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The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

Page 9

by Marie Kelly

  “At least ten minutes each day” she had quipped as the others had laughed. As they had rowed out to the boat for the last time she had waited on the beach, sinking down onto the sand her head falling onto her pulled up knees until the boat had sailed out of sight.

  “I thought you might like a lift”

  His voice behind her had made Grace jump, her body rigid as stiffly she had risen to her legs her voice stilted “Thank you. I have some equipment that I need to bring”

  Frowning softly he had looked at the computer and mountain of paper work “What is all this?” his eyes flint hard, his voice accusing “You have a month’s holiday Grace…don’t think you can use this to hide away from me”

  Stopping in her tracks she had rounded on him “Why do you think I said no to you Alexos? God I was so stupid, part of me really wanted to stay…I was even prepared…”

  Biting back the words, not prepared to admit to him that she had considered coming back after the project, she had paused, calming herself as her look had been scathing, a self-deprecating light coming to her eyes.

  “But thanks for helping me see what an idiot I was. My team have the month off, I don’t…and the month is needed because all the research we have done so far needs to be collated…and guess who gets to do that…me”.

  She had ignored the strange expression which had crossed his handsome features as she had moved passed him picking up the computer and trying to lift the two large boxes full of paper, Alexos moving to pluck them from her with an ease that had mocked her attempts.

  “What will you need?” his voice had been gentler as he had placed the boxes in the small trunk of the sports car. “I can set up a small office with computer access, printers phones…anything else you need”

  Flicking him a surprised look, she had moved into the passenger side, nodding, managing a stilted “thank you” before she had looked away. As he had gunned the car, moving quickly back to the villa, she had found herself once more experiencing the same exhilaration as she had the first time he had driven her along the same stretch of road.

  Entering his home, he had led her into a smaller living room asking if it would be suitable for her purposes, Grace skimming the room with appreciation seeing the long desk within the generously proportioned room.

  “Tomorrow I will have fax machines, printers and anything else you might need installed” Grace silently nodding her head as he had written down information with regards to gaining access to the WIFI as a guest. With a stilted thank you she had turned to face him hearing his small laugh.

  “That must have hurt you” Grace gritting her teeth before nodding “It would have been a lot easier in my own office, and given the circumstances …” before she had moved over to the desk itself. Frowning softly he had watched as she had pulled out some paper “Don’t you think that we should eat first?”

  Grace had shaken her head. I am really still not that hungry, perhaps a sandwich later, not even looking at him. With a frustrated sigh he had moved around, placing his hand under her elbow before bodily walking her to the dining room, Grace gasping in surprise and indignation, spluttering out her demand for him to let her go, Alexos ignoring each and every one.

  “No…you have eaten nothing all day, and you WILL eat with me”

  Glaring up at him she had given a small noise of anger, struggling unsuccessfully to pull herself free as with little gentleness he had deposited her onto the seat closest to his, his eyes daring her to move. Sitting back with arms crossed she had glowered at him “You have no idea how much work I have to do, and thanks to you it is three times as much”

  Smiling, his mouth curving as though humouring a small child he had rang the small bell for the meal to be served

  “What difference does it make where you collate your information? You will have everything you need…so stop being so dramatic Grace and eat your dinner. The last thing I need is a drama queen on hunger strike because of her hurt feelings”

  Grace had glared at him, although could feel her stomach rumble as the aroma from the food had reached her nostrils, the realisation that she had indeed ate nothing the whole day hitting her.

  “Fine” she had bitten out, her tone huffy as she had began eating.

  “So…how was your last day…did you manage to get all the research finished?” His tone had been calm - friendly almost, Grace spearing some of the food wanting to ignore him. However, as the silence had stretched out as he had patiently waited for her answer; her manners so long drilled into her by her mother had taken over.

  “Yes. Thank you”

  He had nodded before asking more specific questions, Grace slowly relaxing as she had answered, her love for the subject finally seeing her start to talk animatedly about the work being done, and some of the unusual findings that had already been discovered. Alexos had seemed genuinely interested, no doubt contributing to her opening up to him.

  “Why did you say I had increased your workload three fold?” His question had caught her unaware as she had frowned softly.

  “Because I had two research assistants booked to validate the information on the sheets with data entered in the field… now I have to do it myself”

  “I see” he had mused softly, his expression thoughtful.

  The mention of the work waiting for her had made Grace sigh, sipping the last of her coffee as she had pushed her seat from the table “My compliments to the chef, the meal was as usual excellent, but I really do have to get on with some work”

  Alexos had stood with her, inclining his head “Of course…I would not like to stand in the way of science”

  Grace not sure if he was being sarcastic as she had moved back into the study assigned to her. For the rest of the night she had prepared schedules, sighing heavily at the amount of time she would need to spend each day to meet her deadline, once more cursing Alexos. At one in the morning he had appeared, his eyes scanning the room seeing just how much she had organised, Grace sitting silently as she had compared sheets with her computer, her lovely face bobbing between the two.

