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Alex Page 28

by Monica Robinson

  He's such a horrible liar.

  Brett must have been dreading this moment. Not only was he meeting her father, but he was doing it as a prisoner. Man, her timing sucked.

  "Pleasure's all mine, Brett,” Franklin said with a mechanical smile. “Alexandra tells me you've been teaching her how to cook. Never learned, myself. It's ironic that I'm in the food industry and I don't even know how to boil water.” His rigid laugh made Alex cringe.

  Brett managed a faint smile that was half-hearted at best. “It wasn't hard, sir. Alex was eager to learn and refused to settle for less than perfection."

  Franklin straightened his shoulders. “She gets that from me. I never once settled for second best and I expect nothing less from my girls."

  Oh good God. Couldn't he see how pretentious he sounded? What was more, he was boasting the fact he had turned her into a perfectionist. Any hope she may have had for the visit going well fled the instant she noticed the muscle near Brett's mouth twitch in anger.

  "Right,” he drawled. “If you'll excuse me, I need to tend to lunch. I hope we'll get the chance to talk later."

  Her father held up his hands and lowered his head. “By all means, go ahead. I'll see to it you and I get the chance to speak later,” he said with a knowing wink.

  Talking was the last thing Brett wanted to do and Alex knew it, but she remained silent as Brett gave him a stiff smile and headed into the kitchen. She watched him disappear into the next room, wishing she could go with him.

  Sensing the unease that was mounting, Jason asked, “Would either of you girls like to see the horses before lunch? We have a few new foals this year that seem to eat up human attention."

  "Not especially, but thank-you,” Morgan returned in a bored tone while gingerly easing herself into the seat Mindy had been in. “It's too hot to be outside."

  Alex threw her uncle an apologetic look. For once, couldn't her twin be polite? You weren't any better, her inner voice reminded her. True. She had been an even bigger snob when she first arrived.

  Mindy scowled at Morgan. “She may not, but I'd love to. I don't think I've ever seen a horse up close,” she chirped. “Is it okay to ride one of them?"

  Jason nodded while Franklin stiffened. “Absolutely. There's not enough time before lunch, but you're more than welcome to ride any one of your choosing this afternoon. Either Charlie or Daniel can teach you the basics.” He shot the two hands in question a pointed look. “Won't you boys?"

  "Sure thing. If Charlie needs to tend to other matters, I'll do it,” Daniel offered.

  Charlie gestured toward the window. “Hudson and I still need to finish fixing the fence, so Danny might be a better choice for today.” He gave Alex a quick wink. “In the meantime, I can show you Alex's baby. She's spoiled that foal rotten."

  Alex crossed her arms over her chest. “She's a princess and princesses ought to be spoiled."

  Charlie held up his hands in surrender and gestured to the door with his head. “Okay, okay, you win. As par for the course,” he taunted and started for the door. “Come on, before she decides to get up and beat me with her crutch."

  Mindy flashed Alex a look of amusement before following Charlie outside.

  Matt nudged Steven in the arm. “We should finish up in the stable before it gets too hot out.” He turned to Hudson and Daniel. “Want to give us a hand? We'll get it finished in time to wash up for lunch if there are more than two people doing it."

  Both Daniel and Hudson nodded and started for the door.

  "Glad to have you back, Alex,” Hudson called with a wave as the group exited the house.

  Alex returned the wave and settled into the couch, making sure she had a good view of Brett moving around the kitchen. Judging by his rigid posture, she could only assume his first impression of her father had not been a favorable one.

  Her father's voice brought her crashing back to reality. “Jason, are you sure it's a good idea for Mindy to be out there?” he asked, skirting around the issue her sister would be alone with Charlie.

  Jason's lips twisted in a half-smile. “You mean is it okay for her to be alone with my boys?” He continued when Franklin sputtered, “She's perfectly safe, Frank. You trusted Alex to be alone with them, so Mindy should be no different."

  Finding his train of thought, her father replied, “Yes, and Alex was nearly killed the other day."

