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Wanted: A Good Wife & Great Sex (A Bargained Marriage)

Page 19

by SL Beabhar

  He tossed the covers from his body. She stiffened in reaction, then turned to face him. Half her face was illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the blinds.

  He crawled across the bed, eliminating the gulf between them, then he took the ugly knit hat into his fingers and wrestled it from her grasp. "You don't need this."

  "It makes me feel better."

  Ash placed his hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer, so he could brush his lips across her forehead. Then he shifted away and whisked a falling tear from her cheek. "Really? Because all I see is misery."

  He knew she was worried about Jack and their meeting with Olivia. At first, he'd been worried, too, but then he let Reggie's words penetrate his anger, and he finally realized he had nothing to worry about. Not because he thought it would be hard for Jack to prove their contract marriage now that the prenup was gone, but because theirs wasn't a fake marriage. Not anymore.

  "Olivia hates me," Phoebe whispered.

  He tried not to nod. "She hates everyone."

  Phoebe pulled away and stared into his eyes. He hated to see the return of the solemnness. He'd thought he'd banished it a long time ago.

  "Jack hates me," she said.

  This time, he shook his head. "No. She hates me." And perhaps Jack had good reason to. There were times when he told himself that he was being too hard on her. That he should give her a chance to prove herself. But then he'd remember a time when she did something to hurt him or Reggie, and that brief spark of sympathy would die.

  But everyone was capable of change. He understood that now. He'd become a changed man himself, discovering that he actually enjoyed being married. He liked coming home to the same woman--his Phoebe--every day and seeing her dark eyes twinkle with welcome.

  "I'm sorry." Ash didn't elaborate on his apology. He wasn't apologizing for dragging Phoebe into this mess. That would be like saying he was sorry to have met her, and he didn't feel that way at all. No, he felt sorry for causing her pain when all he wanted to do was make her laugh and smile.

  She looked at him with her bright red nose and blotchy face, and he didn't think he'd seen anyone more beautiful. "You're my wife."

  She nodded. "I know."

  Ash smiled. "I don't think you understand." He took her chin between his fingers and lifted her face. "You're my wife. Mine." He brushed his lips across hers. "There's nothing Jack can say that'll change that."

  "What about the contract?"

  He grinned. "It's gone."

  "That doesn't worry you?" She cocked her head.

  Rolling his eyes, Ash dropped his hand and scooted away from her. He plumped his pillow, before laying back down on his side of the bed. Then he extended his hand and beckoned her to join him. "I'm not worried."

  "I am." She remained at the corner for a few moments longer. Then she released a heavy sigh as she shifted onto the bed and crawled to where he rested. She rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arm around his waist.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "If I go to prison, do you promise to smuggle in some cookies?"

  "Jesus," Phoebe said, swatting his chest. "Do you have to joke about everything?"

  "There is humor in everything."

  The darkness shielded her features, but he knew she glared at him. "No. Really, there isn't."

  "I beg to differ."

  She was quiet for a moment. "I was serious about a divorce."

  "I was serious about saying no."

  She shifted her face so that her chin dug into his chest. "There's been a change of plans. I'll continue to care for Reggie and--"

  "No," he said. Ash knew she worried about him and his career. But he also knew that they had nothing to fear. Not really. Not anymore. "There won't be a divorce. Not now. Not ever."

  She stiffened. "But--"

  He was tired of talking. Shifting his weight, he flipped her onto her back. He hovered over her, feeling the tip of his nose caress her cheek. "You and me, we're alike in some ways. We both avoid commitment. I never wanted a long-term relationship."

  "I always wanted one," she countered.

  "Yet, you told me that I was your first actual relationship." He kissed her chin. "We've both tried to convince ourselves that our career goals meant more to us than love."

  She was still for a moment, but then he felt a slight nod.

  "I can agree with that."

  "And we're both dedicated to our families."

  She nodded again. "True."

  He lowered his face to place his lips across hers. Her tongue flicked out to graze his bottom lip. For a moment, he felt robbed of breath as he felt her soften beneath him.

