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Jingle-Bell Jam (River's End Ranch Book 32)

Page 11

by Pamela M. Kelley

  He did as instructed while Jaclyn fussed about the kitchen, pouring hot water for tea from a steaming kettle and setting a plate of cookies in the middle of the table. She brought two cups of tea over and gave one to Bryan and sat down to enjoy the other one herself.

  “Go ahead, try one. These are snickerdoodle with raspberry. I think I like them almost as much as plain snickerdoodle. That’s what I’m famous for, you know.”

  “I’ve heard.” Bryan bit into a cookie and gave Jaclyn a big thumbs-up.

  “This is a winner.”

  “Good. Now that we’ve got that out of the way I have another question for you. When are you and Melanie going to get engaged? Times a wastin’, you know.”

  Bryan almost choked on his cookie. “What do you mean? We just started dating.”

  Jaclyn shook her head. “And that took you long enough, didn’t it? What are you waiting for? You’re both crazy about each other. Why not get married and get going with the rest of your life?”

  “I’ve never really been one to rush into things,” Bryan explained.

  “And how has that worked out for you?”

  Bryan laughed. She did have a point there.

  “It took you a long time to figure out that Amy wasn’t the one for you. Did you ever feel about her the way you feel about Melanie?”

  That was an easy question. “No. That was very different.” Bryan was unsure of his feelings for Amy for a long time and they were always conflicted. He wanted to feel about her the way that he felt about Melanie, but he’d never felt this way about anyone before. So, he’d thought that with Amy maybe that was as good as it would ever get.

  “So, you see what I’m saying, then.” Jaclyn smiled and reached for another cookie. “I’m glad we had this conversation.”

  “Me, too.”

  When Bryan left Jaclyn’s house, instead of taking a right and heading back to the office, he turned left towards Main Street. There was another stop he wanted to make.

  Amy met Melanie for what she guessed would be her final session Thursday afternoon.

  “This really is a nice club,” Amy said as Melanie showed her a new piece of equipment that had just come in.

  “It’s important to Wade, the owner, that members have a really good experience. If you ever have any suggestions or feedback that could help us do better, we’d welcome it. There’s a suggestion box at the reception desk and Wade is excited to give a generous gift certificate for any suggestion that we use.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Amy sounded impressed.

  “We surveyed our members a few months ago and asked them what was most important to them and what we weren’t currently offering that they really wanted and then we gave it to them.”

  “What was it?” Amy sounded curious.

  “Expanded childcare. Having the hours start a little earlier and go a little later opened up a bigger window for when mothers would be able to use the club and it made the difference for some in which club they decided to go to. That’s how important the issue was for them.”

  “Oh, that’s really interesting.”

  “I know some of them are on tighter budgets and probably would go to the other big gym in town, Idaho Fitness I think it’s called? Their monthly fees are lower but their hours aren’t as good for childcare. That’s just a quick example.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Wade doesn’t feel like we really compete with them, though. Because we serve different markets. We always mention them for instance if someone calls for information and say that they can’t afford to come here.”

  “You do?” Amy sounded surprised. “That’s really nice.”

  Melanie nodded. “Wade believes that we’re all part of the same community and what goes around comes around. I like to think that, but sometimes I’m not so sure, given what’s been happening lately.” She noticed a range of emotions flash across Amy’s face and wondered if what she was saying was sinking in at all.

  “What’s been happening?” Yes, she had her on the hook, now to reel her in.

  Melanie leaned in and spoke softly as if she was sharing a secret, “I probably shouldn’t say anything, but I’ve been a little worried for Wade as we’ve had a flurry of really nasty reviews. I don’t think he’s seen them yet and I’m just hoping that maybe they might disappear before he does. Because they’re just so unfair, the things that they say.”

  “Oh. Yeah, bad reviews are awful. I wouldn’t want him to see them, either.” Amy looked uncomfortable at the thought. Melanie crossed her fingers and hoped that maybe those reviews might go away soon.

  “Well, enough about that. What else shall we work on? How about some free weights?”

  Chapter 14

  The next two weeks were a whirlwind. Melanie saw Bryan almost every day and on the days they didn’t see each other, they always talked on the phone. They hunkered down during another blizzard that was even worse than the one before, but this time it didn’t take them by surprise. Melanie was glad to see that her Outback really was good in the snow. She drove to Bryan’s house and then to the grocery store before the snow came down too hard. They stocked up on all kinds of snacks and had a movie marathon with big bowls of buttered popcorn, and the cats curled up beside them.

  The week before Christmas they had so much fun participating in almost all of the holiday activities going on at the ranch. Melanie cheered Bryan on as he tried his hand at the snowmobile races and he was happy that he didn’t come in dead last and beat his time from last year. The weather on Christmas Eve was cold but clear and calm, perfect for the ornament hanging ceremony on the ranch. They attended the Christmas Eve service at the church, which was always one of Melanie’s favorite services. As they exited the church and walked outside, it was starting to snow every so slightly and it was a magical sight to see.

