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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

Page 72

by Jordan Marie

  His hands loosely hold my hips while I try to look out over the crowd in the bar and find Paul or Ray. Someone to save me, because I know if Zander is involved, I can’t save myself. I feel the tips of his thumbs at the top of my blue jeans, brushing the skin exposed between it and where my tank top begins. My brain is screaming danger, because that’s what Zander is. He is danger with a capital ‘D.’

  “That right there is what I mean. When those thick, beautiful, fucking lips of yours say my name, all I can think about is you whispering it against my cock, right before I grab your hair, plunge inside, and fuck your mouth like it’s meant to be fucked.”

  His words flow down my spine, and they lodge deep. If I close my eyes, I can see him doing that same thing and me…the woman who has hated sex…suddenly craves being weak with a man. What the fuck is he doing to me? Can he hear how my breath catches and becomes ragged? Shit, is he looking over my shoulder and noticing how hard my nipples are right now?

  “You have a strange fascination with my mouth,” I try to sound bored. I fail.

  My body feels like it’s on the edge of a cliff, and I’m scared to death of what will happen if I jump. Zander is not safe. I can’t control Zander. No longer than we were together, when he said those things at the club…he hurt me. He hurt me deeper than anyone had—not physically, but emotionally and with my past that’s an accomplishment. I’ve made so many bad decisions, what happens if he’s just another one? I’m leaving to go back to Kentucky soon. Would it be stupid to give in? Wouldn’t it be wiser to keep my distance? I’ve never wanted a man before Zander. Never. What happens if I pretend just once, like I’m a normal woman without a fucked up head, without a past that is going to get me killed someday? What happens if I give in and pretend?

  “Hellcat, you have no idea, but I could show you, baby. I could show you a hundred different ways, and I’d make damn sure you enjoy every…fucking…one,” he says drawing my attention back to our conversation. His last three words are paused and hoarse sounding. They are timed and in tune to the way his hand comes around and nudges my chin, so I look over my shoulder at him. He finishes his reply against my mouth, and I open for his kiss without thought.

  I drink in his taste. God, I’ve missed him.



  It has taken a month of scoping out Nicole’s cell phone, and following leads from the greyhound station to find Dani. The bitch knows how to hide her tracks. The surveillance videos at the bus stop don’t even look like her. She hides her hair under a hat, she wears big, loose clothing, and she never, not once, looks at a security camera. It’s like she instinctively knows where they are. That says a lot, and what it says doesn’t make me happy. My woman has some deep, dark shit to tell me about, and we’ll get there. Right now, I’m too overwhelmed with finally having her in my arms. I had almost given up hope it would happen. I thought it was over when I didn’t hear from her after that first week she left. The silence was deafening. Still, I couldn’t fully give up, and now, I’m here with her.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had her in my arms, so long since I could take in her scent, touch her, breathe her in, and just hold her. I can’t let her get away from me again. She turns completely in my arms, our lips never fully breaking apart. Then, my arms are full of her, my mouth is full of her tongue, my hands are full of her ass, and I use that to pull her hard against me—so tight, even air can’t get between us. God, I’ve missed her.

  Eventually, we’re forced to break apart to give our lungs oxygen. We pull away from each other’s lips slowly. That’s when I get it. Those eyes. The eyes that have haunted me the last few weeks, look up at me. They’re dark, intense, and liquid with emotion. I need this woman. I need that look on her face every fucking day.

  “I’ve missed you, Hellcat,” I tell her before I can stop myself. Her forehead crinkles, and I know she’s thinking about what she should say or do to stop this. It won’t work. There’s no stopping this, and no matter what she says, I can tell she wants this as much as I do. I press my lips against the crease on her brow and just continue holding her.

  “What you did was wrong.”

  I don’t argue…I can’t argue.

  “I am not a Twinkie! I won’t be shared with your crew, Zander. I won’t be talked about with your crew.”

  “I was a drunken, fucked-up, fool, Hellcat. I didn’t mean the shit my mouth was spewing. It won’t happen again.”

  “I don’t think we should happen, I mean it was only supposed to be for sex anyway and…”

  I imprison her chin in my hands and pull enough until she looks up at me.

