Book Read Free

Melody Snow Monroe

Page 13

by Animal Passions

  “Have you ever planted crops before?”

  “My whole life as a matter of fact.”

  His sister’s smile widened. “Fantastic. I brought a hoe for you.” She nodded to the instrument at the edge of the field.

  This family had not only welcomed her into their home, fed and clothed her, but their hospitality couldn’t have been any better. It wouldn’t hurt for her to do a day’s work to help pay them back. She picked up the hoe and got to work. She wished she had garden gloves because her hands weren’t in shape to be handling the equipment, but she wouldn’t complain.

  It was less than ten minutes when the lid to the plastic container banged shut and Henla came over carrying gloves.

  She handed them to her. “I wasn’t thinking. Perhaps you aren’t used to doing this kind of labor.”

  Even though Lara had stated she’d spent her life growing food, most likely Taryn had told his sister that in recent times, she’d had a different sort of life. “Thanks.”

  For the next hour, they worked in companionable silence. While she expected to hate the digging, in a way, it gave her some sense of satisfaction for doing something important and useful.

  Only when the sound of Henla’s raking stopped did Lana look up.

  Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

  Two wolves were twenty feet away staring at them.

  “Lara, don’t move.”

  She remembered someone else making that same request a few short days ago. The only problem was that Henla couldn’t shift into a lion and eat these two. “What do we do?” Her voice broke.

  “These are not shifters.”

  Really? Was that fact supposed to calm her? A wolf was a wolf regardless of what it could become.

  “They are only looking for food.”

  Both of them, she bet, would taste pretty good to those gray creatures.

  “Can you toss them something?”

  “They’ll leave in a bit.”

  Her speeding heart didn’t believe that. At least she had her hoe, which, if need be, could fend them off for a few seconds. Where were Taryn and Kellum when she needed them?

  “Can’t you send some psychic waves to those brothers of yours to come rescue us?”

  “I can try, but it’s not a sure thing.”

  That wasn’t what she needed to hear.

  As if there was someone looking out for them, the two wolves slowly turned around and walked back into the forest. She dropped onto her knees. “How can you live like that?”

  Henla rushed to her side. “Are you all right?”

  “Physically, yes, but mentally I’m a bit shaky.”

  “Why don’t you sit under the tree and rest? Your fear will soon pass.”

  She appreciated Henla’s calm. “How come you’re not rattled?”

  “Animals are part of nature.”

  When she’d lived on the farm, things like snakes and worms didn’t faze her. “How come you knew they weren’t shifters?”

  “By their eyes. Real wolves have oval pupils instead of round ones, and the coloring is a little different. Besides, the shifters wouldn’t have dared come this close. If they had, we might not have been so lucky.”

  Despite it being hot, goose bumps prickled her skin. “Good to know.”

  Wanting to keep her body in motion so that she wouldn’t think about what happened, she dug into the earth. After she created the long trough, she took a break.

  Henla must have sensed she was ready for the next stage for she reached into her pocket and pulled out a cloth. “Here are the seeds. Just sprinkle them in and stir them into the soil.”

  “Can do.” She hadn’t seen any hoses in which to water the plants, but perhaps they had a more sophisticated watering system than back home.

  She’d planted half of the seeds when someone shouted to them. Henla dropped her rake and scurried across the field. The two women hugged. The older woman was almost as tall, but had a larger frame. Henla grabbed the woman’s hand and led her over to where Lara was working.

  The woman was probably in her late fifties, but she was still beautiful.

  “This is my mom.”

  “Hello. I can see the family resemblance.”

  She waved a hand. “Nonsense. My children get all their looks from their father. I’m Elena, and you must be Lara.” The woman gave her a strong hug, just like the one Amy had given her. Then she turned her around. “Let me get a good look at you. My, but you are a pretty thing.”

  Lara’s face heated up. “Thank you.”

  “So tell me, Lara, what will you do for a living?”

