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Unspoken Desires

Page 16

by Unspoken Desires (lit)

  “I would like to add something to the record, if I may,” said another voice. Brom turned to see a member of his pack, Conner McGregor, step forward, which surprised Brom. The man enforced pack laws for Angus. Brom always felt the man would do whatever Angus wanted.

  “And you are?”

  “I am Conner McGregor,” the man stated. “I am the McGregor Pack enforcer.”

  “Proceed then.”

  “Angus McGregor did order the hunt for Brom a few nights ago. I know, I was there, as were a few other members of our pack. We were all given orders to hunt Brom down and make sure he and his mate, Daniel, didn’t live to see another dawn.”

  “Conner!” Angus shouted. “What are you doing?”

  Conner sneered at Angus. “I’m doing what I should have done all those years ago when you forced Daniel out of the pack. I’m standing up for a member of my pack.” He turned back to face the council. “You also need to know that if he lost, Alpha McGregor ordered several members of our pack to take the cubs by any means necessary and take them back home.”

  “Is this true, Alpha McGregor?” the elder asked. “Have you ordered members of your pack to kidnap your grandcubs if we voted against you, knowing full well that you would be going against the decision of this council?”

  “Well, I just—I just wanted to make sure they were safe,” Angus stammered. “Brom is keeping them in a house full of freaks. They’re emotional and physical wellbeing is at stake here. Who knows what those perverts will do to them?”

  Brom started for the door. He couldn’t leave his cubs unprotected. A hand came out and grabbed his arm as he went past. Brom stopped and turned to growl at whoever held him only to encounter Jake, his new alpha.

  “Jake, wha—”

  “They’re safe, not to worry,” Jake said. “We expected this and made arrangements. The four men that tried to break into the alpha compound are even now being escorted here. No one will get to your cubs, Brom. I promise.”

  Brom tried to catch the breath moving rapidly in and out of his chest, but nothing he did seemed to work. He was so worked up, so terrified, he was going to hyperventilate. He just knew it. He could feel his chest tightening with every second.

  “Breathe, love,” Daniel whispered into his mind. Brom felt the man’s hand stroke his back. “Your head needs to be here. The cubs will be protected.”

  Brom took several deep breaths, slowing each one down until he could breathe normally again. Once he felt he could face everyone without losing it, Brom turned and walked up to stand before the council.

  “I request that sanctions be placed against Alpha McGregor.”

  “Now wait just one damn minute!” Angus yelled as he came forward. “I didn’t do anything any other alpha wouldn’t have done. I protected my pack as I saw fit.”

  “You—” Brom began, only to be stopped by the sound of the gavel hitting the table.

  “Enough! This will not be decided by the two of you,” one of the elders stated. “It will be decided by the Wolf Council. Now, step back, and let us discuss this.”

  Brom stepped back but not before he saw the sneer his father sent in Conner’s direction. He knew things weren’t going to be easy for the man now that he’d gone against Angus. Brom turned and looked for Jake, walking towards the man when he spotted him talking with Daniel.

  “Jake, may I speak with you for a moment?” he asked.

  “Of course,” Jake replied. Brom led him off from everyone where they could speak privately.

  “I have another favor to ask you.”

  “Another one?” Jake said and chuckled.

  Brom felt his face flush. He’d asked a lot of Jake in the last few days. He wouldn’t blame the man if he told him to no to everything.

  “The man that spoke, Conner?”


  “I’d like to offer him a chance to join our pack, or Vadim’s pack, hell, any pack but the one he’s in. I seriously doubt he’ll live past a day if he goes home with my father.”

  “Yeah, I guess I see what you’re saying.” Jake’s lips twisted together as if he thought about something important. “What do you know about the man?”

  “He’s our pack enforcer. He joined the pack when he was about ten years old with his family. His parents passed away a few years ago, and he’s an only child. The only family he has is our pack. He might not even agree to it.”

  “Is he an honorable man?”

  “I believe so. He’s been our pack enforcer for the last few years, and he’s good at listening to his alpha, but I’ve never seen him be outright cruel to anyone. He did stand against Angus tonight, so that has to mean something.”