  “Bed!” His voice had made her jump, a scowl on her face “I’m not ready for bed…I need to finish up here or I will lose everything” her eyes showing desperation at the thought, her look stopping him from demanding that she join him.

  “Don’t be too late” his voice softer as she had given a small sigh of relief, nodding as her eyes had once more returned to the screen, the beating of her heart starting to once more slow down relieved that he had not insisted on her accompanying him, not prepared to admit how that thought had kept returning to her all evening, the implications making her feel sick. While she was determined not to succumb to his demands in bed, just the memory of how he had touched her had sent electric signals through her body, not sure if when he did touch her that she would be able to so easily push him away.

  At three in the morning, Alexos had moved back down to her study, anger filling him at the way she seemed so determined to stay away from him. Entering her study he had paused, Grace slumped over the desk fast asleep. With a sigh he had known that she had slept little the previous evening and had worked all day in the burning sunshine, guilt filling him as he had cursed softly under his breath not having insisted that she did not start her work until the following day. Walking around picking up project plans which she had created, he had frowned, seeing the amount of time that had been allocated for each day of the month. With a small thoughtful expression he had moved over to where Grace lay so deep in sleep, flicking a small piece of hair from her lovely cheek, the urge to kiss her skin rising strongly within him. Gently he had lifted her into his arms, as she hardly even stirred, her head dropping peacefully against his shoulder. Moving back to his room he had laid her inside the covers which he had earlier pushed from himself, not fully understanding why he seemed so unable to sleep.

  As he had pulled off her shoes and shorts she had hardly even moved Alexos smiling at the determination in her lovely face, even when asleep,
once more running his eyes down her perfect body fighting the rush of desire that had flashed through him. Covering her, he had stripped before sliding in beside her, sleep taking him almost immediately.

  Grace was dreaming, the sun caressing her body, its warmth moving along her spine, a small satisfied sigh leaving her lips. Turning she had allowed her hands to fall over her head the sun morphing into the sensual touch of fingers, fingers which were rubbing the hardened nub of her straining nipples morphing once more to a flicking wetness her whole body responding to the erotic signals flowing throughout her. The small masculine groan had woken her, her eyes flying open as her soft mouth had gasped in shock. There was no sun, no caressing nourishing warmth, only Alexos, Alexos the enemy.

  He had leant over her, his eyes still full of the burning fire deep within the embers of their darkness, now watching her. Confusion coupled with a smouldering need filled her lovely features as she had blinked, the two locked on the other. Gulping softly she had known she should push him away, this man who was blackmailing her, ensure that he stay at arm’s length, but even as she had thought this her eyes had dropped to his mouth, that mouth so capable of bringing pleasure to every part of her. As though that one action was permission he had dropped his head to her mouth, his so gently caressing hers until she was kissing him back the kiss deepening until the passion had once more engulfed them, its flames licking at them both with the need to have and be had.

  Alexos had kissed down her cheek, his tongue tantalizing her skin as he had whispered soft words she could not understand, yet were driving her over the edge, his hands caressing her body as that mouth had dropped lower. Lapping and nipping the engorged nipples she had felt that she would explode with the sensations flying through her, the heat in her belly pooling there like molten lava, Grace writhing so sensually under his ministrations. Groaning, her hands had flown to his head fingers raking through the thickness as he had moved down to her belly, panting as he had rained small kisses to the apex of her thighs.

  As he had moved between her legs, his hands had pushed her legs apart, allowing them to fall over his shoulders, Grace not sure what he was doing until his mouth had slid between the inside of her thigh, her eyes flying open with both shock and intense pleasure her mouth panting out the words to stop him

  “P…Please Alexos…n…no”

  A small chuckle from him the only answer as his fingers had slid along the wetness of her, a satisfied sound leaving his lips before that tongue had joined them, its flicking action causing her to gasp out loud as her hips had bucked against him.

  Moving his hands to rest them on her belly, he had held her onto the bed as his tongue and mouth had carried on the seductive onslaught of her body, Grace wriggled and writhed uncontrollably under him unaware as she had moaned and gasped loudly, her hips moving with his mouth.

  She had lost control. The only thing that mattered were the caresses of his tongue as it explored the heat of her, Grace not caring as she had begged him not to stop, her hands against his head. As all reason had seemed to leave her, light had danced before her eyes, her body starting to tense as he had moved sliding up her, Grace whimpering wanting to feel him on her.

  “You smell of flowers still” he had whispered against her neck, his nostrils filled with the scent of her, as his mouth had claimed hers Grace tasting herself on his tongue the knowledge causing even more heat to pool between her legs as he had raised himself over her and with one sure thrust filled her with his entire length. Her head had flown back, her spine arching and with a cry of pure pleasure she had flown straight into orgasm her whole body exploding with wave upon wave of radiating mind-shattering pleasure.

  As Grace had held him so tightly he had groaned, his head growing light with the feel of her around him, but as her muscles had spasmed and clenched he had pushed faster and harder into her. His breathing had become so ragged as she had cried out and quivered below him before all too soon his own body had tightened, his breathing changing as he too had climaxed releasing so deep within her, his whole being trembling with the intensity as darkness had momentarily rushed in to meet him Alexos collapsing over her, a dead weight in her arms.