  “I. Was. A. Fool. Gunner said something that pissed my whiskey-soaked brain off, and I said shit without even meaning it. I don’t think of you like that, Dani. I told you, you are mine. Mine, Hellcat, and I sure as fuck ain’t sharing you with no-fucking body.” I lay it bare. I owe her this. I just hope I get through to her. When she doesn’t respond, I say again, “You’re mine, Hellcat.”

  “And who are you exactly?” A man asks from behind Dani. I look up at him and take him in. Overgrown muscles, a too pretty face and much too cocky. He needs to step back from my woman immediately. I move my hand up to Dani’s side, pull her into my side, and facing the asshole. He’s not getting near her.

  “What’s it to you?” I ask, ready to take him down.


  “I asked you a question, pretty boy. Is there some reason you’re interrupting me and my girl?”

  “Your girl?”

  “Ra…” I squeeze Dani, before she can say anything. I got this. The sooner I take care of him the sooner I get her and hell, I need to get her, and soon.

  “That’s right. My girl.”

  “Weird she hasn’t mentioned you in the month she’s been living with me.”

  Heat hits me and anger fills my body. What the fuck? What the ever-loving fuck? She left me and moved in with some Arnold Schwarzenegger wanna-be, with a pretty face. I look at Dani and she’s staring at the other guy and she looks like she could spit fire at him, so I relax, marginally.

  “You’re not helping, Ray,” she says, and I sneer. Ray; pussy-ass sounding name.

  “Not trying to help Kitten, just wondering why you’re making out with some man in the middle of the bar.”

  Kitten? Fuck that shit, right there.

  “Who the hell is this Ray, Hellcat? Explain fast, before I end his ass right here.”

  Ray looks away from Dani and back to me. He takes me in and that’s fine. I want him to, because I’m about to beat his ass down. He needs to see the motherfucker that is about to make him bloody.

  “Jesus, you said Nicole got mixed up and attached herself to a biker Kitten, you didn’t say you had done the same thing.”

  Hand to God, if this motherfucker doesn’t stop calling my woman Kitten, I’m going to make sure he doesn’t have a voice to use. That way he won’t be able to say anything ever again. That’s probably the thing to do really because his voice is annoying as hell.

  “I’m not mixed up with a biker, Zander and I are…”

  “Fucking like rabbits,” I interject before she can say anything that might piss me off even a tenth more than I already am.

  She lands a hard elbow into my side and I grunt, pulling away to rub the spot her blow landed.

  “What the fuck is that for?”

  “Because you’re pissing me off!” she says.

  “Well join the fucking crowd. It doesn’t quite fill me with rainbows and little pink ponies to find out my woman has been living with another man.”

  “I haven’t been…little pink ponies?” She stops mid-sentence to ask, looking exasperated, and sexy as hell.

  “Yeah those damn…”

  “I know what they are, I’m just…I have no words.”

  “So, this is the guy you’ve been mooning over for the last month?” I look up to see yet another pretty boy standing in front of us, although this one has way-less musc
les and is shorter—more Dani’s size than me or the terminator-wanna-be.

  “Jesus, Nic told me you were living with two men, I guess I should have listened,” I grumble taking my hand away from her, and raking it over my face, then massaging the tension in my neck. How the fuck do I handle this? I need to take her ass back home and to tan her hide. Hell, maybe I should lock her in my room until the only cock she can ever think about is mine. That idea definitely has merit. I look up when I hear a table being scooted beside us. Hellcat has another bottle in her hand, and she’s aiming it at my head. Arnold has his arms around her and is pulling her away from me. Now, I should be grateful, but I kind of want to rip his arms off his body and beat him to death with them.

  “What the hell you coming after me for? You’re the one sleeping with two men! After you yanked my cock out in the middle my club, woke Junior up to play and then poured an expensive bottle of Jack on it and left my heart broken.” Okay, by this time I’m poking her like she was an angry bear more than anything else. It’s fucking fun to watch her, and I’m a sadistic S.O.B.