  “I need to think about it, Brom,” Jake replied. “Not because I don’t trust you but because we have a very small pack. Most of us have been kicked out of our birth packs because we’re gay. Having a stranger in our home could create some issues.”

  “I understand,” Brom replied, and he did. Jake’s duty was to the current members of his pack, not the one Brom wanted brought in. Besides, as he told Jake, the man could refuse.

  “I’ll go talk to him, try and get a feel for what type of man he is, okay?”

  “I really appreciate this, Jake. I know I’m asking a lot.”

  “Not to worry, my friend,” Jake said as he patted Brom’s arm. “You care about those around you, and that is just the type of man I want in my pack.”

  Brom watched his new alpha walk away, impressed by the way the man thought. Angus McGregor never would have complimented someone in his pack like that, not unless he wanted something from them.

  Brom felt pretty sure that he would like being a member of this new wolf pack. Besides the fact that he could live freely and openly with his mates and cubs, he was growing to like the other members, respect them. All boded well for his future.

  “Brom, honey,” Daniel said as he walked up to him, “the council is back.”

  Brom glanced up to see the five members of the Wolf Council sitting down again. He hadn’t even heard them return. He glanced over as he hurried to the front of the room to see his father walking slowly up the small stage. Brom couldn’t retain his small snarl. It was all he could do to keep from attacking the man he saw as the biggest threat to his future.

  He folded his hands together in front of him, trying to maintain the façade of calm that he didn’t really feel. While the Wolf Council had given him his cubs, they could still allow Angus to cause problems.

  “It has long been a fundamental part of our heritage to not only accept the bond between mates, but to seek them out, no matter who they are with,” one of the elders began. “It goes deeper than attraction, deeper than desire, or even emotional attachment. It bonds mates together on a spiritual level that can only be attained between true mates.”

  Brom hoped the glare the elder sent in Angus’s direction was a good sign. “This bond is sacred, superseding even the wants of an alpha or the needs of a pack. It is one of the founding beliefs we base our society on. It is also a founding belief that we do not choose our mates. Fate does. Our duty is to accept the one fate has chosen for us.”

  “Angus McGregor,” another elder began, “by denying your son the right to bond with his mates, you have violated one of our founding beliefs. It is not up to you to choose who Brom mates with. It is not even up to him. It is up to fate.”

  Angus sputtered, his face flushing red.

  “While each pack is ruled differently due to their own needs, ordering a hunt for your son because he mated someone you didn’t approve of is the height of bad taste, as far as this council is concerned.”

  The next elder took over. “And, while we cannot sanction you for calling a hunt against your son because you do have a right to rule your pack as you see fit, we can sanction you for denying your son his mates.”

  Brom’s mouth dropped open. He couldn’t believe what he heard. They wanted to sanction his father for denying Brom his mates? He felt like jumping with joy. He w
ould finally be vindicated for all of the years he’d been denied his mates.

  “You will not be allowed contact with Brom McGregor, his mates, Daniel and Jaryn, or his cubs, Cailan and Iain, for the period of five years. If, after such time, they wish to renew relations with you, they may do so. However, they may also petition this council for an extension of this sanction if they so deem.”

  “This is outrageous!” Angus shouted. He shook his fist at the council. “I won’t stand for this. You can’t keep me from my cubs.”

  “Angus McGregor!” one of the elders exclaimed as he stood to his feet and slapped his hands on the table. “If you attempt to violate these sanctions, you will be removed from your position as alpha by this council and banished from all of wolf society.”

  “You can’t do that,” Angus shouted. “I won my position fair and square in challenge. You can’t remove me without a challenge.”

  “Then I challenge you, Angus McGregor, for position as alpha.”

  Brom turned, not feeling a bit of surprise to see Conner standing behind him. The man looked ready to fight, his hands clenched into fists at his site, his lips pulled back into a deep snarl.

  “This is a council meeting!” the elder shouted. “There will be no fighting here today. Is that understood?”

