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Tantrum (Kenshaw Ranch Book 3)

Page 15

by Piper Frost

  “I only had a beer,” Kaydence says, gripping my hand tight and pulling me along to catch up to Jo. “I can drive us, Jo. Thanks.”

  She takes the keys out of my hand and holds me tightly as we walk back to my truck. My guilt is weighing heavily on me and I'm afraid that I may have just fucked up her relationship with her brother. But the way she looks at me and the way she treats I'm not just wanting to 'add another girl to the pile'...well she makes me want to be the man she says she sees in me. Not the old Chase everyone else can't let go of.

  I don't know what to think. I'm a little heart broken everyone's against Chase, but at the same time, he doesn't seem to want to better his situation with his friends.

  The ride to town is quiet. I want to fix him up, but it's dark and he needs to unwind a little. We're supposed to have Thanksgiving with my mom and the rest of the Kenshaws in a couple of days, but I don't know that Chase will want to do that now.

  I get us inside the shop and he's yet to say anything to me. I don't know what to say. What's there to say?

  “I'm sorry,” I blurt, as I unlock the apartment door.

  “Why the hell are you sorry?” He stops just inside the door and his eyebrows pull together as he finally looks at me. “You did nothing wrong, Kaydence.”

  “I asked you to come. I...just didn't think it'd be like this. Why are they so against you and me being together, Chase? What do they know that I don't?” I grab his arm when I see the dried blood and start pulling him to the bathroom.

  “Hell, I don't know. I was always the guy that didn't quite fit into their little clique. Maybe they're just pissed I penetrated the circle.” He pauses and chuckles. “Literally and figuratively.”

  “Chase,” I whisper his name and grab a washcloth. “Jo and Kinlee have nothing but good things to say about you. So you're saying you and Brandt have the problem?” I watch him while he stares at himself in the mirror.

  “Brandt is just being protective of you. I got around in this town back in high school, Kay. All he really knows about me is I'm an asshole, I sleep around, and I'm not scared of a fight. He's right to try and protect you.” He turns on the water and runs his hands under the stream.

  “You're not like that with me.”

  He snickers and glances at me. “I just fucking fought your brother, Kay.”

  “That was his fault. Bo doesn't seem to have a problem with you.”

  “We've had our differences. Kinlee used to be my best friend, and even then I wasn't welcomed into the group with open arms. Bo pretty much broke that shit up. Jo's not from here, so she gets it...the whole being a 'newbie' to the group.” He splashes water on his face.

  “You and Kinlee? You used to be with her? Jo said you were in love with her.” I gently wipe at the cut on his lip.

  “Nah. It seemed like it. We dated for a split second, but it didn't work out. We remained friends and she went through some stuff where she leaned pretty heavily on me for a few years. We were inseparable. If you're askin' if we fucked, I ain't gonna lie to you, but I'm not gonna say I was in love with her. I thought back then I had feelings for her. I thought maybe I could love her the way that guys were supposed to love the cute girl in town.” He pauses, taking hold of my wrist and looking me in the eyes. “Turns out I didn't even know what love was back then.”

  I blink a few times then carefully wipe the washcloth over his eyebrow. I'd like to ask him if one day he thinks he'd be in love with me, but tonight's been too emotional for me to put that strain on what we have right now.

  “I just want them to accept you, Chase. They're my family and you're my boyfriend.” I huff. “I'm tired.” Wringing out the washcloth, I leave it on the sink. “Can we lay down for the night? Do you need something? Water? Pills? Food?”

  “You,” he says. “I just need you tonight.” He walks out of the bathroom and I follow him to the bedroom. Slowly and carefully he pulls his shirt off, cussing and trying to stretch through the pain. “Your brother's pretty fuckin' scrappy.” He chuckles.

  “God.” I groan and kick off my shoes. “I am so sorry.” I push on my eyes tiredly. Talking to Tyler about this is going to be hard.

  “Hey,” he blurts, walking over to me and taking my arms, wrapping them around him. “Could you stop apologizing for something that was one hundred percent out of your control, please? Tonight wasn't your fault. At all.”

