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Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Monica May

  “Well, don't worry about it now. I have her and I’ll take care of her.” Turning to walk away, I feel a yank on my shirt, and then Carmella is in my face.

  “Oh the hell you are going to take my drunk friend home with you to do God knows what to her.”

  I have had it with this chick, and I’m about to lose my shit and she won't like it. “Let me tell you something, Carmella,” I spit out to her with venom. “I could have taken her without ya’ll even knowing where she went. So fuck off. You know me, and you know I won't hurt her. Now back the fuck off because I’m not asking for your permission. You got my number. Give me a call in the morning if you want see how she’s feeling.”

  I turn and walk away. I don't have time for her shit. When we make it to my Jeep, she starts moving when the cold night air hits her face. Shit, why didn't I keep the doors attached to my Jeep today? Damn Louisiana weather, nice and warm during the day then a freezing cold at night. It’s going to be fucking difficult to keep her in the vehicle. I sit her in the passenger seat, and she opens her eyes for the first time. “Jackson? What are you doing? Are you saving me from the dragon?” she slurs.

  “What dragon, Sunny?”

  “The dragon that’s after me.”

  “You drank too much, baby, there’s no dragon. I’m gonna take you home to sleep it off. Let’s get you strapped in. You gonna stay still in this seat for me?”

  “I don't have a home, Jackson, I stay with Carmella.”

  “I know. I’m not taking you there. I’m taking you to my house.”

  She reaches up grabbing my shirt into her fist and bringing my face close to hers. Even sloppy-ass drunk, she is beautiful. Her big emerald eyes open and stare into mine. “You taking me to bed Jackson? I’m not ready to go to bed with you. But I think you are hot.”

  I chuckle at her admission. “You’re letting the alcohol talk. Shhh, let me buckle you in. You take a rest. Let me know if you don't feel well and I’ll pull over.” Before I make it to the driver’s side, she’s passed out again. I start the Jeep and keep my hand around her wrist when I’m not shifting. It’s only a twenty-minute ride to my house in Slidell, but it feels like two hours making sure she doesn’t fall out. We finally make it into the driveway when she announces, “I feel sick.”

  Now I’m grateful for not having the doors attached as Sunny pukes right from her seat onto the driveway without getting it inside my Jeep. I reach over holding her hair back. Looking down, I see that awful tattoo of hers again. It enrages me that someone would do that her. What kind of man would give his woman the date rape pill to brand her? I reach over and wrap my free hand around her waist rubbing the tattoo with my thumb and promising myself I will find the bastard that did this to her. I will find him and make him pay for what he has done to her.

  “How you doing, Sunny? You think you can make it to the house?”

  “I don't know. How far is the house?”

  “It’s right there twenty feet away, don't you see it?”

  “I can’t see anything right now. It’s so dark.”

  “Hold on to the seat. I’m going to come around and carry you into the house.” I take my T-shirt off and hand it to her to wipe her face.

  “Thanks, this is so embarrassing. I don't usually drink this much. Thanks for taking care of me,” she says, looking up at me with those sexy as fuck helpless eyes.

  “Anytime, Sunny, anytime you need me, call me and I will be there for you.” I don't wait for her response and reach into the Jeep scooping her up into my arms. She rests her head on my chest, and I get this strange feeling in my gut. My head wants to run as far away from this girl as possible. But my heart has me running to her. What the fuck? I don't listen to my heart; I shouldn't listen to my heart. The last time I did, look where it got me. It got me tangled up with that crazy bitch Norma. My stomach rolls thinking about her and the situation. Just as I’m about to listen to my head, Sunny starts to move in my arms.

  Her hand goes up my chest and right over my nipple up to my neck. Lord, her touch is so hot, I feel a trace of heat in her wake. “You’re so strong, Jackson. You’re always there to catch me before I fall. Thank you, Jackson, thank you for catching me.”

  I say nothing simply pressing a kiss to the top of her head as a silent acknowledgment. Opening the door, I bring her straight to my bedroom. The spare room is dusty with a dinky mattress. I will let her sleep here and I will take the sofa. I put her down to get a wet cloth to wipe her face and neck down. Pulling off her shoes, I notice her clothes are full of vomit. “Oh Lord, what am I supposed to do with this?” I say, looking up for help and taking a deep breath.

