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Page 36

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Thank you.” Lathe sighed. “Now look…here is where I’m going to bite you.”

  He drew an X with his fingertip, just at the crease where her torso met her right leg. “I’ll need you to spread even wider to let me in. Can you?”

  In answer, Ari opened her thighs even wider. This was embarrassing because she could feel her pussy lips parting with the movement, opening like a flower under the white lace panties Liv had given her to wear with the red dress. Could Lathe see her pussy parting for him as she opened her legs? The panties were fairly sheer.

  I should be all right as long as I don’t start getting wet, Ari told herself uncomfortably. If these panties get soaked he’s going to see everything.

  Well hopefully that wouldn’t happen. After all, Lathe had promised to make this quick, she reminded herself as he bent to nuzzle at her inner thigh. He opened his mouth and she thought he was about to get started. But instead of biting, he flattened his tongue and licked from the bottom all the way up to the top of her thigh.

  “Hey!” Ari protested, jumping a little and feeling her heart skitter in her chest. “I thought you were just going to bite.”

  “I am.” Lathe looked up at her, an unreadable expression in his eyes. “But I must prepare the site first. What I am doing is drawing the blood vessel I need to pierce to the surface. It’s much easier that way.”

  It didn’t feel easier to Ari and she thought uncomfortably that she could feel herself starting to get wet. But hopefully he would hurry up and just get it over with.

  But rather than rush the experience, Lathe seemed determined to take his time and lick and suck every inch of her inner thigh.

  “Lathe,” she whispered at last. “When are you going to—”

  At that moment, he bit—all four points of his fangs sinking into the tender flesh of her inner thigh at once.

  At once Ari felt the pleasure overtaking her…overwhelming her…rolling her over like an unexpectedly huge wave at the beach.

  “Oh!” Unable to stop herself, she grasped for him, her fingers finding his thick, dark hair. Her back arched and a moan that sounded suspiciously like his name left her lips. There was a warm tingling that ran from her pussy, all the way up to her neck and Ari writhed under him, overcome with desire.

  It seemed to go on and on but at last, Lathe sat back, panting. His eyes were heavy-lidded with desire as they traveled from the spot between her thighs…up to her flushed face…and back down again.

  “Oh!” Ari whispered, slumping back against the sofa. She felt like she’d been in the process of getting electrocuted by pleasure and someone had just cut the current. “That was…amazing. It felt so good.”

  “I’m glad my bite gives you pleasure, but I’d like to see if it worked,” Lathe murmured. Rising, he bent to examine the wounded side of Ari’s neck again, lifting the bandages to have a look.

  What he saw made him purse his lips and shake his head.

  “Let me guess,” Ari said with a sinking heart. “It didn’t work.”

  “Not completely, no. But I believe it is starting to work,” Lathe said. “The webwork of corruption is definitely shrinking. I think if I bit you again, injected more of my essence…”

  “All right.” Ashamed of her own eagerness but unable to help herself, Ari spread her thighs for him a second time, welcoming him in. But when she looked down at herself she almost shut them again.

  Oh my Goddess—look how wet I’m getting!

  It was true—the white lace panties were now thoroughly soaked with her juices. The sheer material had turned transparent and was clinging to her swollen pussy lips. Ari could even see the little pink pearl of her clit poking out between them, as though begging for attention.

  She started to close her legs but Lathe stopped her, his hands on her thighs.

  “What’s wrong, Ari? I thought you wanted me to bite you again.”

  “I do but it’s just…” She shifted in embarrassment. “I can’t seem to help uh, reacting when you bite me.”

  “Reacting?” He looked down at her see-through panties and understanding dawned on his face. “Oh, reacting,” he murmured. “Gods, yes—I see what you mean. Always so wet, my numalla.”

  “I…I’m probably ruining the nice panties Liv gave me to wear,” Ari whispered, her cheeks feeling flushed with a strange mixture of shame and desire. She liked the hot note she heard in Lathe’s deep voice and the way he was looking at her made her heart feel like it was beating right between her thighs.

