Lexi's Justice

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Lexi's Justice Page 3

by Renee Shearer

  Liar, you’re so fucking jealous!

  Shut up!

  She had paired old style bistro tables and chairs with a newer modern design for the floor and walls. Of course it also helped that she had painted the tables and chairs a light violet color, giving them just the right amount of color for the space.

  Britt leaned her head on her hand staring at me intently, “So, spill the deets girl! What the fuck happened to your boss?”

  “Well from what little the cops told me, which by the way your man flavor for this month is a jackass and you should drop him. He acted like I had killed David!” I waved my hand around, “Anyways, David was killed at home, someone shot him. They said someone heard shots at 2am and called it in, by the time they got there he was already dead and no one was around.”

  Britt’s eyes were bright and calculating as she tried to figure it all out. She loved reading suspense or mystery novels with romance and sex thrown in them. She always figures out the killer by the end of the book, or movie for that matter. It irritated the hell out of me, I never could figure it out as fast as she could.

  I took a sip of coffee just as my omelet was set down by Janis, the chef. Janis is only one half of the magical team in the kitchen though. She is the chef, making all the food from scratch and her husband, Ken, is the baker. He bakes everything, from the muffins and scones for breakfast, to heavenly brownies and cupcakes served for dessert in the afternoon. Hell I’m pretty sure he even bakes the bread for all the sandwiches for lunch.

  Janis is a small little spitfire, while her husband is tall, broad and quiet. They make an interesting pair, they seem to be total opposites but somehow they make it work. You can see how much they love each other just by watching them work for a bit. Ken always has to touch her in some way, just a little graze of the shoulder or a kiss to the forehead and Janis is forever stealing glances at him with heat in her eyes.

  I’m knocked out of my thoughts by Britt snapping her fingers in front of me. “Huh? What? Did you say something, Britt?” I know I’m procrastinating, but I can’t help the smirk that crosses my face as I slowly stir my coffee.

  Britt pouts, “Yes, I did.” She sniffs, “Shows how good of a best friend you are, don’t even pay attention when I talk.”

  I laugh at her, digging into my omelet, “Okay, okay, I'm terribly sorry. Please do continue.”

  “Well for starters, I will take your advice and drop Matt, he’s a sloppy kisser anyways. There’s only so much you can teach a man. Secondly, do you have any idea who it could have been?”

  This is where it’s going to get sticky with her. I purposely didn’t tell her about David’s suspected affair, Britt was the biggest gossip in town. So if I was to reveal it to her now, then half the town would know by the end of the day and the other half by the time the sun rose the next morning.

  But she was my best friend, If I told her to not say a word then hopefully she wouldn’t. Maybe I should make her pinkie swear.

  I cleared my throat, “Britt, what I am about to tell you, can not go farther than this table.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me, sensing I have kept something from her, but nodded anyways. I took a deep breath and barreled ahead, “Okay, so I am 90% sure that David was having an affair with Mrs. Davison.” At her gasp, I held up my hand, “I didn’t tell you before because of who it was. Hell I didn’t tell anyone, because I was afraid of the repercussions for something like that. As it is now, I’m more afraid than ever. I mean Britt this is the chief we’re talking about!”

  By this point I’m leaning over the table as far as I can without smashing my omelet into my tits and whispering harshly. I glanced around nervously, like someone may have heard us. But we’re still the only ones out on the balcony. I looked down to the street and there was Christian, going into the local gun store. I frowned, why in the world would he be going in there?

  I shook off the weird feeling I had, and continued to search the street for anyone trying to eavesdrop, which I realized was stupid as we’re on the second floor. I would have to shout for anyone to hear me clearly, I’m turning my head back to Britt when I see the most gorgeous men I have ever seen enter the bookstore. It was just a brief glimpse of them but my insides clenched. They were both broad shouldered and tall, with dark brown hair, and nice asses. I caught a glimpse of one of them as he turned his head to laugh at something the other one said. His face was like a fallen angel. So sinfully gorgeous I wanted to climb over the railing and throw myself at him.

