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Rain's Three Leopards [Leopards of Leopold 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Fel Fern

  Shoving her head under the hot water, Rain pressed her forehead against the tile and closed her eyes. Finally alone where Ed, Tom, and Jake couldn’t see her, she let the hot tears fall, mingle, and merge with the cascading water.

  How could her life get so easily derailed after a single night? Why couldn’t Clay Daniels stay dead and leave Sam and her the fuck alone? Seeing him at the club last night forced her to remember what she spent most of her life trying to forget.

  Rain could hear his voice in her head, as if it was just yesterday. Feel his weight crushing hers while Sam lay bruised and unconscious against the floor. “You’re a filthy whore, just like your mother. You think any man’s going to want you after I’m done with you?”

  Lars, Cas, Des and the entire pard did their best. Made sure Sam and she turned out decent, but in her darkest moments, Rain knew deep down, some part of her would always remain tainted. She would never be good enough or deserving of anyone else. No matter how hard she tried to erase the past, it wouldn’t stay buried. Maybe that was why her relationships never lasted more than a few months, because she feared some day they would see the darkness in her and run away screaming.

  “Hey, Rain? I’m just leaving a spare towel by the sink. I’m not peeking or anything.”

  Rain jerked her eyes open at the sound of Jake’s voice. Did she forget to lock the door? She realized he’d been knocking on the door and finally decided to come in. The best thing to do was to keep her back turned and wait for him to leave, but when she didn’t hear him moving away, she forced herself to look at him despite her red-rimmed eyes.


  “Can you leave?” She asked softly. “I’ll be right out.”

  “I—of course.” Jake placed his hand on the doorknob, and then shook his head, expression filled with resolve. “Sorry, but no. I can’t leave knowing I left you like this.”

  “What? You didn’t do anything. This is all me.” Rain blinked.

  Jake yanked open the glass door of the shower enclosure with such force Rain thought he’d ripped it from its hinges. Jake’s arms came on either side of her, palms pressing against the tiles, trapping her with his body. Rain felt his harsh breathing, the fabric of his shirt sticking to her wet skin, momentarily making her forget her troubles.

  Rain should have shouted at him to get out, but instead she stupidly said, “You’re getting wet.”

  “It’s hard,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. “To stay the fuck away from you when that’s all you’re asking for. You can’t expect us to look away when you’re raw and hurting. Why can’t you let us take the hurt away, Rain? Don’t you want us? Aren’t we good enough?”

  His words speared through her, so did the wounded expression in gaze. Lying to him would keep them safe, but Rain couldn’t bear to. Looking at Jake, she saw her younger self, curling against him on the couch, a bunch of opened junk food spread in front of them, basking in the warmth of his strong arms as she told him about her first break up. Jake deserved better, and so did Ed and Tom.

  “Don’t you get it? It’s the other way around,” Rain whispered, finally looking at him. The water continued to soak both of them, but Jake didn’t seem to care. “If the three of you only knew the real me, the ugly parts still in me, you wouldn’t be looking at me the same way you do now.”

  “What the fuck? That’s what you think?”

  Rain had never seen Jake angry until now. He let out a frustrated snarl, smashed his fist through the tile, and Rain winced at the sight of his bloodied fist.

  “Your hand.” Rain was about to reach for his injured fist, but he closed his hands over her wrists and lifted them above her head, sending a delicious bolt of excitement down her spine. Jake grinded his body against her and made sure Rain felt his erection through his drenched boxers.

  “We don’t care about your past, all we care about is the present and the future that we’re about to write,” Jake whispered, keeping his gaze on her. “You see the same darkness in us that terrifies other men, but you stare it down just like you did with your own. You’re a woman worth owning, mating, and claiming. Can’t you see you were made for us, just as we were made for you, Rain?”

  “I— ” Rain didn’t know what else to say. Only Jake could render her completely speechless.

  “Fine. If words can’t sway you, maybe actions will.” Without waiting for her to respond, Jake mashed his lips against hers.