  “Sunny, are you awake?” I ask her softly. “Come on, Sunny, I need your help getting out of these clothes. Wake up for me, Sunny.”

  Fucking nothing; she’s dead to the world. As much as I would love to remove her clothes and see her in all her glory, I can’t do that to her without her being awake. “Damn it! Okay, Sunny, I’m going to cover you with a bath towel, remove your dirty clothes, and put clean ones on, okay?” Still nothing. I get a pair of clean boxers and a clean T-shirt. It was physically a lot easier than I thought to make the transition. Mentally, I wanted touch her, feel her, be inside of her. Get your head in the game, man, you know you can’t do that. Get her covered up and get the hell out of the room.

  I lie on the sofa for about an hour before starting to drift off. It was hard to do knowing she is lying in my bed. Just as I drift off to images of her wrapped in my arms, I’m jolted by a blood-curdling scream. Jumping off the sofa, I sprint to her. Flipping the lights, on I see Sunny thrashing around the bed but no one else is there. Her eyes are closed and she’s still screaming. What the hell is going on? Nightmare, she must be having a nightmare. Should I wake her? Shit, I don't know what to do. I just do what my heart tells me to do. I get into the bed behind her wrapping my arms around her in an effort to calm her. “It’s okay, Sunny, it’s me, Jackson. I’m here. You’re okay.”

  “Don't let the dragon get me, Jackson. Please! Do you promise?”

  “Yes, I promise, Sunny. I won’t let the dragon get you. Shhh, I’m here,” I tell her, rubbing her arms and trying to soothe her. Oh God, her skin feels so silky. I feel my cock stirring. Down, boy, this is not the time to wake up. But he doesn’t listen. The more I rub her arms, she starts to calm down and burrow back into me. Her sweet little ass is pressed right on my cock. This is going to be a long night, and I huff into the air.

  For hours, I lie awake holding her while she sleeps. A few times, she starts to whimper but is easily calmed by my voice. She keeps asking if the dragon is gone. What the hell is that about? Is the asshole that tattooed her looking for her? Is she on the run? Is it my business? Remember, she’s just a friend; she’s not your woman. Don't start demanding answers in the morning. You will scare her off.

  I catch about two hours of sleep before the sun comes up. Along with the sun coming up so does my cock. I have to get out of the bed. I will go mad lying with her in my arms. She has not whimpered in a while, so I think it’s safe for me to leave. I slip out of the bed to make coffee and breakfast.


  I turn over in bed feeling my head pounding. What the hell happened to me? Where am I? I slowly sit up when it all rushes back to me in mental pictures. I see the Voodoo Queen, the church, the hurricanes, and singing and dancing at Cat’s. Oh Lord, that was bad. I sure hope no one has that on video I think as a small smile comes across my face. Then the pictures get fuzzy. I remember hearing Jackson. What the hell was Jackson doing there? I remember throwing up out of his Jeep. I lie back in humiliation pulling the sheets over my face. It’s at that moment I realize where I am. The sheets smell all too familiar. I know this smell. It’s the smell of Jackson. I pop up again from the bed to look around. Oh Lord, that was way too fast and the room starts to spin. I’m afraid to look down, but when I do, I’m relieved to see I have clothes on, only to be alarmed again when I see they’re not mine. I have on a man’s T-s
hirt and boxers, yep, no underwear, just boxers.

  This is bad really bad. Think, Sunny. What the hell happened after throwing up?” I close my eyes trying to concentrate on the scenes from last night. But the only thing I come up with is nightmares of a dragon. The nightmares stopped when the tiger came to save me. Thanks to the Voodoo Queen, I dreamed about a tiger keeping me wrapped safely in his arms. A mother-freaking tiger. Damn it, I need some coffee.

