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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

Page 20

by Jordan Marie

  “Nicole? Who told you it was okay for you to mark that skin up?”

  “Don’t you like it?” I ask, worried now, because of what he has yet to see.

  “Fuck yeah, but I don’t like the idea of some fucker touching your body without me there, Nicole. You get a spanking for that.”

  Umm...yikes, now I am nervous about revealing the rest of it to him.

  “It was a woman. Bull wouldn’t let Max work on me.”

  “Well it appears at least one of my men still has his brains. Time to strip, Mama and don’t you dare act like you don’t want this, after you’ve been begging me for it,” he says stroking his cock slowly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  God, he looks so damned good, just like that. His hand moving over his huge cock is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I can feel the heat move through my body. I can feel the wetness sliding down between my thighs. My legs grow weak. It’s time and though I’m a little worried, I’m too turned on to resist. I bend down to start with my boots, figuring that will be easier.

  “Leave the fucking boots on,” he growls, still stroking his cock.

  I lick my lips, seeing the wet, sticky drop on his cock’s head and wishing I could taste it. I take a deep breath figuring I’ve delayed long enough. I grab my sweater dress and pull it over my head, in one quick movement.

  His eyes grow hard and he’s staring at the tattoo on my neck. I know he can only glimpse it from this angle. So, I decide to bite the bullet.

  “What the fuck did you...”

  I turn around and face the bar, pull my hair to the side of my neck and over my shoulder so he can see the complete tattoo.

  He makes a sound like an animal. His hand goes first to my thigh—which is the beginning of the tattoo, and travels over my ass and up my back. He grabs my hair and yanks my head back and growls in my ear again.

  “Lean over this fucking bar and hold the fuck on because, I’m going to wear your sweet little pussy out.”

  “God yes,” I moan, bending over, spacing my legs apart to make room for him. My hands grasp the bar and I hold on tight.

  I know what’s coming; I ache for what’s coming.

  “That’s it Mama. I hope you’re ready for me because, I’m not waiting.”

  “I’m ready Dragon,” I breathe. “I’m more than…”

  I cry out in pleasure, as he slams into me. The first stroke is hard and powerful as he sinks all the way in. I feel his balls slap against me. It takes my breath away. It has been so long, and the feel of him is amazing, but extremely tight. I feel so full that it’s on the verge of pain—but in a very good way.

  He grabs my hair again, pulling my head back, as he leans over me. His strokes are slower and smoother now, but just as powerful.

  “Is this what you wanted, Nicole? Did you need me to fuck you so hard that you will walk crooked for a week?”


  “You belong to me. My mark all over your body, I know what you’ve given me and you’re not fucking getting it back, you hear me, Mama? You’re mine.”

  “Forever,” I gasp, as he slams home inside of me, again and again.

  “Play with your clit Mama. Do it, I’m close and I want to feel you explode all over my cock before I blow.”

  I do as he orders, but I’m so close that with just one touch, I shoot off into the stars. It's intense, and I’m barely lucid when he joins me just moments later.

  A few hours later, we’ve finally made it to our room, but I can still hear the party outside. They are probably afraid to come back in. The thought of how Dragon ran everyone out makes me giggle.

  “What’s so funny, Mama?”

  “I’m happy.”

  He leans down and kisses me, his tongue caressing mine, slow and soft, while sucking on it gently. It lacks the ferocity usually involved in our lovemaking, but instead it feels sweet and loving—like he’s savoring our connection. Maybe that’s just what I’m feeling, either way, it is divine.

  “I love you, Detroit Dragon West.”

  “I love you too, Mama, down to the marrow in my bones. Forever.”

  Holy fuck!

  I get the words from him that I thought I would never hear and…

  I cry like a big baby.

  I can’t help it. I knew he did, well mostly I knew. Yet, to actually hear him say the words, does something to me I really wasn’t expecting.

  “Forever,” I sniffle and cry harder.

  Dragon sits up in bed and gathers me in his arms. His hand strokes softly in my hair and his presence warms me all the way through.

  “Forever,” he whispers while he holds me close.

  We don’t say anything else, but then again, nothing needs to be said. Nothing at all. In this moment, I know without a shadow of a doubt, I am in the one place in this world that I was born to be.

  Dragon’s arms.



  I stand looking at what is left of a man I used to respect. There’s not much left anymore and in the month we’ve interrogated him, I’ve only learned bits and pieces.

  The man responsible for the mayhem in my club, and nearly killing my woman is an unknown shadow and I don’t like that shit one bit.

  Irish caved enough to tell me it all somehow linked in with Dancer, and the two of us pissing off the wrong people.

  At least I have a direction to look into now.

  Irish is pretty unrecognizable. We branded his tats off, the ones concerning the club at least. Freak’s been working on him with a razor. The word traitor written across Irish’s chest is an extra special touch. Now, Irish in an oil drum. I can’t bring myself to let the soup finish him off like we had with Twist. I am going to be slightly more humane.

  “I’ll see you in hell brother,” I tell him as I aim my 45 at his dick and then empty the chamber. I look over at Bull. “After his last breath, go ahead and add the stew. When you’re done, dump him and blast the fucker.”

