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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

Page 9

by Jordan Marie

“That’s why we’re going to bed, so I can warm you up.”

  “Dragon you can’t sleep here.”

  “Nicole, I can,” he counters, bending down to pick me up. He lifts me like I weigh nothing. It’s a strange feeling and if I wasn’t panicking over Dragon informing me we would be sleeping together tonight—I might have enjoyed it.

  “We shouldn’t. We should get to know each other better first.”

  “I was planning on just sleeping tonight Mama, but I told you how I get to know women. If that’s what you want, I can change my plans. It’ll have to be quick though, because I’m beat girl.”

  “Uh... we could just sleep.”

  It was then that I knew I was in trouble—like really big trouble. Because it was then that I saw a complete miracle.

  Dragon smiled.

  Holy hell! He was a walking wet dream before, but a smile? A real one, the kind that lit up those dark eyes of his and caused angels to weep. Christ.

  Dragon carries me upstairs and I direct him to my room. Once there, he slowly lets me slide down his body until I stand in front of him. He moves his hand around to undo my hair, letting it fall free.

  “What the hell do you call this?” he asks looking at the holder I’d put in my hair earlier that day.

  A scrunchie.”

  “A what?”

  I don’t know how to explain it further, so I just remain quiet. Dragon flings the article in question on my night stand. I want him, but I need to hold myself back. I’ve never, in my life, reacted to someone the way I do to Dragon. I don’t think it’s entirely healthy. I need to take a few steps back. That’s easier said than done though, because the man of my fantasies is currently undressing.

  First the shirt goes up and over his head. I find myself staring at his broad chest. It takes all I have not to reach up and start licking him like a postage stamp. When his hands go to the snap on his jeans I reach out and stop him.

  “What are you doing?” “Getting undressed babe, it’s late and I’ve got a shit ton of things to do tomorrow.”

  “You can’t sleep naked,” I croak.

  “I do it every night, Nicole. Best you get used to that shit now.”

  Panic starts to set in, until his words register.

  “Umm... why would I need to get used to it?”

  “Because babe, you’re in my bed. While we’re on the subject, cute as that shit is you’ve got going on there, get out of it.”

  “I’m in your bed?” I ask trying to digest this.

  “That’s what I said.”

  “How many others are in your bed?”

  Dragon looks at me and it feels like his eyes are boring into me. I do my best to not look away though. I’m not sure what I am doing or what he is doing. I’m not even sure what we are doing together! Still, I sense that this conversation is important. “Me burying my dick in another woman, I’m sensing is a deal breaker for you.”

  “Damn straight,” I answer immediately, and his mouth quirks, almost as if he wants to smile.

  “Then for however long this lasts, you’re the only one who gets my dick.”

  “You’re so romantic.”

  “Mama if you’re trying to mold me into this perfect fucking boyfriend, that’s not who I am. I’m dark, I’m jaded and I like my sex dirty. I’m not going to say I’m sorry for being who I am. I like who I am baby, I ain’t changing for no-fucking-body.”

  I could get pissed here, but the truth is I want more of Dragon. I made a decision to experience life and I have never felt more alive than when I am around this man.

  “Just saying, that if you want to be in my bed, then I want sole ownership of it all, not just your dick—for however long this lasts.”

  “You’re a hard bitch,” he says, but he’s halfway smiling.

  I shrug.

  “Whatever mama, if that’s how you want it, that’s how you’ll get it. Just remember, you are solely mine too. Now strip and get your pretty ass in bed, I’m tired.”

  I look away as he finishes undressing. It’s weird. We’ve had sex, and I want to again. Right now, even. Still, I’m embarrassed to see him naked with the harsh light in the room. I walk over to the door and turn out the light. When I turn back around, Dragon has pulled the cover down and climbed into the bed. He turns the lamp on, that is on the nightstand. He then stretches out against the pillows, his eyes locking on mine, daring me to undress. I take a deep breath and try to channel my inner Dani. She would have already been undressed and rubbing up against him.