  Conner growled. Angus crossed his arms over his chest and snickered at Conner.

  “However, if Angus McGregor attempts to violate our sanctions, then your challenge will be the first one acknowledged. Will that be sufficient, Conner?”

  “Yes, sir,” Conner stated, still glaring at Angus.

  Brom wasn’t sure how to react. He wanted to believe he had the backing of the Wolf Council. It certainly sounded that way, but it was hard to think that Angus would agree to anything that went against what he wanted.

  He also felt great concern for Conner. The man stood up for him today against his alpha. He’d even challenged the man for position as alpha. Brom knew the moment Angus got the man home, Conner would be done for.

  “Council, I have one more request,” Brom said.

  “Haven’t we given you enough, Brom?” one of the elders asked. Brom recognized him as the man who visited his father. No doubt he wasn’t happy about the turn of events.

  “Yes, sir, you have been more than generous,” Brom replied, “however, I’m not asking for something for myself this time.” Brom heard his father give off a snort. He ignored the man and gestured towards Conner. “I ask that you consider what has happened today, how Conner has stood up against Alpha McGregor for what he felt was right and his challenge. I believe that Conner’s life will be in danger the moment he leaves this meeting for challenging Alpha McGregor.”

  “Hmm,” the elder replied, looking at Conner. “You might be correct in your assumptions, Brom. What do you suggest?”

  “I’ve offered Conner a place in my pack,” Jake said, surprising Brom. He glanced at him, his eyebrow raised. Brom thought that Jake wanted to wait until he knew the man better. The conversation they had must have gone pretty good.

  “Conner McGregor, as I see it, you have a few choices open to you. You can return with your pack, knowing full well that your life may be in danger due to your actions here today. You may also stay under the protection of the Wolf Council until such time as you find another pack. Or, you can join with the Wolfrik Pack. What say you?”

  “While I do not relish leaving my pack and the people I have come to know as my family,” Conner replied as he glanced from the council to Jake, then back again, “I ask that I be allowed to join with the Wolfrik Pack.”

  “Do you wish for your challenge to be acknowledged if that time comes?” the elder asked.

  “If no other adequate candidate can be found, I will return to challenge Alpha McGregor and lead the McGregor Pack until the time a proper leader can be found,” Conner said. “I do not want the position on a permanent basis.”

  “Very well,” the elder said. He clasped his hands together and stared out over the crowd. “Until the time a suitable replacement can be found, your challenge against Alpha McGregor will stand if he violates the sanctions placed against him.”

  Brom didn’t know whether to applaud the man for standing up for what he believed in and challenging Angus or slap him up side of his head for being so stupid. Still, with Conner joining Wolfrik Pack, he’d have plenty of opportunity to do either.

  “Angus McGregor, you have heard the decision of this council,” one elder stated. “You know the consequences if you do not follow that decision. As you have not shown adequate remorse for your actions, you will be escorted by council guard back to your hotel and then to the ferry where you will leave this island. If you do not comply, you will be sanctioned again. Is that understood?”

  Angus snarled, but Brom knew he didn’t have any other choice, not with several armed council guards surrounding him. It was a known fact that council guards carried silver bullets in their guns and could kill a werewolf with one shot.

  Brom could hardly believe it when his father was escorted from the room. It almost seemed surreal. It was all finally over. He felt a great weight lift from his shoulders. The tightness in his chest suddenly dissipated.

  Brom nodded at the council. “Thank you.”

  The council members nodded in return. “Be at peace, Brom McGregor.”

  He sure as shit was gonna try!

  Brom turned to find Daniel and Jaryn standing behind him, big smiles on their faces. He reached for them both, his arms wrapping around their necks as he pulled them close to his body. Brom just stood there holding them for several moments, his heart beating calmly in his chest for the first time in what seemed like forever.

  Brom could feel tears of happiness prickle the corner his eyes as he finally lifted his head and smiled at his mates. “Let’s go home, mates.”

