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Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage)

Page 17

by SL Beabhar


  Phoebe never finished her statement. Instead, bright strobe lights pulsed from the stage and the music faded to a whisper. Phoebe would have been awed by the near silence of the crowd, but then the music boomed loudly and sent the women into hysterics. Kalena and Soo-Jung jumped from their seats and began clapping exuberantly.

  Reggie's rise was a bit slower, but even she was standing on her toes. "Look at this, Phoebe."

  Judging from the piercing screams around her, Phoebe had a good idea what she would see. "That's okay. I'm good right here."

  "No-no-no," Reggie said, grasping Phoebe's arm and tugging, "you need to see this." She stared down at Phoebe over the rim of her glasses. "You'll thank me."

  Phoebe slouched down in her chair, which only gave her a better view of the stage. She could see the man on stage, who was in the middle of ripping the t-shirt from his own body. Groaning loudly, she covered her eyes with her hand.

  There was a vibration against her chest. She plopped her purse down onto the table, then she reached inside and removed her phone. It was Ash.

  She glanced at Reggie and saw rapture written on her features. Curling away from the table, Phoebe stuck a finger in her ear and answered the phone. "Hey."

  "Where are you?" was his immediate question. Then, after a few moments of dead silence on his end, he asked another. "Are you with Reggie?"

  Phoebe nodded, then realized he couldn't see her movements. "Yeah. She's sitting right beside me."

  "Is she okay?" he asked.

  Phoebe studied Reggie's face again. She noted the vastness of Reggie's pupils, and the frenzied pulse at her neck. She looked close to swooning, likely from hot lust rather than illness. "Um. She's good. I think."

  "Let me talk to her."

  Phoebe grimaced. "She's a bit busy at the moment."

  "Where's Jack?"

  "She's at home."

  Ash unleashed a torrent of curses. "Damn it. You don't know Jack like I do. She's probably sold half my shit already." He sighed through the phone. "She get to you?"

  "No, I think we came to an understanding." Phoebe wanted to ask him about his conversation with Frank. She wanted him to explain how he'd introduced her to his sisters. But then she glanced at Reggie, who licked her lips and pushed up her sagging breasts. "I should probably go."

  More silence greeted Phoebe. She wasn't sure if the loudness of the venue made it difficult for him to understand what she was saying. Then she heard him chuckle.

  "She took you to a strip club, didn't she?"

  "Yes. Whoa." Phoebe leapt from her chair when Kalena nearly landed in her lap. The other woman threw her head back, laughing loudly as she leaned against the table. Phoebe nearly dropped her phone when she noticed the thickly-muscled man pressed against Kalena with his face buried between her breasts. "Oh, dear Jesus."

  "Well, I'll just leave you two to it," Ash said. "Oh, by the way, whatever you do, don't let Reggie get on the stage." There was an audible click as Ash ended the phone call.

  Phoebe was pushing her phone back into her purse when she felt something bump against her shoulder. She assumed it was one of the fawning women, but when she turned to look, she found herself at eye level with a thrusting pelvis.

  Her mouth fell open as she stared hypnotically at the bulge between his legs. The stripper had removed most of his clothing. Now he was only dressed in a bright blue G-string. Leaning away from his bouncing cock, Phoebe's gaze roamed up his torso before landing on his broad, muscular shoulders. For a moment, her eyes were drawn to the distinctive tattoo that covered his shoulder and traveled down the length of his arm.

  When her gaze finally reached his face, she found wicked amusement darkening his blue eyes. With an exaggerated wink, he spun around, and Phoebe bit back a shriek as she turned away. Before Phoebe crawled under the table, the last thing she saw and heard was Reggie leaning over to smack her palms against his bare ass cheeks.


  Phoebe slept on her side with her hand shoved under his pillow. She'd tossed the bed sheet away from her body, and her white nightgown was bunched around her knees. She looked warm and cuddly. Ash almost felt bad that he'd be waking her up from such a sound sleep.

  Smiling with anticipation, Ash pulled the cap from his head and tossed it onto the dresser. Then inspiration struck, and he switched on the lamp beside the bed. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stood over the bed until Phoebe's eyes began to twitch. When her eyes opened and focused on him, he grinned and dropped his arms to his sides.