  "And we never sought real relationships," he said as he tugged her nightgown up her thighs, "because we were waiting for each other."


  Phoebe turned her back and pointed at her zipper. "Can you zip me up?" She waited to hear Ash's approach. When she finally felt him behind her, she stood straighter and dropped her hands to her side. "What do you think about this dress? I bought it yesterday."

  "It's lovely," he said.

  She expected him to make quick work of the zipper. But he had other plans. She felt him trace a finger over her skin, then caress his way up to her bra strap. She arched away and glanced over her shoulder.

  "No," she said sternly. "You are not going to make me late."

  Ash approached her, and she retreated until her back was pressed against the wall. Placing his hands on the wall, he lowered his face to hers. He was so close that she could feel his warm breath on her lips.

  "Why don't you just call and cancel? You can tell them you're not feeling well."

  She shook her head. "They'll think I'm pregnant."

  He grinned. "Okay. Tell them I'm not feeling well, and you have to stay home to take care of me."

  Phoebe twisted her mouth and stared into his gleaming eyes. Even though his plan sounded tempting, she knew she couldn't back out of the lunch. It would be yet another reason for Olivia to hate her.

  So Phoebe grasped the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. She then leaned into him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and slid her hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

  It was the wrong thing to do. Ash's hands landed on her thighs and slid under her dress as he dropped his head. "You're giving me mixed signals, Phoebe. Are you staying or are you going?"

  She didn't answer. She slanted her head and traced her tongue along his bottom lip. In response, he nudged against her, forcing her legs apart. She itched to wrap them around his waist, but she controlled herself. It wasn't the right time for a quickie, but she would indulge herself with this kiss.

  Ash took the tip of her tongue between his teeth. She could see the humor lingering in the depths of his eyes. Then he released her and placed his lips across hers. She could feel his heart thudding in his chest.

  Her resolve was softening, and that realization had her pulling away from the kiss. She lifted her hand and checked the time on her watch. It was fifteen past eleven, and if they didn't leave now, they would arrive late for the lunch.

  Ash must have felt her withdrawal. He leaned away just enough to stare down at her face. "You're seriously going?"

  "Yes," she said, squeezing out from his embrace. Clearing her throat, she walked to the mirror and checked her appearance. They'd tousled her chignon, and there were noticeable wrinkles on the front of her dress.

  "You have nothing to worry about," he said quietly. "We have nothing to hide. We're a happily married couple who just can't keep their hands off each other."

  She truly wanted to believe him. But she knew that anger still simmered within Jack. "I hope this doesn't go past two hours."

  "It shouldn't," he said, coming to stand behind her. He placed his hands on her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. "Many of them are housewives with kids. They try to make the lunches short so the moms can get back home."

sounds so old-fashioned." She turned in his arms. "I don't think I'm going to fit in."

  He cocked his head. "I think you will." Then he glanced away, and a flash of impatience flitted over his features. When he looked back at her, there was a serious expression on his face. "They're bound to ask you how we met. Just tell them we met online."

  Phoebe furrowed her brow. "Okay."

  "If they ask for any specifics about our--um--courtship, just tell them we exchanged emails and chatted through videos before we actually met up." He licked his lips. "Also, you might want to mention you're head-over-heels in love with me. You know, just for added dramatic effect."

  Phoebe felt her heart skip a beat. Last night, he'd said they'd been waiting for each other, and she believed him. But he'd yet to tell her that he loved her, and she'd wondered if he ever would.

  She studied his face, noting the agitation he tried to hide. She took his hand into hers and squeezed. "I promise not to give them a reason to doubt our relationship."

  He gave her a ghost of a smile. "Jack may make things difficult, but you have nothing to worry about. You and me, we got this. Understand?" He lifted their clasped hands and brushed a kiss across her fingertips. "Just be yourself and they'll love you just as much as I do."

  She heard the words. She felt him stiffen against her. She saw the shock darken his eyes.

