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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

Page 9

by Sherry Ewing

  “I must needs be losing my appeal with the ladies,” Aiden stated glumly.

  “Don’t take it personally,” Jenna chimed in afore she disengaged herself from Fletcher’s arm. She skipped ahead to make her way towards the village well. Once there, she turned back to smile upon them afore placing her hands upon the stones to peer down into its depth. “Wow…a real well. You just don’t see these in my day anymore. How deep is it anyway?”

  “Be careful, Jenna,” Aiden warned with a smirk upon his face. “My grandmother used to tell us this was a very special well for making dreams come true.”

  “A wishing well?” Jenna asked with her eyes twinkling in merriment. “Aren’t stories like that for children?”

  Aiden laughed. “’Tis what she claimed. I was not one to doubt the words spoken by my elders, for to do so would see me punished for my insolence.”

  “Well I, for one, never believed in objects making wishes come true,” Jenna said with a smirk. “You have to be in control of your own destiny.”

  Fletcher’s brow lifted in amusement. “And, of course, time travel is not possible either…”

  “Point taken,” she replied afore turning her back upon them in seeming dismissal of Fletcher and the younger man, as if Aiden’s ramblings were but jest to her. Fletcher mused on the mysterious workings of her mind as Jenna appeared to be intent on peering over the side of the well when she, of a sudden, lost her balance.

  “Lady Jenna!” Fletcher called out just as her feet flew from beneath her, and he ran to grab hold of her afore she fell down the well. He caught her in time, spun her around, and clutched her to him ’til her own hands wound their way around his waist. Such a gesture seemed the most natural thing in the world, and he watched in wonder as her eyes widened in apparent astonishment to be held this close. Her chest rose and fell as unevenly as his own. Why did it seem so difficult to breathe when he was in her presence?

  “Are you all right, my lady? You are not hurt?” Fletcher murmured as he scrutinized her features to ensure no harm had befallen her.

  “Why wouldn’t I be, when I have a knight in shining armor here to protect me?” Her reply was a breathy whisper, and Fletcher swore there was an underlying hint of seduction implied with her words.

  “I am not wearing armor,” Fletcher declared, trying to keep himself from tasting her parted lips that were tempting him beyond anything he had ever experienced afore.

  “I’m glad you’re not. I wouldn’t be able to feel that you’re really a flesh and blood man and not some figment of my imagination.”

  Jenna placed her right hand tentatively on his chest, and he felt her tremble at that first touch. Afore he knew what she was about, her fingers began to caress the edges of his tunic. He once more fought the urge to lean down and kiss her. Yet, her tormenting him was far from over as she began rubbing her hand up and down his chest. Did she not know what she was doing to him with such a simple seductive action?

  “I assure you, I am as real as you are, lest I, too, am but dreaming.” Fletcher pulled her a step closer, and the heat between their bodies caused a shiver of sensation to ignite what had, but a moment afore, been but a slight flame. Now that he had drawn her even closer into his embrace, the intensity between them was like an inferno, ready to erupt out of control.

  Aiden cleared his throat, causing Jenna to take a step back. Fletcher, remembering they were not alone, inwardly groaned that he had forgotten himself so completely.

  “Stop scowling, lest you frighten the poor woman, Fletcher,” Aiden laughed, watching them intently. “I can see I am not wanted here. And yet, perchance I should remain, in order to ensure the lady is protected against your advances.”

  “Be off with you,” Fletcher warned with another scowl. “You know she is safe with me.”

  “I am not so sure…” Aiden’s words trailed off whilst he looked as though attempting to constrain his growing mischievous grin.

  Jenna walked over to a log to sit. “I’ll be fine, Sir Aiden. Go enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Aiden gave a short bow. “I take my leave of you, then. Good day to you both.”

