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Savage Brothers MC Boxed Set Books 1-6

Page 105

by Jordan Marie

  “Because I wanted to be closer to Dr. Eldridge!”

  “What?” Dragon asks, and the room goes quiet and my back stiffens, because even in my haze there’s a hint of truth coming out of Alex’s words.

  “I’m gay! I slept with the man, and then he just decided to forget about me. Said coming out of the closet would ruin his career. I transferred so I could see him every day. I wanted to remind him I was there,” Alex says, pushing his fingers through is hair and holding his head down. “For all of the fucking good it did. He ignores me.”

  “Fuck a duck,” Dancer growls from behind me, and I turn to look at Alex.

  “You really didn’t befriend my son at school? You don’t know him?” I say, and desperation is in my voice. Because, if we have the wrong person then we’re even further away from finding Matty than I hoped.

  “I didn’t do this Skye. I promise.”

  “Freak, who the fuck else has a connection with the school from the files that Skye picked?” Dragon growls.

  “No one man. There’s not one fucking connection,” Freak answers, and I bury my head in Bull’s chest. His hands comb through my hair, and I’m afraid the blackness is going to swallow me up when Alex speaks up.


  I look at him, and the room goes still.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Bull asks, his body is vibrating against mine.

  “Buck! He could be the one you want,” Alex says.

  “The school doesn’t have any record of ever having Walter there as a guest, or an employee of any sort,” Freak interjects.

  “Yeah,” Alex agrees, “he wasn’t at the school, but he was working at the courthouse, next door. He was mowing their lawns. He was sitting on the picnic tables eating lunch when I came out! I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he took a part time gig to earn extra money. He wanted to buy a ring for the girl he’s been seeing.”

  “Fuck me,” Dragon murmurs. “Freak!”

  “Already on it, Drag.”

  “I want Alex locked up in one of the bedrooms, until we know he’s telling the truth,” Bull orders. “Put Circus and one of the other recruits on him.”

  Hawk takes him out, but not before he looks over his shoulder at me. “I hope you find your son, Skye, honest.”

  I believe him and it hurts me.

  “Fuck, Drag. This Buck owns a house on the Southside of town,” Freak says.

  “What does that mean?” I ask. No one answers, until Bull looks down at me.

  “It’s out by the old gravel quarry, Doc.”

  “Let’s load up!” Dancer orders, and the men start filing out.

  “I’m coming with you!”

  “Fuck no, Doc. I need all my thoughts on saving Matthew. I can only do that if you’re safe.”


  “You’re wasting time here, Doc. I need to go rescue our boy. I got this. You need to trust me.”

  I swallow and nod once. Bull has this. I know he does. He and his crew have worked nonstop. They even have connections at the police, which have been ignoring the whole thing so Dragon and his crew could do what they needed to do, without worrying about legal repercussions.

  “Bring our son back to me, Bull.” He gives me a quick, hard kiss, before pulling away.

  “I’ll do it, Doc. Six, you take care of my woman. You don’t, and I’ll make sure you don’t live to regret it.”

  “Got it, man.” Six says, and then Bull is gone. I sink down in the chair and wait. Bull will bring Matty home to me. I know he will. He has to. He has to.



  “You ready man?” Drag asks.

  We’re outside the main office of the old quarry. We’ve got the place surrounded. Gunner and Dancer have spotted Buck in the office. The fucker is laying plastic down, and preparing the room. Dancer said there’s also a fucking bone saw and chainsaw in the room. So, I know what the fucking psycho is planning. I’m not about to let it happen. Everyone is in their place. Dragon, Freak, and I will burst through the front door. Gunner and Dancer have the back entrance. Hawk and Nailer with some of the other prospects, are minding the side entrances. We have this. We just need to make sure my boy doesn’t get hurt in the process. Matthew is mine. I’m claiming him, just like I did his Mama.

  “I want lead man. I want to kill the fucker before he gets a chance to hurt my kid,” I tell Drag, my hands tightening and untightening on my gun.