  Phoebe was silent for a moment as she processed the words, turning them over and over in her mind. Had he meant that he truly loved her, or was he just trying to reassure her? And was he now trying to think of a way to extract himself?

  She didn't have a chance to ask him. Ash dropped her hand, stepped back, then pointed at the bedroom door. "You better get going. I'm afraid you're gonna be late." And with that, he smiled again and walked away.

  Acknowledging that they were running behind, Phoebe bolted from the room and trotted down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she noticed that Reggie and Jack sat quietly in the living room.

  Upon seeing her, Jack pushed out of her chair. Her eyes scanned Phoebe's dress, then she turned to motion to Reggie. "I guess we're finally ready to go."

  Phoebe flinched. "I'm sorry that we're late. Ash and I were talking upstairs."

  "Talking?" Jack asked, arching a brow.

  Reggie shot her niece a look from the corner of her eye. Then she shuffled to Phoebe's side and lowered her voice. "She's in a peculiar mood today." She lifted her brows. "And that's saying somethin'."

  Phoebe nodded. Ash said he wasn't worried, but she was. What were Jack's true intentions? Would Olivia believe her?

  "C'mon, we better be going," Phoebe said, opening the front door. She stood back, allowing Reggie ample room to shuffle past with her cane. Phoebe stood still as Jack walked past her with her lips puckered.

  They were silent during the twenty-minute drive. They reached the Officer's Club a few minutes after twelve, but Phoebe was relieved to see that others were just arriving as well. She drove her beater into one of the parking spots, then cringed when a group of wives looked and pointed in their direction.

  "You better convince Ash to get you a new car," Reggie said, turning to look at Phoebe. Her eyes twinkled with humor. "I'm sure if you tell him that this piece of shit is a poor reflection of him as a husband, he'll get you a nice sedan."

  Shaking her head, Phoebe opened her door and climbed out. She walked around the car, avoiding the looks of the other wives, and approached Reggie's door. She pulled the handle, but it wouldn't open. She checked that the door was unlocked, and it was. She tried again, but the door remained stuck. Tucking her head against her chest, she lurched on the handle until the door finally creaked open.

  Phoebe blocked out the sound of giggles behind her. She took hold of Reggie's hand and helped her from the car. She then looked over the car roof to check on Jack.

  Her sister-in-law had safely exited the vehicle, and she was standing beside the car with an apprehensive look on her face. Once again, Phoebe wondered at Jack's motives. And when Jack glanced in her direction, Phoebe knew she was unable to hide the fear in her eyes.

  What Jack saw in her expression seemed to embolden her. She tossed her head, then left the side of the vehicle. She stepped onto the sidewalk where a group of wives had gathered to chat.

  Distantly, Phoebe could hear Jack introducing herself. She wanted to implant herself in the conversation, but she was still helping Reggie out of the car. Once Reggie leaned onto her cane, Phoebe finally stepped towards the group. From the corner of her eye, she continued to watch Reggie's progress, but she also made an effort to introduce herself.

  "Hello," she said, waving to the group. "I'm sorry we're late. I'm afraid I lost track of time."

  One of the women stepped forward. Her brown eyes were warm and a soft smile curled her lips. She extended a hand. "I'm Traniece McDonald. You must be Phoebe. Coop's wife."

  Phoebe took her hand into hers. She studied Traniece's face and saw genuine friendliness there. "It's nice to meet you." She glanced at the group. "I feel like I'm at a disadvantage."

  One by one, the others stepped forward to introduce themselves. Just when Phoebe felt safe that she'd inserted herself into the conversation, she noticed Jack break away and walk into the club. Phoebe's heart flopped in her chest, and she felt like running to catch up with her.

  But then she felt a presence beside her and realized that Reggie was standing there. Phoebe motioned to Reggie. "And this is my husband's great-aunt. Reggie, I would like you to meet Traniece, Mina, and Elsa."

  Reggie inclined her head. "Nice to meet you."

  Polite chatter arose around her as Phoebe continued to look towards the door. When she couldn't take it anymore, she tapped Reggie's arm. "We should be getting inside."

