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Pool of Knowledge (The Hidden Wizard Book 1)

Page 16

by Vaughan W. Smith

  "So, everyone has their own specialty?"

  "More or less. Everyone will have an element that they lean towards, that is easier and generally more powerful for them."

  "Do you think the wizard that attacked us is fire based as well?"

  "Hmm, you really have been thinking about this. I'm not sure; I don't know enough to say. Maybe, but maybe not."

  "I guess we will find out. Is there a way to test for it?"

  "We generally don't, it just comes out as part of the training. It is worth recognising and remembering. Knowledge about yourself is just as important as knowledge about magic and others."

  "Makes sense."

  "If you're wondering about yourself, then we shall have to wait and find out. Although if you're anything like your grandfather, it won't be so readily apparent."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He used all elements interchangeably without any sign of preference. Either he had none, or he masked it well."


  "Yes, it made him a more rounded wizard. A very talented and dangerous man when he wanted to be."

  "I guess I'll see how I go. Is all magic associated with an element?"

  "Most, but there's no hard and fast rule on it."

  "How about healing magic?"


  "I can see how that would work."

  "Yes, we will get to that tonight. Once we reach the campsite that the caravan was aiming for," Falric said. Alrion was satisfied with that response and kept riding.

  The terrain was sparse, with grass, shrubs, and the occasional tree. They were slowly ascending as they went, climbing what seemed like a small hill.

  "We must be close now," Alrion said.

  "Yes, not far to go. At the top of this hill should be a nice flat site. It's the most popular campsite in this area. Well, it used to be, a long time ago," Falric said. Alrion kept his eyes on the horizon, trying to spot their destination.

  The countryside rolled on, and he lapsed back into just enjoying the ride and keeping his eyes on the dirt road. Finally, they crested a particularly steep section and emerged onto what had to be the campsite.

  To the side of the road was a large dirt area, with a big pit dug in the middle.

  "That's where they light their fire," Falric said. Alrion rode on past it, observing the ground.

  "Just stop somewhere at the end over there," Falric said. Alrion picked a grass covered spot and came to a halt. He jumped down and held the horse steady while Falric dismounted, then he led it to a nearby tree and tied up the horse.

  "This will do nicely. It will be dark soon, and this is a good place to rest."

  "What about the caravan?" Alrion said.

  "They will have to make do I'm afraid, they won't make it here in time. It's for the best, though, if anything comes for us they won't be involved."

  "True. I hope my father is alright."

  "He is, don't you worry. After we complete our task, we will go to Brangtur and meet up with him. The journey will do you good."

  "Is it far?"

  "Yes, quite a distance, and he's got a good head start on us. But that just means we have some time to advance your training."

  "Speaking of which?"

  "Yes, after dinner we shall go over a healing spell."

  "Great," Alrion said. He laid out their food and they ate in silence. Alrion was thinking about the battle they had just survived, and his small victory. He didn't quite feel useful yet, but it was a step in the right direction. He felt more confident.

  Falric had done an amazing job, and he wasn't even considered a battle-hardened wizard. There was a lot of room for Alrion to improve there. He could already tell there would be many battles in his future. It was hard for him to stop going over how he had screwed up in the tunnel beneath the Thundering Mountain but it would good if he could. That was best forgotten.

  "We were going to discuss the healing spell," Falric said. "A very useful spell, with near infinite uses. It is water based, which will help in your understanding of it. However, there is one thing that I must state at the beginning."


  "It is largely ineffective on yourself."

  "I can't heal myself?"

  "Not effectively, no."

  "Why not?"

  "How should I explain this? The Spark is the energy of your body. You cannot use it to rebuild your own body. Does that make sense?"

  "Sort of but what's the reason?"

  "Your grandfather would have a good philosophical response to that but I can't give you the technical explanation, I just understand it as fact. It's one of the basic laws of magic."

  "That seems like quite a flaw," Alrion said, the disappointment clear in his voice.

  "You could look at it that way or you could think about it this way. It works more effectively on other people. So, it is best used to support companions who are assisting you."

  "I'll be able to heal you?"

  "Not just me, anybody. But think of two wizards healing each other, sounds more useful now, doesn't it?"

  "Yes, I suppose."

  "Remember to think about what utility it can provide, and what that means for you. I think it's clear that you should not travel alone. And the healing spell is a good incentive for others to travel with you."

  "That's a good way to think about it."

  "Of course. So, should we continue?" Falric said.


  "Good. One thing to mention, which you may have already guessed from the restrictions I explained, is that this spell absolutely requires the Spark to function. It cannot work otherwise."

  "That makes sense."

  "It does and will make more sense once you have tried it. The best explanation for the spell is like this. You know how with the push spell, you visualised the force it took to move an object?"


  "This spell also includes a visualisation, but an entirely different one. Hand me that spoon," Falric said, pointing at a spoon that Alrion had used to eat some soup with. Falric wiped the spoon on his cloak and showed it to Alrion.

  "Now it's not exactly polished, but what can you see?"

  "I can see myself in the reflection."

  "No surprises there. Now I add a bit of water, what can you see now?" Falric said. Alrion stared intently at the water.