  Grace had lain confused yet so satisfied, a small sigh of contentment leaving her lips as her arms had held the large man, strangely enjoying the feel of him, surprised at the feeling of safety.

  He had wanted to kiss her, to tell her things, things lovers did, his mouth closing as he had held back the words his mind trying to understand the intensity of his reaction to this woman, this still so inexperienced woman who should have been his wife, this woman who had used him and everybody else who had ever cared for her. Pushing himself onto his back he had looked over at her, the softness of their lovemaking still so visible in her eyes as he had pulled her into his arms holding her as their heartbeats had slowed, their breathing returned to normal.

  Finally she had groaned looking up at him “H…how did I get here?” those big eyes holding his as he had smiled

  “I carried you…you fell asleep at your desk” his reply as he had turned to his side, rising to lean on the heel of one hand smiling gently as he had looked down at her, her eyes closing as confusion had filled her.

  She had wanted to yell at him, to accuse him of tricking her into sex, but had held her tongue. She had wanted it, wanted it so badly that it had hurt. She might hate this man, detest what he was doing, but it did not stop the desire for him, the way her body would come alive when he was close. To deny her attraction to him would have been the biggest lie of all and Grace was through with all the deception.

  Opening her eyes once more she had let her hand rise to softly stroke his cheek surprise lighting his wonderful features.

  “Thank you” she whispered raising her head to place a small kiss on his mouth before she had slid from him moving to the bathroom.

  Alexos had watched her go, confusion filling him. What had she thanked him for, for carrying her to bed, for making love to her? With a small frown he had sought to understand why he even cared.

  In the shower Grace had closed her eyes allowing the water to flow over her, allowing it to wash away his aroma, the feel of his body on hers. She wanted to be angry with him, to lash out and tell him to go to hell, never to touch her, a loud sigh leaving her lips. Six years ago she had used him. She had led him on and then ‘ditched’ him, and while her reasons had been at the time justifiable, she had not considered him, Grace realising that her interest in him over those years had been a manifestation of the guilt she felt towards him.

  What he was doing was wrong, but she had behaved no better. Frowning softly she had wondered if his reasoning was really any worse than hers had been. She had been motivated not to lead the life her father had painted, wife, mother and as he had on many occasions hinted, expected to turn a blind eye to any and all of her future husband’s indiscretions, just as her mother had done. Closing her eyes she had allowed the truth of this to finally sink in. Her whole life she had been aware that her father had been less than faithful to her mother, his behaviour no doubt one of the main reasons that she had not wanted such a life for herself. Alexos was blackmailing her, but his motives were out of love, love for his father, something softening towards the man still in the bedroom. Would it be so bad to spend the month with him? She could manage the extra workload, and maybe in some small way make up for what had happened six years previously, a small smile flitting over her serene features.

  Pulling the towel around her she had heard the sound of him moving into the bathroom, looking confused as she had given him a smile full of genuine warmth. Alexos had groaned softly at the way it would transform her beautiful face into one which shone with such an internal glow. Quickly entering the shower he had given a small laugh.

  “Forgot to say…good morning” Surprised to hear her return laugh and ‘good morning’ back.

  Brushing her teeth, he had showered before pulling one of the large fluffy towels around his waist, his broad should
ers and toned stomach still bare, surprised to see the flash of hunger in her eyes as she had looked at him before dropping her lids and turning away.

  “So what are your plans?” he had asked conversationally, as she had given a small curl of her lips “Lots and lots and lots of work” Alexos giving a small nod

  “You can’t put in the same hours as you did last night” his tone had been gentle Grace biting back the comment that it was his fault she was having to

  “Well…we will just have to see…I might get faster”

  Considering her thoughtfully he had looked as though he was about to say something before turning and picking up his toothbrush. Moving from the bathroom, she had pulled on clean shorts and a shirt Alexos quickly joining her.

  Together the two had moved to the dining room for breakfast, Alexos surprised at the calmness of her. Gone was the anger of his blackmail, instead an almost resigned acceptance of her situation along with what appeared almost to be relief. He could not understand this woman, the realisation hitting him that he never could. This was a woman who swam towards sharks, the memory sending a smile to his features.

  “What is so funny?” she had asked gently, he looking at her in surprise his dark eyes glinting playfully.

  “I was just remembering you swimming towards the shark…I thought I was going to have to drag a fainted woman back to the ship…and instead you wanted to get closer”

  She had laughed nodding, the memory returning of the wonderful dive they had taken that day, her eyes suddenly more serious “I had a great time that day”

  The two had continued eating in silence, a comfortable one before he had lifted his head “I have to go to the mainland later on…will you be OK?”

  Surprised at his concern she had nodded her head, a small lift of the ends of her mouth as she had given a rueful smile “I will be busy…do not worry about me”

  Soon the two had gone their separate ways, both moving to their relative offices, Grace surprised to find that all the equipment promised the previous day had already been installed in her office, smiling widely at the top of the range equipment.


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