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Page 27

by Monica Robinson

  Charlie and Brett exchanged sidelong glances, but Hudson was the one to reply.

  "Today,” he said and popped a piece of sausage into his mouth. “They kept her the extra few days for observation. I don't think I'm gonna like having her family here. From what Alex says, everyone except her kid sister is a bit on the stuck-up side."

  Steven knitted his eyebrows in mild annoyance. “This visit is important to Jason, so no matter what we think, we're just going to have to suck it up and get along with the whole lot of them.” He looked at Brett. “You ready to meet her old man?"

  Brett shook his head and pushed aside his uneaten meal. “Nope. He's going to hate everything about me, but like you said, this is important to Jason. We all owe it to him to do everything we can to make this go smoothly,” he said while sitting back in his chair. “If it weren't for him, we'd all be rotting in some dank cell right now."

  Matt frowned at Brett's comment. “Sorta like how we made things go smoothly when Greg came out,” he grumbled. “I won't do anything to ruin things for Jason, but I can't abide her old man belittling her. I don't like seeing women upset and he obviously upsets her."

  Daniel perked up. “Me either. Alex is like a sister to me and I know I wouldn't let anyone upset Laney, so I'm not about to let this guy get away with making her cry,” he stated and smacked his fist against Matt's for emphasis.

  Charlie set his fork down and shook his head. “No, no, no. This is nothing like when Greg came out here,” he protested. “This is much more complicated. Franklin Kincaid is Jason's brother and no matter how much we care for Alex, we can't lose sight of the fact this is a family issue. One of the things she came here to do was to take responsibility for herself and for her actions. That means facing and standing up to her old man herself. She can't do that if we're fightin’ her battles for her."

  Steven sneered. “I'd do it again, given the opportunity."

  A chill swept over Brett as he turned his attention to Steven. He knew his friend meant Greg and though it would undoubtedly mean his freedom, he agreed. However, despite the things Alex had said about her father and the argument he had witnessed between her and Franklin on the phone, he was certain nothing drastic would occur. Or so he prayed.

  "I know you would, but it's not going to be like that,” he said, deciding to come to Charlie's aid. “Also, keep in mind our involvement with Greg upset her more than when he smacked her. Are you forgetting the way she laid into you for trying to drown him?"

  A dark grin curved Steven's lips before sitting back and running both hands through his hair.

  "No,” he grumbled. “All right, so we stay out of it. What can we do? The idea of just sitting back with my thumb up my rear doesn't appeal to me."

  Charlie contemplated each of the hands for a moment while sipping his coffee. Finally, his gaze rested on Brett and he set his mug down.

  "We go about our business and make sure we're here for Alex and Jason,” he said and with a lopsided smile for Brett's sake, “And for Brett. For better or worse, this guy is her father and Brett's going to meet him."

  Brett groaned. “He's going to take one look at my arms and know I used to shoot up."

  Perhaps that was his biggest fear about meeting Alex's father. It didn't bother him the man saw him as a convict. What bothered him was the notion Franklin would see him as a junkie.

  Hudson scowled. “You know what? If he only sees you as a smack fiend—” He pointed to each of the other men, starting with Charlie, “—or you as a dealer, or you two as murderers, or you as a coke head, then he ain't worth a spit in a bucket. I haven't been here more than a few months and I already know y'all have more character hidden inside than most men running around free. Let him call you out, Brett. You just remember that at the end of this visit, you'll have two very important things. The respect of your friends and the love of a beautiful woman."

  He was speechless. Three months ago, he had hoped the DOC would take Hudson with them when they removed Sinclair from the Bar K, but now this very same man was defending him. Suddenly, he felt guilty for having misjudged him. Charlie elbowed him in the ribs and Brett peeked at his best friend.

  "Who needs the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders rooting for you, when you've got us?"

  Brett laughed at the obvious chide. “The cheerleaders are a helluva lot better lookin', I know that,” he joked and groaned when Matt socked him in the arm. “All right! I get the point. I won't sweat it. I think our biggest obstacle is making sure that twin sister of hers doesn't get under our skin. Are any of you forgetting what Alex was like when she first got here?"

