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Melody's Next Christmas (Timeless Love Book 6)

Page 12

by George H. McVey

  Mama arrived with their food, nothing messy or extra saucy tonight. Just simple deliciously flavored fish and something called rice. She was sure that it tasted wonderful but she didn’t know because she’d tasted nothing, her heart was so full of love. Finally Tallis stood and using his knife on the edge of an empty cup he cause a ringing sound and everyone got quiet. “I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and helping make this night special. But tonight isn’t about any of you.” He turned and looked at her and her heart raced into her throat. “It’s about you, my love. He stepped up in front of her and took her hands in his. Then slowly he sank to one knee. This was it! He was really doing it right here in front of his family and everyone that she knew in this time. He pulled a blue box out of his pocket and opened it, showing her a simple ring with a simple diamond in it. Nothing too fancy because he knew she would fear losing it on the ranch. “Melody Hughes, you came into my life because of a contract and my need for an expert. Yet even before you arrived I’d dreamed of you. The first moment I laid eyes on you I knew right then that my dream was a sign from God that you were created just for me to be the part of me that was missing. Since that day I have come to belong to you a little more each day. Right here right now I’m all yours, my whole heart, soul and love belong to you and always will. Melody my love, my everything, will you do me the greatest honor of my life and become my wife?”

  Tears filled her eyes as her heart exploded in her chest with the rightness of this love they shared. “Yes Tallis, a million times. Yes!” He slid the ring on her hand as those tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. She leapt into his arms as he stood, crushing her lips to his, letting him feel her love that so overwhelmed her. She didn’t know how long they were locked together until Pastor Henderson quietly cleared his throat and spoke, “Mr. Ryder.”. That simple warning pulled them back from the edge and Tallis pulled away slightly. “Thank you Pastor. I appreciate that.”

  He slowly let her go and moved back to her chair as everyone clapped and cheered. “I took the liberty of renting the historic community hall and wish to invite you all to join us there to celebrate our engagement with some dancing.”

  He reached for her hand and took it, leading them to the doorway and out to the carriage that awaited them.

  “When Tallis? When are we getting married.”

  Tallis looked at her and said, “For the next little bit you need to not say anything until I’m finished. You see, my brother has been doing some historical research for me and showed me a very sad story yesterday about a girl named Melody, surprisingly. It seemed that the day before Christmas in 1869 her father died and left her in the hands of a man he thought would take care of her and help her follow her dreams. Instead that man had tricked her father and that girl lost everything she ever loved. When I read that story my heart hurt for that Melody. I imagine that must have been the worst Christmas she’d ever known.”

  Melody sat very still not saying a word, realizing that he had warned her so she wouldn’t break Reverend Johnsons’ contract.

  “It gave me a thought though, my love. What do you say that we plan our marriage for December 24th so that we are declared Man and Wife at eleven fifty-nine? Then we can race home and become husband and wife in every way. That way making Melody’s next Christmas the best day of her life so far. What do you think of that idea, my love?”

  Again tears rolled down her cheeks as she knew what he was suggesting. “I think that would indeed be Melody’s best Christmas ever. I say yes.”

  Chapter 14

  T ime flew occasionally and crawled occasionally but summer had faded into fall. Melody looked around realizing that she had done it. She had helped Tallis open his Historical Ranching experience and guests were loving it. They had full bookings for every week except the week before Christmas, of Christmas and after Christmas. They would have been full then but they’d let everyone know that due to a wedding the ranch was closed over the holiday this year. Here it was the first week of October. Diablo was fully trained. And Cynthia was working fulltime as a trainer and both of them were busy. Between work for the ranch, demonstrations for the guests and outside clients that wanted the two young women to train their stock, they weren’t going to go hungry any time soon.

  But today despite all that, Melody was terrified. Because today she was about to get in a truck, drive to an airport, and fly in one of those airplanes to New York City. All because Tallis’ mother insisted that she and her bridal party fly there to try on dresses for the wedding. She once again thought how much simpler it was when she came: from you got dressed in your best clothes and went to the church and left as husband and wife. Now she had to be enclosed in the air inside another machine.

  She sighed as she saw the five women walking toward her. She had her future mother-in-law, Sara her maid of honor, Sheriff Kinkade who had become a friend and a bridesmaid, Cynthia her first ‘girl” and bridesmaid, and Hannah her groom’s cousin and also a bridesmaid. She guessed there was no getting out of it now. She was flying to New York.

  The women took her and put her in a truck and drove to the airport, thankfully she was flying in the Ryder’s private plane and was told that was much preferable to flying commercially. She just couldn’t get over flying at all.

  But just like her first car ride with the Ryder women they kept her entertained and soon they were in the air. As all her friends slept, she looked up to see Mrs. Ryder motion to her and whisper. “Melody come back here and talk to me, I have something important to talk to you about.”

  She wondered what it was this time. For the past few months it had been one wedding detail after another. She was sure there was something else the woman wanted clarified. She slowly unbuckled the belt around her waist and carefully carried herself back to the settee like bench her future husband’s mother was sitting on. “I’m glad they are all asleep, that gives me a chance to talk to you about your wedding night.”

