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Sociopath's Revenge

Page 20

by V. F. Mason

  "I don't think we're doing it right," she murmured against my lips, and her words, for the first time in forever, brought lightness to my soul.

  "It's all right. We have the rest of our lives to learn, krasavica."


  My eyes snapped open, only to discover Damian wasn't in the bed with me. Putting my silky black robe on my nightgown-covered body, I checked on Kristina in the guest room of the penthouse, and thankfully, she slept peacefully. At some point in Connor's house, she was awakened by all the excitement and was excited to meet Frankie. After a few short hours, we came back to the penthouse, and she was out again. Juanita couldn't get enough of her and decided to stay the night, and we didn't mind.

  Shutting the door quietly behind me, I strode to the living room where Damian stood, resting his arm on the window, his forehead leaning against it while his eyes admired the New York nightlife. Moonlight was the only source of illumination, creating a mysterious aura around him like all those years ago, the night when I came back to him. He wore nothing but a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

  My feet padded softly on the marble. I placed one hand on his back as the other wrapped around his waist. He immediately palmed it with his hand as I rested my cheek on his shoulder blade. "He suffered more," he finally whispered, and my heart ached for the guilty fourteen-year-old boy inside him.

  "I know."

  "I could have saved him."

  Squeezing him harder to me, I kissed his back softly. "No."

  "We deserve revenge. More than ever now." Although my stomach flipped at his words, I didn't say anything. I thought putting Richard and Benjamin along with Erik and Robert into prison was punishment enough. No one tolerated people there who abused kids; it was some sort of code. I didn't want Damian killing more people, torturing them, blackening his soul more, or Dominic for that matter. Reasoning with them was pointless, though because they considered revenge their right and ultimate goal. "Promise to love me no matter what," he suddenly said harshly, spinning around fast, surprising considering his leg was in a cast. He wrapped a hand around my waist and grabbed my hair in the other, tilting my head back to expose my neck for his hungry lips. "Promise me," he commanded.

  "I promise." Did he need my reassurance before turning into Sociopath one last time?

  His mouth crushed mine, ruthlessly kissing me, leaving me breathless. "Thank you," he murmured and then took us to the floor. He opened my robe and groaned at the sight of my breasts. He leaned down and suckled on them through the silky material of my gown. My back arched at the electrifying feeling only he could create. My hand laced through his hair while the other scratched his back. He wiggled between my thighs as his hands hiked up the nightgown.

  Two of his fingers entered me at once, tearing a moan from me that he quickly covered with his mouth while he made love to me with his fingers. "Only you can give it to me." My mind, fuzzy with desire, barely registered his words. "Unconditional love. Never take it away from me," he warned, right before penetrating me with one swift motion. Again, he caught my loud moan with his mouth, muffling it. My legs wrapped around him as my nails dug deeper, while he relentlessly thrust inside me.

  We separated for a second so we both could get some air into our oxygen-deprived lungs. Then he tilted my head back, sucking and nipping on my neck. "Mine," he said possessively, and it made me clench around him more, which earned me a groan from him in return.

  "Yours," I sighed, and he sped up, taking us higher and higher where we finally reached the peak together. Our bodies grew still as he came inside me, and our heartbeats matched each other.

  Nothing was romantic or pretty about this lovemaking, but it wasn't about romance. It was about his need for confirmation that no matter what, I'd always stay by his side. He rested his head on my breasts as my hands played with his hair. "We need to clean up and go to bed," I said drowsily. "We aren't alone in the house."

  "Yeah." The moment, however, seemed too perfect to ruin it so soon. "In a second."

  I nodded and drifted to sleep, satisfied and well loved.

  Boys, 10 years old, Location Unknown

  "Do you think Mommy and Daddy think about us?" Dominic asked as we shivered waiting for Tim to bring towels for us. Once a week, they'd send us to the bathroom with cold water so we could scrub ourselves clean from all the dirt we had on us. Generally, they forgot towels on purpose, as they loved to watch us suffer.