  We are going to pour Irish in an old abandoned deep mine. We have to pour him because, with the stew, there won’t be anything left of him. Irish has… had a deep fear of being buried underground, so I felt this was poetic justice.

  I turn and walk away. I have a woman to get back to. I also need Freak to start digging up information on this Phoenix, Irish spoke about, and exactly how Dancer and I came into contact with him. If this fucker thinks he can play with my club, he has another thought coming. I’ll make him sorry he ever tried.

  I pull out my cellphone as I make it to the SUV.

  “I need Dancer out like yesterday. Quit dragging your ass and make it happen Eagle or I’ll find someone who can, you feel me?”

  His voice drones on.

  “No more excuses, motherfucker. Do it. I need my brother out of that shithole like yesterday!”

  I don’t give him time to respond. I hang up and head back to the club. It’s time I start circling the wagons. I expect to know who the fuck thought he could toy with me by the end of the night and when I do, he will know who in the hell the Savage MC is and exactly how we got our name.

  Get 2 Bonus Chapters Of Dragon & Nicole in this book—Located at the end of Loving Nicole!

  Saving Dancer


  ‘The Nightmare’


  It’s dark, pitch black. I can feel hands holding me down. The laughter fades into the background as my heart accelerates and beats out of control. The sound drums in my ears and a fine sweat pops out over my body. I slam my head back with all of my might. I choke on the fear and I despise myself for it. The fear makes me feel weak and I have never been weak in my life.

  The back of my head connects with some motherfucker and the feeling of blood smears against my bald head. I slam my head again, hoping I can kill the son of a bitch.

  I scream out as dirty hands try to clamp over my mouth. I twist and turn, until I can get just enough of the hand in my mouth to bite down and tear. I do it with an angry scream
. There’s a moment of disappointment, when I realize I can’t manage to tear the finger off with just the force of my teeth.

  Still, it’s enough to get some leeway so I can throw an elbow into the stomach of the son of a bitch that has been helping to restrain me. There are four of the motherfuckers holding me, three now that the guy behind me let go. I hope I at least killed him. I will kill them all though. I will. I will tear them apart piece by piece. That is the last clear thought I have before a large silver flash comes at me.

  I feel the impact of the pipe against the side of my head and at the same time a sensation of skin tearing down my side. The scent of blood mixes in with the dirty smell of my cell. Stabbed, I’ve been stabbed.

  Will I die here? Please let me die before they do what they are planning.

  “Got something for you, pretty boy,” the voice says, as the darkness encloses around me.

  It was six words. Six words that would destroy me and start me on my path through hell.



  It’s dark, but not night, that much I know. The heavy, foam-backed curtains are pulled tight over the window and a small sliver of light is allowed to shine where the two panels meet. There is a pounding behind my eyes and a cold sweaty mist covers my body. My head is swimming as I close my eyes against the gut clenching nausea that slams through me.

  Waking up like this is nothing new. It’s the normal—my new fucked up normal. The room smells of smoke, cheap whiskey, perfumed whores, and sex. Hell, I’ve stuck my dick in so much loose pussy in the last week the damn thing smells like week old tuna.

  I rub my hand over the short stubble on my head. In the week that I’ve been out of the joint, I’ve started letting it grow. I kept it shaved during my stint in jail. There are just too many fucking bugs in that damn hell-hole. I’m not sure if I’ll cut it again. Anything different from what it was in there is automatically better.

  I push bodies off of me and move to the edge of the bed. The two chicks in the bed should have left last night. One of them grumbles in complaint, but she rolls her ass over on her girlfriend and goes back out. When I look over at the lily-white ass sticking up in the air my hand automatically goes down to my dick and stretches it. Damn thing doesn’t take the hint though. If anything, it seems to want to crawl inside of my balls and hide. It’s a shame because it’s a damn fine ass, but what the fuck ever. I stand up and the world spins as my body tilts too far to the left. I right myself and walk towards the bathroom, cursing when my bare feet kick one of the empty liquor bottles littering the floor.

  Shit, that hurt. I lean over to pick the bottle up and the world tilts again. This time I overestimate my coordination and fall. I maneuver at the last minute and land on my side instead of my motherfucking head. I lay there a minute looking up in the darkness. It hurts to breathe, not really from the fall. Hell, it’s hurt to breathe for so long I can’t remember it being any other way. Why I can’t swallow a bullet and get it over with? I’m tired of fighting it all. So fucking tired…

  “Dancer! Open up, man!”

  The old hotel door vibrates with the pounding it receives. My head goes down, both hands raking over it again. I don’t want my brothers here. Why couldn’t they just leave me alone? I told them to.

  “Dancer, open this fucking door or I’m kicking it in!” Crusher yells as he pounds the damn door again. I wince at the pain the noise brings.

  I struggle to stand. I may not have had shit to do with my brothers since I got out of the joint, but I know that he’s not going to give up. Before I can fully pick my ass up out of the floor, the door slams open and bounces off the wall with a huge cracking noise. I wince in pain the noise brings and close my eyes against the glaring light that is now in the room.