  He nibbled, sucked, bit, and pushed his tongue between her half-opened lips, and she sucked hard, wishing she had her hands free so she could explore every hard line and muscle. Peel off the damn shirt that got in the way. Then again, Rain realized she liked being held captive by Jake. Helpless to whatever attention or delicious torment he’d like to inflict on her.

  Jake only pulled out for air. “Fuck. Ed’s right. I can’t have enough.”

  Still holding her, he made his way down the side of her neck, sucking hard on the same spot Ed had been so obsessed with, as if the brothers had already agreed where to place their mating mark.

  Speaking of Ed and Tom, Rain caught the glimpse of the two men watching from the doorway, expressions one of hunger, as if it took all of them to rein in their desire. Moisture flooded between her thighs at the thought all three men only had one thing on their minds. Her. The bad and the ugly, the decent and the good. Shit. She didn’t think the two men watching her and their brother made her so horny.

  “I can smell you, baby. So pliant and so eager,” Jake said against her neck. “You like that don’t you? To see Ed and Tom watching us?”

  Color flooded her cheeks. From the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Ed smirk.

  “Well, we can’t all fit in the shower,” Ed drawled, stepping in and began peeling off his boxers. Seeing him hard and ready, Rain licked her lips. “Jake, I’ll hold her for you if you want to taste her.”

  Over Ed’s shoulder, Rain spotted Tom beginning to pump his prick. Catching sight of her, Tom grinned. “I like to watch, don’t you worry about me.”

  All Rain was capable of was a nod.

  “Cat caught your tongue, princess?” Ed asked, joining them. Jake released her so Ed could band his arm around her waist. Jake stepped out of the shower, quickly dispensing with his wet clothes.

  “Well.” Rain sighed when he pulled her close, the hard and scarred muscles of his flesh rubbing against the curve of her back. Ed scented her the way Jake did, nibbling his way from shoulder to neck.

  “Christ, you taste fucking better than I imagined,” Ed murmured, tightening his grip.

  Rain let out an eager sound when he pressed his erection against the curve of her buttocks, teasing her. Possessed with the desire to taste him after kissing his brother, Rain twined her fingers into his hair and pulled him to a kiss. Ed greedily slammed his lips against her, all bite and no finesse, but God, Rain didn’t mind.

  “Spread your legs for me, princess,” Jake said. Completely nude, he knelt in front of her. Rain happily spread, liking the raw strength from his hands as he gripped her thighs apart. “It’s about time I make you fly.”

  “Fuck, guys. I’m going to get off even before you start,” Tom complained.

  Keeping his gaze on her, Jake lazily licked the inside of her thigh, reminding Rain of a playful cat. Even his eyes had turned a wild shade of feline green. Rain moaned into Ed’s mouth, knowing Jake was going to draw her torment out.

  Ed released her captive lips and reached out to play with one of her nipples.

  “Like how we play, baby?” Ed whispered against her ear.

  Rain gasped at the sudden flood of sensation— Jake’s mouth weaving a strange dance of pain and pleasure as he bit and kissed his way up to her pussy, and Ed’s hands pinching her nipple until it peaked.

  Rain managed to utter an incomprehensible mumble when Jake finally flicked his tongue against her clit.

  “What did I tell you, Tom? You said she’s better suited to be a hellcat, but Rain can be a good little pup
py if she wants to.”

  Rain sunk her fingers into Jake’s hair. Pleasure jolted straight to her tits and cunt, and she wasn’t certain she could have maintained her balance if Ed weren’t holding her. Rain managed a retort this time. “What? You want to slap a pink collar on me with the word “princess” stamped over it?”

  “What a wonderful suggestion, Rain.” Ed’s smile curved even wider, and Rain bit her lip, realizing he was thinking about it too seriously.

  Rain had a counter-argument ready, but her concentration shattered when Jake sucked hard on the swollen nub of her clit. A moan, long and needy, tore out of her.

  “Fuck.” Tom groaned, and Rain didn’t need to look to know he had orgasmed.

  Jake dragged his tongue down her slit, making happy noises in his throat. He began tongue-fucking her, his movements ruthless and gaining momentum. Rain knew it wasn’t long before the pressure building inside her spilled over.