  I swing my feet out of the bed slowly trying not to start the spinning again. Looking around, I can tell this is Jackson’s bedroom. It’s manly and mostly bare. It’s very neat with a few items on the wall, all of which are weapons. There’s a sword display and some guns that appear to be antique. I get up the strength to get up when I see a picture on the bookcase of Jackson and a beautiful woman. She’s stunning. She’s almost as tall as he is with a matching skin tone and hair, but she has dark eyes. Her arms are wrapped around his waist with his around her shoulders. The look of love in their eyes sends a spike of jealousy to my heart. I’m sure I would have known if he has a girlfriend, right? I can’t look at it anymore. I turn away and head to what I hope is the bathroom.

  I open to door to find an all-white bathroom with an oversized shower. It takes up half the bathroom with a long bench and about ten different sprayers coming from the wall. I look down to see there’s a new toothbrush on the counter with a note.

  I hope you are feeling better. Coffee and breakfast will be ready whenever you are. The sweet note warms my heart and pushes the photo out of my head for now.

  I take my time washing my face and brushing my teeth before I get up enough courage to walk out to see Jackson. I feel a bit exposed. You can almost see though the white T-shirt and the boxers are a bit loose on me.

  I head out of his room following the smell of coffee and the sound of pots and pans. When I round the corner, I see him standing at the stove. His kitchen is amazing. It’s fit for a professional chef. I stand in the doorway watching him for a moment. He has on grey sweatpants hung low on his waist. My eyes travel up to the muscles flexing on his uncovered back. Holy hell, he’s hotter than I could have ever imagined.

  When he turns around to greet me, I almost pass out. I see an image tattooed in vivid color across one side of his chest, all the blood drains from my face. I feel light headed and lean against the wall for support. The room starts to dim as I see Jackson stride quickly toward me catching me again before I hit the ground.

  “Sunny, Sunny, can you hear me?”

  I blink up at him staring at the tattoo with the Voodoo Queen’s voice replaying in my head. “I’m sorry, Jackson, I must have gotten up too fast.” He helps me up guiding me to the farm table near the large picture window. He leans over me to place me in the chair, but I can’t take my eyes off the tattoo. Without a proper thought, I raise my hand gliding my fingers across it. Looking up into his concerned eyes, I mutter quietly, “Its a tiger.”

  Yep the man of my dreams has a freaking tiger tattooed across the entire left side of his chest. It’s the most beautifully colored tattoo I’ve ever seen. It’s orange with black stripes. The hair on the tiger looks so real. It’s the tiger’s face only with its mouth wide open baring its teeth in a fierce growl. The eyes are the same blue as Jackson’s.

  “This is the most amazing tattoo I have ever seen,” I sigh. I don’t realize I’m still rubbing my fingers across his bare skin until I see the hungry gaze cross his face with his jaw flinching as he tries to control himself.

  I let my hand slip up his chest and around his neck pulling him to me. Without losing focus on his eyes, I press my lips to his while he stares back at me. I shut my eyes and let him take control of my mouth feeling his soft lips press against mine. I open my lips giving him access. I shiver when I feel his hand at the nape of my neck grasping a handful of my messy morning hair. The kiss is hard and full of lust igniting sparks within my body. My heart is pounding in my ears while my nipples pebble under his shirt along with wetness pooling in between my legs soaking his boxers.

  It’s been so long since I have wanted a man like I want Jackson in this moment. I’ve never felt this spark with Rex or anyone else for that matter. My belly is warm and my mind is mush.

  My world comes crashing in on me when he pulls me back with the hand in my hair. My chin is angled up at him. Gazing into his eyes, I no longer see the hunger but only conflict. I feel my face flush in horror and embarrassment. Before I can push away, he senses what I’m feeling.

  “Sunny, this is going to be the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, but we have to stop,” he says in a low voice, not making eye contact with me.

  I push him back, jump to my feet, and head back to the bedroom to find my things. I turn to walk away apologizing with my back to him, “Sorry, Jackson, that was my bad. I shouldn’t have assumed that just because I woke up in your bed in your clothes that you gave a shit about me.” Before the sentence is fully out of my mouth, his strong grip is on my arm and I’m spun around and pinned up against the wall. My heart races as I have a flashback of Rex, but when Jackson’s eyes meet mine, my fear washes away. He’s not going to harm me. I see anger in his eyes but I don't feel threatened.

