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Hidden (New Orleans Temptation Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Monica May

  “You’re going to fucking kill me, woman, you feel so good,” he groans. When he starts to peak, he clamps down hard on my clit squeezing and pulling while pumping in and out of me. I feel another orgasm approach, and pulling on my own nipples, I explode in a million pieces. We both collapse in exhaustion, and I’m down for the count. My body is like jello with the aftereffect of my orgasm still pulsing through me from my head to my toes.

  Moments later, Jackson lifts his weight off me and mumbles something about picking up the kitchen and blowing out candles. I’m absolutely exhausted, yet I can’t seem to fall asleep without him.

  Quicker than I expected, he’s back in the bed pulling me to him and wrapping those wonderfully strong arms around me. Every inch of my naked back is flush with his and it’s such a glorious feeling. Wrapped in my cocoon of Jackson, I feel my self starting to drift off into happiness.

  Chapter 15


  The next few weeks fly by as I’m wrapped in a whirlwind of emotions. I try to fight the feeling of falling too fast. My brain is telling me to put a wall up, to take it slower. But my heart has me jumping in feet first with no life preserver. Jackson and I are typically on the same work schedule, which has given us a lot of time together. Most of our off time is spent in his bed, on the kitchen table, in his boat, and just about anywhere we are left alone. Every fiber of my being is drawn to him.

  It’s a slow Wednesday at the club. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the worst two days of the week to work, and as expected, it’s slow as molasses tonight. There aren’t many people in the club and fewer people in the exotic room, which is where I’m scheduled tonight. Jackson has made sure he’s not working the exotic room while I perform since we have been together. I don't think he can take the fact that my body is being bared to other men now that he’s taken claim. And to be honest, I’m over it as well. Summer can't come fast enough. I’m ready to leave this world behind me and become a student.

  “Hey, Ms. Daydreamer,” I hear someone say. I shake my head to pull myself out of my daydream to notice Carmella standing there.

  “Girl, your name needs to be changed to Ms. Daydreamer because that is all your ass does lately. I mean really, are you not with that hunk of muscles enough that you have to drool over him every second you are not with him?”

  I laugh, “Don't hate because you had to dump Mr. Dick Piercing.”

  “Oh, you’re wrong for that,” she mutters, throwing me my pom-poms, hitting me in the face while I continue to laugh at her. “Now get your pigtails and cheerleading ass on that stage and empty their pockets.” She smiles at me.

  I run on stage to start my schoolgirl cheerleading skit. My auburn hair is pulled into two high pigtails on each side of my head. I have on the cutest red and white cheerleading outfit ever. I may have to slip this in my bag tonight for a special Jackson performance. The music starts and my body moves to the music, mostly to an empty room. I zone out seeing images of Jackson and I together to push me through the routine. Being the daydreamer I am, I do get a bit lost in my own thoughts forgetting I’m on stage. A mental filmstrip of Jackson plays in my mind, and I’m interrupted by a strange voice calling my name. As I look up, my heart stops and my hands start to shake. I see a man covered in tattoos with a black cut on. The cut alone has my entire body trembling inside with fear. Has he found me? Just as the thought crosses my mind, he turns to his buddy laughing, and I get a view of his patch. Thank you, Jesus. It’s not a Flaming Dragon patch. His cut says Bayou Bandits.

  I take a deep breath and continue to move while my shaking subsides. Just as I have myself under control, he gets up from his chair throwing a $100 bill at my feet with a grin. “That was the best damn dance I’ve seen, sugar. You want to give me and my boys a private dance?” Grinning wide he shows his broken teeth.

  Before I can respond, Parke has stepped between the biker guy and the stage cutting off the man’s view of me.

  “Sunny doesn’t do private dances,” Parke growls without budging and standing tall with his large muscular frame.

  The other men from the biker’s table stand ready to defend him. But the biker guy puts his hands up. “Hey, sorry, I just had to check. How about a lap dance, your girls do lap dances don't they?” he asks, looking around Parke to me.