  Steven nearly choked on his juice. “Nope and I ain't forgetting the way she took your knee out either."

  Brett rolled his eyes. His friends were never going to let him live that incident down, but that was all right. In the end, he'd still won. He had Alex and the rest was well worth the aggravation he would undoubtedly face.

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  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in a hotel room in town, darling?” Franklin peered at his daughter through the rearview mirror. “After all, the doctor said you need to keep your leg immobilized for a few days and to get plenty of rest. Perhaps we could find a Hilton somewhere close to San Eduardo."

  Alex resisted the urge to laugh. There wasn't a Hilton hotel within a hundred miles of San Eduardo. Besides, for the last week all she could think about was getting back to the Bar K and being with her boys. It had nearly broken her heart when Jason asked her to comfort Daniel the night before.

  "No, Daddy. I'll be fine at the ranch. Since Brett's taken over the kitchen duties for me while I tend to my remodeling project, there's really no need for me to be up and about,” she replied.

  After having received over twenty antivenin shots, she was feeling much better. Occasionally the puncture wounds throbbed and her muscles ached as though she'd worked for three days straight.

  Mindy covered Alex's hand and gave her older sister's fingers a gentle squeeze. “Besides, Daddy, I'm looking forward to seeing Uncle Jason's place. I've never seen a horse ranch before.” She leaned toward Alex in a confidential manner. “Plus I want to meet this cowboy of yours."

  The tips of Alex's ears burned. The instant she learned her family was flying out, she'd feared what her father might say about the boys. She knew he would only see them as six prisoners and this irritated her. Since the pregnancy test had come back negative, there'd been no need to tell him of her relationship with Brett—yet. She vowed that before he went back to Bangor however, he would know the truth.

  "You will,” she assured. “Promise me you won't judge them solely based on what they've done. That was the one thing Uncle Jason insisted on and I'm glad he did."

  Mindy stole a glance at their father and sister in the front seat and leaned her head on Alex's shoulder. “I already know what they've done. Uncle Jason told me about it last night while Daddy and Morgan were at dinner,” she murmured and smiled up at her sister. “I promised him I would be objective and I intend to be. I can't promise anything when it comes to Morgan. We both know how she is."

  Alex knew all too well how much of a snob her twin was. Ever since they left the hospital, all Morgan had done was complain about the stifling heat. What her sister failed to realize was that the temperature had dropped in the last two days, making the weather more pleasant to bear.

  Bella and Principessa will love this weather, she thought of the mare and her offspring.

  She could hardly believe how much the foal had grown in the last few months. It had humbled her when Charlie stated he wanted her to name the new horse. Deciding to keep up with the use of Italian names, she chose a name that suited both the foal and the nickname Brett had given her—Princess.

  "Leave Morgan to me,” she replied. “The boys already have a heads up on what she's like, so they won't be bothered by her excessive complaining. I just wish Daddy would reconsider letting you stay at the Bar K.
You'd be amazed at everything I've done to the main house. The bunkhouse too, for that matter."

  Mindy's green eyes widened. “You went into the men's sleeping quarters?” she whispered in awe. “Isn't that, like, against the rules?"

  Alex couldn't keep her laugh contained. She shook her head. “I didn't do it while they were in there. To call the Bar K a prison is a bit misleading. It's more like a ranch manned by detainees and funded by the Texas DOC."


  "Department of Corrections. They're a huge pain in my ass, since technically I'm employed by them as well as by Uncle Jason.” Alex waved her hand dismissively. “It's a long, tacky story. Let's leave it that they want me to consider the boys prisoners and I refuse to do so."

  Mindy nodded. The rental car slowed to make the turn that would lead them to the Bar K.

  "Why do I get the feeling that's something Uncle Jason would say?"

  Because it was exactly what her uncle would say. She owed her uncle so much and she wanted to repay him for his generosity and abundant patience. Simply remodeling the ranch wasn't enough. She wanted to do something for him. Of course, if she simply asked him what he wanted, he would never tell her. It wasn't in his nature to ask for anything in return.