  Bryan took her hand as he walked her home to her cabin. His truck was parked right outside.

  “Before I go home, I have a little something I want to give you, for your tree.”

  “You got me an ornament?” Melanie was touched. She had shared with Bryan that she collected Christmas ornaments and every year added a special new one to her collection.

  “I did. I’ll just get it out of the truck.” He stopped and got a small gift bag out of his truck before they went inside. “This isn’t all I got you. I have something else. I figured I’d see you tomorrow for dinner at my parents and we’d exchange our gifts then. This is just something to open tonight.” He handed her the bag and waited for her to look inside.

  “Okay.” She reached into the small bag and drew out a somewhat heavy cardboard box about the size of a baseball. She lifted the lid and gasped as she drew out the delicate ornament inside. It was a beautiful jeweled and hand-printed egg that opened. She undid the clasp and swung the door open. The inside was just as beautifully painted but what took her breath away was what sat at the bottom of the egg. A vintage diamond engagement ring. She looked at Bryan with a mix of confusion, hope and joy.

  He smiled and got down on one knee.

  “These past few weeks have been the happiest of my life. The only thing that would make me happier would be to know that will never change. I love you, Melanie. Will you marry me?”

  Melanie didn’t hesitate for a second. “Of course I will!” She set the ornament down and pulled Bryan to his feet. “I love you, too. So much!”

  He kissed her soundly and then slid the ring onto her finger. She hung the ornament on her small tree while they discussed when they should get married.

  “Do you want a big wedding?” Bryan asked nervously.

  “Not particularly. Do you?”

  He seemed relieved by her answer. “No! A big wedding would take time to plan and couldn’t happen for longer than I’d like. I’d marry you tomorrow if you were willing.”

  Melanie laughed. She didn’t want to wait, either. “How about in a week? Melissa can stand up for me and we can go down to town hall, if that works for you. We
can have a big party at your house after.”

  “That most definitely works for me!”

  “Merry Christmas, Bryan,” she said softly.

  “Merry Christmas, my soon-to-be wife.”


  New Year’s Day

  “That was the best New Year’s Eve ever,” Melanie said as Bryan handed her a mug of hot coffee before he filled his own and then at his kitchen table, which was now their table. They’d gotten married the Friday before New Year’s Eve at town hall and had everyone over that Sunday for a combined wedding reception and New Year’s Eve party. Everyone had a great time and they were very happy to sleep in the next day. They didn’t have to be anywhere and could just relax at home.

  Melanie moved into Bryan’s house as soon as they got married. It was plenty big enough for both of them and the cats and they’d be moving into the lake house as soon as it was finished. It was going to be the dream house that they’d both envisioned.

  Melanie quietly tried her hand at making French toast while Bryan drank his coffee and read the sports section. She plated up breakfast for both of them, adding the powdered sugar the way she’d seen Bryan do and then a thin layer of jam. She even set a few tiny bites out for Holly and Rudy who weren’t expecting it from her and came running with delight.

  She also set the jam on the table in case he wanted to add more. His eyes opened wide when he saw what she’d made. He’d been engrossed in the paper and hadn’t been paying attention.

  “Wow, this is a treat.” He drizzled maple syrup over the top and then took a bite. “Something is different about this.”

  “Is it okay?” Melanie thought hers tasted fine.

  “Oh, it’s amazing. It’s the jam. It tastes better than usual.”

  Melanie laughed. “Well, it should. It’s Jaclyn’s prizewinning jam. She entered it into the county fair earlier this year. And she gave us a case of it as a wedding present!”

  “Well that explains it then. What a perfect gift.”

  Melanie flipped through the newspaper while her new best friend, Rudy, slept by her feet. While they ate, she thought of something she’d forgotten to tell him.

  “My little Jedi mind trick with Amy worked.” She’d filled him in on their conversation.

  “She took down the bad reviews?”

  “Well, I still can’t say for certain that it was her, but they are all gone now.”

  Bryan looked impressed. “Well done!”

  “Thanks. Oh, and Wade says that Maddie is doing much better. She might be able to come off bed rest sometime next week. She still needs to take it easy, though. She won’t be able to go back to work still until after the baby comes.”

  “Oh, that’s good. Her work is really physical.”

  “She’s so good, though. I’m not sure who I’ll see while she’s gone.”

  Bryan smiled. “I could give it a try.”

  Melanie laughed. “I won’t say no to that.” Her eyes fell on a new painting in the living room.

  “I still can’t believe you managed to get that painting for me. When they didn’t call me, I thought it was gone.”

  He grinned. “I know. I happened to check for you before we left and saw that you’d been outbid and a few other people made bids, too. So I added my bid and didn’t want to get your hopes up, and then I thought it would make a good Christmas gift.”

