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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

Page 142

by Brittany White

  “Yes I had heard she was in the car, she’s the mayor’s head of security now. It’s a horrible thing indeed, and if we find out that your Uncle is the person who committed this crime he will be arrested. I just can’t believe that Browning was a part of this.” He commented and shook his head.

  There was a knock on the door and Jake looked back to see Chad Browning walk in with Detective Snyder.

  “Hey Jake, everything alright?” Chad asked Jake.

  Jake shook his head. “No Chad it’s not. I know you lied to protect Uncle Ray. He told me what he did to Aunt Shelly last night. How could you protect him? He killed her?” Jake asked.

  Chad’s face hardened quickly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I called Florida and talked to her myself.” Chad stated.

  “So you won’t mind taking a lie detector test to verify that?” The Captain spoke up.

  Chad turned to the Captain quickly. “What? You believe him?” Chad asked.

  “Just answer my question, are you willing to submit to a lie detector test right now?” The Captain asked once more.

  “I think I want to call my lawyer.” Chad stated.

  “Lock him up after he makes his call.” The Captain said to Dan. “Send the squad out to pick up Stock too.” He ordered.

  “Yes sir.” Dan led Chad out of the office.

  “Son I want to thank you for coming forward today that was a really brave thing to do.” The Captain stood up and shook his hand. “You know you’ll have to be present to testify in court though, right?” He asked.

  Jake shook his head. “I’ll be there.”

  Chapter 9

  Rico sat beside the bed it had been ten days now and he had barely left her side the whole time. He held her hand like every other day he had been beside her.

  “Please baby pull through this, if you do I’ll give you anything you want in this world.” Rico said.

  He felt her fingers move against his hand. Rico looked up and saw her open her eyes slowly. He hit the nurse button and let them know she was waking up.

  The nurses came in and checked her vitals and welcomed her back to the real world. Finally they left and Rico resumed his spot by the bed. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m so happy you’re awake. Oh my God I thought I had lost you.” He kissed her again. “Please don’t ever leave me again. I love you.” Rico said.

  Lalena looked up at him and smiled a tear formed on her eye and it slowly slid down her cheek. Rico wiped the tear up and kissed her again on the top of the head.

  “I love you too.” She said.

  “Will you marry me?” Rico asked, and pulled out a ring box from his pocket. “It’s my mother’s ring, I hope you like it.”

  “Oh it’s beautiful.” She cried. “I love it!” She tried to sit up and give him a hug.

  “No don’t try to sit up so quickly. Here let me raise the bed up.” Rico hurried to hit the button.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Rico Zess I love you so much. I swear I fell for you that first night when you whispered in my ear.” She admitted.

  “You had me under a spell as soon as I looked in your eyes that night. I tried to fight the feelings. But I had to have you for myself, forever. I love you.” Rico commented.

  They kissed.

  “Excuse me.” They heard a voice and pulled apart.

  “Jake, what are you doing here?” Lalena looked shocked.

  “I was checking on you. Glad to see you woke up. Hi Rico, how are you?” Jake said.

  Lalena looked between the two men confusion on her face. “I’m not sure I understand.” She said finally.

  “Jake and I have been talking since you’ve been in a coma. We learned a lot from one another, and we’re good now.” Rico explained.

  “Yeah there was a lot of things I didn’t know about, and well in all honesty you know I wasn’t really planning on staying in town. I know I loved you, but I couldn’t offer you the things you needed. Rico here and willing to do it, but he knows if he hurts you he has me to answer too.” Jake stated.

  “Like I told you Jake, she’ll be taken care of by me. I won’t ever hurt her. She’s in good hands.” Rico told him.

  “So did she say yes?” Jake asked.

  “Yes, I just got done asking her.” Rico said.

  “Congratulations you two, I’m really happy for you.” He said.

  “Thank you Jake, really for everything.” Lalena said.

  “So when is the wedding?” Jake asked.

  “Whenever the lady is ready, I’m ready.” Rico commented.

  “Oh I don’t know I would do it now if we could.” Lalena said.

  “I’m the mayor of course it’s possible. Jake do you mind being my best man?” Rico turned to him.

  “Of course I’ll be your best man.” Jake said.

  Rico made a few calls and shortly there was a priest in the room.

  Lalena couldn’t believe this was happening; she pinched herself during the ceremony.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The priest said.

  Rico kissed Lalena and whispered, “We’ll have to wait for our honeymoon celebration until you’re out of here.”

  She shivered in anticipation of that day. “When will I be allowed to leave?” She asked.

  “We’ll ask your doctors a little later on today when they stop in.” Rico told her.


