Book Read Free

Mending Scars

Page 21

by Nikki Narvaez

Kamden drove to the nearest emergency room in Cape Cod. Kaiya had passed out when we started driving, and I hadn’t been able to wake her.

  Staring down at her, I was unable to take my eyes off her slowly rising and falling chest. I feared that if I looked away, she would stop breathing.

  Stay with me, baby.

  Kamden parked right in front of the emergency room doors. He had barely put the truck in park as I hurried to get Kaiya out of the truck and inside.

  Cradling her in my arms, I rushed through the sliding glass doors and to the front desk. The nurse stood when I reached the counter. “What’s your emergency?”

  “My girlfriend started having stomach pains. She’s thirty-five weeks pregnant.”

  “Okay, I need you to fill out this paperwork.” The nurse handed me a clipboard.

  Kaiya started to stir. She writhed in my arms and moaned.

  Fuck I hate when she’s in pain.

  Tears flowed from her eyes, which were clenched shut in pain. Her cries became louder and her fingers dug into my arm and back. “Ryker!”

  The agony in her voice sliced right through my heart. I directed my attention to the nurse. There was no mistaking the anxiousness in my tone. “Please get someone!”

  “Sir, I nee-”

  “Now!” My voice boomed through the room. “Can’t you see how much pain she’s in?”

  Kamden reached for the clipboard. “I’m her brother. I promise I’ll fill everything out, just please get my sister some help.”

  The nurse looked back and forth between both of us before handing Kamden the clipboard. Then, she grabbed the phone as Kaiya screamed out in pain again.

  I pulled her closer against me. “It’s going to be okay, Warrior. They’re getting someone right now. Just hold on.”

  Sweat coated Kaiya’s forehead as she buried her face into my chest. Kamden stood in front of me and stroked her hair. “Shhh, sorella. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Kamden began filling out the paperwork as I impatiently paced back and forth in the waiting area. After a few minutes, two medical personnel came through some double doors to our right. They wheeled a rolling hospital bed through and approached us. “Kaiya Marlow?”

  I took a hurried step toward them. “Right here.”

  The male nurse quickly glanced up at me. “Lay her down gently.”

  I carefully lay Kaiya on the stretcher, but she wouldn’t let go of my shirt. “Don’t leave me,” she pleaded.

  I ran one of my hands through her hair. “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She winced and squirmed on the bed as she pulled me closer to her. “Make it stop.”

  Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

  I hated being helpless. Not being able to ease Kaiya’s pain was killing me inside. I looked up at the female nurse across from me. “Please hurry. She’s in a lot of pain.”

  She smiled sympathetically. “My name is Meredith, and that’s Jake. We’re going to take care of her.” She attached a medical bracelet to Kaiya’s wrist and continued speaking, “We need to check the baby’s heart rate. If he or she is in distress, then we’ll need to do an emergency C-section.”

  I wasn’t an expert on pregnancy, but I knew that Kaiya wasn’t full term yet. “She’s only thirty-five weeks,” I replied with concern.

  “I’m sorry, but if the baby is at risk, we have to deliver.”

  “No,” Kaiya whimpered. “He’s not ready.”

  I pried her hands from my shirt and held them in mine. “He’s gonna be okay, Warrior.”

  Kaiya’s eyes watered as she squeezed my hands. She gritted her teeth and groaned in pain again.

  Jake and Meredith pushed the stretcher through the open double doors in front of us. Soon, we were wheeled down the hall into a room with an ultrasound machine.

  After getting settled in the room, Meredith prepped Kaiya, attaching various wires to her chest to monitor her vitals while Jake grabbed a small machine from one of the cabinets—it looked similar to the one Kaiya’s doctor had used when we listened to Hayden’s heartbeat.

  Meredith applied gel to Kaiya’s stomach as Jake handed her the wand to the fetal doppler. Noise soon filled the room as Meredith moved the wand around Kaiya’s abdomen. I immediately recognized the sound of Hayden’s heartbeat, even though it was noticeably slower than the other times we’d heard it.

  Meredith’s forehead creased in concern as she stared at the handheld machine. “Eighty-five bpm. We need to get an OB in here stat.”