  Melody’s eyes went large. Now this was mortifying. This was definitely not something she wanted to discuss with Tallis’ mother. But the older woman laughed. “No dear, not that, though we should probably have a discussion about that before your wedding but it can wait for now.”

  “Mrs. Ryder, I’m a horse breeder and I know about what happens between a man and a woman. Well enough about what happens.”

  “Again that’s not the conversation we need to have right now. Your statement however makes me know that there is a lot we need to talk about what you know happens; because if you think what a horse experiences is the same as what you’ll experience, I’m shocked. Because there is so much more. But again, another time for that conversation. No, this one is about children.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “In keeping with the agreement we made with Tallis. Let’s say that I know you come from a sheltered environment and may not know that there are ways to prevent becoming pregnant until you desire to be so. I just thought with everything you’ve been through and with a new ranch to run, you and Tallis may wish to delay having children right away.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. We want children I know, but if we could wait a little bit that might be nice too. Of course we could just leave it up to God like people have done since the beginning of time.”

  “You could dear, or you could go see a friend of mine when we get back to the ranch who is a doctor, and she could give you some pills that would greatly decrease the chance of getting pregnant on your wedding night.”

  “Really, I could just take a pill for that?”

  “Well you have to take them every day all the time. It takes a month for the medicine to start to work, dear, but if you saw her when we got back you’d be safer on your wedding night if you kept taking them. Then when you and Tallis decided you want children, you just stop taking them.”

  “Oh that might be a good idea. Thank you.”

  “I’ll set up the appointment for you and go with you if you want.”

  “Yes let�
��s do that for now. If Tallis doesn’t agree I can always not go or not take the pills.”

  “Yes, that is true. But I think he will see the wisdom in waiting at least until everything else is cleared up.”

  Melody smiled and nodded. “Yes I agree.”

  “Good now, lay down here and let’s see if you can’t rest before we get there. I want you fresh for trying to find the perfect dress.”

  Melody did as Mrs. Ryder said and put her head in the woman’s lap. It made her sad for a moment to think that she lived 23 years without ever being able to know a mother’s love and had traveled 147 years into the future to find a woman who loved her like a mother because his son loved her. As she thought those thoughts she drifted off to sleep dreaming of a family that kept growing bigger and bigger as she grew older and older. She was comforted as she saw herself old and grey with children all around her the ranch run by two men who looked like a cross between her and Tallis, with a young lady with blonde hair and moss green eyes with a child on each hip smiling and laughing. Then slowly all that faded and Melody slept peacefully.

  Melody stood in the back of the church. It was finally time. In just a few minutes Tallis’ uncle would walk her down the aisle and she would cease to be Melody Hughes and become Mrs. Tallis Ryder. Her contract with Reverend Johnson exceeded by something else a covenant made between her, Tallis and God himself. One that the Lord himself said no man should break.

  “Are you ready Melody girl? It’s that time.”

  She looked at the older man standing beside her proud to call him her family in her heart and soon in truth. “Yes, Uncle Sam, I’m more than ready.”

  “Then let’s get you down there to my nephew and make you a Ryder in name as well as heart.”

  The doors to the sanctuary opened and the music started to play and Melody stepped out alongside the man who was standing in for her father. She saw nothing, she didn’t see the people who had filled the church so late on Christmas eve. She didn’t know that the whole congregation had come out to see the start of her Happy Ever After. She didn’t see her bridal party in their pretty dresses all smiling and crying at the same time. She didn’t see Pastor Henderson up front beaming at her and his part in this never ending cycle of two becoming one. All she saw was him. The man of her dreams. Born 147 years too late to be her soul mate and yet standing there waiting for her to put her hand in his. Her missing piece, the one God created for just her, and had sent her into the future to find. Tallis Colton Ryder. He belonged to her now.

  They reached the front and the Pastor asked “who gives this woman to be wed?” Sam spoke loud and clear “We, her family do.” Then he placed her hand in Tallis rough hand and she looked in his eyes and whispered one word. “Mine”

  He smiled and leaned close and answered. “As you are mine.”

  “May we get started then?” Pastor Henderson asked and everyone laughed. Melody heard none of it. The Pastor spoke and she heard none of that. She said “I do but she didn’t hear that either. Tallis echoed her and again nothing reached her. They exchanged vows, repeated words but she heard none of it; she was waiting, waiting for the only words that mattered. And then she heard them. “Then by the authority given to me By God himself through Jesus Christ our Lord, I now pronounce you man and wife. What God has joined together let none separate.” Before he could utter the words every bride waits for, Tallis lips had claimed hers. They’d done it. All that was left was to become one flesh and that was just minutes away. “Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great honor and pleasure to announce for the first time anywhere. Tallis and Melody Ryder.”