  “Woman, what the hell is wrong with you?” he asks with a hoarse voice. “If you would’ve given me a chance to finish my sentence, you would have heard me say we have to stop because I want to get to know you,” he says, putting his hand on my face and rubbing his thumb across my cheek. “I don't want to take advantage of you. I feel something for you that I’ve never felt for anyone.” He shakes his head and gives me a chuckle. “That would have been the gentlemanly way to put it, but now that you’ve pushed me, I’m going to tell you what is really going through my mind. I want nothing more than to spread you across that kitchen table and taste you. I want to bury my hardness deep within you and hear you moan my name and beg for more when you come.”

  I let out a sigh unaware I had been holding my breath. He’s towering over me now bracing both hands on the wall behind my head.

  “Woman, don't do this to me. Don't look at me with want and make sounds like that, or I will have to take you right here.”

  “So how do you propose we get to know each other?” I ask.

  His features soften and a sexy smile spreads across his face along with a bashful look. His eyes shift to the floor, and he lowers his hands to my shoulders.

  “I don't know. Maybe go on a date. I want to know everything about you. I don't know where you’re from, what’s your favorite food, nothing. I only know that you are running from a man I despise and that’s it. I need more, Sunny.”

  I smile up at him in surprise that this big mound of muscles wants to go out on a date, a date with me.

  “A date? You want to go out on a date with me? When and where?”

  “I’ll pick you up from my sister’s office after your appointment, and we can head out to the shooting range from there.”

  My eyes narrow not certain I heard him correctly.

  “What the hell? A shooting range? That’s not a date, Jackson. I’m not sure what girls down here do, but newsflash, that’s not a date. A date is dinner and a movie.”

  He cuts me off by raising his large hand to my face and placing his finger over my lips.

  “Shhh, I will feed you after we shoot off a few rounds.”

  I look down in embarrassment. I’m petrified of guns. I whisper, “I’m scared of guns, Jackson.” I look up at him. “Really scared as in I completely freeze and can’t move when I see them.”

  “Don't worry. You’re safe with me. I will take care of you. You need to lean to protect yourself, Sunny.”

  “Protect me from what if I have you to keep me safe?” I whine.

  “I can’t be with you every second, and if Rex comes for you and I’m not there, you need to be able to take care of it.”

  “Take care of it as in shoot him. I can’t do that.” I shrug out of his grasp and head back to the bedroom with him hot on my heels.
I reach the room and see my clothes have been washed, folded, and placed at the end of the bed. I turn on my heels only to have Jackson crash into me yet again. And yet again, he catches me in his strong arms.

  “You washed my clothes?” I ask in surprise. I have never had any man do anything like this for me. It’s always my job to do for them. I’ve only been taken from not given to.

  “Well, of course, I washed your clothes. They were a bit dirty from the vomiting, if you recall.”

  I put my hands up to my face shielding myself from his eyes. “Oh geez, yes, it is all coming back to me.”

  His arms are now wrapped around my waist. “Sunny, go on a date with me. I need to learn more about you, and you need to learn more about me. I may be a big man, but my mother taught me manners, and you may be surprised by what my idea of keeping a woman happy is.”

  I don't even take time to consider. I would be a fool to say no.

  “Okay, I will go on a date with you to the gun place but at your own risk. I have warned you that I’m scared, as in mortified, so if you think you can work with that, then it’s on.”

  “Oh, it’s on, girl,” he says, leaning over and letting his hot breath spread over my ear. “Now get dressed before my manners go out the window. I can’t bear seeing you in my clothes for another moment without coming undone.” He pulls me in pressing his lips on my forehead. I feel his large erection pressed across my belly, and I can’t help it but smile. “Thanks for trusting me,” he says, walking out of the door.

  I get dressed and find my way back out to the kitchen. Jackson has set the table and is waiting for me to start breakfast.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of food,” I gasp looking at the feast he has set out. There’s a large bowl of scrambled eggs, toast, waffles, fresh fruit, orange juice, milk, and coffee.

  He stands pulling out a chair for me. With his breath hot on my face again, he says, “This is exactly why we need to get to know each other. I don't like to waste food so I will have to eat what you don’t.” Grinning up at him, I take my seat.


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