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Three-Card Monte

Page 5

by Marco Malvaldi

  As soon as Massimo walked into the police station, dripping water like a giant umbrella, a young, skinny, bespectacled officer, a kind of seminarian in uniform, emerged from the porter’s lodge and came up to him.

  “Massimo Viviani?” the officer asked, in the same Venetian-accented voice Massimo had earlier heard on the phone.

  “All present and correct.”

  “Good morning. I’m Officer Galan. Inspector Fusco has asked me to take you straight to him. This way, please.”

  Still dripping, Massimo entered the office of Inspector Fusco—or Dr. Fusco, as the inspector, having a degree, liked to think of himself—and stopped just inside the doorway. Standing there by the window, looking out in silence, was the man himself.

  Since Fusco was not saying a word, Massimo started taking off his raincoat. As he was trying to separate his shoes from the hems of his pants, Fusco turned and looked at him for a moment, then turned back to the window and said, “Do you know the law, Signor Viviani?”

  “More or less.”

  I know the basics, Massimo thought as he finished extracting his own foot from the cloth trap. Whereas you don’t even know the basics of politeness. Good morning, please take a seat, I’m sorry to have made you come here at this ungodly hour, especially in a hurricane. That’s the least to expect. Go figure.

  Fusco moved away from the window and starting walking up and down the room. “The law,” he resumed, “says that when a person dies, a doctor must ascertain the cause of death. And if the cause of death is clear, he issues a certificate, and that’s the end of it. If on the other hand it isn’t clear, or can’t immediately be attributed to natural causes, the doctor doesn’t sign the death certificate and calls in the legal authorities.”

  All well and good, Massimo thought. And why should I give a damn?

  “That’s why, just to take a random example, if an elderly Japanese professor, just to give him a nationality, dies after hitting his head on the edge of a piece of furniture, the doctor can either sign the certificate or not sign it. And if he doesn’t sign it, he calls in the legal authorities. In other words, me.”

  Oh, shit.

  “Now, this is how things stand. Professor”—Fusco looked at a sheet of paper—“Ki-mi-no-bu A-sa-ha-ra, seventy-four years old, was pronounced dead yesterday afternoon at Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa from respiratory arrest following a severe cranial trauma.”

  “I’m sorry,” Massimo said. “I didn’t quite catch that. Respi­ratory arrest following a cranial trauma?”

  Fusco raised his cowlike eyes and looked at him. “Precisely. In practical terms, the poor man slipped on a rug and hit his head. Following the blow, he seemed confused, and so his colleagues thought it wise to take him to the hospital. But he never got to the hospital, or rather, he was dead by the time he got there. The doctor who saw him established that he was dead. Initial examination suggested that death was due to respiratory arrest.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I. And neither did the doctor. That’s why, along with Dr. Cattoni, our pathologist, he ordered a postmortem.”

  Fusco went to the desk and rested his buttocks on the edge, directly facing Massimo.

  “I don’t yet have the postmortem report, so there’s nothing official. But in essence, the two doctors agreed that a sudden respiratory arrest in a man in good health is somewhat unlikely, and so they looked for a cause. By chance, they found a card with medical instructions in the professor’s billfold. You know, one of those cards epileptics carry with them, or people who have some disease or allergy that means they absolutely have to avoid certain medicines, and which describe what to do if they have an attack. To cut a long story short, Professor Asahara suffered from quite a rare neurological disease called . . . ”—Fusco consulted the sheet of paper—“ . . . called myasthenia gravis. And here comes the good part.”

  “Which is?” Massimo asked, since Fusco seemed to need encouraging.

  “Which is that, as if things weren’t already complicated enough, the doctors still aren’t happy. The disease is one thing, they say, but the dead man’s general condition wasn’t compatible with a death of that kind. He didn’t have one foot in the grave. He walked around, gave lectures, didn’t have any obvious symptoms of the disease. In other words, as far as the doctors are concerned, if he’d only had that disease, the professor, who was otherwise in excellent health, would have lasted quite a while longer.”

