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Lexi's Justice

Page 17

by Renee Shearer

  “I checked it out, there’s an engraving on the bottom.”

  I picked it up carefully as it was pretty smashed up, turning it over I read the inscription. “Show the world the real you, Lex. Love Roxy. Who’s Roxy?”

  “I don’t know but it means a lot to our girl.”

  “Our girl, huh?”

  “If you give it a chance, she could be.”

  I nodded again, walking away, I was still holding the camera, I had a buddy in Boston that repairs cameras. I felt bad for being kind’ve a yo-yo dick to Lexi. Getting her camera fixed for her would go a long way to repairing the damage I did to our relationship. Hopefully.

  The guys were right, I should give it a try. Now if only I could keep my tongue in check.



  Colter and I were flying down the highway towards Boston. He had convinced me to go shopping with him instead of leaving like I originally planned. He was so sweet and kind, always chasing after me and apologizing for his asshat companions. At first I told him no way in fucking hell, but then he said we would make a weekend getaway out of it and stated that Boston would be safest. I still didn’t think that someone was after me, but I played along as I didn’t really want to leave the guys just yet.

  Turning down the music Colter glanced at me, grinning, “So. I know you like to hike and take pictures, what else do you like to do?”

  I chuckled, “So we’re onto the twenty questions portion of our relationship now? Okay I’ll play. I like to read and dance. You?”

  “I read as well! See we have so much in common already. I like to bowl, and play softball in the summer. Any siblings?”

  My heart clenched and I Iooked out the window at the passing scenery. I never knew how to answer this question. Did I say I had a sister, and then deal with the questions? Or did I simply say yes, one and leave it at that? Or do I deny her altogether?

  Sighing, I answered, “Yes, one. Names Roxanne. We called her Roxy.”

  “Called her?” I could feel the quick glance Colter sent my way; I was hoping he wouldn’t of caught that. But it felt wrong to refer to her like she was still alive. And no way in hell could I deny she existed.

  “Yes. She’s dead. Seven years now.” I winced at the curtness in my voice.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve never actually lost anyone in my family. But I have lost brothers in arms. Guys I worked with for years, friends, colleagues, people I respected and admired. Some even died in my arms. I’m not going to say I know how it feels, I hated when others would tell me that. And I’m not going to say it’ll be okay, because who the hell knows if it will be. But I am going to say that I’m here if you need to talk. No questions, no judgement. Promise. Just a willing ear.”

  Colter grabbed my hand, raising it, he gave it a quick kiss that sent a shockwave through my body and straight to my lady bits. I flashed him a quick smile, turning my head to stare out of the window again.

  The rest of the drive passed quickly and before I knew it, we were in Boston. This was only my second time in Boston. I loved the old world architecture blended with the new. Boston had an energy, a feel all its own. I loved the little shops, especially the antique shops. My house was a mix of old and new, eccentric and boring.

  I couldn’t resist going into the antique shops. Colter and I talked the entire time. He was easy to talk and flirt with, but I still didn’t bring up Roxy. After my woods ordeal, and the anniversary of her death coming up, it was all too much for me to take.

  After a couple hours, I could tell Colter was lagging, as much as he tried to hide it. I chuckled, nudging him with my hip, “How about we stop for lunch somewhere? I’m starved.”

  “I was already headed that way. You, woman, can shop! I have never seen anyone haggle so much over prices.” He flashed me a sexy lopsided grin and I couldn’t help but smile back. He helped raise my spirits back into my happy realm.

  “What can I say? It’s in my blood. Besides those antique shop owners love to haggle just as much as I do. If not more.”

  Colter stopped and held open a door for me, shaking his head. “But you bested nearly every single one of them. Except for that first one.”

  I made a face as I swept past him, “Don’t remind me. I’m still sore about it.”

  I stopped in my tracks when I saw that we were in a fancy restaurant. We were not dressed for this. But, what the hell. Time to channel my inner Grams. She would always tell me, act like you belong somewhere and no one will question you.

  I often wondered if Grams was a spy in her youth. She had way too many secrets and knew too much to just be a rich widower with five lovers.

  I could tell right away the concierge didn’t want to let us anywhere near his tables. I stood up to my full height, put on my best haughty mask and whispered out of the corner of my mouth to Colter, “I got this.”

  Before he could respond I strode forward, quickly I noted his name tag. How original, Francois. I checked the urge to roll my eyes at him. “Ahh, Francois! Bonjour, ravi de vous revoir!”

  I didn’t stop until I was right next to him and gave him an air kiss on both cheeks. I could see him pale a bit, my hunch that he wouldn’t know a lick of French, despite his name, was correct. Poor guy had no idea I told him it was nice to see him again. For all he knew I could have asked how his wife and kids were.

  He cleared his throat, “Ah, oui, madam, sir! We had no idea you would be joining us today! Zee, usual table for two?”

  His French accent was so bad I almost wept. If anyone from France was to eat here they would be offended.

  I didn’t let any of this show, giving him my best smile. “Oui, mais bien sur! Vous salaud.”

  He motioned us to follow him, I could hear Colter snickering behind me. I dropped back, elbowing him in the stomach, “Shhh.. you’ll blow our cover!”