  A shiver raced down my spine, which was completely illogical as I just saw a glimpse of them. I have never been the type to react to a pretty face and nice body. I mean, I look and appreciate the view, who the hell wouldn’t? But I don’t allow that to influence me. In my experience the sexiest ones are complete assholes, it’s one of the reasons I didn’t go out with Christian when he first asked me.

  Britt slapped my arm, jolting me out of my wayward thoughts again, “Girl, are you okay? You’re totally spacing on me. Again.”

  I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed, pushing my half eaten omelet away, which Britt immediately grabbed and started to finish for me. She really was a great friend.

  I wearily shook my head, “Yeah just tired, wasn’t able to go back to sleep after the cops left. I’m running off of caffeine and sass at the moment, and the sass is sorely lacking.”

  “I can see that. Look, you should go home, take a nap, eat a gallon of ice cream, binge watch that show you love. Figure out what you’re going to do. Take a few weeks off, recharge. After that come see me, if you need a job you know I would love to have you here.”

  “I was actually gonna ask you that. But I want to wait till after the hiking trip with Christian this weekend. I think… I think I may break up with him, Britt.”

  Her head snapped up from her-- my-- breakfast, “What? Why? Are things okay?”

  I sighed again and leaned back in my seat, once again casting my gaze around the town, “No, not really. He’s changing and not for the better. You’re the only friend he hasn’t scared away, and he’s becoming more demanding and controlling everyday. Some of the things he says or some of the looks I see---frankly. He…he scares me sometimes.”

  “Has he ever hit you? Do I need to go kick his ass? I swear to god, if he’s laid a fucking hand on you, I will gut him with a rusty spoon!” Britt is half out of her chair already, I placed my hand on her arm and shook my head laughing.

  “No, nothing like that, calm down killa. No, it’s more like—he gets this look in his eyes sometimes that scares me. Almost like hatred, and I have no idea why.” I waved my hand around dismissing what I just said, “It’s nothing. Forget I said anything, it's probably the lack of sleep or something. I‘m going to go home and take that nap, maybe I’ll even dust off my camera. I haven’t taken any photos in months.”

  “Okay.” Britt still had a worried look in her eyes as we stood up and headed back in. For the life of me I just don’t have the energy to wipe it from her eyes.

  “I mean it, Lexi, if he hurts you, I will kill him. No, I’ll cut off his balls and shove them so far up his ass he could use them as eyeballs when I’m done.”

  I full out laughed, throwing my head back, not even trying to tone down my mirth. “I know girl. I’m okay, I promise. Now come here and give me a hug you bloodthirsty wench.” I hugged her to me with one arm as we rounded the stairs, and bumped straight into a solid wall. “When did you put a wall here?” I ask as I rubbed my smarting nose.

  Britt is smirking at me with mirth dancing in her eyes. “Umm… hun that is not a real wall.”

  “Huh?” I looked up and my mouth dropped open.

  I had run into one of the guys from the street. The ones I saw come in here not long ago, I remember he was the one laughing. He’s at least four inches taller than me, and has muscles for days. His wife beater tank top, with a button up blue and white striped shirt that was open, showed off his chest so perfectly that I just want to run my hands and
tongue over his chest.

  He’s wearing fitted dark jeans that showed off his leg muscles exquisitely. My eyes take everything in as they travel over him, coming to a stop on his face. And what a face! That glimpse I had of him did not do him justice. He has a five o’clock shadow on his strong jawline, his lips are full with a slight indent at the top. His nose looks slightly crooked like he may have gotten into a fight and it didn’t heal properly. Add that in with his slightly long and wavy dark chocolate hair that was falling into his bedroom hazel eyes… my core clenched again begging that I jump him right here, right now.

  I nearly groaned as he licked his lips, instead I bit mine and noticed his eyes flick down to them and heat flared in his eyes. I checked that I wasn’t drooling, I should probably say something other than standing here like a fucking loon.