  "Oh wow."

  Pulled out of her thoughts, Alex watched Mindy press her nose against the window to get a better view of the horses roaming the grazing field. Though still a bit discolored, the grass looked healthier.

  It must have rained. “See the caramel colored one with its baby?"

  Mindy nodded.

  "The mother is Bella. She's Charlie's horse. The baby is Principessa. She's mine. When she's old enough to be sold, I plan to buy her and keep her on the ranch permanently."

  Franklin once more glanced at her through the mirror. “Are you sure you want to do that? Your uncle could receive more from an outside source."

  Though irritating, her father's comment didn't have the usual condescending ring that normally accompanied such a statement.

  "I'm sure. I'm going to offer Uncle Jason the fair market value of the horse and in the long run, he'll be making money, since Principessa will be bred,” she returned.

  "Good thinking. How long until she's ready for breeding?"

  That would be the problem. Principessa wouldn't be ready to breed for years, but if it came down to paying for the extra feed, she was willing to pitch in.

  "Not until she's five or six years old. I have a feeling it'll be worth the wait, though,” she said.

  "Sounds like you've learned a few things since you've been here. I'm glad to hear that.” He slowed the car to a stop. “Well, here we are. Are you positive you don't want to stay in town with your sisters and I?"

  Alex glanced out the window and spotted Matt and Steven near the stable while Charlie and Hudson eyed the rental car with budding anticipation. She was sure. She had missed all of the boys. How could she even consider leaving the Bar K? Though she would always be a New England native, San Eduardo was now her home.

  "Absolutely,” she said and elbowed Mindy. “Give me a hand with my crutches, would you?"

  The front door opened and Jason exited with Daniel a step behind.

  "Who is that?"

  Alex beamed. She should have known Mindy would home in on Daniel. “That's Danny. I tend to mother him, though I don't think he's much more than a couple years younger than me."

  Mindy nodded, though it was apparent she wasn't paying attention. “He's adorable.” She twisted her head to look at Alex. “Is he the one who was in the car accident?"

  Her smile softened for Daniel as she affirmed this. No, she couldn't leave the ranch. Not until Daniel and Matt were free men. After that, what would be the point?

  "That's him. Come on, I want to go say hi.” She nudged Mindy in her slender hip.

  In a flash, her sister was out of the car and heading to the trunk. Alex returned her attention to the house and just behind Daniel, she could make out a wisp of blond hair.


  Lord, she'd missed him. As much as she enjoyed having her younger sister and uncle visit with her, she'd blindly hoped Jason would allow Brett a surprise visit. It had been wishful thinking considering Brett couldn't leave San Eduardo, but the fantasy had filled her nighttime thoughts with lustful desires.

  "Glutton for punishment, aren't you, darlin'?” Jason asked once she was out of the car and on her way to the porch.

  She allowed him to take her crutches so she could grip the porch railing. “You said yourself I get being stubborn from you."

  Immediately, Daniel was by her side, offering her his shoulder to lean against for extra support.

  "Did you miss me, Danny?"

  A hint of crimson seeped into his cheeks as he helped her up the three stairs. “I kinda made that obvious, didn't I?” he murmured. “Now don't go spiting Jason no more, all right? Our stomachs can't afford for you to leave. When you disappear, Brett stops cooking."

  A giggle escaped her lips as she entered the house. She glanced up and her breath caught in her throat upon seeing Brett. His usually wind tousled hair was combed back and the day old stubble that always seemed to don his face was gone. He still wore his work clothes, but he looked ... gorgeous. Had he done this to impress her father?

  I'll throttle Daddy if he upsets him.

  "Oh, I don't know,” Brett drawled. “I thought today's breakfast was pretty good. It would have been better if there'd been corn muffins, though."

  She blushed. “Give me a day or two and I'll make them,” she returned while retrieving the crutches from her uncle. “In the meantime, I think I'll enjoy the new living room. Uncle Jason, would you like to make the introductions, or shall I?"

