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Unspoken Desires

Page 14

by Unspoken Desires (lit)


  “Jaryn,” Daniel said as he reached for Brom, “lock the damn door.”

  Brom could hear Jaryn run across the room, but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the predatory glint in Daniel’s eyes. It was hot. It made Brom ache.

  “Take your clothes off, Brom,” Daniel said.

  The commanding tone in Daniel’s voice made Brom’s hands tremble as he hurried to do as he was told. He had his clothes off and stood naked within moments. He was ready and willing to do whatever Daniel wanted.

  “Bend over the end of the table.”

  Brom’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before he could stop them. He glanced at the long, wooden table. He wasn’t sure what Daniel had in mind, but at this point he was so aroused he’d take anything the man had to give him.

  He crossed to the table and bent over the end. The wood was cold against the skin of his chest, but the heat that immediately pressed against him from behind soon warmed him up. Daniel’s cock felt like a hot poker.

  “Daniel!” Brom hissed. He reached out and gripped the edges of the table tightly.

  “Spread ‘em, big boy,” Daniel said as he nudged Brom’s ankles. Brom spread his legs and held his breath as he waited for Daniel’s next move. It wasn’t long in coming. The air sped from Brom’s lungs when two slicked-up fingers pushed into his ass.

  “You’re very tight, Brom,” Daniel murmured as his fingers scissored inside of Brom, stretching him. “Has it been a long time for you?”

  Brom nodded. “Not since we last—”

  The low rumble of Daniel’s growl vibrated down Brom’s spine and made his toes curl. “I like that, Brom, I like that very much.”

  Brom grunted as a third finger joined the first two. He hadn’t felt this full since the last time Daniel fucked him. It had been a long wait.

  Just when Brom thought he couldn’t take anymore, he felt Daniel pull his fingers free only to replace them a moment later with the blunt head of his cock.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” Daniel asked as he slowly started pushing in.

  Brom braced himself. He expected Daniel to thrust in quickly as he had in the past. He was surprised when Daniel took his time, sinking in so slowly that Brom wondered if he would ever be all of the way in. He let out a long sigh of contentment when he finally felt Daniel bottom out.

  “Daniel,” he whispered. He gripped the table tighter and planted his feet firmly. He expected the fucking of his life. He craved it. “Please, Daniel.”

  “Just a moment longer, baby,” Daniel said. “I have one more surprise for you.”

  Brom started to lift his head off the table, intent on asking Daniel what he was talking about, when two warm lips wrapped around his cock from under the table. Only Daniel’s grip on his hips kept Brom’s legs from collapsing.

  “Jaryn,” he groaned.

  “Very good, mate.” Daniel chuckled.

  Brom’s hips snapped forward then pushed back when the head of Daniel’s cock brushed his sweet spot. He couldn’t decide what felt better, the feeling of Jaryn’s mouth around his cock or feeling Daniel’s cock fill him. He just started to move, unable to choose and needing both.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” Daniel said as he took over the thrusting motion. Brom just needed to lay there and take what his mates were doing to him. It was glorious. Daniel thrust into Brom, pushing his hips towards Jaryn, who sucked Brom’s cock into his mouth every time Brom moved forward.

  A fire started burning in Brom’s body. It centered in his groin and radiated out, inflaming every inch of his body until he was one big ball of lust. Brom cried out, his back arching and his head coming up off the table as ecstasy unlike any he could ever remember feeling exploded through him, and he shot down Jaryn’s throat.

  Brom dropped his head back down to the table, breathing heavily. He could feel Jaryn licking at his sensitive cock. He could feel the man’s tongue lick away every last drop of his seed.

  Brom grew concerned when Jaryn suddenly stopped and a low cry could be heard from beneath the table until he felt a hot splash of liquid on his foot. Brom smiled, knowing that Jaryn had come right along with him. Now he just needed to make sure his other mate joined them.