  “Fucking hell! Close the damn-motherfucking-son-of-a-bitching door!” I growl, not bothering to turn around and look at Crusher. It’s better to keep my back against the light.

  “Oh god.”

  I turn my head against my will when I hear that voice. I know that voice. That voice is imbedded in my brain, my motherfucking black soul. Carolina Grace, the woman who offered me heaven, and brought me hell.

  I’m going to rip Crusher’s head off. My eyes lock with the one person in this world that I never expected, nor wanted to lay eyes on again.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  She jerks back like I just physically hit her. I’ve never hit a woman in my life, but I have so much anger stored up, she’d be smart to stay away from me.

  “Hi, Jacob,” she whispers into the room and it makes me want to scream and roar at her. I don’t want her here. I don’t want to see her, I don’t want to deal with her and I sure as hell don’t want to hear that sweet voice saying my name. She’s poison; she’s a fucking knife to the gut that repeatedly stabs. She’s the reason my head is all messed up, that my life is all screwed up and most of all she is the reason I want to swallow a fucking bullet.

  “Get the fuck out of this room!” I roar pulling myself up and charging towards her.

  She gasps and backs up against the hotel door. I’m almost to her. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I reach her. I really don’t. I might even strangle the life out of her. I know I will push her out of my room, out of my space, out of my life. I know it. In the end the point is moot though because Crusher jumps in front of me and stops me from reaching her.

  We’re pretty evenly matched, but if I had been sober he wouldn’t have stopped me. As it is, he contains me and looks over his shoulder.

  “Red, wait for me by my bike, darlin’.”

  “Okay, Alexander,” she whispers and gives me another tortured look.

  Her green eyes are filled with tears, but I don’t care. Her and her tears can rot in hell. Her auburn hair shines too bright in the dark room. It’s like a beacon of hope, a memory of a better time, a better life. That pisses me off even more. Wait. Hold up! Alexander? What the hell?

  “Are you sinking your dick in that cunt?” I ask in disgust, pushing away from Crusher.

  “Jesus H. Christ, Dance! You smell like a damn gutter,” Crusher says. His face is curled in disgust.

  The bitches from last night are sitting up in bed looking at me and Crusher and it pisses me off. I told them to be gone by morning. I don’t even know why I keep trying to bury myself in pussy. It’s not working anyway and I sure as fuck don’t want them around after.

  “Get dressed and get the hell out,” I growl, walking towards the small bath, intent on taking a shower.

  “If you’re going to wait around till I get out, make sure those bitches leave,” I order Crusher.

  “Dance man…”

  “And you sure as fuck better keep that gash you came with outside.”

  I make it to the door before a crash is heard. I turn to look and Crusher has taken one of the empty liquor bottles and smashed the old mirror hanging on the wall opposite of the bed. I look at my brother, his body is rigid with anger and the laid back country ol’ shucks cocky vibe he normally has is gone.

  “Dance, I’m warning you, lay off of Red. I know you’re fucked up, but that woman doesn’t deserve your wrath or insults.”

  “I’ve rotted in hell for two years because of that woman.”


  I want to argue, but truth is I don’t give a fuck. The sooner I shower and talk to his ass the sooner he’ll leave and I can find a new bottle.

  “Whatever. Sorry I insulted your Twinkie of the month,” I grumble and slam the door on his curse.



  I make it outside, stand by Alexander’s bike, and drag air into my lungs. Almost two years and this isn’t how I imagined seeing Jacob again. He’s drunk, naked as the day he was born, and obviously has been in bed with two women…Two! At the same time! When Alexander told me he was going to stop by and check on Jacob, I couldn’t resist coming in. It was a bad move. Still, even knowing I shouldn’t go inside, I couldn’t stop my
self. It had been so long since I had seen him. The temptation was just too much. So, I caved.

  I don’t know what I expected, I really didn’t. It wasn’t pure hate. It really wasn’t, but sadly that was exactly what Jacob radiated when he looked at me. I think he might want to kill me. I laugh hysterically. He’d have to get in line, wouldn’t he?

  The only reason I am in Kentucky is because someone killed my parents and is still after me. Dragon had ordered Alexander to come to Tennessee to get me after Jacob’s mom called him. The next day I was packed up and heading to Kentucky with a man who called himself Crusher. It took me half the trip to get Alexander’s real name out of him.

  I have been here for four months now and for the most part I’ve loved it. The Savage MC has become my adopted family, with Dragon, Nicole and Alexander being some of the best friends I have ever had. That won’t last though. The minute I heard Jacob was getting out, I knew it would end.

  Don’t get me wrong, I wanted him out. I really did. I just knew that once he was, I would have to leave. Jacob blames me for what happened to him and in a way he was right. It had been my stupidity to follow Jacob and his buddy to the club that night. I wanted to prove to him I was grown up. I wanted to show him that he needed to take me seriously, that I could be the woman for him. I was so stupid, so incredibly naïve. The only thing I accomplished was proving myself to be horribly immature and to ruin three lives.

  “You’re going to have to toughen up, Red, if Dance is the man you want to hang your hat on,” Bull offers.


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