  “But he's my brother.” I look up at him and it feels like the world is sitting on my chest. “And he's not going anywhere in my life. And you. I love being with you. Happiness is a choice and I choose you. I just don't want to have to choose you over him.”

  “Still ain't your fault, doll. Your brother's a grown man. He knows he started that shit.” He takes a few steps back to the bed and sits, pulling me to his lap. “Can we not talk about it anymore tonight? We'll fix it. I promise you. But tonight I'm kinda over talking about it.” He presses his lips gently to my neck and his hands grip the hem of my shirt.

  “No more talking about it, but Thanksgiving...will you still come?” I whisper, letting him pull my shirt off.

  He smirks at me. “You're gonna be the one coming,” he whispers, unbuttoning my pants and pushing his hands down the front of them. He lets out a low laugh and nuzzles his face in my boobs.

  How do you tell someone after only knowing them a couple months that you think you've fallen in love already? A guy like Chase, you don't, but the second I think he's there too, I'll be sure to tell him. His hands slow down as he strips me of my clothes. When he sits back and stares at me sitting naked in front of him, I smile.

  “My turn.” I crawl toward him, kneeling between his legs and pop the button to his jeans, tugging them down while he lifts his hips. I trace the tattoo on his chest with my fingernail before pressing a kiss over it then sliding his boxer-briefs down.

  “You're too tempting.” I kiss him as I start to stroke his dick with both hands.

  “You're...fucking perfect,” he whispers, twisting his hand through my hair and fisting it at the base of my neck.

  He pulls me up his body and manages to spin us, pressing me against the mattress. His head dips and his lips press kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, and when he lands on my nipple he moans, flicking it with his tongue. My back arches, reacting to him isn't something I even have to think about doing. It just happens. He pulls more from me than any other guy ever has.

  Chase nudges my legs apart with his knee and his hand slides downward. He growls, and a look of pure need traces his features when he finds how wet I am for him. We stare into each other's eyes while he slides inside of me and I bite my lip, letting a whimper escape when he sinks all the way to the hilt. He pulls out then does it again, thrusting a little harder and deeper, making me cry out this time and drop my head back. Each time he pulls out, I eagerly wait for him to fill me again and the sensation is better with each thrust.

  His eyes never leave me. He never closes them like some guys do. Doesn't look away when the moment gets intense. When I lift my head again, he dips his and presses his forehead to mine, breathing deep through every thrust. The sounds he's making and the way he's so wrapped into this moment makes my orgasm ten times stronger than it's ever been.

  He slams our lips together, pumping harder and faster while my orgasm splinters through me, leaving every nerve ending in my body tingling, and when he comes he growls so low I can feel it reverberating in my chest. I pull him over me and he settles on top, panting heavily before moving his mouth to mine and kissing me slowly, gripping me tightly, protectively. He shifts to the side, still kissing me until we pull back to take a breath. We stare into each other's eyes until sleep claims us. I could fall asleep daily studying his face.

  I've been waiting for Chase to get here, cooking like a madwoman while my mom waits patiently in the living room to finally meet my boyfriend. The bell dings and I skip to the door. It's Thanksgiving week and he's agreed to meet my mom before the big dinner.

  “Hi.” I
smile, pushing open the door for Chase and taking a step toward him.

  When I kiss him, I hear my mom over my shoulder make a noise of surprise. Chase takes a step back and smiles over my shoulder.

  “Mrs. Kenshaw, nice to meet you.” He smiles bright and I step to the side, letting him come in.

  “Hi.” My mom doesn't get up from the couch, she just stares like she hasn't seen a man since my dad.

  “Mom, this is my boyfriend Chase.”

  “I see that.” She keeps flashing her eyes from Chase to me and when Chase clears his throat uncomfortably I quickly turn to face him.

  “Let's get you something to drink,” I offer and take his hand, pulling him to the kitchen. “Hi,” I whisper when we're alone in the kitchen and I kiss him again.

  “You look nice,” he says, his lips still on mine and his hands trying their hardest not to roam to my ass. “I like this dress.” I can feel him smirk as he pushes his lips to mine again.