  Parke does not have to turn to me for an answer. He knows I’ve never done lap dances before, and I most certainly don’t do them now. The song is over, and I pick up tips from the floor and walk quickly back stage letting Parke handle the biker. Once I’m backstage, the emotions of seeing the biker and thinking Rex could have found me hits me hard. With my back to the wall, I lose it. Sliding down the wall to the floor, I sit and sob. The realization that he may find me one day causes my body to involuntarily shiver.

  Carmella rushes in and finds me on the floor. “What the fuck was that about? What did he do to you, are you okay?”

  I look up at her with dazed eyes. “That could have been him. And just like you always say, I’m out there daydreaming about Jackson and had no clue a table full of bikers was there the entire time sitting in front of my face.”

  “Shhh, honey, you are going to be fine. Jackson would not let anyone hurt one hair on that beautiful head of yours.”

  “You have no idea how viscous Rex can be.”

  “Are you saying Mr. Muscles can’t handle him?”

  “No, what I am saying is, I can’t keep going up there and zoning out. I have to be alert.”

  “Well, duh, I’ve been telling you that since you started.”

  I wipe the tears from my face and give her a small grin because as usual she’s right. “But what am I going to do? I suck at dancing when I’m not zoned out.”

  “You are gonna have to figure a way for the next few months. Come on, we’re already halfway through February, and you’re quitting at the end of May. You need to save the money so you won’t have to work here while you’re in school.”

  “I know, you’re right. I will figure it out.” She pulls me up and off the ground into a tight hug.

  “Bitch, you need to get your shit together because you’re always making me mushy and shit,” she says, playfully pushing me toward the dressing room. As I change, she stays with me knowing I’m still a little shaken.

  “Hey, I have some tequila out here when you get dressed. We need to shake this shit off. We need to get your mind off this. How about we hit the parades on Sunday? You’re off Sunday right?”

  “Yeah, I’m off but I don't know. I’ve never been to a parade before, and I show enough boobs here. I don't really want to flash for free.”

  “Oh my gawd! I hate tourists. Don't be a tourist. We don't flash for beads. Only tourists do that. And it’s not about catching the beads. It’s just a fun experience. If you have never been, I’m not taking no for an answer. We’re going. Jackson can come along, and we’ll see if Samantha and Parke want to come as well.”

  I step out of the dressing room ready for my shot. “When do you think the two of them will admit they have something going on?”

  “Hopefully soon because the sexual tension in the air between them drives me nuts.”

  We both laugh and down our shots.

  “Okay, I’m in. We will go to the parade.”

  “That’s my girl.”


  “Wednesdays suck!” I say out loud to no one. The club is half-empty with only a handful of men in the exotic room and the sex room literally has four people in there. I put my head in my hands trying to figure out what to do. While the club is making money as a whole, it is costing me more money to pay my employees on Tuesdays and Wednesdays than it brings in on those two days.

  My office door opens, and I look up from my hands to see problem number two. Or I should say problem number one, as Parke has become something I can’t ignore for much longer. He has been chipping away at my wall since day one, and the bricks are about to crumble. I can feel it.

  “Yes, Parke, is there a problem?”
br />   “It looks like I should be asking you that. You okay?”

  I wave my hand at him to have him shut the door. I don't want everyone knowing I’m thinking about closing the club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays yet.

  “I’m fine but I’m debating on closing the club on the two slow days. What do you think?”

  “Thank fuck,” he grunts.

  I look up at him in surprise. “You have an issue with working the two slow days?”

  “No, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out there are more employees than customers on most slow days. That causes a problem out there for security. When the customers feel like they own the place, they get unruly and crude. I just had to throw out five Bayou Bandits. They demanded a private party with Sunny.”

  “Shit, is she okay?”

  “Well, of course, she’s okay. Why wouldn't she be? The stage dancers have security on them at all times while dancing.”

