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Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 15

by Briers, M L

  Vicky took a slow walk down the stairs, hearing the rumble of deep voices coming from the office, she couldn’t make out what was being said, but when she reached the last step and the door was yanked back on its hinges Marcus stalked out, his head rising to take her in, his eyes darker than normal as he gave her a sympathetic look.

  “He’s a bear with a sore head this morning- maybe you can lighten his mood-“ He pulled himself up to his full height and bit down on his jaw for a long moment, before growling out between clenched teeth. “Before someone has a mind to hit him with a shovel around his thick head.” Then he was gone, stalking across to the front door and disappearing behind the thud of the door when he slammed it behind him.

  Vicky giggled as she dropped down the last step and walked towards the open door of the office, peering inside to see Cade sitting behind his desk, the steam practically coming from his ears as he stared off into space at the wall with a hard gaze, the muscles of his jaw tensing and releasing, obviously tossing things over in his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” She senses his unease through the anger and frustration of the fight he had with Marcus and when his eyes flicked to hers, she watched him physically push all of it aside- his feelings seemed to pull back from her. He was hiding something.

  “Good morning-“ He held out his hand for her to come to him and she did, closing the door behind her she walked around the desk. Cade pushed his seat back and got to his feet, taking her hand, he led her to stand in front of him, her backside resting against the desk as he fitted her into his arms, nuzzling his face against her neck, taking in her scent and filling his mind with her, just her.

  “What’s got Marcus so riled up?” She didn’t want to ask, she wanted to just lose herself with the feel of Cade, but it niggled at her.

  “Just Marcus being a knucklehead- I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke this morning-“ He was changing the subject, she knew it and he knew that she knew it, was she supposed to give him a pass?

  “Deflecting-“ The word was silenced by his lips coming down on hers, his tongue pushed inside her mouth and he wasted no time in eliciting the response from her body he wanted. His hands working the skirt slowly up her thighs until the material was pooled around her hips and his fingers were tracing hot paths up her inner thighs, opening her legs for him to step between them, his hard erection nudging the sensitive nub through her silk panties.

  The deep groan of pleasure, when her hips involuntarily pushed against his hardness caused an ache in his groin that only being within her would ease- her hands slipped between their bodies and he gave her room to work at releasing his hardness from his jeans- when she fisted the heated flesh of his shaft, he devoured her mouth with a fiery kiss that pushed everything else far from her mind- his fingers worked under the edge of her panties and he took her core with two fingers.

  He was too worked up to keep his feelings caged within him and she felt the tension and frustration coming from him in waves- anger simmered deep inside and his need for her overrode every other emotion that was swirling within his mind.

  Vicky felt the tear of the fabric that covered her sex and gasped against his mouth- just the act of ripping the barrier that was between them away was so potent to her arousal, her feet slipped up his outer thighs- until she pulled him towards her with her feet against his backside, her hand directing the tip of his glands towards her core as he nudged the opening wider and she pulled her hand back as he rocked her backwards on the desk, thrusting into her in one long hard stroke that caused her to break free from him mouth, a moan of sheer pleasure escaping her lips as she threw her head back and revelled in his power over her.

  “Take me Cade- don’t hold back.”

  The growl of pure desire ripped from his throat as he pushed her back flat against the desk, his hands on her hips as he lifted her to where he could thrust into her with ease, hard long deep strokes that caused a firestorm of powerful jolts to rush through her- his carnal desire to dominate her mind, body and soul burned within him and he was tittering on the edge of losing control to his beast- “So tight- so good.” He growled pounding his hips against hers until he felt her tense within- her muscles clenching hard as he continued to thrust against them sending her over the edge with a violent release that caused her to cry out with the force of the orgasm that tore through her.

  Cade’s relentless rhythm inside her was thrown off kilter as her inner muscles massaged his shaft and he roared his own release into the silence of the office- thrusting hard and deep into her as his seed spilled against her womb, again and again until he collapse forwards over her body, his head resting against her shoulder, this time it was her who recovered herself before he did- her hands running through his hair and down his back, soothing him against her.

