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For The Love Of A God

Page 8

by Rosanna Leo

  And they'd barely touched each other. What would happen when...?

  She couldn't even let her mind begin to process it.

  And then it hit her. He did feel like Eryx. The Eryx who had come to her in her dreams and loved her.

  She ran her hands down his back as he kissed her, feeling each section of muscle clench under her touch. Every sinew, every bone in him, was one she already somehow knew. She'd felt him in her dreams already, studied his hard length in wishful silence in the Gallery of Greece. Every inch of him screamed, “Know me. I am your one true Eryx!"

  God, she thought. I'm delirious! Now I know it's been too long since I did this. I'm equating him with a man who never existed. How sick am I?

  Yet as his lips continued to plunder her body, she didn't care. She just wanted Eric inside her. Needed him, as surely as she needed to breathe.

  Even though her eyes were fluttering, she was conscious of him lifting himself off her by a few inches. “Don't go,” she murmured, opening her heavy eyes.

  Eric's lips curved into a provocative grin. “I'm not going anywhere. I just want to look at you."

  He leaned on one elbow and traced one of her nipples with a finger. She arched into his touch, desperate for that charge again. Wanting full-body contact. But Eric seemed insistent on driving her mad. Pulling away a degree, he continued to touch only her nipple, circling its hard peak.

  "You have beautiful breasts. The most sinful breasts I've ever seen,” he drawled. “I've been imagining them since I met you. They've exceeded my expectations."

  She stared at him, awed.

  "But,” he continued, his deep voice stroking her. “What I can't stop wondering is how they'll taste."

  As he lowered his head, Maia's heart hammered in her chest. “Oh, God, I can't take this."

  His tongue flicked out, curling around her nipple. “You'll take a lot more before we're done.” He drew the nipple between his teeth and sucked.

  An explosion rocked her body. For a moment, Maia wondered if an earthquake had struck downtown Toronto. But then she realized the only things moving were her tortured body and Eric's lips and teeth. And, oh, how they moved! Her breast felt on fire.

  Surely his touches would kill her. They'd find her stiff body in the morning, dead to the world and cold, but with a ridiculous smile on her face. And as she decided it was a perfect way to go, she opened her eyes.

  And saw the dark-haired woman. Standing next to her bed. Smiling down at them.


  Maia screamed and pushed Eric away. She scrambled to cover herself with the sheets. But when she looked back up, the woman was gone.

  "What's wrong?” Eric reached for her, and she fell into his arms.

  "Didn't you see her?"

  Eric's eyes narrowed. “Who?"

  She couldn't even say who she saw. Eric would think she was loony tunes. “The dark-haired woman,” she replied, shaking. “She was in the room with us, and now she's gone. She was watching us. Oh, brother, I'm going to be sick."

  Maia launched herself off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Eric listened as she threw herself down on the floor and retched.

  "Shit,” he muttered. “Show yourself, Nemesis! Enough already. You took Chloe away from me. I won't let you have Maia."

  But the goddess did not respond. The apartment was silent, aside from the sounds of Maia tossing her cookies. They were alone again.

  Eric's heart seized as he listened to her awful heaving noises. He wanted to help her. Comfort her. Maybe he could hold her hair back. Wasn't that what mortal lovers did at these moments?

  He tried the bathroom door, but it was locked. She'd managed to bar it against him, obviously embarrassed. Sure, he could have easily entered her bathroom using his powers, but didn't want to totally freak her out. No, she'd locked the door for a reason, and he'd respect her wishes.

  He threw on his underwear and sat on her bed, feeling unnerved. And then he waited for her.

  "Mr. Lord?” Sarah poked her head into Eric's office.

  He glared into his laptop screen. “What is it now, Sarah?"

  Her face crumpled. Gods, he was barking at young girls now! He didn't mean to be rude, but she'd been peppering him with questions since he'd arrived at work, when all he could really think about was what had happened at Maia's. Still, it wasn't Sarah's fault. “I'm sorry. I'm being an ass. I didn't get much sleep last night. What can I do for you?"

  She brightened immediately. “It's okay.” She looked behind her into the reception area, and then entered his office and closed the door behind her. “I know you're busy, but there's a man who wants to see you."