  Remarkable, Massimo thought. A man who looked about a hundred and six and could barely keep awake was, according to the doctors, in the peak of condition. What constitutions the Japanese have. Obviously sushi, green tea, and puffer fish keep you fit even if you lead a crap life. Getting up in the morning, the subway, the work, the bowing . . . Fortunately, while one hemisphere of Massimo’s brain was coming up with this stream of nonsense, the other woke up suddenly and suggested a possible reason for Fusco to have summoned him.

  “To cut a long story short,” Fusco went on, “the blood tests show that the dead man had taken a massive dose of lorazepam, which is a kind of tranquilizer.”

  I know it. They sell it as Tavor.

  “In other words, a drug that no conscientious doctor would ever have prescribed for a patient with the illness I mentioned earlier. Apart from anything else, from a few discreet questions asked of some of his colleagues, it seems there’s nothing to indicate that the professor ever suffered from anxiety attacks, depression, or any other behavioral disorders.”

  “I get it,” Massimo said. Oh, yes, he thought, give me a prize. At least my brain’s still working.

  “And there you are.” Fusco got up from the edge of the desk and went and sat down behind it. “According to the doctors, in a man suffering from myasthenia gravis, a drug like lorazepam can cause motor difficulties and mental confusion. That explains both why the poor man slipped and also why after slipping, and probably even earlier, he seemed a little dazed. But above all, if the patient falls asleep or loses consciousness, the drug can cause respiratory arrest.”

  Which explains the death, Massimo thought without saying it.

  Fusco was silent for a moment, looked at the palms of his hands, sighed, then resumed, “Now, I realize there isn’t anything official yet, but as you know, in some things timing is of the essence. I can’t wait for the postmortem report to . . . ”—and here Fusco broke off, looked away from Massimo, and made a sign with his hand that seemed to mean, “Just look what a mess I’ve gotten myself into.”

  Massimo met him halfway. “To ask me if, from behind the tables, I saw someone put something in a glass and take it to Professor Asahara during the coffee break?”

  “That’s exactly it. As I’m sure you realize, I don’t have any reason to ask you this officially. But the more time I let pass, the likelier it is that you’ll forget what you saw during the break. If you saw anything, of course. That’s why I asked you to come here.”

  You got it, Fusco, Massimo thought. This time you took aim and hit the target. Congratulations. But that was all. Massimo was in no position to help him.

  “I understand. I didn’t see anything. But that doesn’t mean that nothing happened. On the contrary. When the break starts, people crowd around the refreshment tables. For a few minutes, there are about twenty people at each table, and they’re constantly changing. I can’t rule out the possibility that it happened there.”

  I can’t rule out the possibility that it happened there or I can’t rule out the possibility that it didn’t happen there? Maybe both.

  “I see,” Fusco said. “Actually, I didn’t expect a different answer. Well, let’s say I was hoping for one, but hope doesn’t get you very far . . . Anyway, I have neither the intention nor the possibility of questioning you now. If there’s an investigation, of course, I’ll have to question you officially. That’s why I must ask you to try to remember even the smal
lest detail that may have struck you.”

  “I’ll try. But . . . ”

  “In any case, I must also ask you not to say a word to anybody about what I’ve told you. For the moment, I repeat, there’s nothing official. There might well be another explanation for the whole thing. Although I doubt it. So, not a word about this, please.”

  “Of course. Don’t worry.”

  Fusco nodded, then pressed a button on his intercom. After a few seconds, the door of the office opened and the unmistakable seminarian’s voice said devoutly, “Yes, sir?”

  “Good morning, Galan. Please see Signor Viviani out and bring the other one in here.”

  As the ineffable Galan was carrying him in procession to the exit, Massimo saw Aldo sitting in the waiting room, calmly reading a glossy magazine. Seeing Massimo, Aldo closed the magazine and stood up. He didn’t seem surprised.

  “Good morning, Aldo. I didn’t know you enjoyed reading that crap.”