  Brom squeezed his inner muscles around the cock pounding into his ass. He reached back with one hand and grabbed Daniel’s thigh, encouraging the man to thrust harder. He could hear Daniel’s response in the slight hitch in his throat. He could feel it in the hands that gripped his hips tighter.

  “Fuck me, Daniel,” Brom said. He leaned up on his elbows and tilted his head to one side. “Claim me, mate.”

  Daniel went wild, thrusting into Brom with such force that the table moved a few inches. A shudder of need rippled through Brom as Daniel leaned over him. He felt the man’s teeth scrape along his neck before sinking in.

  The hands holding Brom’s hips suddenly dug in. Daniel’s body stiffened and a loud roar rumbled through the air. Brom felt pulse after pulse of burning hot seed fill his ass as a heavy weight settled over his body. Daniel’s hand grabbed his and held it tightly. A moment later, Brom felt another body press against his side and another hand grabbed his free one.

  Brom looked over to find Jaryn leaning over the side of the table, a serene smile on his face. Brom brought their combined hands up to his lips and kissed Jaryn’s.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Jaryn’s face flushed. “Glad I could help.”

  Brom felt Daniel snicker above him. “Yeah, you do pretty damn well.” Daniel pushed himself up and slapped Brom’s hip. “However, I think you might want to get some clothes on. This is not exactly appropriate attire for a council meeting.”

  “I don’t know,” Jaryn remarked as he stood and pulled his pants up his legs. “I think this could be considered a meeting of sorts.”

  Brom snorted and stood. He took the clothes Daniel handed him and pulled them on. He would have liked the chance to visit the restroom, but he wasn’t quite sure where one was located. Maybe he could find one and sneak into it for a few minutes before the council meeting.

  “Any idea where the restroom is located?” he asked as he smoothed his shirt down.

  “Nope.” Daniel chuckled. The man was just too pleased with himself.

  Brom started to say something when Jaryn’s face suddenly paled. “Jaryn, what’s wrong?”

  “Your father’s coming.” Jaryn whispered, his voice wavering. Brom could feel panic start in the man.

  “And Marla?”

  Jaryn shook his head. “No, she’s not with him. At least, I don’t think she is. I can’t feel her. But your father is plenty pissed.”

  “Big surprise there,” Brom replied. “I think he was born pissed.”

  “Then he’s in perfect form.”

  “Can you really feel my father?” Brom asked Jaryn as they left the room and headed toward the council chambers.

  Jaryn nodded.

  “What does it feel like?”

  “You tell me,” Jaryn replied. “His life thread is connected to yours. You can feel him just like I do.”

  Brom closed his eyes and concentrated on his link to Jaryn. He found it almost immediately. It was so bright it would have lit up the night sky. Once he found it, he searched for his father, but he found nothing.

  He opened his eyes and shook his head. “You are brighter than a star, but I can’t locate my father. I just get this dark red haze.”

  “That’s him.” Jaryn frowned. “Although the link you have with your father looks more like a red rope to me. It connects the two of you together.”

  “A rope?” Daniel asked.

  Jaryn nodded. “Everyone that has a bond is connected by a rope, the link I guess. The closer you are to someone, the brighter the rope. Us, for instance, the rope connecting us is bright white. The ones for the cubs are white but not as bright because their connection between Daniel and me is through Brom.”

  “Sweet hell!” Daniel exclaimed. “I
just figured out what your tri-omega ability is. It isn’t premonitions. It’s relationship bonds. You can see the actual bonds linking people.”

  “Then how could I tell something was going on?” Jaryn asked. “Like when Brom claimed you, I knew something happened. Or when Angus looked for Brom…I thought the cubs were in danger, but it was Brom.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Don’t you see, Jaryn? You’re connected to all of them through Brom. You felt something happen when Brom claimed me because you felt it through your link with him. It’s not premonition.”

  Jaryn just blinked.

  Brom gawked, astounded by Daniel’s words. While it explained a great many things, it left a lot more unanswered. For the life of him Brom couldn’t figure out how seeing someone’s bond link could be considered an ability. What was the benefit?