  "One second," he said, reaching into his pocket to withdraw his phone. He opened his music app, then switched on his favorite workout playlist and sat his phone on the table.

  "What are you--"

  Ash placed a finger against Phoebe's lips, silencing her question. "Did you enjoy the strippers?"

  She groaned and buried her face in her hands. "I don't want to think about it. It's an experience I hope to never repeat."

  "Are you sure about that?"

  "Positive," she said, dropping her hands. She made to stand from the bed, but Ash placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back down.

  "They must not have done it right."

  "What?" she asked.

  Ash grabbed the front of his chambray shirt and yanked open the buttons. "I guess I'll just have to remedy that."

  "No. No." Her hands were in the air as she pleaded with him to stop. "Please no."

  Gyrating his hips to the music, Ash placed a knee onto the mattress and pulled off his shirt. As Phoebe swatted at him with her hands, he brought his other knee up to straddle her lap. He rubbed his hands up and down his still-covered chest, then he threw back his head and started moaning loudly.

  "You like that, baby?" he asked.

  Phoebe choked back a giggle. "I swear to you, Ashley Cooper, I am making you meatloaf tomorrow."

  "Oh?" He stared down at her. "It's like that?"

  She gave him a stern look. "Yep."

  He hopped away from her. Nodding as if he was accepting her threat, he reached for his phone. Instead of turning off the music, he blasted it up to the highest volume. He then looped his shirt around her head and drew her towards his belly.

  Phoebe bit at his stomach, which only encouraged him. He tossed the shirt aside, then grabbed her hands and placed them on his chest. "I think that deserved a least a dollar."

  "I'm not paying you shit."

  "Fine," he said, latching onto his tank top. Baring his teeth, he ripped it from his body. "I guess I'll just take an IOU." He dropped his hands to his waist, grabbing onto his belt buckle. "You want some of this, don't you?"

  Her gaze dropped to the floor. "Not particularly."

  He placed a finger beneath her chin. "You're such a wickedly bad liar."

  She lifted her dark eyes. They shone with merriment. "You are such a wickedly bad man."

  Ash unbuckled his belt, then he pulled it from his jeans. Curling the corner of his mouth, he unzipped his pants and shoved them down his legs.

  Phoebe's hands rose like she was motioning for a timeout. "Hold up. You've done this before."

  Ash shrugged. "You liked it then, so why reinvent the wheel?"

  "Men are so predictable."

  "Excuse me?" he asked, planting his hand against his chest. He lifted a finger and waved it in the air. "Uh-uh. No, ma'am. I will not allow you to slander my character." He reached for his phone, but before he could grab it, her hand darted out and wrapped itself around his wrist.

  "Is that all?" she asked, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

  He pulled his pants back up and zipped them. "I decided I'm worth more than your cheap, insulting words."

  The corners of her lips quirked, then she glanced at him through her thick lashes. She hooked her hand into his waistband and pulled him closer. She rested her chin against his stomach and stared at him with those dark eyes.

  "Did I hurt your feelings?" she asked.

iffing, he pushed out his bottom lip and looked away. "Maybe."

  "Aww, poor Ash." She pulled her head away, then unzipped his jeans. She slid her hand inside his underwear and curled her hand around his cock. "I guess I'll just have to make it up to you."

  Returning his gaze to her, he grinned. "Yes. Yes, you will."

  They both jumped when the door suddenly crashed open. He squealed in surprise, while Phoebe pulled her hand back. There standing in the doorway was Jack. She wore a green t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts.

  "Fuck," Jack muttered.

  Ash threw his head back in exasperation, then he ran his fingers through his hair. "Not quite, but almost."

  "Oh my God," Phoebe said, hopping from the bed. She rushed past him, fleeing into the bathroom. She continued to mutter curses from her sanctuary.

  Realizing he'd been left behind, he stared at the bathroom door then swiveled his head back to the bedroom door. As he shook his head, Jack stared pointedly at his crotch. Feeling a blush darkening his skin, he cleared his throat and tucked himself back into his jeans.

