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Ever Found: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

Page 10

by L. E. Bross

  I freeze, trying to remember what Luc told me about their families.

  “I thought they were all friends? William, Peter and Wendi. Since high school, right?” He tilts a questioning glance my way and I shrug. “Luc told me.”

  Riot stiffens but he doesn’t pull away.

  “Luc knew.” The venom returns to his voice. “Every time Wendi brought us over to hang out, it was so they could be alone. I…fuck.” He drops his chin to his chest. “I caught them one time, kissing like they were fucking starved for each other. They didn’t see me but I heard them. I heard her tell William she was leaving Peter. That she couldn’t pretend anymore, that her life was a fucking lie.”

  My mind is spinning.

  “She never wanted us,” he says softly. “She wanted to be a family with William and Luc. We were just some kind of fucking consolation prize. That love I told you about? It was all just an illusion. A lie.”

  He pulls his arm from around me and drops his hands between his thighs, leaning on his elbows as he stares out into the dark.

  “I told Peter.”

  His fingers spread and fist over and over.

  “I was so angry at her. I went home that night and called him. The thing is, I can’t blame her. Peter was hardly ever home and he and William had a huge blow up and he stopped going to his house. They fought about it a lot. All around it was a shitty situation, but in that moment, all the anger and hurt had a target. Peter clearly didn’t want a family and Wendi, she wanted someone else’s. Where the hell did that leave Baz and X?”

  I reach out and take his hand, forcing his fingers straight so I can entwine mine with his. He curls them into my touch and I want to wrap myself around him and hold him so tight he never doubts that he is worth loving.

  “And you, too, Ry.” My voice cracks but I don’t care. This boy is breaking my heart.

  His breathing turns ragged as he gulps in uneven lungfuls of air.

  “This is why you cut Luc out?”

  “He was supposed to be my best friend and he didn’t say a fucking thing to me.”

  “I don’t think he knew. He told me he doesn’t know why you stopped talking to him. He misses you, Ry. A lot.”

  “He knew. How could he not? It was happening right under his nose. She was at his house the night she went missing. I followed her. Saw her and William kiss on the front porch before she left.”

  His jaw clenches but then he drops his head and tilts it to look at me.

  “What if she gave Hook the timepiece? For safekeeping or something. What if she knew Peter was going to do something that night? Fuck, I still can’t believe he knew where she was all this time.”

  “Do you think she knew about the chip?”

  “Why else would she hide it some place he couldn't get to?”

  “What do you think’s on it?”

  His eyes glitter in the dim moonlight.

  “Something important enough to steal.”

  That reminder brings back the feelings of guilt. I didn’t have a choice but I could have done things differently. Maybe trusted them a little more. I can’t change what has already happened, but I can make sure that they know the truth going forward.

  “I really am sorry. I wanted to tell you guys the truth, but Peter said it was better if you didn’t know. In case he didn’t find her. My gut kept telling me something was off, but I didn’t listen. If I told you guys the first day, maybe Wendi would be home already.”

  Riot shifts next to me.

  “And maybe you wouldn’t hate me.”

  He exhales sharply. “It’s not all about what you didn’t say. You hooked up with Luc the day after you said you were ours. What the hell was I supposed to think? I didn’t even know you had a fucking sister, much less that you were looking for her.” He looks at me sideways. “You told Baz, though.”

  The hurt comes out loud and clear.

  “You trusted him, but not me.”

  He pushes to his feet and walks a few feet away, stopping to stare out across the shadowed landscape. He’s right. I wanted them to trust me even though I didn’t trust them. I told Baz about Belle because I thought he could help me.

  Selfishly, it wasn’t about trust so much as necessity. If Peter backed out of his promise, I needed a backup plan. I didn’t consider the guys’ feelings. I’ve never had to consider anyone’s feelings but Belle.

  It’s easy to see my mistakes looking back.