  Not that cold brought pain anymore or that Dom and I considered it a punishment. Nothing was worse in this world than older men touching us and doing what they pleased. Everything else was a minor discomfort. "I don't know." My voice was bitter because I actually thought they gave up on us all together. We had been in this hell for four years, and no one came to save us. When you really searched for something, you'd have results, wouldn't you?

  Dominic's face fell, so I quickly added, "Probably. They love us." Hope and happiness lit up his eyes for a split second, and I understood he needed their memory more than I did.

  His hand grabbed mine, as he whispered, "I miss them." Resting my head on his shoulder, I whispered back, "Me too."

  "Someday we'll end up together," he vowed. "Believe me, Damian. The day will happen."

  I nodded, although I didn't think any of us would be alive long enough to see that moment.

  But my brother needed reassurance and support, and since he was the only family I had left, I'd do anything in my power to protect him.

  Even if protection required supporting his hopeless illusions.


  I saw Dominic right away, as he stood in front of our parents' grave, and I slowly walked toward him. The orchids' smell drove me crazy, but they were my mom's favorite flowers and it felt appropriate to bring them here.

  Glancing around, I noticed nothing changed much since the last time I'd visited them, right before meeting Sapphire, and the money I donated to the forestry organization and cemetery clearly went to the right cause.

  "You came," he declared, not once taking his eyes away from their headstones.

  "Did you really doubt I would?" The other day, I was so furious with him, but after learning the truth, I felt nothing but guilt eating me alive from the inside. At least I had our parents' fortune; he'd had to endure one more year of prostitution and then beg on the streets.

  He shook his head. "No, you wouldn't have missed this meeting, no matter what." A ghost of a smile touched his lips. "Out of the two of us, you always were the curious one."

  True, back when we were kids, I pushed him to explore new things and discover new places to hide. Dominic usually took my lead; the only time he acted on impulse was on that fateful day in our room where he came out of hiding before I could give him the all clear. "Yeah, you couldn't have stopped me if you tried." Him knowing what I thought was one more reminder that the twins' bond never really went away.

  "I'm sorry you felt you had to save me." His eyes finally met mine; they were filled with regret, probably mirroring mine.

  "You're my brother. I wouldn't have left you alone. No matter what."

  "Yeah." We grew silent for several moments. Only the sounds of the wind rustling through the trees and birds singing were heard. "It's not your fault. What happened to me after you left… it wasn't your job to protect me, Damian."

  His words filled me with quiet fury, because although I knew his words made sense, I couldn't accept them. "Had I stayed a bit longer or tried to get you out… we would have been together all those years."

  He shrugged. "Maybe, or maybe not. We didn't have much time to decide what was best for us, and I seriously thought I was dying on that floor. But regretting it? Never. We saved Beth and Ben—Connor and Frankie." He smiled. "One became an FBI agent and the other one's only worry consists of her brother forbidding her dating guys she wants. I'd say looking at them makes it all worth it, doesn't it?"

  I had to agree with him. I still barely contained my laughter remembering how she barged in last n
ight and demanded answers. After Dom left, it was my turn to get hugs, kisses, and excitement. Had Tony not shown up for us, and Dom's sacrifice, none of us would have made it. At the end of the day, what was important was the four us got to live this life. Maybe Dom's and my life paths were darker, but sometimes the end justified the means, right?

  "Connor said we could kidnap them in three days, do whatever the hell we want, and then bring them back. He doesn't care what we do to them, as long as they still breathe, and it's possible for the doctors to bring them back to normal condition." I kneeled down, placed the bouquet of flowers on my mom's stone, and closed my eyes. And for the split second, memories of them played in my mind like a little movie. Dinner times, Christmas parties, all those Halloween parties with candy. "It's funny how we were so small, yet we remember all those moments with them."