  “You got it,” he says, slapping me on the back. I click the radio so the other men know.

  “Approaching now. No movements until you hear my shot,” I tell them, and we take off.

  We advance as quietly as we can. I don’t want to do anything that might tip Buck off. I hear the chilling sound of the saw starting. I kick the door open, and Matthew is bound in a chair, with a gag in his mouth. Buck is across the room, and he has just picked up the bone-saw. He is flexing his thumb on the trigger, and adjusting speeds. When we bust through he looks at us. Surprise is all over his face. I’d love to take time to extract justice out of his sorry hide, but I don’t. It doesn’t even occur to me.

  I shoot him right between the eyes, and for once there is not a fucking tremor is in sight. I shoot once, and he falls. I walk to him, and it’s a kill shot. I know it is. Just to make sure, I shoot him twice more in the heart. I put my gun away, and notice that Dragon, Dancer, and Freak have surrounded Matty, not letting him see the body—or what I did. I’m grateful. They move away when I get there. I hear the men in the background already moving the body. I take the gag out of Matty’s mouth and pull his head as close as I can, since his arms and legs are still bound on the chair. I kiss the top of his head, like I’ve seen Skye do so many times.

  “You okay, buddy?” I ask him, and tears are falling down my face. I don’t give a fuck. My hands are trembling as I pull away. I try and dry up Matty’s eyes. It has nothing to do with my injury. It’s all emotion.

  “I’m okay, Bull. I knew.”

  “Knew what buddy?” I ask him, using my pocket knife to cut the rope on his hands and feet.

  Matty brings his hands around, and I rub them as the pinched, white skin, slowly becomes red again. He’s crying, just like I am. But, he gives me a watery smile, just the same. “I knew you’d come for me.”

  His faith and trust does something inside of me. For a second, I’m robbed of my voice.

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, Bull. It’s what family does. We have each other’s backs.”

  I shake my head in agreement, and catch Matty as he face plants into my chest. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.

  “Yeah buddy, that’s what family does. They have each other’s backs. No matter what,” I tell him, my heart full.

  I look up and all of my brothers are standing around me. Dragon, Dancer, Freak, Gunner, and Nailer are looking at me. My brothers. My family. And I know if we had called Crush he’d be right here too.

  “That’s definitely what family does, Matty. They have your back no matter what.”

  I’m a lucky fucking man.



  I’m a lucky fucking man.

  I’m in the cage. I let Freak drive my girl home. It’s not something I would have done before Skye. Now, other things are more important that my bike. Now…I want Matthew with me. Jesus, I may never let him out of my sight again.

  It’s amazing how well he’s doing. All the way back he chatters on, telling me how ‘Greg’ befriended him one day at recess. He talked to the fucker every day online, right under my nose. Skye and I are going to have a long talk with him about talking to strangers. The next thing we’re doing is talking to the damn school board about tightening up security. Maybe we should homeschool him? Or hell maybe private school? Fuck, maybe the club should hire a teacher to take care of our own kids? I need to talk to Dragon about this shit.

  We pull up to the club, and I resist the urge to carry Matthew. Dragon’s a fucking liar. When
something is precious to you, and you almost lose it? You want to hold it close all of the fucking time. I get it now. I know why he carries Nicole. Matthew wouldn’t like it though. He wants to be a man in front of me, and I understand it. So, I let him walk beside me, but I keep my hand on the back of his shoulder. We walk to the club, he’s still talking about things. I haven’t talked, because fucking hell, I don’t think I could find my voice. We’re almost to the doors, when they are torn open. Matthew stops talking, and we look at Skye. She stares at Matty, and sobs break free from her. She falls down on the ground crying and opens her arms, Matty dives into them. I stand behind him watching my family in front of me. She looks up above Matty’s shoulder, and the love and happiness in her eyes practically beams.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she’s repeats over and over. She’s saying the words to Matty, but there’s not a doubt in my mind that she’s giving me those words too.