  Fletcher watched him head back in the direction of the market. A village lass came running up to Aiden, tugged on his arm, and drew him from the road. They began having speech together at the door of her hut. The woman seemed upset with Aiden, who was awarded a punch to his shoulder. Aiden laughed afore pulling the pretty ribbon forth for her inspection. She squealed in delight from the offering then proceeded to pull him into her dwelling. ’Twas clear Aiden would not heed Fletcher and Amiria’s advice of staying away from the lasses in the village. Fletcher gave the matter no further heed. If Aiden wanted to be saddled with unwelcome children, ’twas his business.

  Fletcher had more important things on his mind than to ponder further on Aiden and his choices in life. He made his way to Jenna, who appeared almost embarrassed to be alone with him. “May I?” he asked, indicating the vacant place next to her on the log.

  “Of course.”

  They sat in silence. Fletcher took a glance at her. Jenna seemed uneasy, considering she was twisting and pulling at the fabric of her gown, apparently to keep herself occupied doing…something. The silence stretched on between them ’til he could stand the awkward tension between them no more. “You need not be frightened of me,” Fletcher remarked in a calming tone, in the hopes the woman would not flee from his presence.

  Jenna must have realized what she had been doing, since she began to smooth the wrinkles from her garment. She raised her head to meet his eyes and plastered what Fletcher could only call a false smile upon her pretty face.

  “I’m not afraid of you, Sir Fletcher,” she declared. She may have tried to appear confident with her words, but her trembling chin was proof she was far from well with the situation in which she had found herself.

  “I cannot, in truth, understand all you have endured on your travel through time, my lady, but I will admit, I am glad such an occurrence has brought you here.” He hesitated but gave in to the impulse and took her hand. A spark of energy raced throughout Fletcher, whilst a startled gasp escaped from Jenna at their touch.

  “Gosh! Did you feel that, too, or am just losing my mind?” Jenna’s eyes were wide with astonishment.

  “Aye.” Fletcher squeezed her hand tighter as Jenna’s thumb began moving over his own tingling limb.

  “What do you suppose it means?”

  “Mayhap, such a sensation is to tell us we were meant to be together, no matter that centuries were keeping us apart.”

  “It’s really hard to imagine I’m actually here, over eight hundred years in the past. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up soon and find out I’ve only dreamed this whole crazy thing.”

  “I, too, have had the feeling I but dream since you fell at my feet on the beach.”

  “You have?”

  “Aye, my lady, I have.”

  “This has got to be the most bizarre situation I’ve ever found myself in, and yet, I’m not the only one who this has happened to. This whole time travel thing is a lot to take in,” Jenna said with another weak smile.

  Fletcher stood and held out his hand for her to take, which she did without any hesitation. “We shall take each moment as it comes…together.”

  “Yes…together,” Jenna answered, and she once more looked relaxed in his presence.

  Fletcher took her hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow, whilst they made their way back towards the castle. He knew not what the future would hold for them, but today was a good beginning.

  Chapter 16

  Jenna hurried up the turret stairs, following Amiria who was taking them two at a time.

  “What’s the big rush, Lady Amiria?” Jenna asked, attempting to catch her breath. Given the woman had already spent her morning seeing to her duties in the running of the keep, she still seemed to have enough energy in abundance for, at the very least, two people.

  Reaching the third floor wher
e Berwyck’s family members had their chambers, Amiria finally halted and turned around, waiting for Jenna to catch up. “My apologies for my quick pace. It helps to keep me fit when I cannot make my way to the lists to train. The children tend to take up the majority of my spare time. Not that I am complaining, mind you.”

  They began making their way down the torch lit passageway. “You see to them yourself? Isn’t that a little unusual for this time period?”

  Amiria gave a little laugh. “Aye, I suppose ’tis so, but I lay the blame on such a happening with Lady Katherine and her forward thinking ways. I must needs admit, I do enjoy spending time with Royce and Liliana. I adore watching them grow and doing all I can for their care. I still see to my other duties and call upon a nursemaid when needed.”

  “That’s wonderful. In my time, it’s very important to spend quality time with your children, especially during the first two years of their development,” Jenna offered. “So where are we going?”