  Before Brom could ask, Jaryn’s face paled. Brom didn’t have to ask. He knew why Jaryn looked so upset. He could see his father walking around the corner surrounded by several members of their pack.

  The smirk on his father’s face sent chills down Brom’s spine. He knew his father had something up his sleeve. He wouldn’t give up without a fight even if he needed to be underhanded.

  “Daniel, keep Jaryn safe,” Brom said as he pushed the smaller man towards Daniel. “If things go bad, get him and the cubs out of here. I’ll find you when it’s over.”

  “Brom, we’re not going to leave you,” Jaryn insisted.

  Brom glanced at him. “Baby, you have to. My father’s too happy. That means he’s up to something, and I’m afraid we’ll pay for it in the end. I need to know that you’re both safe. Please, for me?”

  Jaryn stared at Brom for the longest time and then finally nodded. He didn’t look happy, but there wasn’t anything Brom could do about it. He needed all of his wits about him when he went before the council and faced his father if he wanted to win.

  Brom watched Daniel lead Jaryn away before his father could reach them. His chest ached, and he knew his heart walked away with them. Hearing footsteps behind him, Brom took a deep, calming breath and turned to face his father.

  He nodded to the pack members standing around his father. If nothing else, he’d known these men his entire life. He knew most of them didn’t like the way his father did things, but Angus McGregor was the ruling alpha of the pack. They didn’t have a choice.

  “Father,” Brom said, addressing the man.

  “Brom, it’s ridiculous to take this issue before the council. If you choose to leave the pack and run off, then I’ll happily release you. We don’t need that type of thing in our pack. But leave the cubs with me. I’ll raise them, take care of them.”

  “Never going to happen,” Brom replied.

  “What do you need with two cubs? You’ll be off sewing your wild oats with another man. Is that really the type of environment you want your cubs raised in? What do you think they will learn from that?”

  “They will learn that their father chose to be with his mate, the man he loves.” Brom clenched his hands into fists to keep from ranting at his father as he really wanted to do. “They will learn that loving your mate, no matter who she or he is, is what is right. And they will learn that you don’t marry someone because it looks proper. You marry someone because you love them.”

  Angus’s face turned red. “You’re going to teach them to be just like you!”

  Brom grinned. “I can only hope so.”

  “My grandcubs will not be gay.”

  “That’s not up to you,” Brom replied. “It’s not even up to me. It’s up to them. They will, however, not be ashamed of being gay like I was for so many years. I will love them no matter what. Unlike you, father, my love for them is unconditional. And that’s why you will never have them.”

  “They are my grandcubs!” Angus shouted.

  “And they are my cubs,” Brom shouted back. “Mine, Father, not yours.”

  “I’ll be damned if my grandcubs will be raised by a bunch of butt fucking freaks,” Angus shouted. “I should have killed you the first time I found you and Daniel together. It was my mistake thinking you could be fixed.”

  “I’m not broken, Father.”

  “Wanting to be with a man in not normal.”

  “Hating someone because of who they choose to love is not normal,” Brom replied. “There is nothing wrong with me. I am not broken, and I’m not a freak. I’m choosing to be with the man fate chose as my mate, Father.”

  “Don’t call me that. I no longer recognize you as my son,” Angus shouted. “I refuse to be associated with a freak!”

  Hearing his father deny him hurt, Brom couldn’t deny that, but he’d be damned if he would give Daniel or Jaryn up so that his father could feel comfortable about it. They were his mates, and Brom loved them.

  “Very well, Alpha McGregor,” Brom said, “As you no longer recognize me as your son, then Cailan and Iain can no longer be recognized as your grandcubs. I guess this meeting with the council isn’t needed after all.”

  Without another word, Brom turned and walked away. He could hear his father sputtering behind him. As much as Brom would have preferred not attending the council meeting, he knew he needed to. There needed to be an official ruling by the council, one that his father couldn’t ignore.

