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Alex Page 29

by Monica Robinson

He glanced around the living room and saw Alex sprawled on the couch, thumbing restlessly through a decorating magazine. Morgan sat curled in the armchair, sound asleep while Mindy was nowhere around.

  "They say they have one hundred and one decorating tips for under one hundred dollars, but every single one of these ideas suck.” Alex let the magazine fall to her lap with a plop. She smiled up at him and peeked into the kitchen. “I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Daddy and Uncle Jason are hashing out what's left of their differences. On an up note, they haven't raised their voices in the last twenty minutes."

  Unable to keep the laugh to himself, Brett shook his head and sat on the couch across from the armchair. “How long ago did negotiations begin?"

  "About twenty minutes ago,” she giggled and twisted her head to look at him. “Morgan is insisting she and Daddy go to the hotel before dinner. Apparently, she needs to soak in the tub for at least an hour before dinner and since we'd be done eating by then, they've opted not to join us tonight."

  Should he have been surprised? As he glanced at Morgan grunting in her sleep, he decided he shouldn't have been. Though Alex and Morgan were identical twins, he could make out small differences between the sisters. Obviously, Alex's short hair was one difference, but there were others as well. Such as the light dusting of freckles dotting Alex's nose and cheekbones were practically nonexistent on Morgan. Another difference was the way the two women laughed. Where Alex's giggle was genuine and honest, Morgan only seemed to be going through the motions.

  "Should I count them out for breakfast in the morning as well?” He groaned when she smacked him with her magazine. “Okay, that was a bad joke. I like your little sister, though. She's got quite the sense of humor."

  Not to mention bad timing.

  Alex shifted her gaze to the staircase. “She's a big flirt, that's what she is,” she mumbled and rubbed her forehead. “I don't mind if she flirts with Danny or any of the other boys here, but now is just not the right time. I don't know. I'm probably just paranoid."

  "Probably,” Brett admitted. “But then again, so am I."

  She pursed her lips and dropped her hand from her head. “Just out of curiosity, where did you find them? Mindy came in and immediately announced she wanted to take a shower before dinner."

  Brett glanced inside the kitchen to see Franklin and Jason sitting at the kitchen table, talking in soft voices. He couldn't discern through their facial features how the conversation was going, but since neither of them sounded angry, he had to assume this discussion was going better than the first. It also appeared that neither of them were aware of the fact Brett had entered the house.

  "In the stable.” He gave her a sidelong glance and chuckled at the way she was prompting him along with her hand. “They were flirting, just like you said. They weren't doing anything worse than what we did when we first met."

  Alex furrowed her eyebrows together in a scowl. “I crippled you and you called me a soul sucker. I hardly think we were flirting.” The corners of her mouth curled upward when he matched her playful glare. “Oh! You mean after that. Yeah, we moved pretty quickly, actually."

  "You weren't complaining, my dear.” When she opened her mouth to reply, he went on to say, “Nor was I."

  Alex closed her mouth and turned her gaze to Morgan, who was stirring in the chair. “We'll talk about this later, cowboy. Sleeping Beauty is waking and she's awful cranky when she first wakes up,” she whispered. “Did you have a nice nap?"

  Morgan nodded through a yawn and stretched her slender legs. “Mmm hmm,” she mumbled and sat up. “I don't suppose there's any Evian around here, is there?"

  She shook her head and gestured with her head to the kitchen. “Sorry, sis. We have a pitcher of ice-cold well water in the refrigerator though. It's as pure as you're going to find around here,” she returned with a pleasant smile.

  Morgan pouted while pushing herself to her feet. “It'll do. Honestly, I don't see how you can stand this heat. Even with the air conditioner going, I'm still sweaty and sticky.” The conversation between Franklin and Jason stopped when Morgan stepped through the entryway.

  "Don't mind me. I just want to get some water."

  "Help yourself, darlin'.” Jason pointed to the cabinet near the sink. “Glasses are up there."