  "Move the spoon around, and see what happens to the water," Falric said. Alrion did as instructed, slowly moving the spoon, and observing the water.

  "Well depending on the position of the water, I can see myself."

  "Great. I would have preferred to discuss this in another location, like say the Great Mirror Lake but I think you can understand it. But the key to this visualisation is your reflection in the water."


  "You have some scepticism, which is good. Allow me to explain further. What I need you to do here is picture yourself reflected in the water. The way you are now, without injury. And what the spell does, is use the water as a medium in which to return your body to the state it is in now," Falric said. Alrion took a minute to absorb the information.

  "That's crazy."

  "Maybe a little, but your body is more water than anything else. Does it still sound so crazy?"

  "Yes," Alrion said emphatically. Falric laughed.

  "I can't argue the point; it's a little out there but you'll come around to my line of thinking. Anyway, the water component of this spell is both a medium and a visualisation aid but the Spark is what makes the spell work. So, take any thoughts of crazy and get rid of them."

  "I'm sorry, I'll try and focus more."

  "Good. Don't worry, everyone goes through this. However, this is not an easy one, and you wanted to learn and it's a vital lesson, for my health as well as yours."

  "Yeah, I can see why it might be useful being able to heal you," Alrion said.

  "Yes, like I said its uses are infinite. Now, let's try something," Falric said. He sidled closer to Alrion.

ake a good look at my hand," Falric said. After he had Alrion's attention, he continued.

  "Now, make a mental picture of how it looks. Because now I'm going to do this," Falric said, taking a knife and cutting his palm. A red line instantly appeared, and blood began to ooze out immediately.

  "What!" Alrion called out.

  "That really stings. Please heal my hand if you don't mind."

  "How do I do it?"

  "Find your Spark. Instead of letting the fire of it take over, think about the cool clarity of the water. Imagine a sheet of water hovering over my hand, and its reflection showing my healed hand and guiding my hand back to that state," Falric said. Alrion closed his eyes and listened to Falric's words. He had trouble reaching his Spark, but his frustration quickly jumped up and helped him locate it. He wrestled with it, trying not to channel it the same way as he had before. He knew that an explosive burst could be quite catastrophic.

  "Careful, my hand is starting to heat up."

  "Sorry," Alrion said, and continued his concentration. He used Falric's words to construct a visualisation, to see a circular sheet of water reflecting a healed hand, and a stream of mist flowing down to repair the hand, guiding it into the new state. In his mind, the hand was slowly repairing itself. He could see the cut closing, the skin knitting together to repair the slice. Once he was finished he could see in his mind a perfectly formed hand, untouched.

  Alrion opened his eyes and looked for real. Falric's hand looked different but there was a mess of blood on it.

  "What happened?" Alrion said.

  "Don't worry, it just wasn't as picture perfect as your visualisation. But it's fine," Falric said. He took some water and slowly poured it over his hand. The blood washed away and the hand looked completely healed.

  "Wow! I did it! I don't believe it."

  "You sure did, you have good instincts. Looks and feels fine."

  "But why did it look so bloody?"

  "Well just because you healed me, doesn't mean that it wasn't a bit of a process. With time and skill, you can make it a cleaner fix."

  "I get it. But wow, I can't believe I healed you."

  "Yes, I am also a little surprised."

  "Really? You cut yourself unsure if I could heal you?"

  "Of course, it's the best way to learn. Besides, if it really bugged me I could stick a bandage on. It's minor enough."

  "Ha-ha alright," Alrion said. He was beaming from the success of the spell.

  "You have done well, and this is actually an important milestone. However, before we move on, let's quickly reflect on this spell. It is powered by Spark, but requires a precise visualisation."

  "You need the proper knowledge to do it."

  "Exactly, you're catching on. If I had just told you to heal my hand, who knows what would have happened," Falric said. He laughed, a mixture of mirth and horror at the thought.

  "That could be messy. But all is well."

  "Indeed. The reason why this is an important milestone is that you have successfully used visualisation to focus your Spark in a different and unusual way. This means that with practice and preparation, your ability to cast many and varied spells can be expanded."

  "Great! So, I learn more spells."

  "Yes, and you can even learn some by yourself. Let me fetch something," Falric said. He rummaged through his bags and removed an old book with a navy-blue cover, but there was no title.

  "Here, take this," Falric said handing the book to Alrion. Alrion felt the weight of it and the age.

  "What is this?"

  "That is my spellbook. There is a wealth of knowledge contained within that tome. All kinds of wonderful spells, with notes about how to cast them, and which pillar of magic is key."

  "This is incredible," Alrion said as he leafed through it. "Hang on; there are so many blank pages."

  "Yes, well you see it is a magic spellbook. You infuse the spellbook with the new spells, and it understands what they are. And it will only show you those that are within your means."

  "Have you cast every spell in here?"

  "Yes, I built that spellbook myself. Your grandfather had his own, with pages even I could not read," Falric said, chuckling to himself.

  "Thanks. Can you really give this to me? Isn't it too much?"

  "Not really, all the knowledge is up here now," Falric said, tapping his head, "and it's good for you to discover some things on your own."