  “What, this?” Aldo said, looking at the first page of the magazine, which promised the inside scoop on the love lives of TV personalities and heirs to the throne throughout the world. “I found it here. I usually read the Corriere della Sera. I got it this morning and put it in my pocket. Then I walked here in the rain. Right now I have a watery seven percent solution of newspaper in my pocket. Did Fusco ask you about the dead man at the conference?”

  “I’m sorry,” the seminarian cut in as Massimo was about to open his mouth, “I don’t think it’s right for two people who’ve been summoned here to confer among themselves. Please follow me, Signor Griffa.”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming. ’Bye, Massimo. See you at the bar.”


  Tragedy at the Conference, Professor Hits His Head and Dies. By Pericle Bartolini.’ Poor guy, whenever anything terrible happens, they always send him. Even the priest turns tail and runs when he sees him. ‘Pineta. It seemed like a simple accident, but what happened yesterday at the Hotel Santa Bona soon turned to tragedy. The first day of the Twelfth International Conference on Macrolecul, no, Macromolecul and Biomacro . . . ,’ anyway, you know the one he means, ‘was coming to an end when the audience of scientists was informed by one of the organizers of the sudden death of . . . ’”—Ampelio paused—“‘ . . . Kiimiinoobu Asaahara, a Japanese scientist known throughout the world for his work in the field of biotechnology. After lunch, Professor Asahara had suffered what at first was considered merely a small accident.’ Put like that, anyone’d think he shit in his pants. ‘Having apparently slipped on a rug, he had hit his head on the edge of a piece of furniture, suffering contusions to the side of his skull. A simple accident indeed. But, as he was being taken to his room as a precautionary measure, the elderly professor suddenly lost consciousness. Having been informed by telephone, the doctors in Emergency,’ the ones who were in the bar, ‘could do nothing but advise those with the professor to wait for an ambulance. Unfortunately, they could not postpone the inevitable.’”

  Inevitable. That’s the word. Just like these old codgers’ fascination with death. Why do they always start with the deaths and disasters when they read the paper? Maybe they’re keeping score. Oh, look, they’ve just buried another one. Ampelio: six thousand one hundred and twelve, rest of the world: zero. It must be the age. Maybe every day they find it more and more unlikely that they’re still alive. Talking of unlikely things, we’re starting to wallow in them here. Two murders two summers running, in a town with a population of five thousand. We’re going to end up like the town where the main character lives in Murder, She Wrote, a town of only three thousand people where every day one of them gets murdered, and then every now and again the main character is invited somewhere to spend the weekend and bang! Somebody’s murdered there too. How come they never realize the old biddy brings bad luck? Why are they always inviting her?

  While Massimo’s brain was wandering incoherently, not needing to help his body, which was busy loading the dishwasher, Ampelio continued reading, as usual interspersing the contents of the article with his own comments:

  “‘By the time the ambulance finally arrived, the situation was beyond anyone’s control. At the ER, it was found that the elderly professor was already dead, and the doctors could do nothing but verify the fact.’ And then they all went back to the bar.”

  “How old was he?” Del Tacca asked, putting sugar in his coffee.

  “Seventy-four,” Ampelio replied, folding the newspaper.


  “Oh, yes,” Massimo laughed as he finished putting the coffee spoons in the drum. “His nanny strangled him.”

  “What are you trying to say? That just because Pilade is seventy-five he’s lived too long? I’m eighty-three, what are you planning to do, beat me to death?”

  There are times when I’d really like to, Massimo thought as he tried to insert the drum filled with dishes into the jaws of the monster, each failed attempt causing a tremendous clatter of flatware.

  “It was a joke. Just like yours. A man of seventy-four isn’t young.”

  “It depends. You’re thirty-seven and you seem older than any of us.”

  Why are they always picking on me? Massimo was about to reply, when he was interrupted by the noise of pouring rain, immediately followed by Aldo coming into the bar.