  He entered a few figures into his laptop. “I only have a few minutes between appointments."

  "I know. But he says he's your cousin. And he's very ... persistent."

  Dionysus! Shit, he'd better get him out of the reception area, or he'd eat little Sarah alive. “Please, let him in."

  She disappeared through the door, only to be followed back in by the leering god of wine. Eric saw Sarah tremble a little as Dionysus brushed past her. Tremble with lust. Sheesh, he'd already been working on her! Poor thing never stood a chance.

  Of course, not many did when Dionysus pulled out all the stops. He'd dressed to impress for his visit. He was casual, but his clothes fit his sculpted body so perfectly they left very little to the imagination. From his worn jeans to his molded T-shirt to the way he'd arranged his dark curls in a tumbling ponytail.

  Sarah was definitely a goner.

  Dionysus smiled down at her, a smile full of promise. “You know, Sarah, your eyes are the most remarkable color of blue. Like a warm sea, begging a man to skinny dip."

  "Oh,” she gasped. “Thank you."

  He reached for her hand and gave it a kiss. An actual kiss! Surely she wouldn't fall for it, thought Eric. People stopped kissing hands a hundred years ago. But as he watched his assistant's flushed face, he knew she'd fallen, hook, line, and sinker.

  Dionysus handed her his card. “Here's my private number. I hope you'll call.” He leaned in closer to her. “Just say my name and I'll come to you. Like magic."

  Eric watched as a flustered Sarah teetered out of the room, unsteady on her heels, and closed the door. “Really, Dionysus? She's just a baby."

  He perched himself on the corner of Eric's desk. “She's old enough to know what she wants.” He looked back at the closed door. “I'm so going to hit that."

  Eric rolled his eyes. “So, to what do I owe this distinct pleasure?"

  Dionysus grinned at his cousin. “Just a friendly visit. I was bored so I thought I'd see how your little project is coming along."

  "Fine.” Eric continued working on his laptop.

  "Whoa, cuz, you don't sound fine. What's the matter? Don't have everyone in this mausoleum wrapped around your little finger yet?"

  "It's not that.” He took a breath. “Look, I'm really busy. I'm a bit behind in my work."

  It was true. Maia had absorbed his every thought, like it or not. And he couldn't stop worrying Nemesis hadn't finished with her sick game yet. It was bad enough trying to hurt her on the museum steps, but to show herself in Maia's room while they were having sex? That reached a new level of depravity.

  And he worried the witch might take it further.

  He was concerned for her safety and was as sexually frustrated as he'd ever been. He'd been an ogre ever since, as Sarah knew full well.

  Maia had been so perfect in that moment. So mesmerizing. He loved everything about her body. The taste, the feel, her smell. Gods, he'd been just about to taste her properly when Nemesis decided to show her arrogant face. She'd scared her out of her wits.

  At least Maia had allowed him to stay the night with her. She was too scared to be alone. And even though he'd been dying to kiss her and sink into her, he'd settled for simply sitting in a chair next to her bed all night as she tried to sleep.

  And even that had been so wonderful it bothered him. The mere memo
ry of her, curled up in a tight ball under her sheets, was enough to make him want to run to her.

  "Hello,” Dionysus said. “Earth to Eryx."

  His head snapped up. “It's Eric here.

  "Whatever. So, any other babes work here, aside from our sweet Sarah?” His face lit up as a thought occurred to him. “Say, we could share her, like in the old days. Wouldn't it be awesome? Think of it. Her gorgeous nude body lying on this desk. We could take turns feasting on her, spreading those long legs, making her cream..."

  "Stop it, Dionysus,” Eric growled. “Show some respect.” Why did Dionysus anger him so? Perhaps because there was once a time when those urges claimed him as fiercely as they claimed his cousin.

  "I am respectful,” he countered. “Respectful of who I am. What I am.” He stood and laughed, waving at the office around him. “Eryx, we are gods, not administrators! We rule the world. It's ours for the taking. We were meant to take it. Including all the pussy we can get."

  Eric thought of Maia's glorious body. So temptingly displayed to him the previous night.

