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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

Page 21

by Sherry Ewing

  “Time to get going. Take care of yourself, you hear me?”

  Amy waved them off. “You know me. I’ll just roll along with whatever life throws my way. Love you, sis.”

  “I love you too, sissy.”

  Fletcher pulled her tight against his side. “Are you ready, Jenna?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  They left Amy standing alone, hugging herself a short distance away, while they made their way down the beach and along the rock outcroppings toward the place where they had both fallen through Time previously. Then Jenna halted her progress abruptly. A major problem was visible before them. Jenna peered at the end of the beach then up at the face of the rock wall, the Cliff House perched high above. The last time Jenna had slipped through Time had been summer, and the tide had been far out to sea. Now, however, six months later, the surf went straight up to the rock face. There was no way to safely get to where the time gate was located, at least not if they didn’t wish to be swept out to sea by the strong currents. Even when they had slipped forward to Jenna’s place in time, she never thought about how the tides had affected their return, because the time faeries seemed to have solved the problem for them when they arrived safely. One look at Fletcher’s puzzled face, and she knew he had the same thoughts running through his head.

  “How can the beach just end here?” he inquired, his brow furrowed as he, too, took in their predicament. “I know I am not losing my mind when I remember we were farther around this cliff when we landed here.”

  “It’s the tides,” Jenna replied. “During the summer, the tides are out, but it’s winter now, and obviously that’s not the case.” She bit her lip, worrying how they would manage to return to the twelfth century if they couldn’t even reach where they needed to stand.

  “Mayhap, if you try to conjure up the time gate, it will comply,” Fletcher suggested.

  “Sure, why not? We’ve got nothing to lose at this point. Unless you’d care to wait until the seasons change again,” Jenna remarked, already knowing his answer.

  “Nay, I do not wish to tarry longer in your time, Jenna. Please try.”

  Jenna began to concentrate on where she wanted them to go while Fletcher kept a death grip around her waist.

  “Take us to twelfth century Berwyck,” she spoke in a firm voice. Her confidence in their plans to return waivered. She waited for the distorted view of the time gate to open, but nothing was happening. She looked at Fletcher, who continued frowning.

  “Mayhap, you did not speak forcefully enough?” he suggested.

  “I didn’t have to do that any other time. I really think it’s because we’re in the wrong spot. I mean, anyone could fall through the portal if it was accessible to everyone at any time, I would think.”

  “Perchance, ’tis different, since we are going together in this instance, instead of separately. Try again, my lady.”

  “What year was it again?”

  “’Twas the year of our Lord’s grace, 1182.”

  Jenna focused her thoughts on the year and attempted another go at it. “Please take us back to Berwyck Castle, to the year 1182.”

  They waited. Nothing changed. The fog still hovered on the horizon. The wind still blew normally, as it had any other time that she had walked the beach. Even the waves, as they crashed onto the shore, appeared as normal as normal could be.

  What the heck? Jenna thought. “I don’t understand why it’s not working if we’ve had all these feelings that now is the time to return to your place in history,” she cried out, frustrated that this wasn’t going to work, after all. “I thought for sure that we’d just show up, and Time would take care of the rest.”

  “I am bemused, as well, Jenna.” Fletcher raked his fingers through his hair. “I thought my prayers would be answered, and we would encounter no problems if we but wished to return to my time.”

  Jenna tried harder until her head began to hurt. She saw Amy making her way closer.

  “I don’t get it,” Jenna fumed. “It’s supposed to work like last time.”

  Amy folded her arms across her chest and began tapping her fingers on her arm. Her face suddenly brightened. “That’s it!” she yelled and began doing a little dance in the sand.

  “What the hell are you so happy about?” Jenna demanded with narrowed eyes. This situation was not one that called for a celebration. Far from it.

  “Don’t you see? It’s not your need for another life that opened the time gate like it did previously. It’s his.”

