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Whisper to Me (Borne Vampires Book 1)

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by Petzler, W. M.





  ~Blood is life, but what is life without a soul?~

  Copyright ©May 2014, Wend Petzler

  Cover Design © May 2014, Aaron Barton

  Kindle Edition

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Wend Petzler, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  Some say their angels have wings, mine had fur. I’d like to dedicate Whisper to Me to Salish and Bear. Yep, they’re real and they were my fur babies. I had to say goodbye to my beloved wolf on April 11, 2007, and to my bodyguard, Bear, on October 24, 2013. It’s strange and lonely not having them beside me, protecting me, loving me as one of their pack. I miss them every single day and thank God for placing those wonderful creatures in my life.

  One last thing…. Thank you, Salish, for saving me that awful day. If you hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here today. Love you and Bear always.

  Chapter One

  Oh, God, he was near!

  Making ready to run, she froze as smoke filled her lungs, choking her, burning her throat, and nose. Made her eyes water. Smell of smoke fades, replaced by the putrid odor of rotting corpses. The stench grows stronger. A terrified whine crept upward in her throat, threatening to break out into a scream.

  Death was closing in on her.

  Swiping the back of her hand across her eyes so she could see, she gasped. Two pinpoints of light break through the murkiness. Eyes. Glowing blood-red. Hunger pulsed within those fiery depths. No face, only those terrible eyes devouring her, slithered over her possessively, making her skin crawl in revulsion.

  He spoke to her. “Mariah, you cannot run from me. I will always find you. Why fight what is destined to be?”

  Trying not to gag from the awful smell, she shouts, “What do you want from me?”

  “It is time, my love.”

  “Time for what?” Oh, God, she couldn’t see his eyes anymore!

  Lips brushed her ear. “Time to die, Mariah, and be mine forever!”

  “Son-of-a—” Jerking upright, she nearly fell off her chair, catching the edge of the kitchen table to right herself. The movement woke the laptop’s screen and the partially edited manuscript appeared.

  Wiping an unsteady hand across her face, she drew it back and saw it was wet with perspiration. After all these years, the nightmare had never changed … until now when he’d touched her! Damn, she could still feel his lips brush her ears as he’s spoke to her. He had felt real — too real.

  Could he be…?

  “No, he’s not real. Just my imagination trying to break me down, that’s all.” As she said those words out loud for the thousandth time, she couldn’t make herself believe it anymore. No one has the same exact dream about a faceless man wanting you to tell him where you are so he can kill you.

  Uneasy, she pulled out the braided, silver chain from under her pink flannel pajama top and held it in her hands, gazing at it. The black cross centered in the beaten metal gleamed darkly at her. Rubbing her thumb across the raised runes around the cross, as she had thousands of times before, she had tried to have them translated, but no one could. Hell, she couldn’t even remember who had given her the pendent the night her parents had died.

  God, how had she escaped the fire and her parents hadn’t? Who had saved her? Why did they give her the pendent? Couldn’t remember anything of her childhood before that night either. None of the string of therapists could break through the barrier in her mind, only giving her more questions than answers.

  “God, why can’t I remember?” Frustrated, she fought not to cry, scared and tired of being haunted by the damned nightmares. A cold nose touched her arm.

  She looked down and saw her wolf’s gold-topaz eyes watching her with concern. Stroking her large head, she smiled as Salish leaned into her. A regal beauty, Salish possessed a silky white coat, black and silver sweeping down her long back to the tip of her bushy tail. Salish broke all the myths and misconceptions where hybrid wolves were concerned. Sensitive and loving, there wasn’t a bad bone in her body. She felt blessed the wolf had chosen her as friend.

  Her other dog, Bear, a big, black and gold-colored German Shepard, Chow, and Golden Retriever mix, rested his big head on her lap. She rubbed his silky ears, knowing it was his favorite spot. He had made himself her bodyguard, and Bear took his duty to keep her safe very seriously.

  Softly spoken, a man’s voice broke the silence, “Forgive me.”

  “What the—” Startled, Mariah searched for the intruder and found her dogs walking over to the fireplace, stretching out before the fire, unconcerned.

  “Great. Hearing voices now. Why not? Just had a dream about the devil. Why not hearing guys asking for forgiveness?” Mentally giving herself a shake, she ordered, “Girl, get your act together. You gotta get this book done. ‘Gone crazy’ won’t fly with the publisher.”

  Scooting back to the table, she put her hands on the keyboard of her laptop, freezing when she heard rapid popping gunfire. White-hot metal ripped into her chest. The savage force of the bullets hitting her threw her backward, and she hit the kitchen floor. Blood jetted everywhere. Her dogs jumped to their feet and ran to her, whining as they inspected her. Just as quick at it had started, the horrible pain stopped. Cautiously, she pushed herself upright.

  No wounds, no blood. If she hadn’t been hurt, who was?