  “I’d say I was sorry, but it feels hollow,” I tell his back. “I’m not used to trusting people, Ry. I mean anyone. Foster parents, social workers, kids in the group homes, I’ve never been able to rely on anyone for anything. I’ve been protecting Belle literally my entire life. My mom walked out and left when Belle was a baby. I took care of her for weeks before anyone noticed. I’ve spent my life making sure that she was safe and loved, that she had everything she wanted and needed. I get that it’s selfish to want to have her with me, to want to take her away from people who love her enough to adopt her, but god, Ry, she’s all I have.”

  He turns slowly, then moves until he’s right in front of me.

  “Why does it have to be all or nothing? You have the chance to give her everything, Peep, you just can’t see it. You have the chance to actually trust other people, people who care about you.” He crouches down and lays his hands on my knees.

  I stare into his shadow-covered eyes, then cup his face.

  “So do you. Baz and X love you and you’re scaring the crap out of them. Tell them why, Riot. You shouldn't feel guilty because it wasn’t your fault. Wendi didn’t leave because of what you said. And even if she was having an affair, that wasn’t on you. And…” I take a deep breath in. “Maybe you should talk to Luc.”

  Riot immediately withdraws. “Not gonna happen.”

  “What if he didn’t know what was going on? What if you cut your best friend out of your life for nothing? He misses you. He’s torn up because he doesn't know why.”

  Riot storms off toward his bike and I jump up to follow. I wouldn’t put it past him to leave me here in the dark. We may have had a heart to heart, but he reacts first and thinks later.

  “Riot.” I grab his arm and he swings around.

  “What, Ever? What do you want me to do? I can barely wrap my head around all the shit you told us last night, and you just want me to what? Make nice with Luc now? The guy who likes you that you’re being forced to date?”

  I pull back at the venom in his voice. I can’t blame him though.

  “At least talk to him.”

  “No.” He yanks his bike up and throws a leg over. I scramble to grab the helmet and climb behind him before he leaves. He surprises me when he waits until I’ve got it strapped on.

  We sit on his bike in silence.

  “I can’t see past the fact that you’re with him, okay?”

  His confession hits me hard and I ease my hands around his waist even as guilt threatens to drown me. I can’t stop yet. We still have to delete the pictures that Trey has, and until then, he has to believe I’m playing along.

  I grip Ry harder as the bike jumps to life. Neither of us say anything more on the drive home. I can't assure him that I won’t date Luc and I guess I can't blame him for how he feels.

  If I had to watch him with Aine everyday knowing that he was only with her because someone was blackmailing him, I’d probably lose my shit.

  “I’m sorry.” But my apology is lost in the night.

  Riot may be the one who races bikes like he has nothing to lose, but I have a feeling I’m the one who’s going to crash and burn.

  Chapter Nine

  Peter is gone again in the morning.

  The guys are strangely quiet at breakfast, but when we all leave, Baz gets in the car with me.

  “So what happened with Belle? You never told me if you saw her.”

  “I did.” I glance at him as I pull out of the garage. “How did Riot find me?”

  He ducks his head. “He found the file you
left on your bed. Brought it to me asking what the hell it was. I had to tell him, Ever. When I told him what happened last time, he took off after you. He was worried about what would happen if she wasn’t there.”

  He went because he was worried?

  “She’s there.”

  When I don’t say anything else Baz turns in the seat.

  “And? Did you talk to her?”

  I shake my head because emotion is clogging my throat. Every time I think about seeing her I am torn. A huge part of me wants to drive back to Ashley Forest and grab her and run. It’s the smaller part that holds me back. The part that heard Riot, that wonders if he’s right. Is Belle happy where she is?

  Does she want to be there?

  “What happened last night?” he finally asks.

  We’re almost at school and I’m not sure I can get into it all with Baz right now.

  “Can you get the stuff you need off Trey’s phone without actually having it in your hands?” I turn into the lot and start to head to the back but Baz waves his hand to the front. My spot is open again. I guess that’s as good as the guys announcing to the entire school I’m back in their good graces.

  I pull in and kill the engine.

  “I could try to clone it. It might give me enough information, but I’d have to be close to do it. It’s worth a shot.”