  And to Nemesis.

  Damn that cheap chardonnay! He knew he shouldn't have drunk with her. He'd failed to see sense. He'd only seen her, Maia. Beautiful, delicious Maia.

  He wanted to taste her again.

  But he couldn't allow himself to go there. He'd be no better than the rutting Dionysus, and she deserved better. She was a nice woman, a good girl. She deserved to have a calm, quiet life with a soft-spoken accountant for a husband and a few lovely children. She didn't deserve to be the plaything for a deity who would only hurt her in the end.

  People didn't recover from such pain. Chloe certainly hadn't.

  Yes, he could give Maia unparalleled pleasure. Yes, he could drive her to sexual heights she'd never imagined. But at what cost? Because of him, she'd already attracted the attention of the most vengeful god in Olympus. And Nemesis held grudges.

  No, if for no other reason, Eric knew he had to resist the temptation of her just to keep her safe. If he left her alone, so would Nemesis. He had to keep Nemesis convinced Maia meant nothing to him.

  "Aren't you listening to me?” interrupted Dionysus.

  "Not really."

  "Eryx, you need to see sense. Embrace your sense of debauchery! You've been punishing yourself long enough. Chloe is long gone."

  He flashed him a look of anger. “Don't even say her name."

  "Why the hell not? I'm not the one who killed her!” He looked up to the ceiling, as if silently begging for strength. “You know, you've practically beatified Chloe in your own head out of guilt. If she was the great love of your life, why did you even come with me to the orgy? If I recall correctly, it didn't take a lot of persuasion on my part."

  "Dionysus!” Eric stood, enraged, his fists clenched. “Just go."

  The other god inhaled. “Fine. Be a martyr. Deny yourself what you really want, but I won't.” He walked right up to his cousin and whispered in his ear. “Starting with sweet Sarah. But don't worry. I'll let her finish her shift here first. I'll fuck her later."

  Before Eric could react, Dionysus was out the door and laughing with Sarah in the next room.

  Eric reached for the nearest heavy object, a glass paperweight, and hurled it at the opposite wall. Not only did the paperweight shatter, but a good chunk of drywall smashed clean through with the impact.

  He blinked, and then he calmly went back to his work.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Ten

  "I want your biggest ice cream, please,” Maia told the street vendor on her lunch break.

  "Chocolate or butterscotch sauce on top?” The grizzled vendor raised an eyebrow at her as he filled the biggest cup he had with gooey soft serve.


  "Maia,” Dino whispered. “You'll get fat."

  She turned abruptly. “Back off, dude, or I will take you down.” Then, smiling sweetly at the vendor, she paid and reached for the overflowing cup. When she swallowed her first large mouthful of ice cream, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  "Shit,” said Dino, taking her arm and walking her back to the museum. “Eric Lord has messed you up good. I've never seen you like this. All ... quivery and shit."

  "It's not just Eric. Between him and my dad ... the push on the steps and the woman in my room, I don't know if I'm coming or going. Never mind the fact that statues like to talk to me.” She looked up at Dino. “Be honest with me. Am I losing my mind?"

  "Nah, sister, you're just stressed. You need a release. A special kind, if you catch my drift.” He nudged her side. “You've been working really long hours, and there's a lot of pressure on all of us to make the gallery perfect for the grand opening."

  "But the woman..."

  "She wasn't real, Maia. Just a figment of the imagination."

  And yet the Nemesis in her room had been the same one in her nightmare. How was it possible? And if she was the product of an overwrought mind, why would she appear to her just as Eric was driving her insane with the most addictive pleasure she'd ever known?

  "God, I can't get Eric out of my mind,” she admitted as she took another huge gulp of ice cream.

  "Really good, eh?” Dino's dark eyes widened.

  She licked butterscotch off her spoon absentmindedly. “Oh my God ... so good. Like, fallen-angel good."

  "Hmm.” Dino looked impressed. “Has he called?"

  "No.” Sure, it was only lunchtime, but she'd thought Eric might have called her extension or popped by her desk to say ... something. After all, he'd stayed with her all night long. Like a guardian angel. And that had felt really good too.

