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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

Page 16

by Sherry Ewing

  His attention finally turned to her, and she realized her mistake of putting on the silken nightwear she was used to sleeping in. He gave her a look that could only be termed as smoldering. A heated blush rushed to her face while he continued his perusal of her body. Jenna couldn’t have been more aware she must appear sexy to him, a far different impression of her than the frumpy miss her ex-fiancé had gotten used to seeing her as. Her feeling sexy was all because of the knight who looked at her with appreciation in his eyes...among other passions. There was no mistaking what was quickly brought to the forefront of each of their minds.

  “You will be near in case I have need of you?” Fletcher inquired while he took her hand and led her back to her bedroom.

  “Yes. I’ll stay right here. You have my word.”

  With nothing to do when the bathroom door separated them, Jenna listened intently until she heard the shower start, along with the glass door sliding closed. Now she could only pray he remembered her words of caution about the slippery porcelain tub.

  Jenna curled her legs up underneath her and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. This, of course, brought to mind the next dilemma she would need to come to terms with the moment Fletcher came out of the bathroom. She wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about sharing a bed this early in their relationship.

  Steam began to pour out from beneath the only bit of wood that separated them, giving evidence of exactly how hot the water was streaming over the man who was consuming her thoughts. Visions of him standing in the shower, with sweltering water cascading down his magnificent hard muscled body, caused Jenna’s heart to skip a beat or two, or three. Thoughts such as these were going to be her undoing.

  It seemed every sound coming from the adjoining room was accentuated a hundred times or more, making her skin tingle with the idea of him touching her. She wasn’t exactly sure how long his shower had been, but she at last heard him shut the water off. Jenna knew her time was running out before her moment of solitude would be gone.

  The bathroom door opened faster than Jenna anticipated, but it was probably because no one would have been able to see a thing inside the closed windowed bathroom. A hot steamy fog rushed into the bedroom area, causing Jenna to gulp, wondering what she should expect next. He appeared through the haze looking ghostlike, and she held back a gasp, praying he wasn’t a figment of her imagination.

  “D-did you enjoy your shower?” she stammered.

  “Aye, ’twas most refreshing,” he mumbled from underneath the towel.

  Uninhibited, he stood in the door frame, toweling his wet hair with no thought as to what he was doing to her. A sudden rise in the temperature of the room was completely all his fault. He was shirtless, and she moistened her parted lips with her tongue. Every rippling muscle of his chest and stomach was there for her eyes to feast upon while she ogled the perfection of his torso.

  His chest was lightly furred with dark hair that practically called out Jenna’s name, begging for her to come run her fingertips through it. She all but devoured him on the spot as her gaze followed the tempting hairline downward until it disappeared beneath the fabric of the pajama bottoms she had given him. They were too short on his tall frame, but who cared? Even his feet looked perfectly formed as he stood with sculptured calves and thighs, innocent to what he was doing to her.

  Any of her earlier thoughts about behaving or being good were gone as her body betrayed how she really wanted to spend the night with him. She wasn’t a virgin for goodness sake, so to hell with acting like one.

  “My God. You must be the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” she crooned softly. Why did she have the distinct feeling she had whispered these words to him before? She groaned, feeling foolish. “Did I say that out loud?”

  He gave her a roguish grin, and such a look was a suitable reminder as any that it was a good thing she was sitting down. She was certain her knees would have buckled had she been standing, and to be on the receiving end of such a smile surely melted her heart. He tossed the towel back into the bathroom to land in the sink then moved toward the bed. The closer he came, the harder it was for her to breathe.

  Jenna leaned her head farther back on the pillows so she was able take in the full measure of pure male magnetism that seemingly poured out of each and every cell of his body. Yet, he wasn’t one to be conceited about his looks, if he was even the slightest bit aware of how handsome he truly was or what he was actually doing to her as he came closer to her side.

  Those amber colored eyes pulled her in as he leaned down, placing his hands on the bed so they barely touched each side of her body. Her pulse raced as she wondered what he would do next while he continued searching her face.

  “The stars and moon must surely glow all the brighter knowing they shine down upon you. You are as beautiful as they are, Jenna.” His rugged whisper caused chills to surge over her body. Smiling, his mouth captured hers in another one of those gentle sweet kisses he was fond of giving her, causing her to be thrown off balance once more.

  Their kiss was over before she even had time to reach for those oh so very broad shoulders to bring him down next to her on the bed. Even though it was late, she was wide awake and ready for anything he might propose they do to occupy their time together. But then, he did the unthinkable. Her mouth snapped shut when he took the blanket at the foot of the bed.

  “Fletcher, you can─”

  “Nay, I will not, for we are not wed. You have tempted me enough this day. I will sleep upon the floor.”

  “But─” He silenced her with a quick kiss before he did exactly as he had promised, dropping down on the floor near the door, and pulling the blanket up to cover his chest.

  “Rest well, ma cherie, and may your dreams go untroubled.”

  Jenna saw his eyes close, and she tried her best not to growl in frustration. She flipped the light switch, and they were plunged into darkness with the exception of the outside lights of the apartment that filled the bedroom in a dim glow. Taking off her robe, she crawled under the covers and kept watch over the man who didn’t even know he had completely stolen her heart.