  “Let’s try that before we tell Luc everything.”

  He gives me a knowing look and I shrug.

  “Ry asked. I want to try this for him first. I hate hurting him.”

  Baz reaches out and takes my hand. “And I hate seeing you near anyone except us, but it’s fueling the fire to take care of Trey once and for all.”

  People walk by, their curious stares directed at us. Let them talk. If Trey doesn't like it, then too bad. He can send those pictures to whoever he wants. But that’s the thing. I don't think he will. He wants something bigger, I just don't know what it is yet.

  “I’ll be in the lab at lunch. If you need a support.”

  A wicked grin tips his lips up in the corner and I feel heat climbing my neck. Out of the three, I had him pegged as the quiet one, but ever since we made up, Baz hasn’t made it a secret he likes me.

  “Don't you dare screw with my locker or my laptop again,” I warn with a mock glare.

  “Or what?” The deep promise in his voice almost makes me back out of the parking lot and drive us home. He jump started my libido the other night and I can’t not picture him between my legs now.

  The rumble of Ry’s Challenger breaks the thought and the black muscle car appears in the spot next to us. X climbs out then leans his elbows against my windowsill.

  “You ready?”

  My glance slides to Ry as he comes around the back of his car. He stops a few feet away from X, but he looks right at me. He’s still filled with attitude, but there’s a haze of wariness that tugs at my gut.

  “Ready for what?”

  X stands at full height and grins. “Sweetheart, you get to walk into school with the LB today. Didn’t Baz tell you?”

  My eyes widen and I swear I see a smirk on Riot’s lips.

  Baz tries to look innocent, but his shit-eating grin tells me otherwise. I probably would have stayed home if I knew what they were up to. X pulls open my door and makes a production of helping me out. Now people are openly gawking.

  “You proved where you needed to be last night, sweetheart. Too late to back out now,” X says in my ear.

  He takes my bag and slings his arm around my shoulder, and Baz falls into step on my other side. Ry is next to him. We walk into school together and the crowd parts like we’re fucking royalty.

  I’m going to kill all three of them. Slowly. Starting with Baz because he didn’t warn me.

  I expect them to leave me at my locker, but I should have known better. They all stop, surrounding me as I grab what I need.

  “Ummm, morning?” I hear Meri and peek around X. Her gaze darts from boy to boy before landing back on me. For the first time since we met, I see judgment in her eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “Just walking Ever to class,” X says, like this is an everyday occurrence.

  But then his gaze moves over her shoulder and his entire body goes rigid. Riot straightens and crosses his arms over his chest. Even Baz takes a step closer to me.

  Trey’s eyes narrow on me and I feel Riot take a step toward him. Animosity seeps from his pores. If he gets close enough to throw a punch at Trey, I have no doubt he will.

  “Okay, you guys proved your point,” I say, planting my hand in the middle of X’s chest and pushing against him. Of course he’s so solid he doesn't even budge an inch.

  I catch his eyes and incline my head toward Riot, then widen my eyes.

  “But seriously, stop messing with my locker or I’ll get the principal involved.”

  The boys don’t move for several long seconds and I hold my breath. We may have crossed a bridge yesterday, but Trey still has an agenda and I have to pretend to play along until we can deal with him.

  “I’ll fix it sometime today,” Baz says with a shrug. His eyes are distant and cold and I can feel Trey’s gaze moving back and forth between us. “Come on, we’ve got better things to do and definitely better people to do them with.”

  His words sting even though I know he didn’t mean me.

  All the boys turn and walk away and Meri sidles closer.

  “What the hell?”

  “They’re messing with my locker again. They walked in with me so they could see my reaction themselves.” I grind my teeth and roll my eyes. “I wish they'd just leave me alone.” I look over Meri’s shoulder and glare. “They thought it was my idea to pick me up at the house, thank you very much.”

  Trey’s eyes dance with unconcealed glee. “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t even think about it when I offered.” He ducks his head just as Meri turns around and slides her arm around his waist.