  Her mouth wouldn’t work. What was this woman talking about? She sounded like she thought she was planning to stay. “I’m an actress.”

  Henla placed a hand on her arm. “Mom means when you live here for good, where do you plan on working?” From the pleading tone in her voice, she wanted Lara to humor the mother. Perhaps her mom had violent tendencies or something if she didn’t hear the right answer.

  “Well, I’m good with gardening, though I have studied archaeology. I love to learn about a civilization’s ancestors.” She held up a finger. “In fact, I found a fabulous cave with drawings inside that might give a hint as to the history of Anterra.”

  “That sounds interesting, but I imagine that would take a while to dig up.”

  “That’s true.” She didn’t have that kind of time.

  The mom waved her hand. “It doesn’t matter. I imagine you’ll be with child very soon. I know my two boys are quite virile, are they not?”

  Lara swallowed her groan. At some point in her life she wanted children and a family, but right now she had a movie to make. “I’m sure.”

  She was taking a birth control pill four times a year, but she was due for another one soon. Lord in Heaven help her if she gave birth to a male child, or any child right now.

  The mother’s face was so sweet. “Well, wish for a girl. I’ll tell you, raising shifters is hell. Why, Taryn and Kellum sure were handfuls.” She drew a hand over Henla’s head. “This little one was a pure dream to raise.”

  It would be hard enough to have kids, let alone ones that could turn into animals. No, thank you.

  “Mom, we need to get back to work.”

  “Oh, sure. Don’t let me stop you. It was just that Taryn had stopped over and told me how wonderful you are. I wanted to see for myself what my future daughter-in-law looked like.” She winked. “My boys did real well.”

  Future daughter-in-law? What the hell had he told his mother? Perhaps she was psycho and he had to come up with some wacky reason why he was harboring a human in his house.

  The two women hugged good-bye, and Lara went back to finishing her planting. Her mind sped in every direction. Now more than ever she had to leave. If she stayed, she might wake up married and pregnant.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lara wanted to speak with Taryn about what he’d told his mother.

  “Your mom sure has some interesting ideas.”

  Kellum shot a glance at his brother. “Taryn doesn’t like to upset her. We know you want to leave, though we’d really like you to reconsider.”

  She didn’t want to have this talk. She was conflicted enough. “I know. I love the simple life, though spending every day in the garden isn’t my idea of fun.”

  “Most women only work outside one day a week.” Taryn took hold of both of her hands, probably hoping that his comment would mean more if he touched her. He knew her so well.

  “Fine, but what about the other six days?”

  Kellum moved behind her and placed a kiss on her neck. “The Anterrans need teachers. You could teach them science or what life is like on earth. I always loved that class.”

  She doubted she could take a field trip to earth with the kids though. Maybe they did need an outsider’s perspective.

  Before she made a comment, Taryn squeezed her hands. “I thought you’d be spending a few months excavating the cave. If that one doesn’t provide any answers
to our history, we have a slew of other caves you could explore.” He moved closer. “I think it would be amazing if you could figure out our ancient history.”

  His words were so persuasive. She didn’t want to tell them that she’d be up against a lot of prejudice and possible loneliness if she remained. “I’ll think about it. Okay?”

  In a perfect world, she’d like to clone herself. Part of her could have the exciting, easy life as an actress, while the woman in her could make love to these fabulous men. She’d be surrounded by a ton of kids, all of whom would be hard working and noble.

  But that wasn’t going to happen.

  Kellum licked her neck. “You’ll need to decide rather quickly.”

  Her heart tightened. “I know.”

  Taryn leaned in and wrapped her in his arms. “Hmm, I see you are quite dirty.”

  “That I am. What do you think I should do about it?” She was thrilled they were going to drop the subject of her leaving for now.

  He nestled his head in her neck. “I can think of a lot of things. Perhaps you and I should take a trip to the bathroom and see if I can scrub you clean?”

  She would never be one to turn down the enticing and tantalizing man. “Show me the way.”