  Alex's mouth opened in awe and she glanced at Morgan to see her sister examining her nails, ignoring the confrontation a few feet away. She returned her attention to her father and uncle.

  "It was my fault, Daddy. Uncle Jason warned me that the barn was dangerous, but I didn't listen,” she argued.

  When neither of them so much as blinked at her declaration, she continued with a hint of desperation, “Did you hear me? I said it was my fault."

  Morgan dropped her hands. “Don't bother, Alex. They're not going to listen to you,” she said in an offhand tone. “It's a guy thing."

  Maybe so, but she was going to make them listen.

  "Hand me those crutches.” Morgan groaned with effort and Alex glared. “I didn't ask you to pitch hay, I asked you hand me something a foot away from you. Now, quit being such a stuck-up cow and do as I asked."

  Morgan grabbed the crutches and thrust them at her. “Here.” She sat back with a huff. “You sure have a lousy attitude."

  Alex started to argue that Morgan was one to talk when she thought better of it. She would deal with her twin later. With a bit of effort, she pushed herself up and made her way over to where her father and uncle were still staring at each other.

  "Look here,” she stated. “This is just plain silly. You two are grown men and y'all are acting like a couple of little boys. Daddy, it was my own dumb fault the snake bit me. Uncle Jason warned me not to go into the barn and I did it anyway.

  "Uncle Jason, not only did you tell me animosity is bad for this place, but you also told me we have to be careful what we do because of the DOC. The Bar K is your whole life and it's the only shot at a life these boys have. Whatever issue you have with Daddy can be settled in a more adult fashion than this."

  She returned her attention to her father and swallowed hard. The familiar look of disapproval was back in his hazel eyes, but she refused to let her hesitation show. From out of the corners of her eyes, she noticed Morgan watching with smug amusement.

  Her father's expression turned to stone. “Alexandra, I'm not sure where you learned to speak to your elders this way, but it is highly unacceptable. I demand you apologize this instant."

  The quiet chopping from the kitchen ceased, leaving an eerie silence in the air. Lord, please let Brett stay in the kitchen.

  She lifted her quivering chin. “No."


  Alex flinched, but never took her eyes off his. “No.” She drew in a deep shaky breath. “I love you and Uncle Jason both, but I will not apologize for telling you the truth."

  Fury flushed his cheeks an unattractive shade of purple and his hands began to shake by his sides. “I'm trying to keep in mind you've been through quite an ordeal these last few days, but you are trying my patience."

  Movement from the kitchen caught her attention and she watched briefly as Brett stepped into the entryway of the living room. He was on the verge of exploding and she sent him a warning glance. This was not his battle. It was hers, and she would be damned if she would allow him to jeopardize his freedom because of her.

  "She's right, Frank,” Jason said at last. “There's no sense in yellin’ at the girl for telling us what we're both too stubborn to see."

  Franklin shot his younger brother a dark look. “She's being disrespectful."

  "She's being honest!” In a calmer voice, he said to Alex, “Can you make it into the kitchen? Brett will arrange it so you can elevate your leg if you think you can."

  She gave him a pleading look. “Please don't do this, Uncle Jason,” she whispered. “You saw what happened when I didn't let the past go with Sinclair.
There's more for you to lose than there was for me."

  Jason rubbed her shoulder in a comforting manner before nodding toward the kitchen.

  "It'll be all right.” When she hesitated he added, “I promise. Now go on."

  Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she turned toward the kitchen. She ignored the glower on her father's face and the taunting grin spreading over Morgan's lips. She paused only long enough to wipe the blinding drops from her eyes before entering the kitchen.

  "Morgan, go outside with your sister,” Franklin barked.

  "But, Daddy,” Morgan whined. “It's hot out there."

  "I said go!"

  "Fine.” A moment later, the screen door opened and then clattered shut.

  Alex leaned the crutches against the wall and turned to ease herself into the chair closest to her. She let her elbows rest on her knees before dropping her face into her hands. Why couldn't her family get along for a few lousy days? A hand fell on her leg and she lifted her face from her hands to find Brett crouched in front of her.