  Dom joined me on the ground, running his hand slowly over Dad's stone. "I wondered about the same thing. We shouldn't have even half of this stuff, but we do. They truly loved us. Some kids don't even have that."

  "Yeah," I replied, and I thought about the people who had become my family.

  Sapphire, Kristina, Juanita, Connor, Rosa, Luke, Frankie. They weren't just mine; they also belonged to Dominic. All of them loved us despite the sins we'd committed in the past. The ultimate revenge was always my destination, and now it was in my grasp. Many years of sadistic dreams filled with all sorts of punishments for S and his brother. Each plan was more horrible than the one before.

  Was it worth it anymore?

  I studied my hands, the same hands that touched my woman and daughter. The hands that were so gentle with them, yet they inflicted unbearable pain on another human being. They were monsters, but were we too? Would killing them place us on the same level with them?

  Two evil brothers against two brothers getting justice. But what really was justice?

  They wouldn't get the chance to get out of prison, and there Connor would make sure they'd be punished daily. For the rest of their lives, they would pay for their sins.

  The little twins inside us screamed for a chance to humiliate and destroy, but the men? I didn't know about Dominic, but the man in me wanted nothing more than to look proudly at his daughter and spend the rest of his life praying the darkness of his past wouldn't touch her.

  But my soul would darken again, wouldn't it? More than before. Sapphire's words from a few weeks ago echoed in my head.

  Can you put us above your revenge? We both know you can't.

  Even if she tried to hide it, part of her heart would never be able to forgive me this, even though she would always love me and stay with me.

  Can you put us above your revenge? We both know you can't.

  Yes, yes I can.

  And just like that, my mind and heart settled on only one conclusion.

  "I can't do it." Dominic turned his confused, amber eyes to me. "Deliver one last time our revenge. I don't want to do it." I wouldn't try to change his mind; we both had the right to decide for ourselves.

  He said nothing for a beat, and then, "Me neither. Somehow living happily for the rest of our lives seems more of a fuck you than going there and inflicting all sorts of things on them."

  We got up, dusted our jeans, and faced each other.

  "So, no revenge?" He chuckled. "I have my Sovietnik in prison. Trust me they would get what they deserve. As for us…Let's consider a long life a good revenge."

  "Deal," I said with laughter, and extended my hand, not wanting to invade his personal space. "I'd like to think someday we can be friends again."

  All traces of humor left both of us at my words. He regarded me closely and then shook his head. "We can't be friends."

  I ignored the pain in my gut, and asked, "Why?"

  "Because we are brothers. We were always brothers." With that, his arms wrapped around me in a bear hug and my arms did the same with him, and we stood there locked in an embrace near our parents' grave.

  Tears ran down my cheeks, and I felt my shirt becoming wet, which indicated he had the same emotional reaction. "I thought I'd never see you again, little brother."

  "Me too." His heart beat against mine.

  We were both grown up, and his muscled body proved to me he no longer was a skinny boy who needed saving. "I love you," he said with a tighter squeeze.

  "I love you too, Dominic. But if you harm Rosa, despite my love, I'll have to kick your ass." His body vibrated with laughter.

  "I'll let you."

  We could have let go of each other, but somehow we held each other for several more moments as the soft breeze touched our cheeks as though someone caressed us.

  And despite my fucked-up logic, despite me not believing in a higher power or anything supernatural, I wondered if this was some kind of sign from our parents that, at last, our family was together again.

  Sociopath and the little boy didn't believe in miracles or magic.

  But Damian Scott? He fucking believed with all his heart.

  Three Weeks Later


  Benjamin and Richard entered the courtroom with smirks on their faces, probably anticipating the victory giving the cocky attitude of their lawyers.

  They seated on the right side, their gazes locked with mine as they studied my expression probably trying to figure out if they used to know me too.

  Thankfully to the twins, my sister and I escaped their clutches and we'd never know what it was like to be hopeless with no escape in sight.