  “Greetings, everyone,” he said, taking off his raincoat. “What’s up?”

  “What’s up is that you could at least be on time for once,” Del Tacca said. “We’ve been waiting an hour for you.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know going to a bar was considered a job.”

  “Maybe you didn’t,” Ampelio sneered, “but Pilade used to work at the town hall.”

  “Anyway, I’ve a good reason for being late,” Aldo said. “As a good citizen, I was asked to lend my services to the civil authorities. The same request was made to our worthy barman, who’s glaring at me right now. Isn’t Rimediotti here yet?”

  News, the old-timers’ faces were saying. Fresh news just in. When one of them asks in that tone of feigned indifference if so-and-so is here yet, it means he has something to report and needs the largest possible audience.

  “Never mind. Massimo, will you make me a coffee?”

  “No, but I will ask you a question,” Massimo said, having started the dishwasher and now putting the croissants in the oven in the back room. “Weren’t we supposed to keep quiet about this?”

  Aldo looked at him for a moment, then leaned across the counter to take Massimo’s pack of cigarettes.

  “Massimo, when I was ten years old I realized that in order to live well I shouldn’t listen to what my father and mother said. When I was thirty, if I was going to keep enjoying life, there was no way I was about to listen to what my wife said. When I turned sixty, I had to start ignoring the doctor too. So now I’m seventy-two, do you really think I should do what Fusco tells me? Can I cadge a cigarette, mine are a bit wet.”

  Fusco, Ampelio and Pilade silently repeated to each other, looking each other in the eyes, Crime news. Sounds promising.

  “Rimediotti won’t be coming today anyway,” Pilade said, settling comfortably in his chair. “It’s so damp, his back must be killing him.”

  Which meant, implicitly: We’re all here. There’s no need to wait for anybody else. Come on, out with it.

  “Well, this morning I was asleep and the phone rings. I go to answer, and a very, very mild voice asks me if I can come to the police station. Outside it’s already raining cats and dogs. Why? I ask. We’ll tell you when you get here, he answers. Do I have to come right away or can I wait until the animals leave the ark, I ask. It’s an urgent matter, so we’d be grateful if you could come right away, the mild little voice answers. Oh, Tiziana, please, since Massimo won’t make me a coffee, would you make me one?”

  “Right away,” Tiziana says, heading straight for the machine, eager to get it d
one quickly so as not to miss anything.

  “So I put on my coat and go to the police station. And there I’m greeted by this nice young policeman who says, ‘If you don’t mind waiting, right now the inspector is conferring with another person regarding the matter.’ Fine, I sit down. After a while, the door of the inspector’s office opens and who do you think comes out?”

  “Massimo, who else?” Tiziana said, handing the coffee to Aldo, thus ruining the climax of his story.

  “Massimo?” Pilade said in surpise. “So you were serious earlier, Tiziana?”

  “When I told you he was at the police station? Of course I was serious!”

  “How was I supposed to know? I thought you were joking.”

  “Anyway,” Aldo went on, resuming the reins, “I see Massimo and I put two and two together. Why call both me and Massimo? Because we’re both involved with the catering for the conference. So something must have happened at the conference.”

  “I don’t believe it!” Ampelio cried. “The dead Japanese! Was he murdered?”

  “Ampelio, the Japanese died because he tripped over a rug and hit his head,” Pilade said, silencing him with his supposed authority. “How could somebody have murdered him? Did they disguise themselves as a rug and trip him up?”

  “No,” Aldo said gravely, while Pilade and Tiziana laughed. “From what Fusco says, it was a lot simpler than that. Some­body poisoned him.”

  “Come on, smart-ass!” Ampelio said, also laughing. “What’s poison got to do with it? Are there poisons you can give to people that make them trip up? Pull the other one.”

  “No, idiot. Just listen to me or we’ll be here all day. Appar­ently this guy, who by the way in my opinion was already half dead anyway, died from respiratory arrest. He hit his head, they took him to the hospital, and there he died of respiratory arrest.”


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