  I look up at him and shake my head in confirmation. Damn it. That had to scare her. Parke doesn’t know her past with bikers and it’s not his business.

  “Yeah, you’re right, Parke. Sorry, I’m not thinking straight. I know you all have it under control. It’s just I’m sure she’s not used to bikers, that’s all.”

  “I think closing on the two slow days would be good for everyone. The girls don't like working them anyway.”


  “Really, Samantha. You need to pay attention to the girls and get your head out of the sex room.”

  I snap my head toward him with a fierce look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. Let me know what you decide. I have work to do,” he groans, turning to walk away.

  Who in the hell does he think he is? I grab him by the arm before he reaches the door. “I don't think so, Parke. You need to explain yourself.”

  “You’re so consumed with making sure the sex room stays going, you don't pay attention to the girls. They’re your bread and butter to keeping this club going. Why are you so involved in the sex room? It runs itself. You have members lined up for a year to get in there.”

  “What do you mean, why am I so involved? I’m the fucking owner in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “Oh, I noticed. Trust me, I know you’re the boss every fucking day,” he says, moving closer to me. I back up until I’m flush against the wall. His face is so close to mine.

  “You know what I think, Samantha? I think you hide up in that room because you’re hiding from me. I think you want me more than you’re willing to admit.”

  The rage I feel stirring within me is uncontrollable. How dare he call me out. My hand goes up without a thought and lands right across his cheek. I’m not sure if it was the force or the surprise that turns his head. I regret it immediately but it’s done. When he turns his head back to me slowly, I see the son of a bitch is smiling at me. It’s the sexiest fucking smile I’ve seen on his face. I wait for his response but the words don’t come. His lips slam onto mine followed with his body. His hand grips the nape of my neck with his fingers entwined in my hair keeping my head in place and giving him access to my mouth. I fight him for a millisecond before I give in and kiss him back.

  My mind is racing. I have to stop this. My rule, I can’t be with him. Oh, fuck that rule. He pushes me up against the wall with all his weight pressing his hard cock into me. He slows the pace of his kiss, opening his eyes and looking at me with hunger. Removing his lips from mine, he says, “You have two options, Samantha. Throw your rule out the fucking window or fire me. Either way, I’m going to fuck you on that desk. So think quick.”

  “I threw the rule out the window the second I slapped you,” I say with a smile.

  A broad smile crosses his face, and I feel his hand on my ass picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks over to the door to lock it, carrying me as if I weigh nothing. He strides back to my desk, leans over, swipes everything there to the ground, and lays me down on my back. My body is on fire for him. Feeling the loss of his heat, I reach up pulling his tie and bringing him back down to me with my legs pulling his cock to my core. We’re both fully dressed but you wouldn’t know it by the panting sounds echoing off the walls.

  I put my finger in the knot of his tie and untie it while he devours my mouth. He hovers over me while I unbutton his shirt needing to feel his heated skin against mine. I knew he was fit, but I was taken aback by how fit he really is. This man does not have a six-pack; I think he is carrying an entire fucking case. I push his shirt over his wide shoulders getting a full glimpse of his true glory. I let out a breathy moan gliding my hands over his chest and skimming his nipples.

  In a slow dramatic motion, Parke pulls the tie at my waist releasing my knit dress and giving him a view of what’s underneath. Let’s just say, I believe in very sexy undergarments at all times. I mean really y'all, I run a sex club. What else did you expect?

  Parke's eyes light up like a six-year-old on Christmas morning when he pulls my dress open and exposes my all-black ensemble. This sexy number was not cheap and it’s paying me back in dividends. He rubs his hands over the black lace garter belt that holds my ultra-silky thigh highs up. As he wraps his hand around my waist, his fingers sketch a path over my ass as if he is ensuring my panties are indeed a thong.

  “Jesus, woman, I knew you were hot as hell,” he says and pauses, looking at my satin bra that has my breasts pushed up looking amazing. “But reality has nothing on my imagination.”