  Yes! Yes! Let’s do that!

  And here I thought Bad Nicole had given up the ghost. I close my eyes, because seriously I can’t do this any other way. I quickly step out of my clothes. I leave my underwear and tank on and climb in the bed.

  “You can open your eyes now Mama.”

  “Um no, I can’t, not yet anyways.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “I have to work up my courage.”

  Dragon laughs. I have never heard him laugh freely before. It’s not a full belly laugh. I get the feeling that Dragon doesn’t do those. Still, it’s a soft laugh and it warms me from the inside. I don’t think many people make Dragon laugh and I really like that I can.

  He pulls me tight against him. His arm acts like my pillow as he molds me to him, exactly how he wants. He kisses my forehead. I didn’t think that was something tough bikers did, but I liked that he did and I wanted more of it.

  “Night, Mama,” he says softly, in the darkness.

  “Night, Dragon.”



  I can’t sleep through the night. I don’t remember ever doing that shit. With the life I have led that shit could get you killed, or fucked up in a way that a man wishes he was dead. Sometimes the dreams wake me, sometimes it’s the memories, but the point is—something always wakes me… except for last night.

  I open my eyes to the sunshine blasting through faded yellow curtains. I never thought much about curtains, especially freaking yellow ones with white daisies all over them. I sure as hell never figured I’d be waking up staring at them. I look around the room and I am immediately upset. Nicole is nowhere to be found. Damn it, after spending the night curled up against her ass, it does not make me a happy man to find she’s not nearby. I jump out of bed, not bothering to get dressed. I hear pans banging in the kitchen so I make a beeline for that room.

  “Not happy Mama.”

  She turns around to look at me and Christ. She’s in her pajamas again, minus those hideous socks she had on last night. Her hair is pulled up and away from her face in another one of those god-awful bun contraptions she was wearing last night. She doesn’t have a bit of make up on, and she’s in front of the stove holding a spatula and smiling at me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything better. Gorgeous!

  My dick, which was already been hard, now throbs. Her smile falters and her face heats as she looks at me, taking in my aroused state. So fucking cute! Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever known a woman who blushes.

  “Dragon you’re naked!”

  “I woke up and my woman wasn’t in the bed.”

  “I was hungry… Wait, your woman?” she asks, but I’m not in the mood to play twenty fucking questions.

  “I was too,” I growl, walking over to the stove and turning it off, yanking the spatula out of her hand.

  “Was too...what?” she asks, as I put my hands under her ass and pull her up on my body.

  She squeals and then puts her arms around my neck and locks her legs behind my back.

  “Hungry,” I whisper, nibbling on her neck gently while trying to make my way back up the stairs.

  “Holy hell did I enter Skinemax?” a loud voice asks from behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Nicole’s friend standing there. What had Crusher said her name was? I ignore her, more important things on my mind.

  “I can’t believe you’re naked! Dani is ogling your ass!” Nicole whispers in my ear.

  Dani, that’s her
name, whatever. I can’t help but grin at Nicole’s words though.

  “Dani quit staring at Dragon’s ass!” she yells, and damn the woman has lungs.

  “It’s a fucking nice ass, Nic. Makes you want to just dig your nails into it and hold on for the ride.”

  Nicole lays her head down on my shoulder. “She’s not wrong,” she sighs, her breath tickling my ear.

  My dick leaks at the image of her holding on as I fuck her hard. I want to feel her nails biting into me as her body opens for me to sink into. Aw fuck! If I don’t get control I’m going to nail her on the stairs while her girl is watching.

  I count backwards in my head, trying to calm myself. It’s hopeless and my control snaps when she begins nibbling on my neck, sucking my skin into her mouth, running her teeth gently against the muscle and releasing with a teasing lick. She has one hand in my hair and another slowly trailing her nails down my chest.

  “You taste good Dragon,” she whispers, as her fingernails graze my nipple at the exact same time she bites into my earlobe. Nicole’s tongue licks over the bite and then twirls in my ear.