  “We want to hear you come, Rain. We want you to realize what you’re missing on,” Ed murmured against her neck.

  “You’ve made your point,” Rain managed weakly. Keeping her pressed against him with one arm, his other trailed downward, to the curve of her ass. He teased her there, one finger disappearing into her puckered opening to his knuckle.

  “Go on, baby. Come all over Jake’s mouth. We want to hear your sweet cries.”

  As if on cue, Jake licked his way back to her clit. One gentle kiss over the swollen nub was all it needed for Rain’s entire body to shudder, her spine to arch. Her legs trembled, unable to keep her balance, but the two men held her and made sure she wouldn’t fall. Her cries poured out of her as waves of pleasure rendered her boneless, languid, and floating happily in a sea of bliss.

  Smiling, Jake stood kissed her gently on the lips as she blearily looked at him.

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, Rain,” Ed whispered against her ear, nosing his way up her neck again as if he couldn’t stop touching her. Rain didn’t mind because she was beginning to grow addicted to their touch. “You understand we’re not joking around? We don’t care about your past. We want you, all of you. Is that clear, or do we have to repeat this lesson again?”

  “Repeat?” Rain asked, breathing hard, still unable to focus on his words. God, she never had an orgasm like that before. Her spiritual wolf agreed with her. The greedy beast lay content between Ed and Jake’s leopards, ready for more.

  “Make you come over and over again,” Tom said wickedly. “My turn next.”

  “Not everything is about me,” Rain pointed out, looking at Jake’s erection.

  “Today it is. We don’t want to overwhelm you. We’ll get off ourselves and let you finish your shower,” Jake said, stepping out to reach for a clean towel.

  Ed grunted, but eventually agreed.

  Tom began to turn away by the doorway, but Rain caught sight of his disappointed look. “Tom and I can share the shower. You know, save some on your water bills. Speaking of bills, you guys know you haven’t paid some of them?”

  Ed chuckled, pulled on his boxers and slapped Tom’s shoulder on his way out. “So bossy and we haven’t even mated her.”

  “All right then, but make it quick or your brother is going to start wondering why we kept you,” Jake said. “I’m going to use the shower in the second bathroom.”

  Chapter Seven

  When Jake finally left, Tom closed the door behind him. Rain peered at him from beneath wet lashes, and he couldn’t keep his gaze from wandering. With her slender body still wet and slick from the shower Jake and Ed interrupted, it was a waste not to look at her. Still, he remained by the door. Tried gathering his thoughts to formulate the words he wanted, no, needed, to say.

  “Rain.” Saying her name was a start. Tom knew he was being an unfair bastard, being slightly jealous of Ed and Jake’s relationship with Rain. They always had no problems sharing their woman, but, like Jake said, none of them had been Rain. Tom ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Look, I know I’m not Ed and Jake. You don’t have to, you know— do this.”

  Rain frowned at him. She shut off the shower. Droplets of water ran down the length of her skin. She stepped out and halted when he took a hesitant step back. What the fuck was he acting like a pussy for? Because he didn’t want to hear the truth from her lips that she only wanted him because Ed, Jake, and he came as a packaged deal?

  “What do you mean?’

  “I wish I can be my brothers, Rain. Wish to god I could be a good listener and talker like Jake, or be firm and be in control like Ed, but I’m not them.” Tom watched her come closer and closer, until only a few inches separated their bodies. Even then, he could feel the heat rising between them. The tension that cut like a knife because of the words he couldn’t bear to say.

  Rain said nothing for a few seconds. She pressed both her palms against his chest and began to slide one down his ribs, her fingers lingering over each muscle on his abdomen. Tom breathed hard, unable to focus on anything else except her touch and her.

  “What you said hurt a little, you know?”

  “What?” Tom asked, distracted by her lips.

  “All three of you came from the same mold, but each of you are different. I know that, and I love each of you for that.” Rain tilted her head, looking at him. “Do you know why I want you, Tom?”

  Unable to speak, not daring to hope, Tom shook his head.