  “If that bothers you, you can always take them off,” he offered in a soft growl. “Would you like to do that, Ari? Do you want to take off your panties before I bite you again?”

  Goddess, that deep, warm tone he was using and the half-lidded look of lust in his turquoise eyes made her feel so hot she could barely breathe. Not to mention that his bonding scent had come out to play. The warm, rich, masculine fragrance coming from him seemed to do things to her insides, making her feel molten from the waist down.

  “If…if you don’t mind,” she whispered. “I mean if it won’t bother you to bite me so close to…”

  “To your sweet, wet pussy?” he growled softly. “No, of course it won’t bother me, little one. Would you like some help to take them off?”

  “Yes, please,” Ari murmured. She lifted her hips and Lathe obligingly reached for the sides of the panties and pulled the soaked lace down her legs, leaving her completely bare.

  “That’s good,” he said softly, spreading her thighs again with his hands and leaning closer. “Goddess, your scent is so sweet! Are you ready for me to bite you again, Ari?”

  Ari nodded. “Yes, please. I…I want you to.”

  Feeling almost drugged with lust, she allowed him to spread her wide again. But she couldn’t help the moan of desire that came from her throat when she felt his rough whiskers brush against her sensitive pussy as he pressed his face to her inner thigh.

  “Relax now sweetheart and let yourself come when I bite you,” Lathe instructed. “That will speed up your heart rate and carry my essence to where it needs to go.”

  “Yes, Lathe,” she moaned but the words were barely out of her mouth before he bit her again.

  As the four sharp points of his fangs sank into her flesh a second time, Ari cried out and bucked her hips in pleasure. Lathe had instructed her to let herself come but it was like telling her to let herself breathe. There was no way to stop it—like a wave at the ocean it rolled her over and she went with it helplessly, swept out like a bit of driftwood in the tide.

  She felt the tingling in her neck again but the rest of her body was so alive with pleasurable sensations she could barely notice it.

  “Lathe!” she moaned. “Oh Goddess, yes—that feels so good…so good!”

  He didn’t let up again until she’d come three or four times, her pussy clenching helplessly even though he wasn’t even touching her there.

  Goddess, so good but I feel so empty, Ari couldn’t help thinking. Need something…something inside me. Something deep and hard…

  But Lathe was still being careful not to touch her intimately, except for the side of his face which was rubbing against her as he bit her inner thigh. The rough whiskers felt good—almost too good to her over-stimulated pussy. She moaned and edged away from him a little just as he finished and sat up.

  “How do you feel, little one?” he murmured, looking up at Ari. “Did you feel the healing that time?”

  “Some,” she whispered. “The pleasure when you bit me was so intense it was hard to concentrate. “I felt so…” she looked down at herself and bit back a gasp. Her pussy was more wet and swollen than she had ever seen it—her outer lips coated and shiny with her juices which were beginning to spill out over the brown leather couch cushion. “Goddess! Now I’m going to ruin your couch!” she exclaimed.

  “You won’t ruin it,” Lathe promised her. “But…if it bothers you I can help clean you up. As I did our last night at BleakHall,” he added. “When I
covered your scent.”

  “You mean…clean me with your…”

  “With my tongue, little one.” His voice was a soft, lustful growl. “Yes, it would be my pleasure to give your soft little pussy a tongue bath if you feel that your juices are a little too messy.”

  “That’s…that’s very kind of you,” Ari whispered breathlessly. “If…if you really want to, I don’t mind.”

  “I would love to taste you again,” Lathe growled. “And since the healing compounds in my essence are also present in my saliva and other body fluids, it would be most beneficial.”

  “Well if it’s part of the treatment then I guess we should definitely do it,” Ari murmured. Heart pounding, she spread her legs wider. “Come clean me up, Lathe,” she murmured. “Give me a tongue bath like you promised.”

  A low groan of desire rose in his throat as he pressed between her legs for a third time and wrapped his arms around her thighs.