  Chapter 28

  There was no other answer. He was losing his mind. His knuckles were white from gripping tight to the arm rest of the car. Trying not to look out the window, his curiosity ended up getting the better of him. Jenna had called it the Golden Gate Bridge, but someone must not have known their colors, since it appeared more burnt orange than it did the shade of a golden sun. Far below, the ocean was to his left, what she called the bay, to his right. He refused to look back at the city, for the thought of so many people crammed into the terrain of towering buildings and residences was another reason he knew he had lost what little sense he had left in his head. That Jenna had refused to allow him to bring his sword only added to his inner turmoil he was but half dressed. He was beyond ill at ease without his weapon.

  ’Twas not as if he had not been trying to fit into a world far advanced in technology than he would ever care for. Aye, she had taken him to procure food at what he now understood was a grocery store, where meats were packaged in cellophane and labeled, and he realized how primitive the stalls with flies buzzing about them in his time must have appeared to her. She had also bought him clothing at that horrendous monstrosity called a mall. The zipper of his jeans had almost ensured he would never father children, and the stiff material made him conscious of how restricted he felt wearing this odd form of leggings. His hose was much more practical for movement. He had noticed all the sights, including a moving stairway and a box she called an elevator. As they had entered the enclosure, she had showed him how, with a push of a button, they could maneuver to another floor. They had ridden it up and down several times ‘til Fletcher had understood how he could make the box move himself. And the people―By St. Michael’s wings! He had never seen so many people in his life. And they all seemed to be as though under the king’s command to get somewhere fast.

  Jenna had told him that no
visit to San Francisco would be complete without a trip to Alcatraz. The boat ride had been pleasant enough, although crowded, and he had gotten his first real glimpse of her city by the bay as the boat left the dock. He had listened with interest to whom Jenna had said was a park ranger as he welcomed to the island those who had disembarked the vessel. The climb to the cell house had been no issue, although the way was steep. But the height had afforded him views that had left his head spinning, especially when he beheld a huge cargo ship, the size of which he had never seen afore.

  Though, ’twas the prison itself that had made Fletcher wonder how anyone detained here could have survived being locked in such small cells for any length of time. Even Dristan’s dungeon, far beneath the bowels of the castle, had more room. Jenna had surprised him when she whispered she had managed to get a tour of underneath the cellhouse, the Citadel remains, although how she had been able to procure access to the lower vaults was beyond his ken. The ranger had not taken them far past the stairs but had explained how these cells had been used for short periods of time, for prisoners in solitary confinement. He had turned off the lights, and the group had been plunged into darkness. Fletcher had been glad when the lights went back on, for he could not even see his hand afore his face. One would surely go mad to be left in such complete darkness. ’Twas comparable to Dristan’s pit, he had supposed. Although at least it did not have the same stench, not that he had ever spent time there. He must needs ask Riorden if this had been his own experience when he and Amiria had been imprisoned there, if ever they met again.

  She had taken him that eve to a nightclub, telling him she but wanted to dance the eve away. Yet, once more, he had found himself out of his element. Dark shadows filled the overly crowded room, causing Fletcher to automatically reach for his sword. Danger lurked everywhere, but that was nothing compared to when she had pulled his arm and led him to where the dancing commenced. ’Twas not any kind of dancing he had ever seen in his entire life. And the music, if that was what the atrocious noise could be called, had been deafening. He had not seen any minstrels, yet she had told him the music came from loud speakers. The sounds that blared to the point he could not even hear his own thoughts within his head, along with the lights flashing obscenely from above, had made Fletcher want to cover his ears and eyes. They could not have left the establishment fast enough to suit his need for the peaceful silence that filled the car as Jenna returned them home. A look of disappointment had washed over her face, and Fletcher had been unsure how to rectify her mood. His own had become somber in his desire for a simpler life, his past life.

  Aye, the past se’nnight had taken its toll on him, both mentally and physically. And ’twas mostly because of the stunning vision not found outside the window. Nay, ’twas the doing of the incredible woman at his side. The happier she became whenever she showed him something new, the surlier he himself became. ’Twas not as if he was doing it a purpose. Nay, he could not desist from feeling a failure whenever he didn’t understand the mechanics of her world. May God forgive him, for wanting to go home to his own time.

  The nights were the worst, for ’twas when his real agony began. Damn his vow to hell! He would not be able to keep himself from taking her to his bed much longer, especially if the gowns she continued to wear became shorter and shorter when she went to take her slumber. His fingers itched to touch those silken thighs he swore she taunted him with each night when she paraded around almost naked afore she climbed alone into her bed. All he wanted to do was to crawl as deep as he could inside her and never make his way out.

  Instead, whilst he settled himself on the hard floor by her door, he would watch her through lowered lashes as she in turn watched him. Each eve, he sensed she waited for some sign he would come to her. How he wanted to join her beneath the coverings, but he swore he would keep his vow ’til they wed. How was he to have known ’twas far more complicated in the future than calling for the bans to be read and having a priest give them his blessing?