  ‘Forgive me’ echoed in her mind once more, the man’s voice deep and warm, sad and resigned, as if he knew he wasn’t going to make it.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” On her feet, she rushed to the picture window and threw open the pale-blue curtains. The world outside was dark and foreboding, unrecognizable when once it was peaceful and familiar. A dense, surreal layer of fog crawled across the pine needle-strewed ground.

  Salish ran to the front door, raking her nails down it and looked back at her. Mariah knew what the wolf wanted. God, she didn’t want to get involve. Didn’t need the trouble. Salish whined at her.

  Her shoulders dropped in defeat. “Let me get my jacket on, and we’ll go find him.”

  Shrugging on a heavy, corduroy jacket, she pulled her long, auburn hair out and slipped her bare feet into a pair of running shoes, then hurried into the kitchen. From the knife rack, she selected the largest one. Turning off the lights on her way back to her dogs waiting by the door, shadows lengthened down the walls as the blazin
g fire in the rock-faced fireplace held back the late October chill. She grabbed the flashlight and switched it on. Cautiously, she opened the door.

  “Salish, find him.” The wolf gave her a nod and leapt off the porch, Bear fast on her heels.

  Snowcapped, the San Francisco Peaks rose like sentinels, protecting the strangely silent woods. Hurrying after her dogs, the fog dulled the yellowed beam of light streaming from her flashlight, making it difficult for her to see roots and brush hidden underneath it. Further down the trail, she caught glimpses of Mormon Lake through the Ponderosa pines, its dark waters disappearing under the swelling fog. Shaking with fear, sweat trickled down her back. Fingers ice cold and numb, making it hard to hold onto the flashlight and knife. A strong wind arose, rustling the heavy branches of the trees, causing them to creak in protest. On the wind a faint foul smell rode, making her stumble.


  “Screw this! Sal—”A hand latched onto her ankle and yanked her down. Her knees slammed into the hard, rocky ground. The force of it made her drop the knife.

  Searching for it, she used her flashlight and centered on a dark figure sitting five feet from her. Dense shadows surrounding her assailant shifted, transforming into a man. Haggard-looking, his skin was as white as the fog swirling around them. His cheeks were sunken in, dark hollows under his coal-black eyes. His breathing, harsh and ragged, blew out in billows in the chilly air.

  His eyes glowed red!

  “No!” She shoved away, but the man grabbed her arm in his large hand, dragging her to him. Her flashlight centered on his broad chest, and she saw his leather coat was ripped, gleaming wetly. She could smell gunpowder, junipers … the forest. Not death.

  Not the nightmare man!

  Salish and Bear growled ... not at the man, but at something in the woods. The man’s lips curled into a snarl, exposing his fangs.


  Shit! Fighting to free herself, she realized she didn’t have her flashlight. He had it! How did he take it without her feeling him take it from her?

  Releasing her arm, he turned off the flashlight, and the only light she could see with was the eerily glowing fog. A sharp ‘crack’ of a stick breaking shattered the quiet. Grabbing Bear and Salish’s collars, she looked at the man — vampire, whatever he was. He placed his finger to his lips, warning her to keep silent.

  “I know the son-of-a-bitch is around here.”

  “How do you know?” another asked. “I can't even see my damn feet with this here fog!”

  “Cuz I found blood a hundred yards back that aways, that’s why. Now quit yer bitchin' bout the fog! You know vampires can summon the elements. Let's search the hill. Betcha ya the vamp went to higher ground, so he can attack us.”

  God, he was a vampire!

  “Attack us? Shit, I thought we put enough bullets in him to kill the bastard.”

  “Got to stake him, you dumbass, and cut off his head to make sure they stay dead. Geez, don’t you remember anything I taught ya?”

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting.”

  “Forget and you’re dead. What we’re hunting is no ordinary vamp. He’s smarter and a hundred times deadlier than those we killed down in Tucson. Keep yer eyes and ears open. We just pissed him off when we shot him. He’ll be wantin’ to kill us right bad now.”

  “Ah, shit. Let’s find him quick before he finds us.”

  The vampire stared in the same direction as her dogs did as the men left. With a sinking feeling, she knew they’d eventually backtrack when they failed to find their prey on the hill. When they came back, they’d find her with the vampire and possibly hurt her, too. Or kill her. Her only hope for survival was the vampire, and he was in bad shape. If vampire lore was right, he needed blood to heal his wounds.

  Her blood.

  Shifting closer to him, she whispered, “Okay, we’re in trouble here. You’re hurt and way too big for me to carry back to my cabin, but you can get us there, if you were ... were better.” Swallowing hard, she went on, “I’ll give you what you need to heal, in exchange for something.”

  The vampire's eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What do you want?” Despite his injuries, his faintly accented voice radiated power and defiance.

  “A kiss.” Why did she ask for that?

  “Excuse me?”

  She quickly amended, “And to get me and my dogs back to my cabin. Is it a deal?”