  “Thank you. Are you hungry?” I glance over my shoulder at all the food I prepared. Luckily Tyler will eat it all, but my mom only munches, and I'm too nervous to eat, but hopefully Chase will eat.

  “Uh...” He smiles. “Sure? You sure did go through a lot of trouble making everything. You know today's not Thanksgiving, right?” He laughs at me and walks over to the relish tray I set out, popping an olive in his mouth.

  “I haven't seen my mom in a while. I just wanted it to be nice.” I wipe my sweaty palms on the kitchen towel. “You want something to drink? I bought whiskey for you.” I grab a glass.

  “Kaydence, are you drinking alcohol?” My mom's voice travels. She could always hear the things she wasn't supposed to.

  “Just a small drink, mom,” I call back. “You want one?”

  “On your pills?” She bellows and my gaze darts to Chase who's staring at me with his brows high. I smile and walk into the living room. “Can I get you something, mom?”

  “You shouldn't be drinking on your meds. You can't mix those, Kaydence.”

  “I know, mom,” I whisper. “You want me to fix you a plate?”

  “I'm fine right now. Just don't drink on your meds.”

  I nod and smile, walking back into the kitchen. Chase is silent, watching me cross the room then he pops another olive in his mouth.

  “These olives are amazing. You did a really nice job preparing them,” he says, obviously trying to lighten my nerves.

  I chuckle and start braiding my hair. “Can I make you a drink?” I glance at the whiskey bottle. I'd like a tall glass for myself right now.

  “I think I'm okay today. Maybe tonight you can.” He smirks. “You got any water or sweet tea?” His eyes flick to the living room before coming back to me. “We just gonna hide in here today?”

  “No.” I laugh, pouring him a glass of tea. “Let's go.” I'm still holding his glass when I head for the living room before realizing and handing it over. “Mom, you sure you don't want anything?”

  “I'm okay right now, honey. So, Chase.” She stares at him.

  “Yes, Mrs. Kenshaw?” he says, taking a drink of his tea and sitting on the couch across the room from her.

  “What do you do for a living?” She glances at his tattooed hands and I sit on the arm of the couch next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

  “I own the tattoo shop in town. I also work part time at Willies, the bar across the street.” He glances up at me. “That's where we met.”

  My mother's wide-eyed gaze lands on me and I smile, rubbing Chase's shoulder a little.

  “Kaydence, I really hope you and your brother aren't drinking.”

  “Mom.” I chuckle. “I'm twenty-five.”

  “But your meds!” She gasps.

  “Mom, can we talk about something else?” I smile at her but my palms are starting to sweat again. “Chase is an amazing artist,” I offer a subject.

  She eyes him again, her eyes going to his hands. “You draw the pictures on your hands?”

  He glances down at them and smiles back up at her. “One hand, yes, ma'am. The other hand a buddy of mine in Vegas did when I lived there.”

  “Vegas.” She pushes her hair out of her face and starts to braid it. “You're a traveler, and a tattoo artist. Working in a bar.” When she looks at me, I smile wider. “Kaydence speaks very highly of you. I'm glad I got to come into town to visit. I don't get out of the house much. Since my husband died, I haven't had many opportunities to leave. Well, Kaydence knows. She's always been there for me. Then her brother…my son, convinced her to abandon me.” Securing her braid, she looks at Chase and I'm staring at her with my mouth agape, having no idea she felt that way.

  “Mom, you said you'd be okay. I didn't abandon you.” I move to sit next to her. “I didn't know you felt like that.”

  “Well, you have to grow up, I guess. And you are.” She gestures to Chase. “Meeting men in strange towns. I just worry.”

  “Kaydence is doing wonders at the ranch, Mrs. Kenshaw. You should see her with those horses,” Chase insists, gripping his iced tea glass tight.

  “Oh, I know my baby can handle a horse.” She pats my knee then stands. “I'm going to fix a plate. When's Tyler going to be here?”

  “Soon,” I mutter and glance at Chase. When she walks away, I cross the room back over to him and sit. “I'm so sorry,” I whisper. “I didn't think she'd ever say anything like that.”

  “Moms are pretty unpredictable,” he mutters, watching the front door. “I think maybe I should head home before your brother gets here.”