  “I’m so happy to be home.” Lalena smiled as they walked in the door. “I wish it would have been sooner though.” She admitted.

  “I was lucky to get it cut down to 4 more days stay. They wanted to keep you at least a week.” Rico laughed. “Don’t worry; the first place we are going is to the bedroom. I’m going to enjoy making love to my wife.” He said seductively.

  “I’m looking forward to it too.” She smiled.

  He picked her up and carried her over the threshold. He didn’t stop and headed straight up the stairs and stopped in the bedroom. “My lovely wife, I would now like to ravish you for the rest of the day!” Rico stated.

  She looked into his eyes and saw the passion that sparked in them. She sighed and took her clothes off.

  He watched her the whole time she undressed. He smiled at her, you are so beautiful.

  “Even with these scars, you still think I’m beautiful?” She asked, looking down at the scars from the car door that had hit her on the side.

  “Your beauty is here.” He said and pointed to her heart. “I love you Lalena.” He kissed her.

  She stuck her tongue into his mouth and attacked his tongue with hers. She moaned as he pushed her back onto the bed.

  Rico looked at her body and then lowered his head to her sex. He smelled her juices and lightly ran his finger up her slit. Lalena arched her back with pleasure.

  He pushed his finger into her slowly and licked her clit lightly. She moaned loudly. He sucked her clit into his mouth and nibbled on it. She screamed out as a climax shot through her.

  Rico licked up the juices that flowed from her pussy from her orgasm. He came up and kissed her on the mouth. His cock spread her lips and entered her love cave. They moved together slowly.

  “I love you Mrs. Zess.” He said as he pushed into her again.

  “I love you too Mr. Zess.” Lalena purred.

  He kept good on his promise of making love to her for hours. They fell apart exhausted and spent hours later. Rico pulled her close to him. “I never want you away from me. I really thought I lost you.”

  “I’m here baby, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.” She kissed his chest and ran her fingers through his chest hair.

  Chapter 10

  The trial for Raymond Stock and Chad Browning was starting today. Lalena sat in the courtroom. Raymond Stock had almost killed her and she wanted to see him go to jail.

  Jake was on the stand testifying right now. She listened intently as he told the story that Raymond had shared with him that one night. Lalena couldn’t belie
ve that this man had killed his wife and fed her to the pigs.

  He was a big man in town, a man who had it all. He could have easily found another wife.

  Stock got up on the stand, even though his attorney had suggested he not go up.

  The story he weaved was completely different from Rico’s story, that he had told Lalena the day before. He claimed that Rico had slept with his wife. Stock said that because of Rico he wasn’t able to be with his wife, who he loved very much.

  The DA got up and questioned Stock who stuck to his story. But there was far too much evidence against stock, when Chad Browning testified. He had been given a deal to roll on his child hood friend. If he told the truth he wouldn’t have to go to jail.

  Browning had been a cop for years now and had put several men in jail. It would be the jail he would be sent to if he was convicted.

  “Please state your name for the jury.” The lawyer said.

  “I’m Chad David Browning.” Chad said.

  “What is your relationship with Raymond Stock?” The lawyer questioned.

  “I’ve known Ray for all my life; we grew up beside one another.” Chad answered.

  “Did you help hide the fact that Raymond Stock killed his wife four years ago?”

  “Yes I did. I made up a story about talking to her in Florida, but I knew he had beaten her to death. He had a problem with hitting her; I would always suppress any reports that came in about it.” Chad stated.

  “Do you know if Raymond Stock was driving the car that hit the mayor’s car on February 13, of this year?”

  “Yes it was his car. There was a report that came in from an eye witness. I didn’t report it.” Chad said.

  “Thank you Mr. Browning that will be all.”

  “Judge I’d like to approach the bench.” Stock’s attorney stood up and said.

  “Please come up.” The Judge said.

  The two attorneys walked up to the bench. “Sir we’d like to plea bargain.” Stock’s attorney said.

  “No we got him convicted I’m not offering any deal.” The DA answered.

  “You heard his answer.” The Judge said. “Go back to your seats.”

  “The state rests.” The DA said when he got back to the table.

  “Do you have any more witnesses?” The Judge asked Stock’s attorney.

  “No sir.” He shook his head.

  The orders were given to the jury, who only took ten minutes with their decision.

  “How do you find Mr. Stock on the charges of attempted murder?” The Judge asked.

  “Guilty.” The foreman of the jury answered.

  “How do you find Mr. Stock on the charges of first degree murder in the death of Shelly Stock?”


  “Mr. Stock I hereby sentence you to life in prison. With an added 20 years for the attempted murder charge.” The Judge announced and slammed the gavel on the bench.