  “To my solar,” Amiria replied, coming to the door. “There’s someone here I would like you to meet.”

  As Amiria opened the door, Jenna stepped through the portal to see an older woman sitting near the hearth. She rose when they entered the room. Amiria looped her arm through Jenna’s and ushered her forward. “Lady Jenna, I would like to introduce you to Lady Ella Fitzpatrick,” Amiria beamed. “I believe the two of you will have much in common.”

  Jenna was startled when the lady before her reached out to clasp her hand in a firm handshake. It was not the type of greeting Jenna expected from a medieval woman. “’Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Jenna.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jenna murmured with a quizzical frown. She had the feeling this was going to be another one of those strange conversations she wasn’t prepared for.

  Amiria gave her arm a pat. “There is no need to fret, Jenna. Lady Ella is a friend of Lady Katherine’s, if you take my meaning. If ’twas not for the quick thinking of the lady afore you, several years past, we would have lost Lady Katherine to villains of the worst kind. We are most grateful to Lady Ella, and she is always welcome here at Berwyck whenever her travels bring her this far north.”

  Lady Ella’s brow furrowed, and her chin lifted just a hint. “I have asked you a hundred times, Lady Amiria, to just call me Ella. The younger generation never listens to their elders.”

  Jenna muffled her laugh, since Ella’s comment was so twenty-first century, but Amiria had no such inclination, for her joy burst forth. “You must needs humor me, my lady.”

  “Bah! Now you will have this new arrival doing the same,” Lady Ella said. She gave a defiant toss of her head.

  “I will leave the two of you time to have speech together,” Amiria declared and turned to leave.

  “You may stay,” Ella murmured. “’Tis not as if you have not heard my tale afore.”

  Amiria smiled. “I believe such a private discussion should be between the two of you. As Lady Katherine would say, ‘too much information…’ I am sure you know the rest.” She gave a brief nod of her head before closing the chamber door.

  Lady Ella returned to her chair, took the poker from the fire, and plunged the iron into a goblet of wine. The room filled with the heavenly aroma of mixed fragrant spices. The woman before her set the poker down and offered the chalice to Jenna, who came to sit in the vacant chair. Lady Ella repeated the process with her own cup.

  “Before we begin, you will call me Ella,” the woman warned, “or you shall not get a word to pass my lips.”

  “Very well, Ella. Please call me Jenna.”

  Ella nodded her head in acknowledgment. Taking a sip of her wine, she sighed in pleasure. “’Tis been a while since I have had the luxury of a cup of mulled wine,” she whispered, taking another sip and savoring the taste.

  “You don’t have a hall of your own?” Jenna asked, taking a drink, as well. She had to admit, it was delicious.

  “I did once, but ’twas a long time ago.”

  “Did you cross Time for your own knight in shining armor?”

  Ella leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes as if remembering. “Something like that.”

  Jenna waited politely for Ella to continue, but instead the woman turned her attention to stare into the flames of the fire. “Did he die?” Ella turned toward her, and Jenna could see for herself the anguish the older woman was experiencing. “I’m sorry. That was very rude of me to even ask such a personal question of a complete stranger.”

  Ella gave a weary sigh. “There is no need to apologize, Jenna. Nay, he did not die.”

  Jenna’s brows drew together. “I’m afraid, I don’t understand then. If he hasn’t died, then why aren’t you together? Isn’t that what this whole time travel thing is supposed to mean? Aren’t we here so we can obtain what we couldn’t find in our other lifetime? To find a love worth fighting for? And if you are really from my time, why is it you speak as if you’re from this century?”

  “So many questions you have, dearie. I am not sure how much I should divulge that could be of benefit to you in your own troubles with Time.”

  Jenna muffled a laugh. “I wasn’t aware I had troubles with Time.”

  Ella leaned forward. “You have traveled to a place by a means that is not of a natural method. Trust my words, and hear them well. You have trouble with Time.”

  “How so?” Jenna asked.