  “You know what I am and are not afraid of me?”

  “Oh, I’m terrified of you; however, I’m more scared of those men who shot you than of you right now.”

  “You are correct in fearing those humans. They would have no reservations about killing you, to eliminate any witnesses of their crime hunting a man, even if I am not human in the general sense.”

  Cursing her stupidity at getting involved, she figured her plan was still the best option for them to survive. “Do we have a deal?” She held out her hand to him.

  Staring at her hand, he slowly extended his out and clasped hers in a firm handshake. “Deal.” Letting her hand slip out of his, he asked, “What is your name?”

  “Mariah Jordan. Yours?”

  “Rathe Romulas.”

  “Well, umm, how should we go about it?” She fidgeted nervously, unable to hold her gaze steady with his.

  Amusement animated his harsh countenance. “It?”

  “Uh, the uh, you know, the blood thing.”

  She tried not to flinch when he gently cupped her throat with his hand. He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, “Be not afraid, Mariah. I won’t harm you. I promise.”

  “I trust you,” she said quietly, almost smiling at his surprise.

  Brushing his firm lips against hers, he teased and caressed her mouth, a jolt of desire sizzling right through her, startling her. Although it had been a long time since a man had kissed her, none in her past came close to Rathe Romulas’s kiss! Never had kissing a man felt so wonderful … so delicious — so wildly passionate. So right!

  Tracing the tip of his tongue along her lower lip, he refused to deepen the kiss when she tried to. Tormenting her, exciting her to levels she’d never known, she slipped her arms around his neck, and he pulled her onto his lap, parting her legs to fit around his waist. Feeling his erection pressed intimately to her, she rocked, needing him closer — inside her. His eyes opened and stared into hers. She gasped.

  Rathe’s eyes had changed!

  A glowing, silver ring had formed around the black orbs. Despite the ferocity of his eyes, the wildness of his desire, she didn’t care what he was, only knowing his hunger matched her own, and she needed more of him. Threading her fingers through his soft hair, she took a fistful and angled him so she could ravish his delicious, hot mouth, thrusting her tongue against his, excited when he devoured her in return.

  His hands crawled under her coat, under her pajama top and moved along her ribs, she bit her lip from moaning her pleasure. Caressing her breast, he used his thumb to tease her nipple, causing it to tighten. Liquid heat pooled between her thighs as he gently pinched her, kneading and stroking her as he nuzzled her throat. Grinding down on him, she welcomed the rush of pleasure and heat, needing him to strip her and take her right there and now.


  Desire sizzled right through him, startling him. Never in his six hundred years had kissing a mortal done that to him before!

  Molding his lips to the soft curve of her neck, swirling sweeps of his tongue, he tasted the saltiness of her damp skin. Mariah's blood called to him. Sang to him, beckoned him to take her, an erotic invitation to his starving body. In response, his fangs descended. The bloodlust besieged him, threatened his control not to rip into her throat and drain her of her precious blood. She arched her head back, exposing her throat to him. The demon inside him roared triumphantly.

  Sliding his hand around the back of her head, he grasped a fistful of her long, curling hair and held her as he sank his fangs deep into the soft muscles of her throat. She cried out, struggling
to escape him, but he effortlessly held her as he fed. When she held him, need and pleasure mingled with pain and helplessness, resonating from her into him. Holding her tighter, he closed his eyes and drank her intoxicating blood.

  Distantly, he thought he heard a growl. Lifting his eyes, Rathe saw the wolf was inches away from his face. Her lips were drawn back in a snarl, exposing her long, sharp teeth. He straightened, and she sank backward into his arm. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “No, no, no! Mariah, don’t you dare die on me.” He laid her down on the ground, shoved his sleeve back, and bit his wrist. Before the wound could close, he opened her mouth and pressed the wound to her lips. Massaging her throat, he managed to get her to swallow it.

  “Drink, Mariah! Drink my blood,” he urged as he pumped his fist to make the blood flow faster into her mouth.

  When he thought she had ingested enough of his blood, he pressed his ear to her chest and heard the slow beating of her fragile heart. She was alive. Checking his wrist, he saw the wound had healed, and the realization of his actions crashed in on him.

  “God in Heaven, what did I just do?” Clumsily, he sat down beside the unconscious woman. He, who had been fanatical about upholding the Borne laws, had broken the First Law for a human female he had just met!

  Hell that was the least of his problems when he spotted the hunters on the hill. Their bodies radiated heat like beacons in the night. They were sweeping back where he and the woman were. Well, she’d kept her end of their bargain, so would he.

  Lifting her into his arms, he stood and said to the wolf, “Lead the way to your cabin.”

  The wolf and her companion headed down the trail. He followed them, alert for other hunters and the Damned they served. Passing the lake, he saw a small cabin emerge out of the fog he’d summoned. He scanned the cabin and perimeter, finding the two who shot him was heading in the opposite direction of him.


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