  “Wait, is that bad?” I questioned anxiously.

  Kaiya moaned in pain as Meredith grabbed the phone. “I need an OB to room 103. I have a patient and fetal heart rate is 85 bpm.”

  Meredith hung up the phone, then grabbed some supplies from a drawer and swabbed Kaiya’s inner elbow with an alcohol wipe. “Normal fetal heart rate is between one hundred twenty and one hundred eighty beats per minute. Anything over or under that puts the baby at risk.”

  My mind was all over the place, unable to register what either of them were saying. I finally was able to come up with a coherent thought. “Are they going to be okay?”

  Meredith hesitated before answering, “They’ll be fine. There are always risks when it comes to any surgery, but the sooner we act, the better. The doctor will probably want to get the baby out as soon as possible.”

  The doctor entered as Meredith wrapped a band around Kaiya’s belly. Kaiya writhed in pain on the stretcher and moaned again. Meredith addressed the doctor. “Fetal heart rate is 85 bpm.”

  The doctor looked at the monitor that was hooked up to Kaiya. “Let’s monitor for a few minutes. Start the IV and get some fluids in her.”

  Meredith inserted an IV into Kaiya’s arm. She winced in pain. “Ryker.”

  Rushing to her side, I grabbed her hand. “I’m right here, baby.”

  “What’s going on? Is Hayden okay?” She gritted out as she tightly squeezed my hand.

  “He’s going to be fine. His heart rate is a little slow so they may have to do an emergency C-section.”

  “What? No,” She moaned. Suddenly, her grip on my hand loosened. “I don’t feel good.”

  The monitor started beeping wildly. Meredith rushed to Kaiya’s other side. “Blood pressure is dropping.” Her voice was urgent.

  Kaiya’s skin went pale, and her eyes slowly closed. Her words were slurred and barely audible. “Ryker, I—”

  Kaiya’s head lolled to the side.

  My heart dropped into my stomach.

  Please, God, no.

  I shook our joined hands, trying to wake her. “Kaiya! Kaiya!”

  “Get her to surgery now. We have to perform an emergency C-section.” The doctor said, then directed his attention to me. “Are you the father?”

  I couldn’t process what was happening. My eyes burned from tears as I stared down at Kaiya.

  The doctor placed a hand on my shoulder. “Sir, we have to go now. Are you the father?”

  I looked up at him, my sight blurred. “What?”

  “Are you the father?

  My voice cracked. “Yes.”

  “Do we have your consent for surgery? We need to get the baby out now.”

  I looked down at Kaiya, then back at the doctor, still trying to take in everything. “Do whatever you need to do. Please save them.”

  The doctor nodded, then walked toward the door. “Let’s get her into surgery.”

  Jake pushed the stretcher as Meredith guided it out of the room behind the doctor jogged beside it, keeping Kaiya’s hand in mine as we rushed down the hallway.

  When we reached the set of double doors at the end of the hall, Meredith turned and looked at me. “There’s a waiting area back down the hall, to the right. The doctor will come speak to you following the surgery.”

  My heart rate increased as anxiety set in. “I can’t come with her?”

  “I’m sorry, but due to the complications she’s experiencing, no.”

  I reluctantly nodded my understa
nding before leaning down and kissing Kaiya on the forehead. I brushed the sweaty hair out of her face. “I love you, Warrior.” My voice was strained by emotion.

  “I’m sorry, we have to go now.” The doctor stated impatiently as he went through the doors.

  Meredith gave me a sympathetic look as she and Jake began to push Kaiya behind the doctor. “We’ll take good care of her. Don’t worry.”

  I nodded as tears fell down my face. I stared at Kaiya until the doors closed, taking her out of sight. I ran my hands over my face, then through my hair.

  Fuck! This can’t be happening.

  I slammed my fist into the metal and pressed my forehead against the doors.

  Calm down, everything is going to be fine. Think positive.

  I let out a breath in an attempt to calm myself down. And then, for the first time since God knows when, I prayed.

  I know I’m not one of your favorites, but please take care of them. I can’t lose them.

  I stayed there for a few seconds before I pushed off the doors and headed back to the lobby, unable to stop the anxiety that was overtaking me.