  “It was perfect.”

  “Well, your gift wasn’t too shabby, either. I can’t believe you noticed how interested I was in that trip.” Melanie’s gift to Bryan had been a long weekend trip to Boston and tickets to see a Red Sox game.

  “You kept walking by it and staring at the history book about the Red Sox. Plus, I figured it would be a good way to show you my city and take you to the North End for the world’s best cannoli.”

  “One of my college roommates was from Boston. He used to talk about the Red Sox all the time. I’ve always wanted to go sometime. Your city is obsessed with sports!”

  Melanie laughed. “Yes, that is very true.”

  She cleared their plates and put them in the dishwasher then topped off both of their mugs with a splash more coffee. Before she sat down, Bryan pulled her into his lap and kissed her.

  “What was that for?”

  “Do I need a reason to kiss my wife?” he asked and kissed her again.

  “No, you don’t. And I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet today that I love you, have I?”

  “I don’t believe you have.”

  “Well, I do. And I always will.”

  Melanie saw Bryan’s dimple flash as he grinned. “I love you too.”

  And then he kissed her, again.

  Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed Melanie and Bryan’s story. I’ve mentioned a few new characters, and would love to know who you are excited to hear about next. Please drop me a note anytime,

  Reviews are always greatly appreciated and help new readers find our book. Thank you for taking the time to write a quick review to let people know what you liked about the story.

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  Please read on, for my author note, and two of my favorite recipes that big surprise, involve raspberry jam!

  Author Note

  What you’ve just read here regarding the Riston food pantry is based on my own experience as a volunteer with the pantry at my church. It really does take a village. We have local grocers, chains like Panera and Cumberland farms as well as the Greater Boston Food Bank and local residents who all donate food and resources. The only difference is our big Turkey giveaway is for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas.

  If you are looking for a way to volunteer in your area, local food pantries always welcome food or check donations, particularly canned and dry goods and there is always a need for help working a shift to give out food and/or helping with monthly deliveries, unloading and putting food on the shelves.

  Pamela M. Kelley lives in the historic seaside town of Plymouth, MA near Cape Cod and just south of Boston. She has always been a book worm and still reads often and widely, romance, mysteries, thrillers and cook books. She writes contemporary romance and suspense and you'll probably see food featured and possibly a recipe or two. She is owned by a cute little rescue kitty, Bella.

  Also by Pamela M. Kelley

  Click the photo below to pre-order Fake News.

  Six Months in Montana

  Mistletoe in Montana

  Mischief in Montana

  Match-Making in Montana

  Winter in Ireland

  The Wedding Photo (a friends to lovers romance)

  Trust (Waverly Beach Mystery Series #1)

  Motive (Waverly Beach Mystery Series #2)

  River’s End Ranch Series

  Veterinarian’s Vacation

  Charming Chef

  Cute Cowboy

  Merry Manager

  Bernie’s Birthday

  Missing Melissa

  The Wedding Photo

  Up next, watch for Nashville Dreams set in the country music world. I think of this one as my big soapy saga—true love torn apart by amnesia and a scheming billionaire with political ambitions. Coming very soon…


  Chocolate Raspberry Overnight Oats

  Like Melanie, I make this all the time! It’s so easy. I usually mix up a single serving before I go to bed, and then pull it out in the morning for breakfast.

  1/2 cup Old Fashioned Oats (any oatmeal you like)

  1/2 cup milk of choice. I like Almond, Oat, or slightly sweetened Hazelnut milk.

  1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds (add protein and help make creamy)

  1 rounded tsp cocoa powder

  1 tsp maple syrup (if I use sweetened milk, I skip)

  1/2 cup raspberries (I usually use frozen)

  1 Tablespoon natural peanut butter (optional)

  Stir all ingredients e
xcept raspberries together. Then fold raspberries in, pushing down so they are under the liquid. Cover and refrigerate over night.

  I love it with the peanut butter, and often have that and skip the cocoa, just depends on my mood. These are so delicious and good for you.

  Raspberry Snickerdoodle Thumbprint Cookies

  1 cup butter

  1 1⁄2cups sugar

  2 large eggs

  2 3⁄4cups flour

  2 teaspoons cream of tartar

  1 teaspoon baking soda

  1⁄4 teaspoon salt

  3 tablespoons sugar

  3 teaspoons cinnamon

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  Raspberry jam

  Preheat oven to 350°F.

  Mix butter, sugar, vanilla extract and eggs in a large bowl.

  Combine flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl.

  Add dry ingredients into butter mixture and mix well.

  Chill dough for 30 minutes in the fridge.

  Meanwhile, sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.

  Scoop dough into one inch balls and roll in sugar mixture to lightly coat, then place on uncreased cookie sheet.

  Press your thumb into the top of each cookie to make a small well. Drop about a half teaspoon of jam on each cookie.

  Bake for about 10 minutes.





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