  Kellum cleared his throat. “Are you two forgetting something?”

  They’d eaten already and the dishes had been put away. “No, what?”


  She had to laugh. “You don’t need an invitation. The more men the merrier.”

  He gave her an exaggerated frown. “Two is the max.”

  She rubbed her chin. “Jeez. I saw some sweet-looking men when we were underground. I’m not sure I want to limit my exposure—”

  Before she could finish teasing them, Kellum swept her in his arms. “I’ll show you sweet.” He leaned over and pretending to bite her neck.

  She was still laughing when they placed her in the shower. “I have to get out of my clothes first.” Taryn and Kellum were naked in a flash. He turned on the water and she jumped back, not wanting to get her shoes wet. “Let me take off my shoes at least.”

  Taryn lifted her while Kellum did the honors. “Your clothes need cleaning, too.”

  “Fine.” She did want to hurry the cleaning process so she could get naked.

  Kellum moved behind her and Taryn took the front. “You ever have sex in the shower before?”

  “No.” Her imagination ran wild. Would they have her on her hands and knees? The hard tile might difficult on her body.

  “We might have to see about that.”

  Both men doused their hands with soap and tried to scrub the dirt out of her shirt and pants with her still in the clothes. All that did was make a bigger mess. “How about if we take them off and wash them a different way?”

  “You mean in a washing machine?”

  They were pulling her leg. “You own one?”

  “Sure, don’t you?”

  She beat on his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You never asked.”

  “You are totally infuriating.”

  Taryn grinned. “Yeah, but you love us.”

  The word love made her heart race and her mouth panic. She didn’t want to entertain that concept. It would only end in heartbreak. “Right.”

  As soon as she made her comment, she reached over to get soap, and then grabbed his cock. “Looks like you need some cleaning, too.”

  Taryn had been out and about today. No telling what he’d been doing. His eyes closed. “That’s it. A little harder.”

  As she increased the pressure on his cock, Kellum pressed his erection against her back. “When you finish, you mind turning around?”

  “Glad to.”

  They might be in charge of protecting the citizens, but she loved that they could shuck off their responsibility hats and put on their playful ones.

  “I thought you wanted to get naked?” Taryn began unbuttoning her shirt.

  Kellum pulled down her pants and panties all at once. Other than stepping out of her bottoms, she was naked in a heartbeat.

  Kellum nuzzled her neck. “That’s better.”

  She spun around and grabbed his cock. “Your turn.”

  Taryn slipped his hands around to her breasts and rubbed his palms up and down to lather her up. “That wasn’t fair. You didn’t play with me long enough.”

  They always knew how to push aside her worries. As her breasts were being washed, she was enjoying teasing Kellum. Apparently, he wasn’t in the mood to just be the receiver, for he slipped his fingers into her pussy. The intense stimulation made her jump.

  “Easy, kitten. We have a long way to go before you earn our cocks.”

  “So now I have to earn them?”

  Taryn lifted her damp hair off her shoulders. “A kiss is all I require.”

  She dropped back her head, hoping he’d continued to drag his lips across her body. He plucked her nipples, sending heat throughout her body, but it was what Kellum was doing that nearly undid her.

  His thumb strummed across her clit. Sparks of desire tripped up her spine as pulses rippled down her insides. Needing to kiss Kellum, she used her free hand to draw his face near. “Kiss me.”

  How he managed to continue torturing her with pleasure and kiss her so sweetly, she didn’t know, nor did she care. Taryn plucked each nipple before rubbing his rough palms across her chest. Kellum broke the kiss and deserted her pussy.


  “Don’t worry, kitten.”

  His hands clasped onto her waist and his wet kisses trailed down the hollow of her throat. Since Taryn was fondling her breasts, Kellum bent his knees and continued the kissing train from her belly downward.

  Please go lower.