  “I love you too, Doc.” I whisper. She can’t really hear me, but I know she sees me. I know she gets it.

  I’m a lucky fucking man.



  “You doing okay, Doc?” I whisper to her sometime later.

  We’re laying in my bed at the club. It has to be almost seven in the morning. Daylight is starting to break through the window. Skye’s been in Matty’s room most of the night. I finally convinced her that she needed sleep, and we could spend time with him tomorrow. She agreed, reluctantly. That was about an hour ago, and I’m starting to feel guilty. I wanted to hold her, but if she’s not going to rest, then…

  “I love you, Bull,” she says, interrupting my thoughts.

  I’m lying on my back, she’s curled into my side. It might be my favorite way to sleep, or like now, just watch the sun come up. Her head is on my chest, and I’ve got my fingers curled in her hair.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Thank you for bringing our son, home,” she whispers, turning her head slightly to place a kiss on my chest. The arm that she has haphazardly wrapped around my stomach tightens, and hugs me closer.

  “I’d die before I’d let you or Matty go, Doc. If you aren’t here, I don’t have a reason to keep taking breath.” Her arm flexes, once again tightening on me, and I feel moisture slide down my stomach. “Hey now, I didn’t mean to make you cry!”

  “I know. I’m just emotional.”

  “We have Matty home now, Doc. It’s going to be okay.”

  She sits up, and before I know exactly what she has in mind, she pulls the covers out of the way and is straddling me.


  “How come no matter when it is, it seems your dick is hard?” she asks, her hand pinning the tip against my stomach.

  Fuck! That feels good. I’m not sure anything could feel better. Even as I think it, I know it’s a lie. Inside her is the sweetest heaven I’ve ever known.

  “Because, I stay hard anytime you’re near me,” I answer, honestly. “You probably think that’s a line, but it’s not, Doc. Jesus, from the minute I met you, my dick has been permanently locked and loaded. I don’t see that changing. I’ll probably be ninety years old and chasing you around the nursing home, begging you to straddle me on my wheelchair.”

  She giggles, but I barely notice. Instead, my head goes back against the pillow in pleasure. My hands bite into her sweet ass, and my eyes follow her body as she moves. Skye’s fixed it so my dick has the lips of her pussy spread open, and she’s sliding that sweet cunt back and forth on my dick—grinding and coating me in her need.

  “God, Doc. You’re fucking soaked,” I moan, because she’s drenching my cock. Her body picks up speed, her hands press into my shoulders, as she takes what she needs.

  “Am I wet enough?” she pants. I can hear it in her voice, and the way her pussy spasms against my cock. She’s close to coming.

  “You’re perfect. Let me watch you come, sweetheart please,” I tell her, and I’m rewarded when her eyes open up, and she smiles down at me.

  She lifts up, and I grunt in disappointment, because as close as she was, I wasn’t far off. Then her sweet little hand wraps around my cock and she positions him right where she wants him and slides down on me.

  “Fuck. I love the way you stretch me, Bull.”

  She knows what it does to me to have her sweet little mouth whisper fuck, while I’m getting her off. Eventually, I’m going to have her talking dirtier than she could ever imagine. Because, I know that I’m the only one who she will let go for. The only one to make her lose complete control.

  “Hold onto the headboard and lean over me, Skye. Now.”

  She does as I order, and the position brings her tits to my face, and I capture one in my mouth and suck it firmly in, letting my tongue play with the hardened nipple.

  “Oh fuck, that feels good. Suck harder, Bull. Bite it,” she orders, and her hips are bucking as she tries to ride my cock.

  This time, I do as she orders. My fingers bite harder into her luscious ass. I use one of my hands to explore the valley of her ass, pressing it between the cheeks, and searching out that sweet little hole. My other hand is on her hip, and controls the speed of her ride. Correction, she’s not riding me. I’m making her ride me. I control her speed, and the angle my cock. I make sure I scrape her inner walls. Every-fucking-thing, I control. She can do nothing but accept the pleasure I give her. My fingers breach the opening in her ass. Not deep, I can’t do that from this angle, but enough so the extra presence spikes her pleasure.