  Ari gasped as he split her wide and then cried out as she felt his hot tongue lapping her pussy fiercely, starting at the bottom and gliding eagerly to the very top of her slit, as though Lathe wanted to capture every drop of her honey along the way.

  “Gods, you taste so sweet,” he growled, after the first pass. “But your pussy is still so wet, my numalla—I’m afraid I’ll have to keep licking.”

  “That’s all right,” Ari assured him. “I…I don’t mind. You can lick me as much as you want to, Lathe.”

  The big Kindred took her at her word. Cupping her ass in his hands, he raised her to his mouth like a thirsty man drinking from a bowl of water. Ari couldn’t help remembering how he’d told her that Kindred needed to taste their mates this way—needed to lick the honey from their pussies and make their females come again and again.

  She tangled her hands in his hair once more and pressed up to meet him, eager to take the pleasure he was giving, eager to open herself for him completely. Lathe lashed the sensitive, swollen bud of her clit with his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth, circling it slowly until she cried out and twisted in his hands, so over-stimulated it felt like she might leave her body and start flying.

  “Lathe!” she moaned. “Oh Goddess, yes…right there…right there. Don’t stop—I’m so close…so close.”

  At that moment she felt two long, strong fingers sliding into her pussy, filling her exactly the way she needed to be filled. With a low cry, she felt herself tipping over the edge yet again—but this time her pussy had something to grasp when the orgasm hit her.

  Feels so good, she thought deliriously as he pressed deep inside her. So, so good!

  But though it felt good, it wasn’t exactly right. She needed more somehow—not just his fingers. She needed something thicker, something longer…

  Lathe stayed with her, riding out her orgasm until she collapsed, panting on the couch.

  “Oh, Goddess…” Ari’s voice sounded weak in her own ears. “That was…that felt amazing, Lathe.”

  “But did it help your healing? I need to check your throat.” Carefully he withdrew his fingers and licked them clean. Then he lapped gently around Ari’s pussy—not to stimulate her again but simply to clean up her juices, just as he had promised. “Gods, I love your taste,” he murmured as he finished and stood to look at her neck. “Hmmm…”

  “Well?” Ari wanted to see the look on his face but since he was peering at the side of her neck, the angle was wrong. “Is it all right? Did it work?” she asked anxiously.

  “Not…completely.” Lathe sounded frustrated. “At least the bandages can come off now, though. Come see for yourself.”

  He helped her off the couch and led her to a bathroom—what the Kindred called a “fresher” she remembered—to look at herself in the 3-D viewer.

  Ari bit her lip when she saw how wide her pupils had dilated and how flushed her cheeks were. The red dress was askew, one shoulder drooping so low it was barely covering her breast. She started to pull it up but Lathe stopped her.

  “No, you need to see the results of the healing.” Peeling the bandages off carefully, he pointed to the exposed side of her neck.

  Ari let out a little gasp. The ugly black webbing of corruption was almost completely gone. Except for a small spot under her ear, no bigger than a large coin, nothing remained of the evil black lines that had covered her neck.

  “That’s amazing, Lathe,” she breathed, turning her head from side to side to admire the healing. “You can barely see it at all now!”

  “But it is still there.” He sounded frustrated. “And it needs to be eradicated completely or it will grow back.”

  “What can we do?” Ari met his eyes in the viewer. “Just keep, uh, doing this as treatment every time it starts growing again? Letting you bite me and make me come?”

  “Well, that would require you to stay aboard the Mother Ship.” Lathe’s voice was carefully neutral. “I thought you intended to return to Phobos.”

  “I don’t have to go right away.” Ari was careful to keep her tone casual as well. “I mean, Jak already runs the family business by himself. He wouldn’t mind if I stayed on the Mother Ship. At least for a while.”

  “I’d love to have you stay,” Lathe said quietly. “But the physician in me doesn’t want to settle for an incomplete healing. There is one other thing we could try. But you might not want to when you hear what it is.”

  “Tell me,” Ari said curiously. “I was going to let Yipper dissect the side of my neck—whatever it is, it can’t be worse than that.”