  Safe. Right. Perfect.

  Maybe it was too much, too soon. Maybe she'd scared him away with her crazy talk. God only knew what she said in her sleep.

  "I tell you, Dino,” she said as they approached the museum steps, “he's ... done something to me. I can't explain it. I feel I've known him forever. It's lunacy."

  "Who cares? As long as the sex is good."

  She thought of how he'd nibbled her nipple and almost lost her footing on the steps. “I swear I'd give my right arm to hear him whisper those dirty words in my ear again."

  She felt rather than saw Dino stiffen as they took the next step. “Well, baby, this might be your lucky day."

  Maia looked up. Eric was at the top of the steps, frowning down at them, hands on hips.

  He looked mad. His eyes were trained on the spot where her arm linked with Dino's. Surely he knew Dino was as gay as the day was long, and not the least interested in sampling her wares.

  She saw Eric's lips move. For a split second, she swore she heard him utter the word, “Mine."

  What the...?

  As absurd as the notion was, Dino seemed to notice because he slid his arm away from Maia's. “Hello, Mr. Lord,” he said, patting Eric's lapel as he passed. “Nice Mr. Lord. Good-bye, Mr. Lord.” With a frantic glance back at her, Dino disappeared into the museum.

  Determined not to fall apart, Maia climbed the steps after him, conscious of Eric's heated gaze. “Hey,” she said, trying to be casual.

  "Hey, yourself."

  She reached for the door the same time he reached for her arm. She inhaled as the fiery bolts of lightning shot through her again.

  Okay, so the sizzle thing hadn't been a fluke.

  "Where've you been? I was looking for you."

  "I've been around,” she said, suddenly peeved. “I just went out for my break."

  "Oh.” He turned her around so he could scowl at her some more. “Is everything okay today? No strangers lurking around?"

  "No,” she replied, mortified. He did think she was insane.

  But the relief passing over his face was still almost tangible. “Good.” He looked down at her ice cream. Even though his face remained serious, his eyes smiled. A little. “What a huge sundae."

  Now he thought she was a cow. An insane cow.

  "Listen,” he said to the batty bovine.
“Are you going to the gala fundraiser Friday night?"

  She snorted. “Right. I don't really do gala fundraisers."

  "Of course not.” He dropped his gaze to her Hello Kitty tunic. “Well, you'll do this one. With me. I'll pick you up at eight. Oh,” he said, wiping at her chin with his thumb, “try not to dribble anymore butterscotch on your chin."

  Sweet Jesus. Her mortification was complete.

  He released her face, inhaled and exhaled, and walked away. Even as he retreated, she could see the tension in his large frame, in the stiff curve of his shoulders and his clenched fists.

  Seriously. What the...?

  Maia's mind raced. He'd asked her out on a date. A real date, not just a quick, accidental grope. Well, he hadn't really asked her. He'd told her. In a very arrogant fashion. Like he owned her.

  But she wasn't mad, as she probably should be. She was more excited than the day her father announced he would take her to the Acropolis for the first time.

  Maybe this date would give her an opportunity to discover if the sparks she felt for the director were more than just fleeting pyrotechnics.

  She walked into the museum, feeling suddenly lighter and heavier at the same time. And then it hit her.

  Eric was the director of the whole effing museum. Director. The brass nameplate on his door said so. And she was his date.

  And Friday was tomorrow.

  She ran off in a panic, looking for Sheila and Dino, almost spilling the remainder of her melting sundae.

  Great Poseidon's crotch! She had nothing to wear.

  For the fifty-seventh time that evening, Maia fidgeted in her form-fitting, borrowed gown. As she waited for the clock to tick eight o'clock, she adjusted the flimsy fabric once again.

  Thank heavens she and Sheila were basically the same size. Except in the boob department. Maia was the more blessed there—or cursed, in her opinion. As a result, she was practically spilling out of Sheila's bodice. When Dino had come over to do her makeup earlier, his eyes had popped out of his head.

  "Sweetheart,” he'd purred. “Those gorgeous titties! If I didn't swing the other way, I'd have you up against the wall. Eric Lord will not be able to see straight after he claps eyes on you."


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