  “Fuck me. Oh God, fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me,” she repeats the words like a mantra. And I do exactly what she asks. I’m sliding her up and down on my shaft, with my fingers pushing against her ass. On each downward thrust, I grind that sweet cunt into me. I can feel my cum gathering, and I know I’m about to blow, but I’m not about to go before my woman. Her body is convulsing, and her breath is coming in hard, short gasps. I know she’s there. She just needs the tiniest of pushes. So, I bite down on the nipple I have trapped in my mouth.

  The spike of pain, makes her scream out my name, and then she’s done for. Her climax comes hard and strong. I thrust her up and down on me, she grinds the hell out of her cunt, using me without realizing it. Her sweet cream covers my shaft, she bucks and yells out the word fuck as she rides me harder than any rodeo queen.

  Watching her and seeing her pleasure, combined with the way her greedy pussy is sucking on my cock, sends me over the edge. I shout as I unload inside of her, coating her womb. She drains me dry, and when it’s over, she collapses against my body. I’m still buried inside of her; our combined juices are running down her thighs. Her head rests to my shoulder, and she kisses my neck.

  “I think I can sleep now.”

  “Do you want to…?”

  “Just like this Bull. Feeling your cum and you inside of me. This is exactly how I want it,” her tired voice says. “I love you, honey,” she yawns.

  I think she’s out before she can hear me tell her I love her too, but as she snuggles into me, and squeezes my cock in her sleep, I figure she knows. If not, I’ll be sure to show her, later. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and my cock in the only place in the world it ever wants to be.



  “I can’t believe we’re opening presents in the middle of the Savage clubhouse. My balls are never going to unshrivel man. Do you know how the mighty have fallen here?” Gunner whines.

  I notice the other men are flipping him off, and the women are laughing, and ignoring him.

  “My balls are shriveling too!” Matty pipes up, because in the week since Bull and the club rescued him, Matty has decided he wants to be just like the men here. There are worse things that could happen.

  I shoot a look at Gunner, and he actually blushes. Then I have to look down, because I don’t want everyone to see me laughing along with them. Matty is on cloud nine. He hasn’t even had a nightmare in the weeks following his kidnapping. In fact, he’s in his element. Crusher and Dani
came in for Christmas with her new adoptive son, Dakota. He’s the same age as Matty and they’ve instantly connected. For so long Matty has missed having a male influence in his life and now…

  I look around and Dragon, Dancer, and Crusher are sitting at a table laughing and drinking a beer. Gunner, Hawk, Nailer, and Six are all standing around them laughing. Nicole, Carrie, Dani, and some new girl everyone call’s Lips are all at a table holding babies, and joking. Lips apparently just came home and is engaged to Six. Freak is in the corner, holding the woman he just got engaged to, Nikki, and I can only think that I was wrong.

  I worried Bull and his lifestyle was the wrong choice for my life. But, he was right. He was right all along. Here is a real family, of really good people, and every single one of them would lay their lives down for my son, for me and for Bull. I get it. I’m blessed to be part of them.

  I feel Bull’s arm snake around my stomach, as he pulls me back into him.

  “What are you thinking, Doc?” he whispers in my ear.

  “How grateful I am that you made me and Matty part of your crazy family,” I tell him, honestly.

  He places a kiss on the inside of my neck. “I love you, Doc.”

  “I love you too.”

  “All right brothers it’s time for some Christmas around here,” Dragon orders. “Freak, since you jumped the gun and already gave your woman her present, how about you give them out?”

  “Got it Boss-man,” Freak says, and he gives Matty and Dakota some presents from Santa. New game systems. Apparently, the latest and the best, according to Bull. The boys immediately start planning on how they can play with each other even though they live apart.


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