  “Did I hurt you?” He dragged his head up, his eyes questioning her as she shook her head, relief washed over his face as the beast was pushed back within him and he took her lips in a gentle caress.

  “If I ever lose control of myself enough to do something you don’t like, or I hurt you-“

  “Oh you’ll be the first to know-“ She mused back, running her hands back through his hair, causing him to close his eyes and savour the feel of her touch and for that brief instant, she was reminded of the way his wolf had done the exact same thing and she couldn’t help the little chuckle that left her lips.

  The sound brought his eyes open and he leaned down over her, resting on his elbows as he questioned her mood without words.

  “You looked like your wolf just then.” She mused and he grinned at her- his thumbs gently brushing down either cheek.

  “You do bring out the beast in me-“ He winced at the cheesiness of his words and she chuckled again.

  “Smooth honey- oh so smooth.” She informed him as he eased out of her. Pulling her up with him and taking a moment to brush her skirt back down over her thighs, barely covering her, before he tucked himself away.

  “You need to stop ripping my underwear or-“

  “You’ll have none to wear- sounds like the perfect solution to the problem.” He offered with the sexiest grin he had given her yet and she palmed his chest and pushed him backwards away from her. Turning and snatching up the useless scrap of material, she grabbed his hand and slapped them into his palm.

  “You’re incorrigible-“ She spat out on a chuckle and watched as he brought the thin band of silk towards his nose and scented them.

  “A keepsake.” He informed her before opening his desk drawer and tossing them in.

  “Eww.” She turned her nose up at his actions before she slipped her backside up on his desk and gave him a look of encouragement.

  “So let’s try again- what’s with you and Marcus?” She watched his eyes grow more serious, saw the way he set his jaw and knew she wasn’t going to get an answer. “Ok. Alpha. Have it your way.” There was no point in pushing him on it, he obviously didn’t want to share and she didn’t want him to get as tense as he had been before she had relieved some of his stress.

  “Let’s have breakfast. I need to feed my woman.” He was deliberately putting on a mucho act now- but lord how he didn’t need to, he had that whole thing going on so naturally, that she couldn’t help but chuckle at how- not macho his macho act actually was.

  “Just don’t go all native on me and bring me back Bambi ok?”

  “No venison?”

  “No venison is good- but I just want to see it with a face.” She informed him before dropping down from the counter as he bit back a hearty laugh.

  “City girl.”


  Vicky stood on the front porch looking out into the calmness of the woods. The snow gave everything a serene appearance, even though underneath she knew the pack were in quiet turmoil preparing for tonight’s full moon and the possible attack. Whit stalked out of the front door, crossing the porch with a sideways look in her direction as his long legs carried him easily across the snow covered porch.

bsp; “Hey Vic-“ He shot out with a wide friendly smile and she jumped at the chance to speak with him.

  “Whit- got a minute?” He stalled in mid step, a frown appearing on his forehead.

  “I gotta go pick up some sleeping bags for the pups tonight- taking the truck- you wanna come along?” He offered easily and she nodded, eager to speak to him away from Cade’s ears.

  “Cool. Come on then. Jump in.” Vicky followed him down the stairs, not as sure on her feet in the snow as he was and he dropped his step in line with hers, his hand reaching for her elbow as he guided her over the slick spot where the trucks had been coming and going, the tyres packing down the snow into an icy sheen.

  Vicky let out a squeal as her feet shot out in two different directions but Whit had her in a death grip, righting her in an instant, a small chuckle on his lips as he grinned down at her.

  “How do you human’s survive in this world when you can’t even walk on ice?” He teased, lifting her from her feet and putting her down next to the passenger door in one smooth move, just as Cade came out on the porch.

  “Hands off Whit.” He growled, but Vicky saw the amusement in his eyes as she shot him a look.