  “It’s okay. You were just being a gentleman.”

  By the time he raises his jaw, his eyes are filled with remorse again. But that’s not what has my attention. Baz must have circled around and now he’s standing behind Trey, leaned up against the lockers like he’s just scrolling through his phone. My pulse leaps. I need to make sure Trey’s attention stays on me.

  “So do you guys have a game this week?”

  Trey’s eyes narrow in suspicion, but I just smile.

  “I was thinking about giving it another try. Luc swore it wasn’t as boring as it seemed. Even offered to make me a cheat sheet on who played what position.”

  Meri’s eyes light up. “Oh my god, that would be so much fun! You’ll love it, I swear. I was bored to tears until I understood everything and now it’s kind of exciting.” She nudges her elbow back. “And the view is pretty nice, too.”

  Trey hauls Meri back against his chest and buries his face in her neck while she pretends to try and get away. His eyes never leave me. It’s fifty shades of creepy. As soon as his focus is on Meri, I dart my gaze back to Baz. His eyebrows are drawn down and when he looks up, he shakes his head. Shit. Nothing yet.

  Meri digs into her locker and pulls out her books, then turns to Trey.

  “I’ll see you at lunch?”

  “Sure, baby.” Trey starts to walk off but Baz gives me a wide-eyed look.

  “Ummm, Trey?” He pauses and looks back at me.

  I glance at Baz but he’s frowning down at his phone. Crap. I have no idea what to say now. I look around while I search for something, anything, when my gaze lands on a poster. I’m shit under pressure.

  “Do you know if Luc’s going to the prom with anyone?”

  Baz’s head snaps up and his eyes narrow. Trey grins and steps closer to me as Meri grabs his arm.

  “Oh my god, that would be perfect! We could go together. I know this boutique in the city with the best dresses. We can go shopping on Saturday…”

  I watch Baz tuck his phone into his pocket and with a shake of his h
ead, he walks off in the opposite direction. I’m not sure if he’s giving up because he didn’t get into Trey’s phone or he’s leaving because of what I said.

  “I’m not sure I’m even going, I was just wondering.” I glance at Meri then down the hall where Baz has disappeared. I need to find him to find out if we’re good. “Look, I need to check in with guidance so I’ll see you in class, okay?”

  “Ever.” I freeze at Trey’s voice behind me, but paste a smile on when I look over my shoulder. “He’s going to ask, so be ready to say yes.”

  Meri giggles, completely missing the threatening look in his eyes.

  “Get ready to get your shopping on. This is going to be so much fun.” Her smile is so big and so genuine that I want to grab her by the shoulders and tell her to wake up and see what’s right in front of her.

  A conniving, twisted boyfriend.

  Without another word I hurry down the hall, but Baz is nowhere to be found. I pull out my phone and shoot him a text, hoping he got what he needed.

  Plan B.

  His reply makes my stomach twist. He didn’t get it. Shit. That means we’re going to have to bring Luc in and that’s going to cause a whole lot of fireworks.

  Riot isn’t in English and it takes everything I have to sit in my seat and not go looking for him. When Mr. Reynolds has his back turned, I pull out my phone and send Baz a quick text. I’m worried Ry will go after Trey, or worse yet, go back to the track, even after our talk the other night.

  With me. Everything’s fine.

  Where r u?

  Headed to Panchard. Be home tonight.


  I wait but Baz doesn’t text back. Panchard is in the city. What do they need there? With a growl I stuff my phone back into my bag and sit back.

  Meri scoots closer.

  “Hey, do you wanna hang out after school today?”

  I glance at Riot’s empty seat. The guys aren’t going to be here all day, and it’s not like I want to just sit around waiting to see them. I hate being at the house alone. Hanna is always gone by the time school gets out and whoever takes care of the gardens must work her same schedule because I literally see no one else but the guys.

  I have nothing better to do and it will keep me from wondering why the hell they went to Panchard. Are they going to see Peter? God, I hope they don’t do anything stupid.


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