  No more.

  Not one more child would suffer because of them. I wasn't naive, eliminating one organization didn't mean that the world wouldn't have such fuck ups anymore but to know that at least one of them was out? Yeah, that fucking felt good.

  "Everyone rise." We all stood up as the judge Esteban darted into the room and sat on his high chair along with his gavel.

  "Please sit." We listened, and he continued. "We are here today to hear the hearing against Benjamin and Richard Hill." Both parties nodded, and the process began.

  Four hours later the verdict was made.

  Both were sentenced for life, with no parole or chance of appellation. Their lawyers couldn't predict I had the file on them Dominic gave me; so playing innocent wouldn't have worked.

  They would be transferred to colony with strict regime.

  And there they would get ultimate revenge.

  Life among the nastiest criminals but even those criminals had values.

  Child abusers and rapists simply didn't survive for long in prison.

  Take that, motherfuckers.

  Three Months Later


  "You still have the chance to run away. I'll cover for you," Rosa said with a straight face while Amanda and Annie choked on their champagne.

  Frankie giggled loudly, smacking Rosa on the arm. "Stop joking around." She wiggled her brows at me. "Who wouldn't walk down the aisle to such a hunk?" she said dreamily, and my eyes narrowed.

  "Mine." Everyone laughed again, but I just shrugged. Apparently, his obsessive tendencies had started to rub off on me too.

  A soft knock on the door preceded Luke entering the bridal room wearing jeans and a navy blue shirt, which hugged him perfectly. "Are we ready?"

  I checked myself one last time in the mirror and couldn't believe the happy and vibrant woman who appeared in the reflection. "Yes, we are."

  "Wait!" Frankie shouted, grabbed her cell, gathered all the girls close in a circle around me, and raised it so we would have everyone in the picture.

  I was so thankfully for all those beautiful ladies in my life. Back in my teens, I always thought Sophie would be with me on this special day. Damian showed me reports on her life, as I was curious to know how her life turned out.

  She married Steve three years ago, and they had a baby boy and based on pictures she seemed happy. Although part of me longed for what we used to be, we both changed and both of us had no place in each other's life. However, I was happy she finally found peac
e and the man who loved her unconditionally. I did check up on my mom too, and she lived in France enjoying the country life with some French man. I couldn't forgive her for ignorance and fear, but the child inside me was glad she had someone by her side.

  "Group selfie is a must." Her words snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled widely. She clicked a few times and then with a satisfied grin pushed me toward Luke, who agreed to walk me down the aisle. He and Juanita were the only grandparents my baby had, and the only parental support present at our wedding. I got to know the old, gruff man in the last three months and it was evident for anyone to see how much he cared for all his "kids."

  He placed my hand under his arm as the girls lined up. Annie agreed to be my maid of honor and thank God for that. I simply didn't have the patience to choose flowers or dressing for salads or create the menu. Mostly before the wedding, I focused on finishing my three books so we could freely travel for the next five months. Damian decided his gift to give me was an extended honeymoon, which included a tour through Europe and the Middle East. Kristina would stay with Luke and Juanita in Houston because we simply didn't trust her safety to anyone else. The man had a freaking castle for a house!

  "Girl, how are you still not pregnant?" Frankie asked Rosa, as we stood waiting for the music to start to play. Rosa's cheeks heated as she looked down, and all of us watched, because everyone wanted to know. "I figured he was just going to breed you quickly, no questions asked." She elbowed her. "Or you guys just have hot sex all night long? I love those kind of nights."

  Luke groaned beside me as a grin spread across my face. Connor's little sister wasn't so innocent anymore. "I so don't want to be present for this conversation."

  Frankie just waved her hand. "Whatever, man, I'm curious. Plus, I caught you and Juanita making out by the kitchen last night."

  Luke scowled, and the girls giggled because everyone knew the pair had the hots for each other. Why they didn't hook up sooner was beyond me.


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