  “Well ok brother, but your mate will be on her butt in about ten second after that-“ He grinned, his arm still around her waist, steadying her and she gripped the jacket of his sleeve.

  “Do not let me go!” She hissed between clenched teeth as Whit shot a look of amusement at Cade.

  “Choose brother.” He chuckled as Vicky narrowed her eyes at Cade.

  ‘Don’t you even think about it Cade Blackthorn.’ She growled out in her mind and watched the smile spread across his face as he heard her loud and clear.

  ‘What’s it worth Vic?’ Cade shot back and she huffed at him, caught between a rock and a hard place.

  ‘I will not be blackmailed-‘ she huffed back as Whit watched the mental exchange with interest, he couldn’t hear them, she was human and unless he shared blood with her, he would never be able to link into her mind.

  “Fine. Let her go Whit-“ Cade chuckled, Whit’s hand started to slide away from her waist and she gripped onto his jacket, her feet turning under the strain of holding onto him.

  “Anything- anything- anything-“ She squealed out trying to keep her feet steady as he gently turned her in place.

  “I’ll hold you to that woman- stick her in the passenger seat Whit.” He chuckled at the fire in her eyes and the crimson splashes that heated her cheeks as Whit yanked open the passenger door and lifted her easily, dumping her backside in the seat.

  “One human mate safely stowed away brother-“ Whit chuckled before he slammed the door closed and strolled around the front of the truck, both brothers easily picking up her tirade of black curses and insinuations of his parentage from where she sat, arms crossed over her chest in the front seat.

  ‘Seems you have some placating to do later brother- and from the look of her it had better be good.’ Whit mused as he pulled open the driver’s door and slipped in behind the wheel.

  ‘Keep her safe.’

  ‘Guard her with my life- I want to see her kick your butt later.’

  Vicky turned towards Cade as Whit put the truck into gear and set off down the snow covered non road into the woods, flipping Cade the bird and not waiting for his reply as she turned in her seat and turned her eyes on Whit.

  “Don’t even start with me woman- or you’re on your own with the next ice patch-“ He growled out good naturedly and she huffed at him, pushing herself back in her seat as the truck bobbed and weaved over the mounds of snow.

  Vicky waited until she felt they were far enough away from the main cabin, or more to the point, far enough away from Cade to be able to speak with Whit about what she had on her mind.


  He shot her a look, her tone was off and he picked up on it right away, an uneasy shift in his seat as he turned his eyes on her.

  “Ok, stop right there Vic- I’m not the best to give relationship advice-“ She couldn’t held the snigger that escaped her lips and he looked physically relieved that he had managed to get the wrong end of the stick.

  “You’re so cute-“ She teased, it was his turn to huff, no Lycan male wanted to be thought of as cute- he must have been doing something wrong if he was giving off that vibe.

  “Great. Thanks for the insult.” He bit out and she pressed down on her lips to try to hold back the smile that was already tugging at her lips.

  “I wanted your advice about my land-“

  “Your land?” He gave her a puzzled look. “Thought that was settled, you were selling to the pack- Cade’s still gonna pay-“

  “No- Whit- that’s not it. Look, I was thinking that this whole thing started because Devanaux wanted my land and-“ He caught up with her in an instant, the acknowledgement registering on his face.

  “You think if you offer Devanaux the land, you’ll avoid the pack going to war?”

  “I feel like this whole thing is my fault and I don’t want anyone to be hurt because-“

  “It’s not Vicky-“ He shut her down. It wasn’t a good line of thought for her to have, none of this was really about her, not in the great scheme of things. “Trust me, this war has been coming for a long time- even before Marcus lost his mate. If it wasn’t this- it would be something else. If they do come tonight, or next full moon- it won’t be about you.” Vicky didn’t feel much better about Whit’s words than she had about Cade’s. It still felt wrong, like it could be avoided somehow.