  However, as there were several witnesses to his father disowning him, Brom felt more confident that the council would listen to him. It wasn’t unheard of, but it was unusual for an alpha to disown a pack member, his child at that, because of a mating.

  Brom pushed open the doors to the large ballroom where the council meeting would be held and glanced around. It was a nice looking room, hardwood floors, a very high ceiling, and windows that went almost from the floor to the ceiling. Brom wouldn’t have minded seeing it under better conditions.

  At the moment though, it felt cold and lonely. Brom couldn’t see a friendly face in the place. Little groups of people talked here and there. A stage sat at the far end of the room, several chairs sitting in front of a large table on the stage. Brom knew that the council would sit here once the meeting started.

  He walked towards the small stage, not knowing where else to go. He didn’t know many of the people in the room and the ones he did know stood beside his father near the double doors Brom just came through.

  He found a place to stand by one of the floor to ceiling windows just to the left of the stage. He clasped his hands behind his back and watched the people coming and going from the room.

  Brom could think of a hundred places he’d rather be than waiting for the council meeting to begin. The first place that came to mind was anywhere Daniel and Jaryn were. And he didn’t much care where that was.

  He felt a little relief when Vadim and Jake walked through the door, followed by several of the other men he’d recently met. They glanced around the room until their eyes settled on Brom and then made a beeline for him.

  “You didn’t think we’d leave you here to do this on your own, did you?” Vadim asked the moment he stopped in front of Brom.

  “I didn’t know,” Brom replied.

  “We take family ties very seriously, Brom,” Vadim said, “and you’re now family.”

  “You’re also officially a member of my pack as I have given you sanctuary,” Jake added. “As your alpha, it’s my duty and my honor to stand beside you while you face the Wolf Council.”

  Brom’s mouth dropped open in shock. Jake was officially accepting him into his pack? He knew Jaryn asked the man for sanctuary, but he never considered that they would be officially accepted as members of Jake’s pack.

  “I don’t know what to say, Jake,” Brom said quietly. “Thank you.”

  Jake smirked. “That will do just fine.”

  Brom frowned. “You need to know that my father disowned me. He thinks I’m a freak. He’s going to try and use my relationship with Daniel as the reason he should raise my cubs.” Brom glanced past Jake’s shoulder to where his father stood on the other side of the room. “I
also think he’s up to something, but I can’t figure out what.”

  “Not to worry, Brom,” Jake replied. “I suspected your father wouldn’t let things stay the way they were. The cubs have been taken back to the alpha compound where they are being guarded by a couple of alphas, a few betas, and a number of tri-omegas. They’re very safe.”

  “And Daniel and Jaryn?”

  Jake smiled. “They should be here any moment.”

  “What? No!” Brom exclaimed as he stepped towards the door. His heart pounded in his chest so hard he thought it might break through his ribs. “They need to stay away from here. My father will—”

  “Your father won’t do anything,” Vadim replied. “And your mates have the right to stand beside you before the council.”

  “You don’t understand,” Brom insisted. He wrung his hands together as he glanced towards the door. “My father will do something, anything, to win. I wouldn’t put it past him to hurt Daniel and Jaryn just to be spiteful.”

  “Brom,” Vadim said, patting him on the shoulder, “you need to have more faith in your family and your pack. We’ve already thought of this. Daniel and Jaryn are being escorted here by several very large men. They are perfectly safe.”

  Brom didn’t know if he could believe that. He spent too many years depending on only himself. It was hard to let some of the control go and depend on another person, especially when it came to the safety of his mates.

  It wasn’t until Brom saw Daniel and Jaryn walk through the door surrounded by several very large men that his heart stopped beating so hard. The muscles in his shoulders still bunched with tension, but he felt a little better actually seeing his mates.

  Daniel and Jaryn walked right up to him. Jaryn looked nervous, his eyes darting around the room. Daniel looked apprehensive, but Brom felt pretty sure only he could see it in the face of the calm looking man.

  “I thought you were going to stay someplace safe,” Brom said.


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