  “Mine?” Fletcher replied in confusion.

  “Yea…you’re the one who truly wishes to go back to your own place in time, not Jenna. She’s just along for the ride and to follow the love of her life,” Amy answered, smiling. “Go on…give it a try. I betcha it works if you’re the one doing the asking, Fletch.”

  Jenna again felt the firm grip of Fletcher’s hand on her. He looked down at her, and she nodded for him to proceed. What did they have to lose at this point?

  He gave a sigh before he spoke loudly. “Take me home.”

  In an instant, the waves of the ocean were sucked back, as though God himself had pushed the way clear for them. Their feet sank into the soft sand while they ran around the face of the cliff. Fog slammed hard into the shore as the portal to Fletcher’s world suddenly opened before their eyes. She could feel Fletcher being sucked into his past life while she faltered between the past and the present. God help her, she felt her hand slipping from his.

  “Don’t let me go!” Jenna screamed, watching Fletcher begin to disappear into the void before her.


  Two different people pulled her in two completely different directions. Fletcher’s voice sounded far off in the passageway between the two worlds, whereas Amy’s sounded closer, trying to keep her where she was supposed to belong. She didn’t want to lose either one of them, but she knew in her heart, she needed to be with Fletcher.

  “I’m sorry, Amy…” she bawled and felt a hard pull as Fletcher’s other hand got a hold on her arm, and he pulled her back with him.

  “Jenna!” Amy’s pleading voice filled Jenna’s heart with regret.

  And then, she knew no more while she was seized back into the sucking abyss, being yanked into the past. The whirling sound of centuries passing in the blink of an eye filled her ears until she was unceremoniously dumped, yet again, on a sandy beach. Her backpack dug into her shoulder blades, so she yanked the offending thing off.

  She choked back a sob as her eyes adjusted to where she was. Fletcher, thankfully, was at her side. Fury, in all his magnificent glory, stood exactly where Fletcher had probably left him, as if he had not been gone, at all. The horse nickered and began nosing Fletcher as though he had been missed. Berwyck rose majestically on the cliff side, right where it should belong.

  She threw herself into Fletcher’s arms then they hugged each other tight. “We made it,” they declared in unison and began laughing at their good fortune.


  The sound of her name being called in the distance brought them back to their senses as they realized that the portal was still open.

  “You don’t think─” Sure enough, before Jenna could finish her sentence, Amy landed squarely at their feet, coughing up a bunch of sand that had gotten into her mouth. It was a repeat performance, if Jenna ever saw one, of her own first arrival in the twelfth century.

  Fletcher went to his horse to sooth it from the commotion they were making. “Easy, boy,” he murmured while the horse began to prance. “Aye, I am most glad to see you, too.” The horse neighed as though answering his master, reminding Jenna of a dog.

  “Are you insane?” Jenna shouted. She rushed to help her friend up off the ground, but Amy, in turn, only stood there brushing off the beach sand from her clothing, as though it were the most normal thing in the world for her to go traipsing through time.

  Amy gave Jenna the widest grin she ever beheld. “Tell me you’re not happy to see me?
Go on, tell me!”

  “You know I am, but what about my mother? I thought you were going to look after her for me?”

  “She knew what I had planned. I told you, I’d like to go with you.”

  “But I didn’t think you were serious! For God’s sake, you don’t even like to camp.”


  Jenna didn’t know if she wanted to hug Amy to death or hit her over the head. Either choice was taken from her as the time gate shut itself down, but it was the sound of thundering hooves that caused her to look up at Fletcher as he brought his sword forward until he saw who approached.

  “Ho, Fletcher,” Taegan yelled from atop his black warhorse. Reining in the animal, the huge man leapt from his horse to slap Fletcher on the shoulder in a sign of welcome. “The guards thought they espied your horse galloping along the strand. Why did you not return first to the castle? You were at Lancashire longer than expected.”