  “That’s what Cade said-“ She muttered slinking down into her seat even further and Whit raised his brows in surprise at her before turning on a frown.

  “You talked to Cade about this?” She nodded and he frowned harder, unsettled again in his seat as he winced out his discomfort.

  “Vicky- Cade’s the Alpha of the pack. You can’t go against what he tells you-“ Whit seemed to have lost some of his good humour and she gave a shrug off her shoulders, the feeling of defeat in the face of her plan, her hope, distracting her. “Cade’s right. It wouldn’t work. If Devanaux’s out for a fight nothing will stop him. But the most important thing here is – and I know you’re human and you don’t get it yet- but Cade is Alpha- don’t go against him.”

  As Beta it was Whit’s job to keep the pack in line- that included Cade’s mate if she stepped over boundaries. He didn’t have any experience in keeping human’s in line within the pack, she was the first, so it would be a learning curve for both of them, but he had to try- it was ingrained within him.

  “But what if it did stop the war?”

  “It would only be a brief band aid if it worked- plus it would be bad for the pack in the long run and the human’s in the outside community.” Whit pulled the truck off the main wide track, the road felt like pot hole central as they started to bounce down the nonexistent track.

  “But-“ She ground out, digging her nails into the seat beneath her, in the hopes that her backside would stop impacting the seat every time they hit a bump and she shot in the air.

  “Vicky- the answer is no.” Whit’s voice had become so humourless now that she didn’t even recognise it anymore as his. The annoyance was evident in every word and when she snatched a look in his direction, she saw the tension within his jaw, narrowed eyes fixed on the way ahead.

  “So a rational debate is out of the question in this dictatorship-“ She snapped back, digging her nails in even harder as she was greeted with the slow rumble from his growl that cut through the silence of the cab.

  “Vicky-“ He growled a warning at her from across the way and she didn’t much appreciate it. He was right, she was human and she had spent the best part of her adult life studying the law and putting a well balanced argument forward for consideration and now she was being told that, right here and now, that wouldn’t happen in future.

  Whit spotted the downed tree a moment before they came upon it- a dark curse left his lips as he slid the truck to a halt,
barely scrapping the paintwork of the offside wing against the protruding branches and cursed again as he put the truck into park and turned off the engine. His dark eyes searched her out.

  “You ok?” The growl was still evident in his tone, but she thought she heard an underlying concern there which did little to placate her mood.

  “Sure, the lowly human’s intact.” She muttered between clenched teeth, her hand was popping the door open before he could speak again, she wasn’t about to wait around for his comeback, being berated was not high on her list of priorities for the rest of her day.

  Whit was at her side the moment her feet hit the crisp snow, she caught the glare from his eyes and chose to ignore him, even if he was breathing out clouds of vapour from his nose like a dragon that had lost its fire.

  “Petulance doesn’t look good on you Victoria.” He threw the comment out to her back as she walked towards the tree that lay broken in the snow and felt an affinity with it. Like her, that tree no longer served its true purpose in life, she was no longer her own person, she was Cade’s mate and she wondered if, like the tree, she would not bend under the pressure that position, but would be broken by it.

  “You know what Whit. I don’t give a damn.” She shot back over her shoulder, just as his hands came down on her upper arm and he turned her back towards him, she let it happen, not that she had much of a choice where Whit’s strength was concerned, his eyes searched her face as he stared down at her.

  “You’ll come to understand the hierarchy of the pack- no one is saying you can’t have a voice here Vicky- you have as much right to air your opinions as the rest of us-“ Whit watched the slow twist of her lips into a sarcastic half smile of contempt.

  “And then have them dismissed-“She tried to pull her arm from his grip, but he wasn’t ready to let her go yet and there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it.

  “Cade doesn’t come to a decision based on the idea that- because it’s you or because you’re are female, you’re wrong-“ His brow furrowed as he glared down at her and she tried to pull her arm from his grip again, without success.


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