  Their friends and family stood, everyone understanding there would be no party tonight. No, the party would be held on December the 26th because it was just moments from Christmas. It had come just as Tallis had promised her. She was headed home with her husband to celebrate Melody’s Next Christmas and one she would remember for the rest of her life. Everyone laughed as Tallis reached down and swept her into his arms and took off down the aisle. She blushed, knowing that not one single person in the church had any doubt what was on her husband’s mind as he all but ran them down the aisle.

  Minutes later they pulled up to the ranch. Tallis had violated his own rules and drove right up to the homestead’s door. He jumped out of the truck and raced around opening her door, scooping her up in his arms and climbing the stair. She opened the door and he carried her across the threshold down the hall and through the open door of their bedroom. He kicked it closed behind her and then set her on her feet before consuming her mouth with his again. It wasn’t long before their wedding finery lay on the floor and they fell together unto the bed, to fulfill the final condition of their marriage covenant: becoming one.

  Chapter 15

  Tallis stood in his front room watching his family. They were having fun counting down to the new year but they were all on edge, none more so than him and his wife. The past five days had been everything he knew they would be. Having Melody as his wife was better than the dreams he’d had. He knew they were disgustingly sickening to his family but he didn’t care. His whole family had stayed since the wedding knowing that the final showdown was coming but none of them had stayed at the Ranch house. Even Sara and Cynthia had moved into one of the cowboy cabins up in the modern section. Sara had laughed when he’d told her they didn’t have to move out. “You might not care about us being in the house with you two, but we care. Your love is sickening to us poor single women. If I have to see you lock lips once more I’m going to hurl.”

  He knew in reality everyone was giving them every moment they could just in case they were wrong and these five days were all they got. He’d expected Reverend Johnson to show up earlier that week to remind them that the contract was up but he hadn’t and now it was New Year’s Eve. Just a few hours before Melody was supposed to leave and never return. Once again Tallis said a silent prayer beseeching God’s mercy, grace and protection over his marriage and his wife. While he understood her desire for birth control so that she wouldn’t possibly end up in the past with a child she couldn’t explain, he wished she was pregnant as that would be one more reason they could give for her staying.

  He jumped at the knock on the front door. His Calling letting him know that the time had arrived. Everyone went silent and looked at him. He nodded, pulled out the box of their proof and sat it on the table, then walked over and opened the door. “Thought that might be you.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Ryder. I’m here to collect Miss Hughes, her contract is up.”

  “Sorry, but there’s no Miss Hughes here.”

  The Reverend sighed. “These games are not amusing, Mr. Ryder. We both know that I brought Miss Hughes here to work for you six months ago and informed you I’d return for her today.”

  Tallis nodded, “I’m not playing games, Johnson. I agree to everything you just said. I never denied you brought Miss Hughes here, I just said there isn’t a Miss Hughes here now.”

  “May I come in and check that for myself?”

  “Are you indicating that you think I’m lying to you, sir?”

  The time traveler sighed. “Not at all, Mr. Ryder. I just need to verify that Miss Hughes is not here for myself.”

  “My family is here celebrating the passing of the year but sure come on in.”

  The man straightened his tie and entered the house and walked into the front room and stopped. “Well see, Mr. Ryder, I guess you are either mistaken or were trying to deceive me because I see Miss Hughes sitting in that chair beside the side table with the box on it.”

  “So you are Calling me a liar in my own home, sir.”

  “I’m just stating what I see.”

  “Then you should know that you are mistaken, Mr. Johnson. That isn’t Miss Hughes sitting in that chair.”

  “It’s Reverend Johnson and that is most certainly Miss Hughes.”

  “Reverend? Ordained man of God, are you?”

  “That’s right.”

smiled. “Got any documentation to prove that?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Tallis rubbed his chin. “See, you keep insisting that you’re a Reverend but I’ve seen nothing to prove that at this point, so I’m asking, do you have proof of your ordination with you that I can see.”

  “The man looked at Tallis dismissively “Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I don’t think I am being ridiculous. I tell you quite honestly that there is no Miss Hughes here and yet you insist there is. I ask for proof that you’re an ordained man of God and you have none to offer me. I have proof to offer you.” He held out his hand and Melody reached into the box and handed him a folded legal document. “For example, Mr. Johnson, this is a Certificate of Ordination issued to one Reverend Henderson by the Montana Ministerial Alliance stating that he was ordained in accordance with the scriptures, would you agree with that?”

  “What is the point to all this, Mr. Ryder?”

  “Yes or no, do you agree this document is proof to Reverend Henderson being an Ordained Man of God?’

  “Fine, Yes. That is indeed proof of the man’s Ordination.”

  “Thank you, then I offer you proof that there is no Melody Hughes here then.” He took the next legal document and handed it to the time traveler. “As you can see this is a document that proves that Reverend Henderson and Ordained man of God conducted a marriage at this church on December 24th of this year between one Melody Hughes and one Tallis Ryder. It further states that it was conducted in the presence of God Almighty and family and friends. Thus proving that there is no Melody Hughes here. The woman sitting in that chair is my wife, Melody Ryder. So there is nothing for you here, the woman you’re looking for isn’t here.”


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