  “You tell me.” Ella took another sip of wine. “Did you run away from your troubles in your own time period? Did you leave behind those you love? If so, do you worry about what they are going through while they search for you? Did you come here to find love? If given the choice, would you remain here? Pick a question, and then search your heart for the answer.”

  Jenna rubbed at her eyes, knowing these were the very same questions that had been rumbling around in her own mind. “You’re making my head hurt, Ella.”

  “And therein lies the root of time travel. ’Tis very unpredictable, and you must needs be careful where you step, or even let your mind wander, lest you find yourself going where you had not intended.”

  Jenna looked up, shocked. “Is that what happened to you? You ended up going through time again?”


  “Will you tell me your story? Perhaps it will help me adjust to my time here,” Jenna said, hoping she could learn something from this woman, whose eyes misted as she remembered her life.

  “Perchance a shortened version of my tale will not be too remiss of me.” Ella set her cup down before leaning back in her chair. “’Twas so long ago, or so it now seems. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. I had always loved the ocean, and when I was old enough to drive, I would spend all my time down in St. Augustine at the fort. They say the Fountain of Youth was discovered in the area by Ponce de León, if you remember your history lessons.”

  “I don’t remember that, but go on.”

  “Aye, I suppose I digress, for that is not where my story truly begins. I had never married. I had spent my adult life looking for that certain someone, only to realize I may have given up on finding happiness, because whoever I had been dating at the time could not measure up to my ideal man.”

  “What was your ideal man?”

  Ella rolled her eyes heavenward. “I am not sure this mysterious paragon of manly virtue really exists anymore. Besides, all that does not matter now, for he, whoever he was, would not be found in my own time period. So, I watched from the sidelines of life whilst my friends and siblings began raising their families. Although they included me in all their gatherings, I never felt as if there was where I was supposed to be. I felt like an outsider amongst my own kin, the spinster aunt who lived her life alone.”

  Jenna reached over to clasp Ella’s hand. “I’m so very sorry, Ella.”

  Ella gave her a kind smile. “There is no need to say you are sorry, Jenna. ’Twas the choice I made, and one I had to live with. I was two score and fourteen summers when I stepped through a time gate in St Augus

  Jenna quickly did the math inside her head. “You were fifty-four?”

  “Aye.” Ella smiled and then sighed in pleasure. “’Tis almost time.”

  “Time for what, my lady.”

  “’Tis almost time for me to at last be reunited with the man I crossed time for.”

  “This is becoming very confusing for me. Are you trying to tell me, you’re not fifty-four, yet?”

  “Aye, that is correct, and ’tis so much more confusing than you can even imagine, my young friend.”


  “Because you see afore you a woman who has lived two lifetimes. I crossed time whilst wishing for a man who could come to love me. I found him but began to doubt I could actually stay here living in the past. One moment, I was walking through a forest contemplating my decision, and the next thing I knew, I was whisked even further back in time. Imagine my surprise to wake up and find I was a young woman again, but still stuck in medieval times. What was even worse, I had been torn from my beloved’s side.”

  Jenna starred in shock at Ella. “How young were you?” she inquired, almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “I was a score and ten years younger, or so I guessed.” Ella reached for her wine and took a long sip.

  “But how─” Ella held up her hand, interrupting Jenna’s thoughts. She clamped her lips tight, waiting for what the woman would next impart.

  “’Tis of no consequence now of what my foolish thoughts had taken from me. Aye, I was thrown back even further in time, as though to test my faith that I truly could have my heart’s desire if only I was patient enough to wait for it.”

  “I’m not sure what to say.”

  Ella continued with her story. “I knew my life depended on my ability to adapt quickly to the life I was now destined to live. I have only spoken modern English once in all the time I have been here, almost afraid to let such speech pass my lips. I had wanted to ensure Katherine knew she was not alone. But I swore from that day forward, I would not risk all I had been through, only to possibly be ripped back to my modern day life for carelessly using a speech pattern that had become long since unfamiliar to me.


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