  “You’re kind and sweet, even though you pretend you’re not. You’re also the most considerate person I know. When a pard member asks you for help, you have trouble turning them away. When Ed or Jake need help, you drop whatever you’re doing to come to their side.”

  Tom groaned when Rain clutched at his shoulders, rose on tiptoe to kiss him on the side of his bottom lip, and then the side of his jaw and chin. “Do you want to know a secret?”

  “Secret?” Fucking hell, Rain must think he was a retard giving her monosyllabic answers like this.

  “It wasn’t Ed or Jake I fell in love first. It was you,” she whispered against his ear. He groaned. No longer able to contain himself, he began sliding his hands all over her smooth and slick skin.

  “You’re such a good liar, princess,” he whispered.

  A wild shade of wolf-amber appeared in Rain’s eyes, and her wolf looked at his own beast with concealed hunger. He couldn’t mistake the flash of irritation and anger there. No matter how well their human halves lied, their beasts were always honest.

  “I’m not that good a liar, Tom. Don’t you remember the first time we met? I do. It was the night Noah and Mason dropped me on your doorstep. Ed and Jake didn’t know the first thing to do with a kid, especially one that kept on crying.”

  Tom remembered that night all right. Hell. He couldn’t forget.

  Rain, all skin and bones, crouched against the front door, wearing torn clothes and battered sneakers. She started shedding silent tears once she was certain Sam had retired to the bedroom, not wanting her older brother to see her break down. He remembered the way she tensed up when he approached her, let out shriek when he lifted her up from the floor like a puppy.

  She had growled and tried to bite his fingers. Tom had rubbed small circles on her back until she calmed down. Once he set her on the couch and placed a warm blanket around her thin shoulders, Tom told her weeping about her past would get her nowhere.

  It was the first time Tom saw the fire sparked in her eyes. The small slip of a girl punched his shoulder. “I’m not crying because I’m sad, asshole. These are happy tears.” He remembered thinking she’d become a formidable woman someday, and he was right. Rain had come so far, and he’d be damn if her bastard father laid a single finger on her.

  “You were a brat. I remembered complaining to Ed and Jake how it felt like we had adopted an abandoned stray pet,” Tom conceded. “But at the same time, I marveled how such a tiny pup could have such a bite to her.”

  “Glad I had an effect on you. Enough words. Let me show you how long I’ve wanted you.”
Rain left a trail of heat down his chest with her lips, and each brush of her lips sent tingles right down to his prick and chest. Tom’s control shattered when she knelt in front of him. Hands poised on the band of his boxers, she paused, shyly looking up at him. Fuck. She looked so desirable Tom could have taken her right there.

  “May I?”

  “Jesus. Why do I feel so out of my league here?” Tom muttered. He stared down at her, wondering how such a beautiful, tempting and special woman would want him.

  “Is that a no? Because your cock is singing a different song.” Rain nodded to the bulge clearly visible on his boxers. She even blew against it, making him snarl.

  “Ed’s right. You’re spoiled,” Tom commented, weaving his fingers through her hair. His leopard happily settled down with Rain’s wolf, nipping at her ear.

  Rain smiled wickedly at him as she pulled down his boxers and unveiled his thickening member. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

  Her tongue swirled around the pre-cum gathered at his tip, and she took her time tasting the length of him. Tom nearly jumped when there was knock on the door.

  “Don’t take too long damn it,” Ed growled from the other side. “Rain, your brother’s beginning to piss me off. This is the third time he called.”

  Rain, the fiend, didn’t even stop from licking his shaft. She only fluttered her long eyelashes at him.

  Once Ed’s footsteps faded away, Tom sighed. “Guess they knew we had some issues to work out.”

  He was a little touched Ed and Jake noticed his discomfort and give him some alone time with Rain, and it couldn’t have been easy for Ed to stay his ground and not join in. Tom groaned when Rain began to take him between her lips. “Fuck, Rain!”

  Rain paid no attention to him. She continued working her way down his steel-hard shaft, applying suction with every inch she covered, while one hand gently massaged his balls.

  Fuck. Rain was good. Most of the women he and his brothers been with didn’t like giving head, but Rain looked like she was enjoying herself.


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