  Alex rubbed the corners of her eyes with her thumb and index fingers. “Told you,” she said with a sigh. “It kills me to know I wasn't much better. I suppose she can't really help it. Daddy does very little to detour her since Mama left."

  Brett couldn't remember Alex ever mentioning her mother. He knew her parents were divorced, but other than that, he knew very little.

  "How long ago was that?"

  A distant expression settled over her face as she stared out the window. “A little over eight years ago. She was a drunk, so I suppose it wasn't that big of a loss. I can only remember her being sober a handful of times in the fourteen years that I knew her,” she said with a nervous laugh. “However, Morgan was Mama's special girl. Whether or not she really saw Mama as she truly was is beyond me, but she was devastated by the news."

  I will never think the rich have it easy again. He never would have voiced this opinion to Alex, but he'd just assumed she'd had a happy childhood. He watched Morgan pour a glass of water.

  "Maybe she just wants to be someone's special girl now that your mom is gone,” he suggested.

  Alex peeked into the kitchen and lifted an eyebrow. “You may be right,” she said. “No, you're probably right. I think she wants Daddy's attention so much she doesn't stop to think how she appears to everyone else."

  "What about Mindy? How did she take your mother leaving?"

  Alex laughed. “Considering she was eleven at the time, I'd say she took it like a champ. Of the three of us, she is the most level-minded. She's a bit pampered, but you saw for yourself she's not afraid to get dirty if it means having fun."

  "And you? How was it for you?” He could tell she didn't like having the spotlight turned onto her, but it was her thoughts that mattered most.

  She frowned. “I was mad,” she said in a flat tone. “For as egotistical and stuck-up as my father is, I know he loved her. He gave her everything she ever wanted and she still broke his heart."

  Maybe not everything. If what Brett saw and heard about Franklin Kincaid were true of the man's character, then perhaps his wife left because she was tired of not feeling loved. It was just a shame she had to leave her daughters behind in the process.

  "Do you think it's possible she was simply tired of feeling the way you do? Your father loves you, but do you always feel like he does?"

  He fully expected her to either laugh at him or tell him to mind his own business, but she did neither. Instead, she slowly twisted onto her side and dropped her hand onto his thigh.

  "No,” she admitted. “I don't. Okay, maybe I can see why she left, but why did she leave us behind without so much as a backward glance?"

  "How do you know she didn't regret leaving you? For all you know, she decided that since he could give you the things she couldn't, maybe you would be better off with him.” He laid his hand over hers. “I could very well be wrong, too. I didn't exactly have a spectacular upbringing."

  Alex shook her head and squeezed his fingers. “You're most likely right.” In a softer tone, she said, “For what it's worth, I think you turned out great."

  Brett was about to reply when Franklin's deep voice cut him off.

  "Just what in the hell is going on here?"

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  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Alex dropped her hand from Brett's leg and stared up at her father in horror. Why didn't I see him coming? Fear squeezed her lungs and she found it impossible to breathe as she struggled into a sitting position.

  "Just what do you think you're doing with my daughter?” Franklin demanded again, his face growing increasingly redder.

  She peeked at Brett and though the color had drained from his handso
me face, his expression remained even. She turned her attention to her uncle, who had entered the room as well and was now standing behind his older brother. He held up a finger to motion her to wait before nodding his urging to Brett.

  With Jason's boost of confidence, Brett rose to look Franklin in the eyes. “Just what it looked like, sir. I was holding her hand."

  The screen door creaked open and Charlie entered the house with Matt a step behind. Upon seeing the horrified expression in Alex's eyes and the cool determination in Brett's posture, Charlie's eyes widened. He started to take a step forward, but Matt dropped a hand on his shoulder.

  The veins in the side of Franklin's neck bulged as he shot Alex a dark look. “Have you lost your mind, Alexandra? This man is a criminal for Christ's sake. What can you possibly see in a man who commits crimes for a living?"