  “It’s not that much farther now. Would you like to listen to some music?” Jenna asked, turning on the radio without waiting for his answer.

  It did not matter the music she chose was pleasing to his ears. ’Twas only so because he was able to listen to the purity of Jenna’s voice raised in song. Sweetness dripped from her lips as her high soprano tone was perfect in pitch. Was there anything this woman could not do?

  “Will you as yet tell me where you are taking me?” Fletcher inquired as Jenna at last took the car off the freeway and began meandering along a two lane road. There was still plenty of traffic, but this was more to his liking. At least ’twas not as busy.

  “It’s a surprise. I’ve been trying to find something you’d like to do, so I’m hoping this will make you happy.” Jenna beamed.

  He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “You make me happy, my lady,” Fletcher answered, placing another kiss on the inside of her wrist.

  She gave a happy giggle. “You’re distracting me. How am I supposed to concentrate on the road with you doing that?”

  He took his hand away, once again feeling he had erred. “I will cease. You must needs take care with this contraption so we arrive safely at your destination.” Turning back to gaze out the window, he now watched the scenery flash by with disinterest.

  “I was only making a joke, Fletcher. You know, I was jesting with you.”

  He waved her off. “Drive on…”

  Jenna pulled the car over at a small turnout on the road then turned to him. “I’m trying to be patient with you, Fletcher, but dammit don’t treat me like I’m your servant. I know everything is strange here to you, especially since it wasn’t too long ago I was in the same situation,” she all but growled at him.

  He had never seen her angry. “I am trying, but ’tis hard,” he muttered, his voice sounding gruff, even to his own ears.

  “You think I don’t know that?”

  She stared at him, her arm resting on what she called the steering wheel to drive this carriage called a car that surely was a demon from hell. He preferred his horse for a means of transporting himself to his destination. He sighed, knowing ’twould do no good wishing for his own time. He had willingly chosen his path to follow this woman.

  Fletcher reached out to run his thumb along her cheek. “I am most sorry, Jenna. I promise to attempt to better find my way in your time.”

  “Let’s just enjoy the day and not argue. I’ve had enough fighting in past relationships to last the rest of my life,” she said.

  “As you wish,” he said whilst regretting his part in causing her look of worry, which continued to be etched upon her face.

  “Now that we’ve had our very first argument, life can only be rainbows and unicorns from here on out.” Jenna remarked.

  Fletcher gave her another look that must have amused her, since she burst out laughing, and then she faced forward once more and pulled the car back onto the road.

  “You have a passing strange language, Jenna. I do not know if I shall ever become accustomed to it.”

  “Since I’m not going anywhere, and you’re pretty much stuck with me, you’ll just have to learn to retaliate in kind. Really, Fletcher, you don’t do a whole lot of joking around.”

  “’Twas not much to jest about, my lady, times being what they were. I had garrison knights to train and other duties to see to. If I had stayed, those duties would have taken me to Lancashire where I would have even more to occupy me than when I was a vassal to Dristan.” Fletcher ran his hand along the back of his neck whist contemplating his life. “I still had much to laugh about, if nothing else but with the antics of Dristan and Amiria’s children.”

  “You should have been married with children of your own,” she declared calmly. “That’s what life is about, after all, or at least that’s my opinion.”

  Only the briefest instant of a memory of Katherine flashed afore his mind. He leaned closer to her to whisper in Jenna’s ear. “Mayhap, I was only wai
ting for the right woman to fall at my feet.” His reply was a reminder of how they had first met. She shivered, and Fletcher could not resist placing a kiss upon her neck.

  “Geez…you’re gonna make me crash for sure,” Jenna replied in a breathy whisper. He could see how she was gripping the wheel tighter.

  He chuckled, knowing she was just as sensitive as he was whenever they were close to one another. She fumbled to find his hand and linked her fingers through his, placing it on her leg. He tried to think of other things than where his hand was resting and the heat that penetrated through her pants.

  The car continued its way down the mountainside as it snaked through various vegetation that was unknown to him. Jenna slowed the car down, and he watched as a deer bounded into a nearby field. ’Twas good to see something that was at least familiar to his eyes, for nothing else was.

  Trying to find a place to park became a challenge, for it appeared everyone else had the same destination in mind, but Jenna gave a triumphant cheer when another car made way for her. He opened the door of the car and looked around. Trees towered overhead. They were in some kind of a forest, so he was curious where his modern lady was to lead him this day.

  Jenna linked her arm through his and gave him a bright smile. “I thought you might like to take a hike, and this was the closest place I could think of that you might enjoy.” She began pulling out some paper monies from her bag at her side. “Let me just pay, and then we can go in.”

  “’Tis not seemly one must pay to walk in a place of God’s creation,” Fletcher mused aloud.

  Jenna shrugged and handed over the money to the woman in the booth. “This is Muir Woods National Monument, and it’s managed by the National Park Service. They protect the land and habitat so future generations can enjoy it as much as we do today.”

  “Mayhap ’tis a worthy cause, but it still does not seem just that one must pay in order to enjoy what God has given for our pleasure.”


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