  Together the group walked into the Officer's Club. Phoebe glanced around the interior, struck by the formal decorations. She and Reggie followed the others as they made their way to a large banquet room.


  She turned in the direction of the voice and found Olivia waving at her. She was standing with other women, and she did not step forward. Instead, she pointed at the nearest table. "There's a name card for each seat."

  Phoebe nodded in understanding. Then she took hold of Reggie's arm and went in search of their seats. When she found them, she was surprised not to find Jack at the table. She looked around the room, searching for Jack's distinctive hair color, but she didn't see her.

  Jack was still absent when a woman went to the podium at the front of the room and welcomed the attendees. Distractedly, Phoebe followed all the social cues. She clapped when necessary, laughed when expected, and sat quietly when needed.

  Several minutes passed before Jack arrived at the table. Olivia had been sitting at the center table, so Phoebe knew that Jack hadn't been chatting with her. Phoebe studied Jack's features, noticing redness around her eyes.

  Her sister-in-law looked disengaged, as if she wasn't fully there. Phoebe was still looking at her when Olivia came to their table. Beside her was a thin woman with perfectly coiffed hair.

  "Phoebe, this is Mrs. Shields. She's married to General Shields." Olivia inclined her head towards Phoebe. "This is Major Cooper's new bride."

  Feeling sheepish, Phoebe pushed from her chair and nudged Reggie to do the same. When Reggie simply glared in response, Phoebe ignored her and glanced in Jack's direction. Her sister-in-law's head was ducked as she tapped away on her cellphone. Then, Phoebe forced a smile on her lips and extended her hand towards the General's wife. "Hello. I'm Phoebe."

  There was a polite yet distant look on Mrs. Shield's face as she took Phoebe's hand. "I've heard a few whispers about you." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Major Cooper is infamous around these parts, particularly when it comes to his love life."

  "He's brought a different date to every function," Olivia added conspiratorially.

  Mrs. Shields nodded. "Oh, yes. Some more memorable than others." She looked close to laughing now, which seemed t
o surprise Olivia. Then the humor faded from Mrs. Shield's face and she pinned Phoebe with a stern look. "We were all stunned to learn that he'd married."

  Phoebe felt sweat gather at her lower back. She grabbed the skirt of her dress and twisted the fabric between her fingers. "Believe me when I say that I'm the most surprised--I mean--things just happened quickly between us."

  "When it's love, it's love," added Reggie.

  Phoebe looked in her direction and caught Reggie's encouraging smile. Feeling reassured, Phoebe grinned and released her dress. "I won't say it was love at first sight, but it was certainly sudden. After getting to know him, I realized that he was my future." At least, she would certainly like him to be her future. They'd come to a temporary agreement, but she didn't think she could walk away after five years. Certainly not without trying to make it permanent.

  Mrs. Shields turned to Jack. She lifted her brows in an inquiring manner. "I'm sorry. Have we met?"

  "No," Jack said, extending her hand. "I'm Major Cooper's sister."

  "Ah," said Mrs. Shields. The General's wife shifted her weight from one foot to another while she scanned the dining room. "Well, I hope you are enjoying yourself."

  "I am, ma'am."

  Phoebe couldn't help but notice how differently Olivia behaved around Mrs. Shields. She acted deferential, as if Mrs. Shields was in command. Perhaps she was. Phoebe continued to struggle with the intricacies of military life.

  "Please tell me," Olivia said, leaning onto the back of Jack's chair. "Were you just as surprised as the rest of us to learn that your brother had finally settled down?"

  This was the moment Phoebe dreaded. Her breath grew shallow, and she saw spots. Turning away from Olivia and Jack, Phoebe settled her gaze on Reggie who looked on with only slight interest.

  "I think we were all surprised to learn that Ash had fallen in love." Phoebe looked back at Jack and found the younger woman staring at her. Jack shrugged then looked at Olivia. "But, I have to admit, I've never seen him happier than he is with Phoebe. I think he's very lucky to have found her."


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