  I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve fucked so many women in my life, I can’t tell you who they were, let alone what they looked like. It was just a warm hole and a way to work out the anger inside of me. You don’t live the life I have and not be filled with hate and anger. Still, with all the experiences I’ve had, not one touch had affected me like Nicole’s.

  I make it to the bedroom, but it’s a close call. I slam the bedroom door, drowning out her girl’s laughter. I admit I might have run those last two stairs. I lean against the closed door and let Nicole slide to the floor, keeping her body tight against mine.

  “You’re running awful hot Nicole, after being so cool last night.”

  “A girl can change her mind, can’t she Dragon?” she asks, her voice soft and husky, sending even more need through my body.

  “I wasn’t complaining Mama, just wondering about my good luck.”

  “There’s something I can reassure you about Dragon,” she whispers.

  Nicole pulls away from me and I let her, even though I would rather keep her close. I’m half afraid she’s going to put a stop to our party. I wish I had just kept my damn mouth shut. It doesn’t matter that she’s running hotter this morning. I should just thank my lucky stars. While I’m kicking my own ass, Nicole shocks the hell out of me and starts taking off her shirt.

  “Reassure me?” I ask, watching the shirt fall to the floor, as her hands move to unlatch the front clasp of the hot pink and black bra she’s wearing.

  It’s sexy as hell, but can’t hold a candle to Nicole naked. Her rose colored nipples are pebbled. Her heavy breasts call to me, once she frees them. I make a fist to keep from reaching out and taking what I want. She has a plan and I’m damn sure interested to see where she is going to take it. Still, I have every intention of torturing her later and covering her breasts with my marks. I want her to look at herself in the mirror for days and see where my mouth and teeth have been. Fuck, I’m not talking just her tits either. I can’t wait to explore her entire body.

  “Yeah, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are going to get very lucky,” she says, stepping out of her pajamas to reveal she’s not wearing anything underneath. I think she is perfect in this moment. I honestly can’t believe she could get better.

  She proves me a liar when she reaches up and pulls her hair down, letting it fall around her face in waves. I drink her in like a man who has been lost in the desert for months. Fucking phenomenal! The fact that her face is heated with embarrassment makes her sexier. She’s not used to this. She’s stepping out of her comfort zone...for me. Opening up and laying herself bare, all for me. I make a decision right here…right now. It’s not conscious, it just locks into place. I will be the last fucking man she opens up to. She’s mine and she is fucking staying that way. I’m not letting her go—she’s not getting away.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous baby… fucking gorgeous.”

  Her face heats some more, but she smiles and the nervous worry that was in her expression a moment ago leaves. Some idiot has hurt her in the past. I may have to hunt the fucker down and thank the stupid bastard—after I pound his face in for touching what’s mine.

  Nicole licks her lips and I watch her pink, little tongue come out to caress and moisten... shit. I reach for her, but she ignores me. Instead, she drops to her knees in front of me. Her hand reaches out and fists my cock, her thumb gently painting the leaking moisture all over the head. Holy fuck! Those words blast through my mind like a school boy getting his first blow job.

  “Do you know what I’ve wondered Dragon?” she whispers, and I’m looking down to see her staring up at me with her wide blue eyes, and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am lost to this woman in ways I can’t even comprehend.

  “What, Mama?”

  “How you taste... I really want to know. I’ve been dreaming about it.”

  “Have you baby?” My voice is shaky as hell and she has me on pins and needles. I’m waiting to see what she says next, but she surprises me by running her tongue over the head of my cock. She tightens her fist and begins stroking me in a gentle slow rhythm that already has my balls tightening up. I sift my fingers through her hair. I’ve never in my life paid attention to color, since too many fucks in my life had shown me hate based solely on the color of my skin. But, right now at this very minute it hits me. Her soft, dark blonde hair and darker brown streaks shines bright against my dark skin. As I graze my thumb across her cheek, the pale white of her skin against my darker one is stark, but beautiful. It is completely fucking different, but calls to me. I’m not stupid. I know it has nothing to do with our differences and everything to do with the fact that something inside of me needs this particular woman. Everything about her that I have discovered in the short time I’ve known her, soothes me, and is just another reason why I’m not fighting it anymore. My brain screams, ‘Mine!’ and finally, I truly believe it. As the word echoes in my mind, all thoughts cease at once when Nicole envelops me completely, taking my cock into the hot, wet tunnel her mouth has created. My hand wraps into her hair and my head goes back, as I close my eyes and lose another piece of myself to this woman.

