharply. The look on Josh’s face is a thousand times worth a little embarrassment.

  “We’re going to take care of everything we need to do here, and then I’m taking your ass to the cabin tonight. I’m holding you to this little promise. I can’t wait to feel these hot little lips wrapped around my cock. Let’s get our responsibilities out of the way first, okay?”

  When I get out of the truck, and the breeze hits my skin, I’m thankful for the little cooldown. It’s hard to believe this is my life…then I remember it’s only been this way for a few hours. It’s easy to get caught up in everything, get lost in how Josh makes me feel. I want to keep him here forever. Keep him away from Staci. I hate her.

  Josh taps on the door, and we wait. Finally, it opens.

  “What do you want?”

  Right after he asks the question, I see the look on his face the moment he recognizes Josh. I don’t know this man. I’m not sure how well they know each other, but I know Josh has a lot of the same friends as Lucas.

  Lucas might be attractive, but it’s hard to tell. He’s seen better days for sure. From the way he speaks, I think he must be drunk. Looking at him now, you’d never know he’s a professional anything. Certainly not a doctor. I can’t imagine the impact it had on him when he lost his wife. Believe me—I understand what losing someone important can do. Especially when it happens out of nowhere and you can’t find one logical reason why it happened.

  “We’re looking for Lindsey? We stopped by her grandmother’s house, and she said we should find her here.” He looks clueless as Josh explains.

  “Fuck. You here to spy on me? Let me guess, one of my concerned brothers-in-laws sent you here to check up on me.”

  Josh puts his hand up to keep the door from closing when Lucas tries to slam it in our faces.

  “Lindsey’s in some serious trouble. Is she here? We just want to talk to her for a minute. We think Jayson is closing in, Lucas. Someone needs to warn her. Make her aware to keep her eyes on her surroundings. Has anyone checked the security down at that house where she stays?”

  “I haven’t seen her. I haven’t seen her in over a week. Shit.”

  He looks at me, but he doesn’t say anything, so I introduce myself.

  “I’m Kennedy. My sister, Jaycee, is married to Grant Masters? Are you sure Lindsey isn’t here, or hasn’t been by here today?”

  Luke scrubs his hands over his face and chuckles. He finds nothing funny. More like, is this shit really happening?

  “Look, Lindsey isn’t here. We’ve spent time together, yes, but… something happened, and she stopped coming around. It’s my fault. I should talk to her, but I don’t know what to say.”

  “What’s all the commotion, Lukey? You need to get your ass back to the bedroom.”

  A woman whines from behind Luke. When he steps back, I see a red-head with a sheet wrapped around her.

  “They’re looking for Lindsey.”

  “Oh, well, we haven’t seen her. Course, we haven’t seen much of anything. We’ve been kind of busy. I’m Kara. If you want to come in, I can put some clothes on and talk to you. Lindsey’s probably cramped up in the house with old Cora. We used to be best friends before she went all crazy and ran off with that Phoenix boy. Since she’s been back, I’ve tried to get her to go out with me and have fun, but she refuses to leave the house. She’s messed up in the head now.”

  Something smells fishy with Kara. Right from the start, I get a bad vibe from her. I don’t have the impression she was ever a friend to Lindsey or anyone. Bitch is the first thing that comes to mind when I look at her and hear her talk.

  When Kara disappears to…put clothes on I guess, I question Luke. He seems lost and miserable. Reminds me a bit of myself before Josh came along.

  “Luke, what is going on? Ms. Hawthorne seemed certain this is where we’d find Lindsey. Are you aware of the danger she’s in? Do you know about the man she’s running from?”

  Luke sits down in a chair. The alcohol has lost its effect. He still looks like shit though.

  “Emily brought her home from a women’s shelter. She was in bad shape. Even months after therapy and us helping her, she still has terrible nightmares and is scared to death to go out in public and be around people she doesn’t know. I fucked up. I guess we both kind of fucked up, but I take most of the blame. Lindsey was there for me after Emily died, and I guess one night I needed
a little more than a shoulder. I’ve felt guilty ever since, and I’ve kept distance between us.”

  “Yet, you’re sleeping with her best friend, her ex-best friend. Whatever.”

  “Shit. I…I don’t know. I guess I did. She’s here. I don’t remember much. I had a lot to drink.”

  “We get it, man. All this is a story for another time. Let’s fast forward to why we’re here right now. We need to find Lindsey. Do you think she came here and perhaps, saw you and Kara together? I mean, if I found my best friend with someone I recently slept with, I’d be upset.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Kara comes back into the living room. She’s wearing clothes now, but the sheet actually covered more. Right off the bat, I don’t like this woman.

  I sympathize with Lucas right now. He’s in a bad place. I wouldn’t consider him a friend because I don’t know him that well, but he and I have seen each other around Nashville quite a bit. Talked a time or two.

  “Lucas, come on and think, dude.”

  “I am. I’m trying. She doesn’t go anywhere. If she isn’t at home and her grandmother says she’s here, then I don’t know what the hell to say. You can see for yourself she isn’t here. Do you think the prick found her? The few times she came down here, she walked. I always took her back home, but damn! Fuck! They all fucking hate me, but we should probably call Grant and Jon. They wanted to put security on her, but after I moved in next door…”

  I’d like to hear more about why everyone hates him, but now isn’t the time to talk about his personal shit. We need to find Lindsey.

  “Call around and talk to everyone. Kennedy and I are going back to see her grandmother. Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding. Lindsey could be in her room taking a nap or something.”

  On the way out the door, Kennedy and I hear Lucas already in the process of making the red-head leave. I pay attention to the car sitting beside his truck. I note the license plate in my head. Just in case. I have an uneasy feeling about Kara.


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