  "You could knock," he said, deciding to go on offense.

  Jack fell against the doorframe and crossed her arms. "You could turn your damn music off." Disgust flashed across her features. "I don't know what's more disturbing. Walking in on my brother just before he's fucking, or listening to my brother's fucking awful taste in music."

  She pushed away from the door. Creeping towards him, she pointed to the bathroom. "I thought this was just an arrangement?"

  He knew what she was asking, but he decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?"

  "You and the nurse." She squinted and cocked her head. "You know, big brother, I never would have imagined you the type."

  He lowered his gaze and pretended to brush something from his arm. "I assume you mean the marrying type. Well, there's always an--"

  She shook her head. "No. I mean you being the type to game the system."

  Ash stood straighter at that. Any trace of his lighter mood was now gone. "I'm not gaming the system."

  "Aren't you?" She arched a brow. "Frank said you married the nurse just so you wouldn't have to pay her an actual wage."

  "That's not true."

  Jack placed her hands on her hips, then she rocked from one foot to another. "She also said that it was against the law. Military wise. I think that's the best part, ya know. My big brother, the law-abiding asshole, is breaking the law." She rubbed her hands together. "What would happen if the military found out?"

  His heart dropped as he looked at his sister, seeing the glee in her eyes. He knew that she loved him, but he also knew that she carried a lot of resentment towards him. Especially since he'd reported her after the last time she'd stolen from him.

  "Jacinda, you don't understand the situation."

  "Oh, I think I understand enough." She tapped her fingers against her grinning lips. "I understand quite well." With another glance towards the bathroom, she pivoted on her heel and walked from the room.

  Ash watched her go, weighing the threat in her words. He'd like to think she was just toying with him, and making him feel bad for the way he'd acted towards her. But she was unpredictable. Even when she was sober.

  After a few moments, he strolled towards the bathroom and rapped his knuckles against the door. "You can come out now. She's gone." He stepped back when the door swung open and Phoebe's head appeared. She peeked into the bedroom, then shuffled out of her hiding place.

  "Sorry." A grimace twisted her features as she walked to the bed and sat down. Tucking her hands between her legs, she looked at the open bedroom door. "Things have been rough while you were gone."

  Ash narrowed his eyes. If he learned that Jack had been rude to his wife, he'd have her shit packed within an hour and her ass planted at the nearest bus station. "What did she do?"

  Phoebe's head dropped to her chest. Her feet swung off the floor. "Nothing."

  "Phoebe," he said. "What happened?"

  She inhaled deeply and shook her head. "It's just been awkward and tense around the house."

  Ash kicked his foot out to shut the door, then he walked to the nightstand and turned his phone off. He dropped onto the edge of the bed so they sat on opposite sides with their backs to each other.

  "I'm sorry about that," he whispered. And, he truly was. He hadn't been here when Phoebe and Reggie had needed him the most. Jack may be sober, but she was prickly and difficult on her best day. "I'll make sure her visit is brief."

  Phoebe snorted. With a touch of humor in her voice she said, "Too little. Too late."

  For a moment, he pondered whether to tell her of Jack's subtle threat. But he knew his little Phoebe's eyes would grow solemn, and the sadness would once again cloak her. Biting his lip, he leaned forward to turn the light off and prayed he'd have the strength to keep his worries to himself.


  The next morning during breakfast there was a tense stand-off over the coffee maker. Phoebe watched Ash stare at Jack, who was squinting at the oddly quiet Reggie. Not understanding the source of the tension, Phoebe sat quietly at the kitchen table, buttering her toast.

  "We'll only be gone a couple hours," said Jack as she poured milk into her coffee. She quickly glanced at the wall clock. "Four at the most."

  Ash's mouth was twisted in disapproval. He gripped a ceramic mug and was tapping the handle with his fingernail. For several seconds, the clicking noise was the only sound in the kitchen. Then he cleared his throat, dropped his mug onto the kitchen island, and rested his hands on the counter.

  "Where are you going?" he asked.