  Chapter 14

  Jaryn sat snuggled between Daniel and Brom on a blanket with Iain in his lap. Cailan seemed to be busy playing in the dirt with Marika. He chuckled at the nonsense words that the two toddlers seemed to be exchanging. He had no idea what they were saying, but they seemed happy as they chatted away.

  It was a lazy afternoon, or so Sasha declared it. He stated that everyone in the alpha compound needed to be outside enjoying the sun, surrounded by family. Everyone seemed to agree that it was a fabulous idea.

  Vadim sat across from them, Sasha curled close. Sasha had his hands busy rocking their daughter to sleep. Jake and Lucas sat beside them, looking at Leyland with fond amusement as he tried to keep a hold of Ivan, who did everything in his power to join his brother in the dirt.

  Caleb, Thomas, and Micah sat curled together on another blanket, Micah fast asleep between the bigger two men. Gregory and Viktor were arguing over who got to hold Ryland, who stood off to one side of them rolling his eyes.

  Ryce, Saul, and Cary sat near Jake and Lucas. Cary and Lucas, who Jaryn only recently learned were brothers, were deep in conversation, but it seemed to be a happy discussion with lots of smiles and laughter.

  Jaryn glanced at Leyland when the man let out a deep sigh and cleaned the dirt off of his shirt, compliments of Marika. He laughed at the exasperated on Leyland’s face. Jaryn cared for the cubs since they were born. He was used to the messes. Leyland obviously wasn’t. Jaryn couldn’t help but tease the man.

  “So, when are you going to have a cub, Leyland?” he asked. “You obviously have a rapport with them.”

  Leyland lifted his head and glared. “Very funny.”

  “Does that mean you’re not ready for cubs?”

  “I don’t know,” Leyland said. “I like the idea, certainly, but I’m not sure any of us are ready for yet another tri-omega to be born. There just seems to be a lot of us popping up, and I have to admit that worries me a little. I’m not sure I want to bring a cub into that until I know more.”

  “Have you talked with your mother yet?” Jaryn asked.

  “Yes, and she’s just as stumped as I am,” Leyland replied. �
��We’ve heard some rumors about a pack in Russia but nothing concrete.”


  Leyland nodded. “Tri-omegas are only supposed to be born one per generation, or so the legend goes. Vadim heard from his father that there might be a pack in Russia that has several tri-omegas. He sent Niko there to find out, but we haven’t heard back from him yet.”

  “You don’t think anything is wrong, do you?” Jaryn asked.

  “With Niko?” Sasha chuckled, joining the conversation. “No, he’s just probably screwing anything that walks, like he usually does. We’ll hear from him soon enough.”

  Jaryn gawked. He’d only met the man once and then only briefly. He had no idea Niko was a player. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, either. Jaryn was perfectly happy with the two men he had.

  “Is your mother going to write that how-to manual on tri-omegas?” Jaryn asked Leyland, changing the subject.

  “I hope so.” Leyland laughed. “With as many tri-omegas as we have around here, she could make a lot of money selling the damn things.”

  “It certainly would have been useful for us,” Ryland added in. “I had no idea what ability I would have. I didn’t even know I was a tri-omega until Leyland’s mother told me. Imagine my surprise.”

  “I will always be grateful for your ability to heal, Ryland,” Jaryn said. “I don’t think I would have made it without you healing me.”

  “I’m grateful for it, too,” Ryland replied. “I’ve been able to do a lot of good with it.”

  “You all seem to have these great abilities that can help other people,” Jaryn complained, frowning just a bit. “I still haven’t figured out how my ability can help anyone. Being able to see someone’s mate bond isn’t exactly high on the demand list.”

  Jaryn heard a small inhale from Ryland. He glanced over at the man, concerned when he saw his pale face. “Ryland?”

  “You can see mate bonds?” Ryland whispered.

  “Yeah, when I close my eyes.”

  “Can you—would you—” Ryland stammered.

  Jaryn grew even more concerned when Ryland buried his face in Gregory’s shirt. The man’s arms instantly wrapped around Ryland. Viktor curled closer on Ryland’s other side, his hand rubbing up and down Ryland’s back.


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