  “Oh, shit. I am so sorry! I need sleep, or more caffeine, or both. I can’t believe I thought you were a real wall. I mean you're solidly built like one, but you're warm and clothed, not naked and cold like a wall would be. I mean not that you would dress a wall, but I guess you could…” Britt slaps her hand over my runaway mouth.

  I shoot her a grateful look. She knows how I get when I get nervous, my brain stops functioning and my mouth takes over, spouting stupid nonsense.

  Well shit, that was an awesome first impression Lex, way to go.

  The man gave me such a brilliant smile my knees went weak. His ruggedly handsome features changed when he smiled, to something even deadlier for my heart. Which is racing a mile a minute, I’m trying to stop myself from full on panting at the man, but it’s getting seriously hard to breathe. Oh that’s right, Britt has her hand over my mouth and nose, no wonder I can’t breathe.

  I shoved her hand away and took a gulp of much needed air, shooting her a mild glare. “Damn Britt, where you trying to smother me?”

  She chuckled and walked off while I proceeded to glare at her back. What the hell is she doing? She can’t leave me here alone! My cheeks are on fire, which is just great. Of course I would be blushing like some virgin bride right now.

  My gaze quickly snapped back to the sexy man standing in front of me as he leaned against the stair railings like he had all the time in the world. “So… umm.. Sorry again.” I mumbled and tried to scoot around him but his hand snaked out and lightly grasped my arm, easily stopping me.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind when beautiful women try to run me down. Are you okay?” His voice was deep with just a hint of a rasp, tingles raced up and down my arm where he still had a hold of me. Funnily enough I don’t feel threatened like I do whenever Christian grabbed my arm like this.

  I nodded frantically, like I was a damn bobble head. “Oh yeah, I’m fine. I’m tougher than I look. I work out. So no need to worry about little ole’ me. Right as rain here. I never understood that saying, have you? I mean how can rain be right? Is it ever wrong? I guess when it rains after a dry spell it’s right.” I quickly slapped a hand over my own mouth and groaned. Rolling my eyes at myself. This is not going well; will you stop being so stupid Lex! I berated myself as he dropped his hand from my arm. I immediately felt the loss of his hand, I just managed to stop myself from rubbing some warmth back into the spot.

  I watched fascinated as he threw back his head and laughed, “No, I have never understood that saying myself.” I sighed happily, his laugh is like being covered in warm chocolate, then having a sexy man lick it off. Basically, every girl’s wet dream, or is that just me? He continued to chuckle, a smirk kicking up the left side of his mouth, “Do you have a name, beautiful?”

  “Oh, uh… yes, of course I do. Everyone has a name right, uh, it’s Alexandria, but my friends call me Lexi.” I say as soon as I stopped gawking at the poor man and could trust myself to speak semi coherently.

  “Well, Lexi, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Connor.” Connor stuck his hand out for me to shake. As our hands touched, a spark passed between us, causing me to shiver again.

  Annddd there goes my panties. Definitely gonna have to change them now.

  We locked eyes and just stared at each other; it was like one of those cheesy romance movies I secretly enjoyed. Everyone fell away, it was just the two of us. I dimly heard someone calling my name.

  “Lexi! Damnit, answer me!” I jumped and ripped my hand from Connor’s, we still hadn’t let go, at the sound of Christian’s voice right in my ear.

  I tore my gaze away from Connor and looked at Christian, he’s not happy. In fact he looks downright pissed. His eyes are narrowed and have a hard look in them. I curl my hands as they start to shake, I don’t know why I’m suddenly feeling scared, but I don’t like it.

  I tried to make light of the situation hoping he would calm down. I know he can be jealous at times, “Hey, babe. What are you doing over here so early? I thought we were meeting at my place tonight?”

  I leaned over to kiss his cheek, but he ducked out of the way and sneered at me. “Oh, I’m sorry, Alexandria, did I ruin your flirting?” His voice was gravellier than normal, I have never heard his voice like this.