  "This may be a dumb question to ask considering what just happened out there, but are you okay?” Always concerned about her, Brett truly was a prince.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. “I'm so sorry,” she sobbed quietly. “This wasn't how I wanted you to meet my family. They're acting like such—such freaks. I don't blame you if after this you think I'm one too."

  He slipped his arms around her back and held her as close as her sore leg would permit.

  "No, baby. I would never think that of you,” he said and pressed a kiss to her hair. “You're my princess, remember? Princesses aren't freaks."

  Raised voices came from the living room and she buried her face in his shoulder in an attempt to smother the tears that continued to fall.

  "I need to hear a happy story. Tell me again what we're going to do once you're free,” she whispered. “Please?"

  Brett withdrew to arm's length and gave her a reassuring smile before wiping her cheeks with his thumbs.

  "First, we're going to rent a car and drive down to Corpus Christi. Then, we'll check into a hotel on the beach and order room service. After that, we'll make love until the sun comes up and sleep in until the sun sets. We'll do this night after night for an entire week and then drive back here and live happily ever after.” He took her hands in his and lifted her fingers to his lips. “We'll be the happiest two people who ever lived."

  Alex pressed her lips together to fight off the last of her tears. His plan sounded perfect and she couldn't wait for that moment to arrive. She pulled one hand free and ran her fingers through his hair.

  "I like that story."

  Brett rose and reluctantly let go before throwing a cautious glance into the living room. “I'm glad you stood your ground, darlin',” he said as he brought a chair over for her to prop her foot on. “I was afraid that you might back down when your father started yellin'."

  Alex lifted her leg onto the seat with a wince. A white, square bandage covered the puncture wounds and she dreaded seeing what the scar would look like once the bite mark healed. She propped her elbow on the table and leaned her temple on her knuckles.

  "Not this time. My options were to either stick it out or let you step in.” She smiled when he blinked his astonishment. “As much as I would like for you to be the knight who rescues me, I can't let you do that while you're still incarcerated. Instead, you'll just have to settle for being my cowboy."

  He headed back to the counter where he'd been preparing lunch. “I can live with that ... for now."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Where could they have gone?

  Brett glanced around the field. Daniel had taken Mindy riding nearly three hours before and now that things had calmed down between Jason and his brother, Brett didn't want to give Franklin Kincaid any more reason to dislike the Bar K or the people inhabiting it.

  As he reached the stable, he could hear soft voices and female giggles coming from inside. Oh no, he thought with a grimace. Tell me he isn't doing what I think he's doing.

  If either Jason or Franklin found Daniel and Mindy in a compromising position, there would be hell to pay. Not that Brett really blamed his friend for flirting with Alex's younger sister. Mindy was indeed an attractive young woman, however timing was of the essence and now was simply not the right time.

  "Was Alex any more graceful than I was when she rode for the first time?"

  Brett crossed his arms over his chest and watched the two put the riding equipment away in mild amusement. Yup, he's doing what I think he's doing.

  Daniel shook his head. “Best to my knowledge, Alex hasn't ridden since she's been here,” he returned and peeked at her from over his shoulder. “I think you did well considering this was your first time."

  Mindy huffed and handed him a length of rope. “If you hadn't been sitting behind me, I would have fallen off the instant she started moving.” She glanced around appreciatively. “I can understand why Alex is happy here. She has nothing but nice things to say about all of you."

  Though Brett couldn't see his face, he was sure her comment had made Daniel blush.

  "We're all pretty fond of her too. Brett, especially, but I reckon you already knew that.” He continued when Mindy nodded, “Did she tell you why we're all here?"

  Mindy wiggled her hand in a so-so manner. “Uncle Jason told me last night, but Alex mentioned it as well. All she said was that she never thought of you all as prisoners,” she returned and lowered her eyes to the ground. “I can see why."

  Daniel took a step closer. “Oh? Why is that?"