  She returned the hardened look and pushed herself to her feet. Without the aid of her crutches, the added weight nearly made her sag back onto the couch in pain. Immediately, Brett's arm went around her waist to keep her steady. She peered up at him to see the smallest hint of a smile trying to surface. She returned her attention to her father.

  "The man he is,” she replied in a matter-of-fact voice. “I see Brett for who he is, not what he's done."

  She felt Brett's arm tighten around her and she knew without looking at him he appreciated her comment. She watched with only a trace of apprehension as her father's nostrils flared. Had she been in Bangor, she would have backed down from the heated argument. However, with her uncle and all of the boys standing around—when did the rest of them come into the room?—she felt safe taking a stand.

  "That is a naive way of looking at the situation,” Franklin spat. “For all you know, he could be a murderer. Do you know that for sure? Can you be certain of any of these people? I sent you out here to learn responsibility, not shack up with one of the inmates!"

  Charlie bunched his fists together by his sides and sneered. She couldn't remember ever seeing him this angry before and as she pleaded with him with her eyes, Matt folded his arms over his broad chest.

  "Brett isn't a murderer,” Matt growled. “I am."

  Daniel, who wore an even darker expression, joined him. “So am I.” He peeked at Alex. “Though Alex will be the first tell you I'm anything but. You want to know if she can trust us? The more appropriate question to ask is why would you send your daughter to a prison if you were afraid of the people she would come into contact with?"

  Franklin narrowed his eyes. “I don't have to justify my reasons to you."

  "How about to me?” Alex drew in a deep breath and leaned against Brett. “You said I needed to take responsibility for my actions and you were absolutely right. When I got here three months ago, I thought the world owed me something. None of these men liked me and I'm amazed Uncle Jason didn't throw me out on my rear. However, over the course of a few days, I realized there's more to life than room service and fancy cars. I realized that if I wanted to survive the next six months, I needed to work.

  "I've busted my ass these last four months to not only help remodel this ranch, but to be the kind of friend these men deserve. They taught me to accept failure as a part of learning. They showed me what it means to belong and what it's like to be appreciated. I've never had that until now. When Uncle Jason told me they were miserable without me, I told him I was just as miserable without them."

  "You're talking nonsense, Alex,” Franklin protested. “You're angry with me for not taking you seriously and I can appreciate that, however look at it from my point-of-view."

  Anger swelled within her and her hands began to shake. What was it going to take to get through to him? She'd come right out and told him what she felt and he was brushing her words aside—as usual.

  "You're not listening!” she cried. “I don't know how else to put it other than that I'm happy here, I'm in love with Brett and I'm not leaving. If you don't like it, then I'm sorry, but that's how it's going to be. You've told me what to do my whole life, so it's my turn to make a decision and I've made it."

  A mixture of anger, hurt and disbelief struggled for control of her father's facial features. He stared first at her and then at Brett. When Brett didn't lose his aloof expression, Franklin clenched his jaw while nodding.

  "If spending the rest of your life on a prison ranch is what you want, then far be it from me to stop you. When you come to your senses, you'll know where to find us.” Then to Morgan as he turned to head for the door, “It's time to go to the hotel. Are you ready?"

  Morgan nodded and set her water glass on the end table next to her before striding over to Alex. She gave Brett a cordial nod while fixing her twin with a wavering smile.

  "I'm glad you're happy,” she said.

  Alex was stunned. Had her sister actually said that she was happy for her?

  "So you can have my stuff?” Her smile faded when Morgan glanced first at their father and then at her.

  She shook her head. “No, because it means there's still hope for Mindy and I to find the same kind of happiness.” She gave Alex a quick hug and whispered, “Just so you know, I never wanted Greg."

  Alex let go of Brett long enough to return the hug. “Why not?"

  That was a dumb question. Morgan may be spoiled, but she wasn't stupid.