  I took a small step back at the look in his eyes. Then I got pissed at the way he was making me feel like a fucking victim when I was anything but. I pulled on my big girl panties, snapping at him, “What the fuck, Christian? I was shaking his hand! I bumped into him when Britt and I were rounding the corner. So I apologized and he asked for my name. Chill the fuck out.”

  Christian glanced at me, then glared for half a second at Connor, the hatred I saw in his eyes is gone so fast I convinced myself that I must have imagined it.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist, damn near dragging me to his side, “You’re right, babe. I’m sorry, I took it out of context. You know how I get.” His chuckle sounded forced as hell.

  Connor chose that moment to speak up and I bit back a groan, “Sounds to me like you’re compensating for something, there was no reason to act like that towards her.” Connor flashed me a tight smile, I ducked my head because I know how Christian will react to that.

  He tensed and practically spit out, “Maybe you should learn to keep your hands to yourself and not flirt with a woman who is taken. I have nothing I need to compensate for, I’m well-endowed in that area,” Christian slid his gaze down, I just stood there with my mouth open like a fish, “Unlike you, I’m sure.”

  “Christian!” I admonished him, “That was rude! You need to apologize and he didn’t know I was taken, not that he was flirting with me in the first place. We hadn’t gotten that far in our conversation and it’s not like I’m wearing a ring.”

  “Of course he wasn’t my dear. Why would someone like him flirt with you of all people?” Christian said as he steered me towards the door. Hurt flashed through me at his statement. I know I’m not the most beautiful woman in the world, but that didn’t mean that someone as hot as Connor wouldn’t want to flirt with me. I glanced back one more time before the door closes, Connor had his fists clenched at his side and Britt was giving me a worried stare. I tried to smile, but know I fell flat.

  Once outside he gripped my arm tighter and steered me towards his car. I balked and dragged my feet, “Christian, I’m tired and was going to go home for a nap before our date tonight. Besides you’re hurting me.”

  “Why are you so tired? You went home and stayed there, so you should've gone to bed early.” He sneered at me again. Something inside me snapped.

  Ripping my arm out of his grasp, I yelled, “That’s enough! You have no fucking right to question me like that! Stop being such an ass! What the hell is wrong with you lately?”

  “Me? Wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you! You’re the one that doesn’t have time for me anymore and then I’m catching you flirting with other guys. You’re always too busy for me, hanging out with that witch wannabe tramp. She’s filling your head with poison against me, I just know it!”

  My mouth fell open and I couldn’t form a reply. I can’t believe he just said that! I started to see red as he tried to
grab me again. No one talks about Britt like that, and so what if I was flirting a little. It’s not like we were going to hump it out right then and there. Even if the thought did cross my mind for a split second, guilt flashed through me but I pushed it away. He should be secure enough in our relationship to not act that way.

  I dodged his efforts to grab me and he snarled, “Get in the fucking car, Lexi!”

  My fight or flight response kicked in, my heart raced and my palms were sweaty. I have no idea who this person was, but it wasn't the Christian I knew.

  “No!” I screamed at him, slapping his hands away, I felt the eyes of people on us. I know I’m creating a scene which is something he hated, but I just can’t deal with this right now. “I am not going anywhere with you! I’m going home! And you can forget about our date tonight or any other night! You are being a fucking prick today, Christian, and I’m done! We are done! Leave me alone!” I turned and ran away from him. My vision was blurred from tears by the time I made it home. I hate that I’m an angry crier. Roxy always said it sent the wrong message, but there was nothing I could do about it. When I got really upset I cried, when I was happy, I cried. I’m just a crier.


  I woke up the next morning with a headache and my nose stuffy from crying the night before. I can’t believe I wasted a year of my life on that good for nothing jerk! Who the hell did he think he was! I was so done with him! Throwing back my covers I head into my bathroom and grabbed the aspirin bottle. Making my way downstairs, I quickly set about making a much needed cup of coffee.


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