  Phoebe flinched. She could hear the impatience in his voice, and she realized that he was holding onto his temper. She hadn't had many opportunities to see him upset. He was usually in a playful mood, but this morning, she could see finely-etched lines around his mouth and the bleakness in his eyes.

  Jack lifted her mug and sipped slowly at her coffee. She stared quietly at Ash, then turned impertinent eyes in Phoebe's direction. "And here I was thinking I was doing you and your wife a solid. I figure you two might enjoy having the house to yourselves."

  Phoebe opened her mouth to object, but she closed it quickly when Ash shot her a dark look. Battling the urge to flee the room, she untwisted the lid to the strawberry preserves, then slathered a glob onto her toast. As the quiet standoff resumed, she brought the toast to her mouth and bit down into it. The crisp sound drew three pairs of eyes in her direction.

  "I'm sorry," she said, dropping the toast onto her plate. When she caught Reggie's gaze, Phoebe shrugged in confusion.

  Reggie lifted her brows. "It's all right, Ash. Me and Jack got some things to sort out, I reckon. We'll go to a movie, then grab some lunch. It'll be okay."

  Ash tapped his fingers against the counter, then pushed to stand at his full height. "You sure?"

  Reggie nodded. "Of course I am. This'll be good for us."

  "I promise to bring her back in one piece, Major." Jack smiled when Ash winced at the use of his rank. Turning to the sink, she placed her now empty mug into the basin. "I swear to you, if I don't have her back in four hours, then you can call the police."

  "Jack." Ash had spoken, but in a voice that didn't sound like him. He dropped his head, then he looked at Phoebe. She, in turn, smiled in reassurance and nodded.

  That didn't seem to placate him. Instead he reached out and yanked open a kitchen drawer. He pulled a notepad and pen from its interior, then quickly scribbled something. He ripped the paper from the pad and handed it to Reggie.

  Reggie's eyes widened as she scanned the page, then she choked back laughter. With a wink, she turned on her heel and walked to her bedroom.

  "What was that all about?" asked Jack, staring at Ash.

  He shrugged. "Nothing." He turned away from Jack as if dismissing her from his mind. He looked at Phoebe and quirked his brows. "What about you and me? Wanna stay home, or do you want to go out?"

  Before Phoebe
could answer, Reggie left her room. She stood in the kitchen doorway and motioned to Jack. "You ready to go, Jacinda?"

  "I fucking hate that name," Jack said.

  Reggie grinned and took her niece's hand. "I know." As she pulled Jack through the door, Reggie called out, "We'll be back in a few hours. Enjoy yourselves."

  Phoebe held her breath until she heard the front door slam. Then she exhaled and looked at Ash. He finally filled his coffee mug, then sauntered over to the kitchen table and sat down across from her.

  So many questions swirled in her mind that she struggled to identify which one she should ask first. She debated it silently as she watched Ash pluck her toast from her plate and take a large bite.

  "So, what did you write on the paper?" asked Phoebe.

  She was mesmerized as she watched the darkness fade from Ash. During his exchange with Jack, his shoulders had been rigid and his face had seemed as if carved from stone. Now he looked like the lighthearted man she'd grown to love.

  Ash smiled crookedly, then brushed the crumbs from his hands. "I asked Reggie if she was being kidnapped. Wink if she was going willingly. Blink if she was being taken."

  She gaped at him. "Taken?" Laughter rattled in the back of her throat. "Wait a second. You think your sister would kidnap your aunt? What would she do with her? Is there a black market for elderly curmudgeons?"

  He cocked his head to the side. "You haven't seen what I've seen."

  "And you've seen these black markets, have you?" Phoebe guffawed. "And did you enjoy yourself?"

  Ash rubbed the flats of his hands against the table. "You're ruining my moment."

  Phoebe struggled to control her laughter. "I'm sorry, Ash."

  "You didn't even let me discuss the particular set of skills I've--"

  She erupted into laughter and threw her napkin at him. He caught it, then flipped it right back at her.

  When she corralled her humor, she folded her arms on the table and leaned forward. "So, what's the deal between Reggie and Jack? I get the history between you and your sister, but there seems to be something deeper between them."


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