  Ethan was talking to Kamden when I entered the waiting room. When he caught sight of me, he ran over, stopping right in front of me and meeting my gaze. “What happened? Are Kaiya and the baby okay?”

  My vision blurred as tears stung my eyes. I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. I hadn’t explained the details over the phone when I called him; I just told him to get his ass to the hospital as fast as he could. “Kaiya was… attacked. The trauma sent the baby into distress, and as they were monitoring her, she passed out. They had to do an emergency C-section.”

  Ethan stared at me, apparently stunned by my words. He raked his hands over his face. “Oh my God, Ryker, I’m sorry.”

  I sat down next to Kamden. I held my head in my hands and bounced my leg anxiously. I was not prepared for this.

  Please let them be okay. Don’t take them from me.

  Kamden placed a hand on my back. “They’ll be okay. My sister’s a fighter—always has been.”

  I couldn’t speak because of the emotion threatening to choke me, so I nodded. I knew Kaiya was a fighter, but I still had a knot of worry balled deep in my gut that grew with each passing second they were in there.

  Ethan sat on my other side and sighed. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Me neither.

  About twenty minutes passed before the surgeon came into the waiting area. He looked at the screen of an iPad. “Ryker Campbell?”

  I stood up immediately and went toward him. “That’s me—is Kaiya okay?”

  Kamden and Ethan came up next to me as the doctor replied, “She’s in recovery right now. The surgery went well—no complications.”

  I let out a heavy breath. “And the baby?”

  The doctor smiled. “A healthy seven pound, three ounce boy. He’s doing very well. You should be able see him soon.”

  Thank God.

  I couldn’t stop the smile that slowly spread over my face.

  They’re okay.

  Ethan patted me on the back. “Congratulations, bro.”

  I looked at him, still in shock that both Kaiya and Hayden were okay after everything they’d been through in the last few hours. “Thanks.”

  Kamden started asking the doctor questions about Kaiya’s surgery and recovery, but all I could think about was seeing her and Hayden. Images of what he looked like ran through my head.

  “Are you ready to meet your son?” The doctor asked, breaking through my thoughts.

  Son. My son.

  I laughed. “Yes. Hell yes.”

  “Wake up, my Warrior,” a soft, deep voice spoke, sounding garbled as I teetered between awake and sleep.

  My eyes fluttered open to a dimly lit room.

  Where am I?

  I tried to sit up, but I was too weak and everything hurt. I moaned in pain.

  “Easy, baby. You just had surgery.”

  I gingerly turned my head toward the sound of the voice I loved so much. “Surgery?” I rasped, my mouth dry and cottony.

  My eyes stung, and I was unable to focus on anything so I closed them as Ryker answered, “Hayden went into distress, and you passed out. The doctor had to do an emergency C-section.”

  “Is Hayden okay? Where is he?” I asked as my mind scrambled to make sense of everything. I strained to open my eyes, but the faint light hurt, forcing me to shut them again.

  “He’s fine, baby. He’s right here. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” He paused before talking again, this time in a gentler tone. “Ready to meet Mommy, Hayden?”

  Tears leaked from my closed eyes. I fought to open them, anxious to see my baby and finally succeeded. My sight may have been blurred, but I knew I was looking at the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen as I laid eyes on my son.

  Ryker stood next to the bed, cradling the tiny bundle in his huge, inked arms. So opposite, yet so perfect. He gazed down at Hayden lovingly before giving me the same look. “Wanna hold him, Momma?”

  I weakly lifted my arms, but couldn’t hold them up.

  Damn anesthesia.

  “More than anything,” I whispered as more tears fell down my face.

  “Relax.” He shifted toward me and gently laid Hayden on my chest. I used every ounce of strength I had in me to bring my arms up to wrap around my baby.

  My baby.

  I softly kissed his fuzzy head as Ryker ran a hand through my hair. “You did amazing, Warrior. He’s perfect.”

  He is, isn’t he?

  I stared down at my son, unable to take my eyes off of him. My eyes ran over every feature as my fingers traced over his velvety skin.

  I can’t believe I created something so perfect. I finally did something right.