  I have to fight to stop myself from thrusting into her mouth, demanding she take what I give her. She started this show and I want her to be the one to finish it. Still, she takes me almost completely, her fist stopping me from going too far. Her tongue darts over the length of my cock, the tight suction of her mouth feeling like heaven. Then, her free hand begins palming my balls, rolling them, stroking them at the same time and I know this particular ride is going to end very soon.

  She moans against my cock and the vibration raises chills along my skin. She’s picking up speed, working me harder and faster. My heart is beating so fast that it may jump out of my chest. I need to stop her. I want to finish inside of her, God I really do, but I don’t think I have it in me to pull away from her right now. I need this but I know I should warn her...

  “Nicole, God baby... I’m... you need to stop... I’m going to come, Mama,” I rasp out, tightening my fist in her hair to pull her away before it’s too late.

  She looks up at me, her eyes filled with lust, her face flushed, her lips plump and wet. Holy shit I thought she was beautiful before, but now? There are no words. Just her, and she hits me. She hits me all the way to the motherfucking bone.

  “Give it to me Dragon. I want it. Give me every damn drop. It’s mine.”

  Then she plunges her mouth back down over my cock taking every inch I’ve got to give. And, she does it like she’s starving for it. Fuck me, I think she is. Whatever this is between us, she’s feeling it, too. So I stop fighting. I give her what she’s begged for.

  My fist wraps tighter in her hair and I fuck her mouth with all I’ve got, trying to hold on for as long as I can before I explode. I’m holding on until I feel her finger move back to my ass pushing
against the opening there and teasing me. There is no holding back after that. One, two, three more thrusts and I cry out her name, as I release into her mouth, listening to her moan as she swallows me down.

  Nicole slowly releases my cock and the popping noise is loud through the room. She uses the back of her hand and her tongue to clean her mouth, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. No, she’s smiling up at me, and I can’t seem to move, barely catching my breath.

  “Come here, Mama,” I growl weakly, because the woman has drained me—in more ways than one.

  She stands up gracefully and looks up at me. There’s a question in her eyes. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s there. I can see some of my seed on the corner of her lips. I push it into her mouth with my thumb. She sucks my thumb gently, her eyes never leaving mine. I search for something to say.

  There’s something in her eyes. I want to give her what she needs, but I’m a dumb fuck. I’ve never been here before. My experience with women boils down to get in and get out. Hell, until last night, I had never slept with a woman through the night. This is completely fucking different for me and I’m at a loss. Still, I want to try, but Nicole stops my thoughts when she smiles at me. There’s a dare in her eyes when she speaks.

  “Dragon? I’m not wet.”

  I look down at her to reassure her that I’m not that man, that she will get her needs taken care of. She takes my larger hand into hers and moves it down between her legs.

  “Nicole...” I groan when I feel how wet the outside of her pussy is—she’s drenched.

  “This is where you prove I’m lying Dragon,” she whispers, moving her tongue over my nipple.

  Fuck me, she might be perfect.



  “Nic! Girl, what the hell did you do with the Twinkies?” Dani asks from behind us.

  We’re standing in the kitchen. I’m making us some omelets because after round two of Dragon proving why I should probably lie to him more often, we both decided we were starving. Dragon is pushed up against my back, his bare hands stroking my stomach and his semi-erect cock is pushed against my ass. I can feel it, even through his jeans. How he’s this ready after the morning we’ve had is beyond me.


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