  Lathe took a deep breath as though trying to think how to say what he had to say.

  “Remember when I told you the healing compounds in my body are present in my saliva and other body fluids as well as in my essence?”

  Ari nodded. “Yes—so?”

  “So they are particularly concentrated in my semen—my seed,” he murmured. “Of course, injecting my essence into your bloodstream via my fangs is the most direct route to get the healing compounds where they need to go, but they will find their way to the area that needs healing no matter how they enter your body. And since the compounds in my seed are so concentrated—”

  “Yes,” Ari said, before he could finish the explanation.

  Lathe frowned and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “You realize I’m talking about fucking you, little one? About filling your soft little pussy with my cock and coming deep inside you?” he growled.

  “Yes,” Ari whispered again.

  Though he had already given her multiple orgasms, she suddenly felt weak in the knees with need. Standing on her tiptoes, she pulled him down for a sweet, breathless kiss. He tasted of her own secret flavor which only made her want him now.

  “Yes, please,” she told him when the kiss finally broke, holding his eyes with her own. “I want you to fill me. I want you inside me, Lathe. Deep inside.”

  He voiced a low growl of approval.

  “Gods, little one. I didn’t know you wanted it that badly.”

  “I do.” Ari felt shame and desire rising inside her. “I was thinking that when you were…were using your fingers on me,” she told him. “Thinking that I needed something longer…something thicker…”

  “I think we can manage that,” Lathe growled softly. Then his face grew serious. “There is one thing though—I want you to know I’ll be careful not to bite you at the same time I fill you with my seed. That would form a bond between us so I’ll be cautious with my fangs while I’m inside you.”

  Ari felt her heart sink but she only nodded. She wished with all her heart that they could bond but apparently it wasn’t to be. If this was the one and only time she could make love with the big Kindred then she would take what she could get.

  “All right,” she whispered. “Can…should we go get started?”

  Lathe rumbled a laugh. “Eager, aren’t you little one?”

  “Yes,” Ari said simply. “I…I can’t describe it, Lathe but I feel so…so hungry inside for you. Hungry to be filled.” She looked u
p at him. “Does that make sense?”

  “Perfect sense because I’m hungry to fill you—to feel you all around me,” he murmured. Stooping, he picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the bathroom, taking her back to the couch.

  He settled on a broad cushion with Ari in his lap and she wiggled against him, feeling something hot and hard pressing against her ass.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “How can you get to me with your trousers in the way?”

  “That’s easily fixed.” Reaching between them, Lathe unfastened the trousers and pulled the black leather open, revealing his long, thick shaft.

  Ari bit her lip when she saw the size of it. She’d only seen him hard once, when she sucked him in the Rec Yard. But somehow she seemed to have forgotten how huge he was. Now that she was preparing to make love with the big Kindred, she had doubts about whether she could take him or not.

  “Wow.” She laughed uneasily. “I know I told you I needed something bigger than your fingers but this…” She nodded at his shaft and shook her head doubtfully. “I don’t know, Lathe. I’ve only ever had sex twice before and you’re way bigger than either of the guys I was with.”

  “You’re a numalla,” he murmured confidently. “That’s one reason we Blood Kindred love a female who makes a lot of pussy honey—it helps her to allow a Kindred-sized shaft to slide in easily. And I promise to go slowly, Ari. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He lifted an eyebrow at her in question.

  “No.” Ari shook her head firmly. “No, I want to do this. Let’s just…take it slow, okay?”

  “As slow as you need to,” Lathe promised. “In fact, I’ll let you take the lead. I’m just going to sit here while you do what you want with me.”

  “Hmm, I think I like that.” Ari felt a surge of power. She liked the idea of taking control. Rearranging herself in his lap so she was straddling his lean hips and facing him, she lifted the short red skirt.

  Lathe groaned softly when her pussy came into view again.

  “Gods, look how wet you are again, little one! Can’t wait to feel that soft, hot little pussy wrapped around my shaft.”


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