  Jason, who had caught the glint in both Alex's and Brett's eyes, shook his head. “I'll do it, sweetie. You just park yourself on the couch and Daniel will fetch the other boys."

  Being careful not to aggravate her sore leg, she twisted around and plopped clumsily onto the sofa. She leaned the crutches against the arm of the couch and swatted Mindy's hand when her sister tried to grab a throw pillow to put under her foot.

  "Stop that,” she protested. “I can do it myself and you're a guest. So, sit your butt down and keep me company."

  A bit surprised, Mindy stood straight and then shrugged before gingerly sitting in the armchair adjacent to the couch.

  "Did you do all of this?” She looked around the room in appreciation. “I love the wall color."

  Alex's heart swelled with pride as she took in the soft green walls and plush carpet. The living room truly was her masterpiece. Her eyes landed on the vase full of daisies and her smile softened. The flowers hadn't been there a week ago, meaning one of the boys—Brett most likely—had cut them that morning.

  He remembered daisies are my favorite. “I had some help laying the carpet and hanging the pictures, but I did everything else. Wait until you see what I did to the bathroom upstairs. You'll love it."

  Brett chuckled. “It's definitely feminine,” he joked with a subtle wink.

  "Just wait until I can get a hold of the bathroom in the bunkhouse.” She nodded for emphasis. “I'll give you boys flowered shower curtains and purple bathmats."

  Brett groaned through a laugh, but didn't get the chance to reply as the screen door opened and Daniel entered with the others trailing behind him. None of them seemed to notice the three visitors as four sets of eyes actively searched for Alex. She gave them a small wave and held her breath when her father eyed each of the workers with scrutiny.

  "Well,” Jason said while clearing his throat. “Introductions are in order here, so let's begin. Frank, I want you and the girls to meet my boys. Charlie Garrison, Matthew Duncan, Daniel Johnson, Steven Bradley, Hudson Nichols, and last but not least, Brett Hartman.” He gestured to each of the men as he introduced them.

  Upon hearing Brett's name, Mindy discreetly nudged her sister in the shoulder. “I want details later,” she murmured so only Alex could hear. “He
is fine."

  Details? It took Alex a few seconds to realize her sister meant sex. Instantly, her face filled with heat. Sure, she'd told Mindy that she had slept with Brett, but she hadn't gone into detail about the romantic encounters. By no means, was Mindy innocent and on different occasions Alex had even discussed sexual encounters she'd had with Greg, but this was different. She was different. The things that once seemed so dire to her in Maine were now miniscule by comparison.

  "Boys, this is Alex's father—my brother—Franklin Kincaid, and my nieces, Morgan and Mindy,” Jason continued with the introductions, bringing Alex out of her momentary reverie.

  Mindy rose and shook their hands. “It's a pleasure to meet you. Alex speaks highly of you all,” she said, her gaze lasting a moment longer than was necessary when she reached Daniel.

  Though Alex couldn't see her younger sister's expression, she was certain there was a playful smile on her face.

  Not in front of Daddy. Telling her father about Brett was going to be hard enough. She darted a cautious glimpse in her father's direction and was relieved to see he was too busy exchanging cordial greetings with Charlie and Hudson to notice Mindy's obvious flirtation.

  "How are you feeling, darlin'?"

  She glanced up to see Brett keeping a small distance between him and the couch.

  "Danny wasn't the only one moping."

  What she wouldn't give to have him hold her right then. More than anything, she'd missed the feel of his arms wrapped around her as they slept. Maybe she could convince her uncle to allow them an occasional hug once her father and sisters were gone. They would still have the dances to attend and with Halloween coming up in less than two weeks, she was certain she would have some free time with him then.

  "Better now that I'm home. Morgan was driving me nuts with her whining,” she muttered out of the side of her mouth. “Why you didn't choke me when I first got here I will never know."

  Brett chuckled under his breath. “Don't think I wasn't tempted.” He took a step toward her father. “Mr. Kincaid, it's a pleasure to meet you."


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