  The twins, and I mean that in the form of the bad Arnold and Danny Devito movie from way back when, freeze and look at me like I have three heads, and then back at Dani (who tries to fly at me again), and then they do the strangest thing. The tall dude kisses Dani on top of the head and whispers something in her ear. The smaller one, hugs her and then they look at me. I expected shit to be thrown so I could finally beat them down. Instead, I get an invitation.

  “Come on up to the bar and we’ll get you a drink on the house,” the smaller one says.

  I turn to look at Dani, trying to figure out what her mood is, and where her head is at when she just shrugs and walks towards the bar. I look at her buddies and they basically do the same, except Arnold slaps me hard, a little too hard, on the back, then we follow her. At least I’m not the only one chasing after her, but I am going to make sure I’m the only son of a bitch who catches her. Ever.



  I want to kill Zander for being such an idiot, and I’m pissed off that yet again, he’s insinuating I’m sleeping with two men. I would have thought he knew me better by now. It is one thing that I lead others to believe that’s who I am, but he should know better. I’m trying my best to get away from Ray so I can knock the big, dumb-ass Cowboy up the side of his head with this bottle. Him or Paul (I can’t see who) takes the bottle away, and then Ray kisses the top of my head. He bends down to whisper in my ear, and I go still. Still. It’s all I can be when I take in his words.

  “Damn Kitten, when you leap, you go all in. Welcome to the land of the living, Doll-face.”

  Once I’m still, Ray lets me go. My urge to kill Zander is over though. Instead, I let Ray’s words settle inside of me. He’s not wrong. When Zander is around I am…alive. I’m usually frustrated, wanting to kill and scream like a banshee—but I am alive. Never once, not once since getting close to Zander, (and really before that) have I been afraid of him hurting me physically. In fact, I’m so comfortable with that knowledge that I strike out at him, without the usual sick fear that comes when I’m around a man—any man. That is…extraordinary. It says…so much. Then, I concentrate on Ray’s other words. When I decide to jump… Shit! I’ve already jumped. I’m so deep into whatever this is with Zander, that no matter what happens, he’s going to take a piece of me. That is stupid. That is monumentally stupid. I don’t have many pieces left, certainly not enough to be giving them away. It’s too late, and just thinking of the consequences robs me of my voice. So, all I can do is shrug at Zander and walk towards the bar. I need to regroup.

  Apparently, a few drinks and lame jokes is all it takes to make men best friends, because Zander, Ray, and Paul have all been joking and laughing, so much that they’re annoying the hell out of me.

  “Don’t you have a job here or something?” I remind Ray, because I want to talk with Zander, or at least I think I do. It would be nice to at least have that option. He looks at me and that smirk he is wearing, annoys me. He knows what he is doing.

  “I am working Kitten, I’m on a break.”

  “It’s been an awful long break,” I mutter into my drink.

  “She’s right, Crusher. We’ll talk tomorrow I figure.” He turns back to me before Zander responds, “I take it you’re going home with him and not Paul and me?”

  “I don’t…”

  “Yeah, I got her,” Crusher says, interrupting my denial.

  “Good job. I’ll probably stay with Ray then until clean-up is done. It’ll be late so we may stay in the office apartment in the back. Since you have company and all,” Paul adds, being about as subtle as a Mack truck.

  “Jesus, why not just say Dani, we’re getting lost so you can get your brains screwed out by the hot cowboy-biker,” I mutter, and apparently not too quietly, because Crusher laughs—loudly; Ray and Paul do too.

  “Paul and I are going to get lost so you can get your brains screwed out by the hot biker. Is that better, Kitten?”

  “Oh loads,” I answer, sarcastically. I ignore them all. When they leave, I continue ignoring Zander. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him stand up. He’s hovering over me waiting for a reaction. I don’t give him one. Apparently, he can’t appreciate that he’s being ignored, because instead of letting me continue, he sighs heavily (and loudly), then picks me up in his arms and starts walking out of the bar. Now, I could complain and whine, but I don’t want to. I’ve wanted to be in Zander’s arms and alone with him since that kiss. So, I just lay against him and enjoy the feel of him holding me. In fact, it’s so nice, I decide to play.