  I frown at him but dart my eyes away when everything starts building up in my chest. “Okay.” I nod and quickly stand. “I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back.” I dart down the hall and quickly close the door, leaning my forehead against it before a flood of tears pours from my eyes.

  There's no explanation for this. I took my pill today. Maybe another will stop this feeling that's overwhelming me.

  My mother claiming I abandoned her makes me feel terrible. I had no idea that was how she felt and I don't know what to do to fix it. And the look on Chase's face when my mom brought up Tyler crushed me. I know their animosity for each other hasn't passed just because I want it to. I just don't know how to change it.

  I slip to my bedroom after cleaning up my face and I stare at the tall pill bottle my mother brought me. After swallowing my pill, I walk into the living room where Chase is helping her with the TV and I smile.

  “So just hit this button any time you want to pick a new show,” he says, helping her figure out Netflix. “Be careful, it's really addicting.” He laughs.

  My mom starts pushing buttons and the TV flips show to show, going faster than she's ready for and she starts squealing, laughing harder than I've ever seen her laugh. Chase grabs the remote and stops it on a show and she grabs his arm, still laughing.

  “I don't know what I'm doing,” she claims and her red cheeks make me wonder if she had a drink, or if she's really flirting with my boyfriend.

  Seeing my mom happy and not worrying for once makes me smile and I sit back, watching them interact with each other, trying to find a show to watch. Chase convinces her to watch a show my mom would normally gasp at, but she takes his word that it's amazing and sits down with him. It's amazing seeing them laughing together, Chase trying to keep his mouth shut about what's about to happen, and my mom cursing the actions of the characters while they bond over hating the same people.

  I love him and I want him to be my chosen happiness for the rest of my life.

  When Tyler walks through the door, Chase only throws a glance toward him and my mom can't pull her eyes from the show, so she doesn't even realize he's here. He walks into the kitchen and I follow.

  “What the hell's going on in there?” he mumbles grabbing a handful of chips.

  “Mom met Chase.” I smile. “They've been watching TV for the past two hours. Where you been?”

  “Out and about,” he mumbles. “Why'd you cook all this? It's not Thank
sgiving yet.” He eyes me and I smirk because Chase said the same.

  “I just wanted the four of us to have something nice together. Make a plate and come hang out with us.”

  He stares toward the living room where mom and Chase are laughing.

  “Ty,” I mumble. “Please don't start anything. Chase isn't going anywhere.”

  “That's the problem, Kay,” he quietly snaps. “Even if he cheated, you'd be too fucking stupid to dump him. You'd make excuses. You always make excuses for everyone. I just for once want you to realize not everyone is a good person.”

  “I know that, Tyler. I know that. But Chase is a good person. He treats me right, he's sweet to me, he wouldn't hurt me, and he'd never cheat on me.” I scowl at him until his glare softens.

  “And what if he did? Hypothetically, Kay. What if he did hurt you?”

  “Everything happens for a reason,” I state and fix myself a plate.

  “And what if one day he just got sick of you? You're freakin' in love with the guy, let's say he just dumps you 'cause he's had enough. Breaks your heart. Crushes it.”

  “Tyler.” I uncomfortably laugh. I haven't told my brother I'm in love with Chase, but I guess it's not hard to pick up on. “Everything happens for a reason, but I don't think that'll happen,” I mumble and push a cracker into my mouth.

  He nods doubtfully then starts to pile food onto a plate before walking around me. “Ma, you eat?” he asks and I tense up, waiting for either him or Chase to make a snide comment to each other.

  “Some. Have you watched this show, Ty? What's it called, Chase?”

  I smile hearing the happiness in my mom's voice when she talks to Chase. It's not surprising he's charmed her enough to change her initial opinion of him.

  Chase mutters something I can't hear, then moments later he's in the kitchen with me, grabbing a plate.

  “You doing okay?” he asks, filling his plate with food. “You ran out of the room pretty quickly. Left me to fend for myself.” His playful chuckle makes me grin and move closer to him.

  “My mom loves you.” I take his plate, setting it on the counter before pushing myself into his arms and kissing his chin. “Thank you for being perfect.”


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