  The concierge stopped at an intimate table for two. I smiled brilliantly “Génial, merci!” I slid into my seat, the poor man bowed and practically made a run for it. I shook my head and laughed, picking up the menu I asked Colter, “What in heaven's name made you pick this place? You realize we are seriously underdressed don’t you?”

  “Yes, but it was worth it to see you in action like that. I had no idea you speak French. By the way, what on earth did you say to him?”

  I chuckled and glanced up at him from under my lashes, “First, I simply acted like I knew him, telling him it was good to see him again.” I shrugged. “After he replied in that ghastly French accent, I knew he didn't speak a word of it. So, when he asked for the usual table I told him ‘but, of course. You swine.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief. “What?! It really was horrible! If someone came in here that was actually from France they would be so offended by the way he was talking they would leave immediately."

  "I can't believe you could tell it was a fake accent. The fact that you speak fluent French just ups your hotness factor, you know." Colter’s voice had a sexy rasp, and his eyes had a mischievous twinkle in them, before I could ask him what he was thinking a deep voice spoke up from behind me. “Well, shit I thought that was a real accent. I’ll have to fire him and find someone else.”

  I squeaked a little, jumping in my seat as Colter laughed boisterously. Blushing profusely, I turned in my seat to see a striking older gentleman. His salt and pepper hair suited his rugged handsomeness to perfection. I couldn’t imagine him being any other way. My boarding school education kicked in, but I was also nervous. I just knew he was the owner of the restaurant.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to. It’s just that I went to boarding school in France, so I can tell a fake one from a real one. Most Americans won’t know the difference. So you’re safe in that regard. It’s very hard to get any accent right but for some reason French is the hardest. I basically grew up in France and even though I speak it fluently, the natives can tell I’m American. You have a beautiful restaurant by the way. I’ve always wanted to
eat here but never have. I have no idea why, of course this is also only my second trip to Boston…” Colter’s hand descended over my mouth, effectively silencing me

  I could feel my blush deepen. I must have looked like an overripe tomato at this point. Colter and the man were chuckling. “You’re right son, she is cute when she does that. Reminds me of your mother.”

  My eyes bugged out of my head, holy fuckballs! This was Connor and Colter’s dad? Why the fuck would he bring me here? And why the hell would he be telling his dad, or parents about me? What the fuck was he playing at? Was he trying to impress me that his family owned a very nice restaurant? But then why didn't the concierge recognize him? As the boss’s son shouldn’t he have known who Colter was? No wonder he was confident when he walked in here! But I didn’t appreciate being made fun of. And that was how I felt right now. Rational or not.

  I nipped his hand over my mouth, turning in my seat I glared at Colter.

  “What? Why do you look upset, Asthore?”

  I narrowed my eyes farther, trying not to swoon at the endearment he just called me in front of his father. I did not like surprises, let’s see him talk his way out of this one.



  The betrayal and hurt I saw on Lexi’s face, even though she was trying to mask it behind anger, took my breath away. I had no idea what I did to get her so upset. Then I did what my mother always told me to do when a female was upset. Look at it from her point of view.

  I brought her to a nice restaurant, underdressed. I didn't tell her I knew the owners or that she would end up meeting my dad. She essentially took charge as if to save me from the embarrassment of being turned away. The concierge was new so he didn’t know who I was, but she wouldn’t have known that. She probably thought this was some stunt I pulled on all of the girls I brought here. Granted I hadn’t ever brought a girl to any of my family restaurants, of which we owned several. But again, she wouldn’t know that.

  My family was Irish, French, German, and Italian. My parents always made us study the history of everything we were. Food was a big part of that. They knew that a restaurant that served everything from those countries would be next to impossible to get off the ground. So they started with a little Irish pub that blossomed, after that they opened a restaurant for every country we came from. If someone was to marry into the family, they would look into their background as well, and probably open more restaurants if they found a different nationality.

  But she didn’t know any of that, because I never said a word to her of it. Well, fuck. Of course she felt hurt and betrayed. Especially since Dad and I are standing here laughing. Colt you are a world class idiot!

  Staring into her pale blue eyes, I ran my hand down her cheek as I squatted down, “Lexi. I swear, this was not a tactic to embarrass you, or impress you. I had some business to discuss with my dad and thought you'd like the food here. If the concierge wasn’t new he would’ve recognized me right away. Then I was so enthralled with the perfect way you slid into speaking French that I got lost just watching you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Or give you a heads up that you would be meeting my dad. This was not a... bring you home to meet the parents type of thing. Okay? This was simply a... I needed to talk to my dad and you needed to eat, type of thing.”

  My dad wisely stayed silent; he’s had way more practice than me with the whole upset female thing. Smiling brilliantly she said something in French. I had no idea what she just said but I was pretty sure she cussed me out. My father, who did speak French, laughed and replied. Her face lit up as her and my father strike up a conversation in French.

  I sat back in my seat, and just watched her, she really was captivating. There was a light that radiated from her. It drew the eye of every red-blooded male within 50 feet. She had no idea how utterly ravishing she was. That was the best part.