  “Ditto,” I say, pulling him back to me and wanting his mouth on mine. But he doesn’t take my mouth. His lips skim over my neck sucking and licking down to my collarbone then to my breasts. His large hands cup my breasts with his thumbs rubbing over my nipples through the expensive silk fabric making my core clench with wetness. He pulls the fabric down taking one nipple in his mouth, sucking with sweet soft pressure momentarily, before he bites down sending a flash of exquisite pain and pleasure straight to my pussy. I gasp in need of being filled. Thoughts of Parke have filled my head from the first day I set eyes on him.

  “I need to taste you, Samantha.”

  “Oh please, Parke, please fuck me.”

  “In due time, my dear. In due time,” he says with a grin, kneeling down in between my legs.

  “Oh God, Parke, please.”

  “Please what, Samantha?”

  “Please fuck me.”

  “Oh, I will as soon as I make you come under my tongue. Be patient. You will get what we both have been waiting for.”

  He pulls my thong to the side and I feel his hot breath linger on my pussy for a moment. I lift my head to see what in the hell’s taking him so long. He looks up at me and growls. “You are so fucking beautiful and wet for me,” he says, his voice filled with lust.

  I look back at him with desire and need. Recognizing my need, he puts his head between my legs and slowly licks me. He takes my clit in his mouth drawing it in with force. I arch my back in pleasure, gripping the ends of my desk and needing more. As if he can read my mind, he plunges a finger into my entrance pushing in and out as he sucks harder on my clit. I reach down and put my fingers through his hair trying to push his head down while raising my hips to get more. The combination sends me into a tailspin. I explode into a million pieces all over his face. I have not come that hard since I was center stage at a sex club with Phillip.

  Parke laps softly at my slit until I stop trembling. Once I regain my bearings, I hear him fumbling in his pocket. I look up to see him rolling a condom on his long cock. The sight of his cock alone makes my pussy clench in excitement. I feel the wetness run down the crack of my ass which does not escape Parke’s attention.

  “Samantha, your pussy is calling for me. Do you feel it?” he asks, while capturing my wetness with his finger and sucking it into his mouth.

  I moan up at him as he rubs his cock up and down my wetness.

  “I felt our connection the day you walked into my office. Didn't you, Parke?”

p; “Yes, but I knew I needed more than one fuck with you. That’s why I turned you down that day.”

  “And what makes you think you’ll get more than this one fuck?”

  He leans over pulling my earlobe into his mouth. “You already gave me more. I know you—you let me in. I know your favorite foods, your favorite drink, what makes you pissed off, and what makes you happy. I already have more, Samantha.”

  I look up in utter shock. He does have more. I have given him more of me than I’ve given any man.

  “Let’s just say I will give you a test run to see if you get another shot,” I giggle, looking up at him.

  The second the words are out of my mouth, he plunges inside of me with one hard thrust. My eyes grow wide then roll behind my lids as the pleasure is immeasurable. He raises my hips to put his cock in the right place. My knuckles are white as I grip the sides of my desk letting Parke take control of my body. His hardness is like a magic dagger filling me with pleasure.

  “Samantha, how can you be this tight? You feel amazing.”

  A moan escapes my throat as he lifts me higher with his hands under my hips and pushes with all his might. He leans his head over and pulls my nipple into his warm lips and suckles. The sensation is too much. I can’t hold on any longer. “Fuck me harder, Parke, make me come again, please,” I beg

  Those words push him over the edge. His pace quickens and I come undone with Parke right behind me.

  He lifts his head, looks down at me, and pushes a stray hair from my face. “Why in God’s name did you hold out so long? Jesus, woman, were you trying to kill me?”

  I smile up at his beautiful face taking in how sexy he looks with his messy hair and flushed face. “Sorry about that. I’ve been pretty fucked up since I lost Phillip. I simply wasn't ready for this?”

  “For what? Great sex?”

  “No, for this.” I point in between us. “The only way this is going to happen again is if we can both admit it.”


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