  I use my hand to pull his shirt up out of his jeans and slide my hands against the warm skin of his stomach. I push until the shirt is wadded up under his arms, and then I slide my tongue against his nipple, flicking it before sucking it hard into my mouth with a groan. I’ve missed his taste.

  Zander grunts softly. “Are you horny, Hellcat?”

  I smile, biting down on his nipple. My man isn’t one for sweet words and seduction. My man. I like that. He can be mine, at least for a while. Surely, the universe owes me that? I use my hands wrapped around him to pull his head down to me.

  “I’ve missed you,” I whisper into his ear.

  “Have you, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, I’ve even dreamed about you,” I confess, using my nails to lightly rake down his stomach, grazing his nipples. God, surely we’ll be at his car soon.

  “What was I doing in these dreams?” He growls, as I pinch his nipple, and bite down on the lobe of his ear at the same time.

  “Fucking me,” I answer, knowing my words are getting to him and intending on making sure I drive him crazy. Somewhere in the back of my mind I marvel that I can be this free with Zander, even after he was such an ass. I’ll think about that tomorrow, tonight I want to get laid a lot. Is it my imagination, or did the speed of Zander’s steps pick up? Not my imagination, I think, because a second later, we’re standing at his truck. He drops me gently to the ground so I’m standing. I lean against the side of the truck bed, then his lips are on mine, and he’s claiming my mouth. I don’t know how long we stand there kissing. I do know when we break away I have to heave oxygen into my system. His hands go to my waist, and he’s undoing my belt. I should tell him no. We’re outside, although we’re mostly hidden by his truck and the car beside us, it’s still out in the open. I don’t. Instead, I unlatch his belt, going for the button and zipper next. I want…no, I need him inside of me.

  “How was I fucking you, sweetheart? Tell me,” he orders, his voice deep and laced with need. I’m so wet and aroused that I don’t even argue when he pulls my tank top off, and I’m standing outside with nothing covering my breasts but a white lace bra. He drapes my tank over the side of his truck and then pushes my pants down off my hips.

  For a minute, my nerves get me. Then, I take in the look in his eyes and the need dripping off him. That’s for me. Me. So, I push it away and conc
entrate only on the here and now—Zander.

  “You were eating my pussy, making me come over and over...”

  “Does my woman like it when I eat out her sweet, little cunt?”

  “God, yes.”

  “That’s good to know, but I’m not going to eat you out right now. Do you know why, Hellcat?” he says, and his coarse words stall me. I can’t do anything but shake my head no.

  He reaches down and finishes what I started with his pants. Pushing them off his hips, I notice he’s not wearing underwear. Zander always goes commando, and I don’t think I truly appreciated that fact, until just now. He takes his large, swollen cock into his hand and starts stroking it. My eyes are glued to his movements. I watch him slowly and firmly stroke his cock, moving slowly back and forth. The head of his cock is slick, wet, and glistens under the yellow beam of the outside light that illuminates the parking lot.

  “I asked you a question. Answer me, do you know why?”

  I couldn’t tear my eyes off his cock if I wanted to. My mouth is dry, and I’m dying to touch him. So, I reach out my hand to do just that. “No…”

  Zander doesn’t let me touch him though. He grabs my hand and uses it to spin me around so I’m pressed against the side of the truck. My hands grip the top of the bed, and I hiss at the cold metal feel against my stomach and breasts. His hands roughly pull my underwear down. He pushes against me, his cock slipping in my ass and pushing against the entrance, but not actually going in. His hand comes around and fingers push inside my pussy. I gasp at the intrusion and tighten my inner muscles against them, trying to ride.

  “I didn’t eat out this sweet fucking cunt, because it’s been too damn long since I’ve been inside of you, and I’m going to fuck you and fuck you hard to make up for that. Right here, where anyone can see us. Right here, because I’m so fucking hard I can’t wait, and you’re going to love every minute of it aren’t you, Hellcat?” his gravelly voice whispers against my ear, so smoky and thick it’s like I can feel the words pour over me. I’m lost in this man.


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