  When his tongue slipped between the folds of her pussy lips, all thoughts disappeared. Her brief distress over their mother’s words flew from her brain, as did the anxiety over being MIA. Kellum licked her while water sluiced over his head. To keep from falling, she latched on to his massive shoulders. His head bobbed with each flick. It was when he slid his hand from his waist to his pussy that her juices flowed in earnest. He slipped in a finger and swirled it around. Her stomach clenched as her little bud strained under the molten heat searing her body. Almost violent pulses raced up her channel, making her clench tight and milk his finger.

  While she loved what he was doing, she wanted a cock. “Got anything thicker?”

  He leaned back and smiled. “You want to suck my cock?”

  “Yes.” She needed the texture and coarseness to satisfy her mouth.

  Kellum stood and grabbed hold of the base. When he stretched it forward, she bent down to take him in her mouth. Her movement caused Taryn to drop his hands from her chest, and she suddenly missed the contact.

  “Taryn, you don’t have to stop.”

  “You are too tempting bent over like that.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She wiggled her rear, hoping he’d fuck her pussy while she sucked on Kellum. Her fire needed to be quenched. “That’s why I’m offering myself to you.”

  As she drew Kellum into her mouth, Taryn stepped behind her. He placed his cock between her legs and leaned over to once again rub her tits. Only now did she realize that one of them had shut off the water. Good thing the steam would keep her warm and cozy, not to mention the heat pouring off her two hot men.

  She captured Kellum’s cock in her hand and, while squeezing him tight, twisted his dick right and left.

  “Kitten, be kind.”

  She was being kind, she’d thought. Taryn plucked her swollen tits and the blissful seduction made her pussy weep. The onslaught of rapture caused her to open her mouth, and she let out a groan. Taryn’s hand pressed her back downward, forcing Kellum’s cock farther into her throat.

  When she tightened her mouth around him, he groaned. “That’s better.”

  Taryn threaded his cock into her pussy and moved inward only a little way. Damn him for stopping. Her men seemed determined to tor
ment her. As slowly as he entered, Taryn pulled out before delving in again. The slow seesaw motion matched the movement of his fingers while he twisted her nipples slowly right and left. With each rotation, the pressure increased, adding to her yearning.

  As Taryn’s grunts grew, so did his speed.

  “Don’t stop, kitten.”

  She must have been so enthralled with the way Taryn was invading her pussy that she lost her concentration. To make up for her lack of attention, she sucked on him extra hard. At the same time, she lowered her hand and cupped his balls. Rolling them in her palm, she swirled her tongue around him. He grabbed her hair and tugged as if he was close to coming.

  Taryn chose that moment to press into her all the way, gliding down her tight channel. Her juices exploded as he hit the end. His balls banged against her ass and she soared higher. Her head bobbed up and down, trying to take in more of Kellum, but his cock was too large to even get halfway into her mouth. The faster she went the tighter he gripped her hair and more he bucked his hips.

  “Lara, Lara, Lara.”

  Taryn’s desperate cry sent her spiraling upward. Her weeping hole opened a bit, welcoming him all the way. Her body was on fire with desire and she nearly drowned in her passion. Hot cum drenched her tonsils, and she held on tight until Kellum finished firing and pulsing. When his vibrations stopped, she lifted her head and swallowed. As Taryn continued to pound into her, she licked Kellum’s cock.

  But when Taryn slipped his hands to her waist, her eyes glazed over with carnal lust and she held on to Kellum’s hips for support. With each thrust, her molten needs grew until her climax threatened to consume her. She let out a scream as electric pulses raced through her blood, charging and exciting every cell in her body.

  Hot cannonballs of Taryn’s jism exploded and banged her walls just as her own orgasm claimed her. The simultaneous climaxing made her rampant desire escalate to a new high. When his cock finished expanding, his head dropped onto her back.

  “I can’t tell you what you do to me. I always thought I had control of my own emotions, but with you I’m lost.”

  That had to be the sweetest thing anyone had said to her. Ever.


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