  Thorne and Britt did an amazing job when they picked out clothes for her. The hip-hugging, black, skinny jeans and tall black leather boots, paired with a red and white striped long sleeved shirt, fit her to perfection. She was making my mouth water.

  She looked amazing. However, as good as the clothes looked on her, I wanted nothing more than to rip them off and bend her over this table. Or take her back to mine and Connor’s apartment that we keep in the city, and make love to her there.

  I was watching her closely, so closely that she couldn’t hide the small grimace as she shifted in her seat. She had healed so amazingly that I completely forgot she was severely injured a little over two weeks ago.

  I couldn’t help but interrupt their conversation. “Dad, I think I need to feed my woman and get her home. We’ve had a long day and she is just getting over bronchitis.”

  “Well hell, shit of course, here I am monopolizing her time. When you came here to be with this beautiful lady. Not have your old man chat her up. Sorry son.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. How about we order then you and I can go talk some business before the food comes.” I looked at Lexi, “I promise to only be a few minutes.”

  The smile she sent me was radiant. I kept hold of the growl I want to let loose after I heard a couple of guys take deep breaths at her smile. “Of course! I know how important work can be. I’ll be fine here on my own.”

  I smiled, signaling the waiter. “Hello, John. How’s the new wife treating you?”

  “She’s great. She just landed her first showing.”

  “That’s awesome! You’ll have to let Connor and I know when it is. We would love to see it!”

  “Will do Mr. Jones. Now does the lady know what she would like?”

  We all looked expectantly at Lexi, I saw her swallow sharply like she was nervous. I got ready to clamp a hand over her mouth, just in case her mouth ran away again, not because I liked the effect it had on me and her.

  I actually loved it when she started talking a mile a minute. It was adorable. But she composed herself and was able to talk normally. Much to my disappointment.

  “I’ll have the Cognac shrimp with beurre blanc, lobster bisque and a niçoise salad , please. Oh, does that come with breadsticks, by any chance?”

  “Yes, Mam’n all you can eat.”

  “Perfect! Thank you.” She turned her big light blue eyes onto me. I gave her what I knew was a megawatt smile. You could tell a lot about a woman by what she ordered and how. If she was quiet and orders something small and simple, that was not what she really wanted and was trying to impress her date. If she ordered like Lexi did, with confidence, asking questions, and was enthusiastic, that was how she normally eats and didn’t care what others thought. As well she shouldn't. She looked fantastic.

  “Good choice, Lexi.” I said beaming, little did she know she had just ordered my usual dinner.

  “The usual sir?”

  “Yes, please. Oh and let’s have a bottle of the house red.”

  “Of course.”

  “I hope you’re not planning on drinking and driving, son.” My dad was frowning at me, I felt 15 again, when he caught Connor and I sneaking out of the house to go meet up with some girls. I managed to suppress the urge to squirm. Just barely.

  “No, Dad. Lexi and I plan on crashing at the apartment here. I’m not up for the drive home. Plus, it’s my turn for one on one time with her and I’m going to make the most of it. We’ll take a taxi and then pick up the car tomorrow. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. Now why don’t you and I slip away to the office for a few moments and talk shop.”

  “Now that I've thought about it, can we discuss it tomorrow? I shouldn’t just leave Lexi here by herself. That would be rude.” In reality I’ve seen all the men eyeing her, and I didn't want someone else to come along and try to pounce on my girl.

  “Non-sense, she looks like she can handle herself. Besides who said she would be alone? “I wasn’t fast enough to hide my cringe as my mother's voice sounded over my shoulder.

  My father just grinned at me while Mom, who I swear knew everything on this p
lanet when it came to her boys, smacked me on the back of the head.

  “I saw that, Colter Andrew! Shame on you! Now, go talk with your Father. I can keep this lovely young woman company.”

  That was the last thing I wanted! My mother would grill Lexi to the point of no return, I glanced at my dad, pleading with my eyes for him to help me. No such luck, the dodgy old bastard just kept grinning and stood up. Taking Lexi’s hand he kissed the back and said something in French that made her smile and giggle.

  I really need to learn that damn language.



  I covered my mouth with my hand, faking a cough to cover up the giggling I was doing. Colter’s face was a mix of pain, pleading, and begging for forgiveness. I couldn’t help laughing at him as his father practically dragged him away.

  My laughter quickly dried up when his mother sat down. Oh, crapola. I don't want this right now! Shoo, go away mother of two of the four men I want to fuck for the rest of my life. Wait, what? Where did that come from? Wisely I kept my grin in place and hid my thoughts. That was not something I wanted a mom to know.

  “So, You’re my son’s new friend. The one they rescued from a bear?”

  I stuttered, panicking, Colter didn’t tell me what they told his parents! Hell, he never even mentioned telling them anything!

  Shit, shit, shit, you fuckerhead I will get you back for this!

  “Uh, Yeah. Something like that.” I grabbed my water, taking a quick sip to try and quench my suddenly parched throat.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I like to think I saved myself for the most part. They just came along and finished the job for me.”

  “Ah, a smart and independent woman. I like that. Oh, how rude of me. My name is Susan and my husband’s name is John.”


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