  "I really appreciate it; I will take good care of it."

  "Good, that is all I ask."

  "One other question, about the healing spell."

  "Sure, what is it?"

  "Can it heal anything?"

  "Just about. There are a few odd cases, but it is quite versatile."

  "What about the Blight?"

  "I was wondering if you were going to ask about that. No, the Blight is a different thing altogether. I don't know the spell your grandfather used, but it was not a healing spell. Not at all."

  "Oh ok. I was just curious."

  "It was a good question, and many have pondered why. Why is the Blight not treatable as a wound or illness? Food for thought. However, let's not get too bogged down in those things. I think we have had a pretty big day, and I'm keen to turn in."

  "I’m a bit tired," Alrion said, not realising it until Falric brought it up.

  "That's also due to the healing. It is quite Spark intensive, so keep that in mind."

  "Will do."

  "Now help me clear up here," Falric said. Alrion helped him put everything away and they readied themselves for sleep.

  "It's a clear night. So lovely to sleep under the stars," Falric said.

  "I agree. I used to do this often, back in Hamley. I was supposed to go the day you arrived but never did. And I never spoke to my friends about leaving."

  "They will understand. It's a different life you need to live now and your quest is more urgent than we initially thought. Cherish the quiet life you had there, and perhaps one day you'll achieve it once again."

  "Are you speaking from experience?"

  "This is more excitement than I've ever had. I was destined to live as an administrator. When I was a young boy, I was growing up in Paperton. Bound to be a scholar, until your grandfather found me. And yet I ended up behind a desk anyway!"

  "I guess we never know what's in store for us."

  "We never do and it's a privilege for us to have this quest. We have the chance to make a difference in the lives of many people. However, enough philosophy, this old wizard is tired. Goodnight Alrion," Falric said.

  "Goodnight," Alrion said but he could already hear Falric snoring.

  "How did he fall asleep so fast?" Alrion wondered. It had to be something about being old. Alrion couldn't sleep easily, despite his tiredness. He thought about the fight they recently were in, the Blighters and the Tainted One. Then about his father.

  "I hope you are alright. Why couldn't you meet us at Paperton?" Alrion thought. Surely, a diversion wouldn't require such a long journey. Well, he would get to the bottom of it but first they had to get to Paperton and wherever the next destination was. As he fell asleep, Alrion imagined what it would be like to be a fully trained wizard, fearless and with spells at his fingertips.


  Fire and Earth

  Alrion woke, a feeling of dread filling him. Something was not right. He sat up swiftly and turned his head, looking for Falric. He wasn't there, and it looked like he had just upped and left.

  "Not good," Alrion said to himself. He stood up and tried to shake the sleepiness from his head. He sensed something happening in the distance, so took off at a run.

  He heard sounds, which helped him pinpoint what was happening. He couldn't describe what they were exactly, but it sounded like the earth was cracking. Alrion reached the road, but the sound was coming from further away. He kept running, trying to track the noise, and figure out what was going on.

  "I hope it's not more Blighters. This wasn't supposed to happen," Al
rion thought. He increased his speed and scanned the horizon for anything of note. He started to notice disturbances in the terrain. Land turned over, soil everywhere. Scorch marks on trees and the grass.

  "This is some kind of battle. Maybe it's the wizard?" Alrion thought. He pushed on, the urgency of the situation raised in his mind. If there was a fight, he had to help somehow. He couldn't do much, but he could do something. The noises got louder and louder. It wasn't just that he was closing in, but the fight was escalating. He pushed through a small bunch of trees, sure that whatever he was after was on the other side.

  As Alrion emerged from the between the trees he stopped dead still. The ground was torn up, big mounds of earth missing. Large rock formations littered the space, and a few small fires burned. But what took Alrion's breath away was the view of the two wizards locked in battle. Falric, and the wizard in black.

  A ring of flame surrounded Falric. He was shooting a wave of fire from his hand at the black wizard but the black wizard had protection from a wall of earth and was hurling lances of stone at Falric. Alrion realised that what he was sensing was the magic being wielded by these wizards. It was their Spark, raging in conflict. He looked between the two, unsure of how to help. Now that he was here, he didn't know whether to go to Falric's aid or try and attack the enemy wizard.

  "I'll try a push attack. Maybe I can destabilise the wizard and give Falric an opening," Alrion thought. He was just preparing when he saw Falric's face. Falric had spotted him, and a sudden look of anger surged across it. Alrion was surprised and shocked. Falric shook his head, then turned his attention back to the black wizard.

  "What does that mean? What should I do?" Alrion thought. The black wizard caught his attention. All his stone lances had been melted and turned away by Falric's fire. He was trying a new approach.

  The ground started to crack and split apart, and Falric lost his footing temporarily as the dirt beneath him rose up in a jagged chunk. However, he wasn't just being raised, a whole section of the cliff was being pushed towards the edge. Falric could sense what was happening, and started to react. However, he stopped all of a sudden. His gaze met Alrion, and he closed his eyes. Falric and the mound of earth he was standing over toppled over the cliff. The seismic activity ceased, and the black-garbed wizard walked over to inspect his handiwork.


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