  Jenna exchanged a look with Fletcher before he spoke up. “You only just saw me arrive?”

  “Aye. Lady Jenna, what are you doing outside Berwyck’s gates? Dristan will not be pleased, not pleased, at all.” His demeanor seemed to change when his eyes focused past Jenna. “Who is that you are trying to hide behind you?” Taegan asked with interest.

  “It’s a long story, Sir Taegan, and this is my friend, Amy.”

  Taegan yanked Fletcher aside. If he thought to keep his words whispered to a soft hush, then he was failing miserable. “Do not tell me, ’tis another future maiden.”

  “I am afraid so,” Fletcher chuckled at the knight’s look of befuddlement.

  “Are there not enough of them already running around here of late?” Taegan’s voice was gruff as he continued to look Amy up and down with a quizzical frown. “Is she suffering some sort of malady that we must needs seek out Kenna? Is this why her hair is oddly colored?”

  “The lady is perfectly fine. We have much to discuss, but later, my friend.” Fletcher pushed the guard forward. “Make your introductions and behave.”

  Jenna hid a smile as Taegan gave Amy a bow. “Glad tidings to you, my lady.”

  Amy practically gasped aloud before Jenna also gave her a shove in the knight’s direction. “Well…hello there,” Amy murmured with an appreciative glance of approval. Taegan held out his hand, and Jenna saw Amy blush as she put her hand in his, and he bent to kiss it. Amy continued to openly ogle the knight before she said to Jenna. “I think, I’m gonna like it here.”

  Without adieu, Teagan took Amy about the waist and easily lifted her up onto his saddle, and just as quickly, in one graceful movement, seated himself behind her.

  Jenna’s merry laughter rang out as Fletcher helped her up onto his horse. She watched Amy’s retreating form as she and Taegan galloped away. Settled in the saddle, Jenna was startled when Fletcher wrapped his arms around her and proceeded to kiss her thoroughly. Then he stared at her with longing until she couldn’t help but laugh again.

  “Are you ready to go home, Jenna?” he inquired, nuzzling her neck with his lips.

  She clasped him around his neck. “Lancashire can wait. I’m ready to go to Berwyck and to your chamber, unless you’d rather make love to me right here on the beach?”

  “Nay, I wish to have you to myself and away from prying eyes. Let us away to Berwyck. We must needs find Father Donovan so we may wed, else Dristan will have my head.”

  “Then lead away, my love. The sooner you make me your wife, the sooner you can make love to me. I feel like I’ve already put off a few lifetimes waiting for you to find me.”

  “You shall tire of me soon enough, I fear,” he acknowledged with a quirked brow, then flicked the reins to urge Fury forward into a gentle trot.

  “Never. You’re stuck with me forever, Fletcher.”

  “Then I shall indeed die a happy man knowing I will find you yet again in the hereafter.” He leaned down and gave her another kiss that spoke a thousand promises.

  Reaching up, she caressed the cheek of the man whom she had given up everything for. She’d do it all over again in a heartbeat if she had to, just so she could be with this man she loved. Fletcher was more than worth the sacrifice.

  Chapter 36

  Fletcher pulled the coverlet over Jenna’s shoulder and felt her snuggling closer to him. He chuckled, thinking once more how he felt as if she had become a second skin. She could not get any closer if she tried, and Lord knows how she tried. His lady was an amazing woman, both in and out of the bedchamber. Although he felt he was more than able to satisfy his wife, even he was surprised with the amount of energy she seemed to have. He was indeed blessed.

  Wife…he and Jenna could not have found Berwyck’s priest fast enough, and Father Donovan had been more than accommodating to please the captain of the guard. Perchance, pointing his sword at the fellow whilst making his demands had something to do with getting his point across of their need for haste. Fletcher would more than willingly pay the price required upon his knees, come the morn, whilst he asked for forgiveness.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jenna asked, attempting to stifle a yawn.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I was just wondering how I will ever keep up with you. I had no idea you would be so ardent in our bedchamber.”