  Morgan withdrew. “I can't date anyone more selfish than me,” she said with a wink. “Besides, he hit my big sister."

  Alex bit her lip to hold back the stray tears threatening to surface. “By three minutes,” she murmured and gestured toward the door. “You better go so you can take that bath. You're beginning to stink."

  Morgan chuckled and walked over to the door where their father was waiting expectantly. Without saying a word, the two left, taking with them the tension her father had created.

  The front door had no more than clicked shut when Alex's shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank God that's over.” She peered up at her uncle. “So much for not causing anymore discord, huh, Uncle Jason?"

  Jason eyed Brett's arm around Alex's waist and shook his head when Brett started to release her.

  "No, you go ahead. After the day you two have had, I dare say you've earned the right to hold your woman.” He gave Alex a wink. “You didn't cause any discord, darlin'. You settled it. Now, if only we can get your sisters to follow your lead..."

  Alex glanced at the staircase in time to see Mindy descending, a perplexed expression on her face.

  "I missed something, didn't I?"

  "Give it time, Uncle Jason. I'm sure they'll come around on their own. I did."

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  The cool January air whirled around Alex and swept beneath the white terrycloth robe she wore as she stepped out onto the sixth floor balcony of her hotel room. She breathed in the crisp sea air and placed her hands on the railing while looking out across the horizon.

  The Gulf of Mexico lay before her, sprawling as far as the eye could see. Seeing the shore had brought back a wave of bittersweet memories. The countless days she'd spent at Sand Beach or climbing the rocky shores of Acadia National Park flooded her mind and she closed her eyes.

  Suddenly, a pair of hands slipped around her from behind. “Here you are,” Brett whispered in her ear before placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “I was beginning to think you'd run off with another cowboy."

  It had been three glorious weeks since the State of Texas released Brett, deeming him fit to be amongst society. The instant he'd signed the release papers—an event Alex had insisted on being present for—he'd turned to kiss her in front of the entire board committee.

  She would remember that kiss for the rest of her life. Not because they had tried to spite the DOC, but because it had been the first kiss he'd given her as a free man.


  Brett was free and all hers.

  She tilted her head to the side to allow him access to her neck and murmured her pleasure.

  "Never.” She tw
isted around to wrap her arms around his neck. “So, what do you propose we do for the next two weeks? Uncle Jason has instructed us not to come back to the Bar K until the twentieth."

  She'd fully expected her uncle to give them only a week to celebrate Brett's release, but when he said to take two and a half weeks off she'd been overwhelmed.

  He tugged at the knot in her belt, a sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. “I can think of a few ideas. None of them involve leaving this room, either.” The robe fell open, exposing her naked body to the chilly air. “Now this is a beautiful sight."

  A shiver swept over her. Despite the cool breeze, the shiver wasn't from the cold. She took his hands, placed them on her waist, and leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his fingers gliding across her warm flesh.

  "How about showing me a couple of those ideas?"

  Brett's hand trailed down her back and across her hip before reaching the area between her thighs that was already slick with arousal. He captured her lips in a kiss while gently massaging the nub of her clit.

  "There's one idea.” He groaned when her fingers slipped inside his robe and wrapped around his cock. “There's another. You don't play fair."

  Sparks of excitement ignited deep within her belly and her breath hitched in her throat. “I'm a princess. I don't have to play fair."

  She took a step back, her body protesting the fact he was no longer touching her. She stepped through the French doors and motioned with her finger for him to follow. “Come on, cowboy. I want you to give me my happily ever after."

  A one-sided grin curved his lips and he tossed a glance at the sea before returning his attention to her. He shut the doors behind him and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her onto the king-sized bed.

  "Yes, ma'am.” He gently pushed the robe from her shoulders. “From now on, all of our days will be happy."

  Alex leaned back against the pillows and ran her fingers through his hair. She liked the sound of that. She liked it a lot.

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