  Mindy lifted her eyes and offered him a faint shrug. “Because you all seem nice. I'm not naïve enough to think you haven't done something to warrant being here, but I've heard how you all stick together and how you all defended Alex when Greg came out here to visit."

  A deep frown clouded her face and she quickly added, “Just so you know, not everyone from Maine acts like him. Most of us are relatively normal."

  Daniel laughed at her sudden outburst and risked brushing a strand of her hair from her face. “You forgot pretty."

  And here he goes, Brett thought with a silent sigh and peered outside.

  He would let Daniel have his kiss, but it would have to be short lest someone—namely Franklin—came looking for all three of them. He returned his attention to the scene before him and wondered if this was how he and Alex must have looked to Charlie the day his friend had caught them kissing in the kitchen.

  "Well, thank-you, kind sir. May I say you're rather handsome yourself?” Mindy pressed her lips together and rolled back and forth on the heels of her feet. “This is the part where you kiss me."

  Daniel placed his hand to the side of her face before leaning forward.

  "Yes, ma'am,” he said before gently pressing his lips to hers.

  It must be a Kincaid trait. Brett diverted his eyes. Alex made me kiss her too.

  After a moment, he glanced up and cleared his throat loud enough for them to hear.

  "Sorry to interrupt, guys, but the posse sent me out here to look for you two,” he said with a lopsided grin.

  Both Mindy and Daniel withdrew at the same time and his grin widened upon seeing the embarrassment creeping into Daniel's face.

  "That would be my dad.” She glanced up at Daniel with a wink. “Thanks for the riding lesson. I had fun.” With that, she walked with a spring in her step toward the doors. She paused next to Brett and tilted her head to the side.

  "You won't tell my father, will you?"

  Brett shook his head while stealing a glance in Daniel's direction. “Tell him what? Far as I know, y'all were just putting away the riding gear.” He stepped out of the way to allow her to pass.

  When Daniel reached his side, he squelched the urge to grin. “Come on, Romeo, you can help me get dinner ready."

  Daniel flinched and elbowed Brett in the side as they exited the stab
le. “Has Alex stopped ignoring her old man yet?"

  Brett let out a long breath and shook his head. “Nope. She's still mad at him and he isn't too happy with her. You would have been impressed, man. No one had to hold me back when he started yellin’ at her."

  "I am impressed. Last time, it took all the strength I had to keep you pinned down.” He shook his head. “That was pretty stupid of me to kiss Mindy like that. It's going to be hard enough explaining to her dad your relationship with Alex let alone having him find out that I was pawing his youngest daughter."

  Brett let out a hoot of laughter. “I would hardly call what you did pawing. However, I'll admit that it wasn't wise. Not while her dad's here, anyway. I overheard the girls talking a little while ago and Alex talked Mindy into spending the night tonight."

  Daniel rubbed the back of his neck with a rueful smile. “You're going to get me killed. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you didn't want to face Mr. Kincaid alone."

  The sad thing was part of Daniel's statement was true. He didn't want to face Alex's father alone, but he wouldn't risk having his friend get into trouble either.

  "Nah, I'm just playing Devil's advocate,” he said with a Cheshire cat grin. “Seriously though, if you're going to kiss Mindy, don't do it when her dad is at the ranch. He doesn't approve of us anymore than we approve of him."

  Daniel grunted as they mounted the porch steps. “If that's the case, then I wish you the best of luck telling him about you and Alex. Personally, I don't like him."

  Brett remained where he was for a moment and stared at the newly stained floorboards. He remembered the day Alex finished staining the wood and he smiled to himself. Despite the fact the foul smelling substance covered her hands, clothes, and cheeks, he couldn't recall ever seeing her look more proud as when she'd dragged him out of the kitchen to look. He remembered telling her how good the porch looked and that he was proud of her. Mostly, he remembered the way her eyes lit up when he said this. It was almost as if no one had said that to her before.

  "That'll change.” He opened the screen door and stepped inside. “I'll see to it."


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