  She lifted her head to peer at him with half-closed eyes. “Tell me you’re not complaining already.”

  “Nay, I am not. Actually, I am feeling quite the opposite. How could one man be so lucky?”

  “Or one woman,” she added whilst she placed her hand over his heart. He covered it with his own.

  “I feel as if I may have done you a disservice by having us wed so quickly,” he declared, smoothing her hair. “I could not wait any longer to make you my wife. I hope you are not unhappy that I rushed the ceremony.”

  Jenna took hold of his hand to place a kiss upon it, which caused him to halt his wandering exploration of her full breasts. She continued to be full of surprises. ’Twas not a gesture that a woman usually gave to a man. “I wanted to be married right away, too, Fletcher, and I’m very happy.” She rested her head back down upon his chest. “Besides, Dristan and Amiria whipped together in no time an amazing feast to celebrate our marriage.”

  “Aye, and if ’twere up to the guardsmen, I would still be down below drinking my fill.”

  She gave a little giggle. “I doubt it. They could have insisted on witnessing that horrible custom of stripping us just to ensure you consummated the marriage properly.”

  “Surely, you jest, madam, that I would allow such a thing?” he growled.

  “Thank goodness. We would have been having quite an argument on our wedding night if you had allowed that. Besides, I think we did just fine on our own, don’t you?” She gave a breathless sigh that told him, as a hundred words never could, she was content.

  “Aye. I shall need to stay abed for a se’nnight to recuperate,” Fletcher replied with a sly grin, not that she saw it. She was too busy rubbing her hand along his chest and stomach.

  Her hand stopped its tender administration as though she were lost in thought. She moved up onto the pillow. He turned onto his side so he could watch her better. Jenna seemed lost in thought, and he prayed she was not worried about her decision to return with him to the past.

  “What is troubling you, my love?” he whispered. His lovely wife gave him a most serene smile. He had never seen her look more beautiful than she did right at that moment.

  “You won’t be upset if I speak my mind?”

  “I would have you tell me anything, Jenna, no matter the difficulty.”

  “Be careful what you ask for. You may regret it,” she replied with a soft smile.

  “Speak your heart, my dearest wife,” he urged. Taking her hand, he brought her wrist up to his lips and kissed the inside, causing her to shiver.

  “You’re going to make me forget what I was going to ask you, and we’ll end up doing other things besides talking.”

  “Complaining already?” he
repeated her words she spoke but moments ago.

  “Never,” she whispered.

  “Then proceed, and tell me what is troubling you so.”

  Jenna’s hand cupped his face whilst her thumb began to caress his cheek. “It’s not a matter of what’s troubling me. I just never asked you something that has been on my mind for a while.”

  “Go on,” he urged.

  She took a deep breath afore continuing. “There’s no denying this strange connection that is between us. I’d be a fool if I did. But I was just curious…”

  “About what?”

  “I was just so nasty and confused when I landed here the first time. What made you continue to pursue me like you did? You actually had all the patience of a saint, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if you went galloping away, in any other direction, rather than stand by me when I was feeling like I was losing my mind.”

  Those green eyes of hers glimmered with tears hovering in their corners. He took a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. “You are not the first woman from the future that has crossed my path, Jenna.”

  “You mean, Katherine?”

  “Aye, along with three of her friends. Katherine made mention once of how she had always had feelings for Riorden, even when she only thought he was but a dream. ’Til you landed practically on top of my feet, I never thought such a feeling could exist for me.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. I thought I was in love with Dylan, but that could never compare to how I feel when I’m with you. That still doesn’t really answer my question of why.”

  He smiled down at her and gave her lips a quick kiss before taking his own hand to touch her cheek. “Because that very same lady once told me to follow my heart. I could do no less, for the very first moment I touched you, I knew.”

  “Knew what?”


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