  I glanced up at Ryker, who was also gazing down at Hayden on my chest. I smiled as I continued to stare at the man I loved.

  Our eyes met as one corner of his mouth curved up. “What?”

  My lips spread wider. “Nothing.”

  He brushed his knuckles down my cheek. “Tell me.”

  “I just love you. I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “Nah, Warrior, you’ve got it all wrong.” He looked down at Hayden and carefully rubbed him on his little back. “I’m the lucky one.”

  It felt amazing to finally bring Kaiya and our son home. The few days we had spent in the hospital seemed to drag, especially since Kaiya and I both hated hospitals. And to make matters worse, we had to deal with the police asking questions about Bryce. Bastards wouldn’t even wait until Kaiya was discharged.

  Kamden, Kaiya, and I had given our statements about the incident. The police had decided not to press any charges on Kamden or me for assaulting Bryce or breaking into either of his properties. The investigating officers had informed us that Bryce would be charged with assault and kidnapping and would face up to fifteen years in prison.

  Kamden and I had done a number on Bryce, breaking four of his ribs, his jaw, and rupturing his spleen. I probably would’ve beat him to death if I hadn’t been so desperate to find Kaiya.

  Kaiya had broken down once the police finally left the hospital. Bryce had been one of her only friends, and what he had done hurt her deeply. But I knew she’d recover; my Warrior always did.

  I carried Hayden in his car seat as I helped Kaiya inside the house. There were still stacks of boxes in every room that needed to be unpacked, and Hayden’s room was filled with everything he needed and more.

  I set down his carrier and all of Kaiya’s bags, then led her to our bedroom. She was exhausted and had been fighting sleep to spend as much time with Hayden as possible, but now she was going to rest whether she liked it or not.

  After carefully helping her get into bed, I covered her with the blankets before kissing her forehead. “You need to rest, Warrior.”

  “I don’t want to rest—I need to take care of Hayden,” she argued stubbornly, throwing the blankets and sitting up in bed.
  I shook my head and chuckled. “I’ll take care of Hayden—you sleep.”

  She yawned but still resisted. “But—”

  “No buts. You’ve barely slept since he was born.”

  Sighing in defeat, she gingerly laid back on the bed. “Fine. But wake me up to feed him in two hours.”

  I wasn’t planning to wake her up. Kaiya had already pumped some breast milk at the hospital, so I could feed Hayden myself. “Okay. Now get some sleep,” I said as I backed toward the door.

  She yawned again and closed her eyes. “I love you.”

  A smile tugged at my lips. I wish she knew how much I loved her, how much she and our son meant to me. They owned my whole fucking heart. “I love you, too.”

  I went back to the living room to check on Hayden. He was fast asleep in his car seat, so I decided to unpack some more of our things while he and Kaiya slept. We’d managed to get most of our large furniture in, but hadn’t planned on Hayden coming early, so we weren’t fully moved in yet.

  After about an hour or so, Hayden started crying. Kaiya was still sleeping, so I grabbed a bottle of breast milk from the fridge and put it in some hot water to warm up before taking Hayden out of his carrier.

  I was so fucking nervous holding him. He seemed so small and fragile, especially in my bulky arms. I was afraid I would break him, so I tried to be as gentle as possible whenever I handled him.

  Laying him against my chest, I held his head steady as I went back to the kitchen to check if his bottle was ready. His cries had died down to a whimper now that I held him, but the sound still made me anxious, definitely something that would take getting used to.

  I checked the temperature of the milk, but it was still too cold. I set it back in the water and patted Hayden on the back as I waited a few more minutes. I was thankful that the nurses in the maternity ward had shown us how to prepare Hayden’s bottles and feed him because I would’ve been lost otherwise.

  When the bottle was ready, I grabbed it and carefully carried Hayden to the bedroom. Kaiya had made me move the rocking chair from the nursery a couple of weeks ago because she planned to keep Hayden in our room for a few months.

  I sat down with the speed of a turtle and cautiously positioned Hayden in my arms so that I could feed him. I started to rock him once he started eating, and I relaxed a little. Just like with his mom, I hated hearing him cry, and would do anything to fix what was causing it.


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