  Lalena hugged Rico in the gallery. “Oh thank goodness. You know that Sally had a feeling that it was him the whole time. I should have listened to her.” She told him.

  “It is okay honey, I didn’t think it was him either. Even with the story I knew about him.” Rico answered.



  Chapter 1

  “You can’t possibly think that you can get away with this, Lila. You can certainly try to get away, but they will not let you go easily. They have invested a lot of time in you. What’s to say that the grass is greener on the other side?” Melanie was the den mother for the girls and felt a certain kinship towards them. She was also unique in that she came from the same kind of life that they were now living. She lived to serve and she taught these girls that life was better when their men were happy.

  “I know that I’m probably making a mistake. I miss who I was a few years ago before they came and collected me. I fought them every step of the way, but you showed me that the pain that I would endure was not worth fighting back. I was stubborn and I learned very quickly that my anger and mistrust was only going to get me hurt in the long run.” Lila Ames was a part of the flesh trade and she had her fair share of men putting her down. Her love life consisted of being used for the pleasures of others. She had just recently learned that she is to take a husband. “I know nothing of this man that they propose that I stay with for the rest of my life. I’ve heard through the Grapevine that they’re only doing it to make sure that I am taken care of. I’m not exactly sure what they mean by that. It sends this cold chill down my spine every time that I think about it.”

  “Give it some thought. I think that you’ll find that a good night’s sleep is all that you need to find another perspective. I don’t want you to do anything that you’re going to regret. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I think that I can say this on the behalf of the both of us that we are from the same cloth. I was exactly like you and I cringe every time that I think about that same girl living to please others. You have been passed around, but you have been lucky in one respect. I’ve made sure that you’ve gone to only those that have a firm hand. They’re also the only ones that don’t leave permanent marks on the merchandise. It’s too bad that Mr. Maxwell died, but I think that you know what that means. There is a proposal on the table from those that are controlling the flesh trade. They want to keep somebody in line and they need you to be their buffer. They also expect you to report back to them with anything that might seem suspicious.”

  “I don’t know anything about spying on any one. If you’re asking that I take a look at his emails or check his phone from time to time, then I think that I could do that.” I wanted my mother and even though I was 25, I still felt like I was in need of a mother figure. Melanie tries to fill that void, but she’s just as lost as the rest of us. She tries to fake it by using her authority to keep herself from falling back into old habits. I’ve seen her flirting with danger with one of the guards. I don’t know what she’s thinking and that can only lead to disaster. My dirty blond hair was over my shoulders and I probably looked like I wasn’t a threat by standing at only 5’3 and 120 pounds soaking

  wet. I think that I had a strength underneath that I didn’t even realize. I wanted to bring that out in the worst way possible, but every time I tried, I would chicken out. It’s only now that I find out that I’m going to be married off that I feel that it might be time to make tracks.”

  “I’ve done my best to protect you, but even I know that I have limitations. If you do this for them, they promise that they will finally let you go after a year underneath the same roof, as Jordan Holden. I do have to tell you that he is not your normal kind of man. He thinks that he hides his true self, but he’s sadly mistaken. I don’t want to over exaggerate, but Jordan is not a man that anybody takes lightly. It’s the reason why they want to keep a close eye on him. He’s known to go his own way, but mostly he does that for the benefit of those that he works for.”

  “I really don’t like the sound of this. You have sheltered me from those more sadistic personalities. I am grateful and you have no idea how difficult it is to hear from the other girls about what they have gone through. I don’t know why you took a personal interest in me, Melanie.” “Melanie has been damaged and I can see the way that living in captivity has taken its toll. She has become prematurely gray down the middle. She wore it like a badge of honor, but it was probably the reason why they wanted to keep her away from the business at hand. She had served her usefulness and now has taken an authorative role within the organization. I’ve heard about the mafia and how they held a steel grip on the flesh trade and the drug trade at the same time. I’d also heard of some kind of enforcer that could do the impossible.

  “I think that you should at least have a talk with the man. Get a feel for who he is and maybe then you can make an informed decision. By running, you’ll always be looking over your shoulder and I don’t want that for you. I don’t want that for any of you.” Melanie was trying to tell her that dying was not a good idea
. By going against those in control, she would become nothing, but a liability. She had seen that time and time again. She had watched those that she called friend disappear in the dead of night.

  “I suppose, I could stay for a little bit longer. I don’t want to be constantly looking over my shoulder. If I can get that in writing about them letting me go after a year being with this man, then I might reconsider my position.” “I’ve always wore my heart on my sleeve and maybe that is the reason why I get myself into these kinds of troubles. I’m attracted to the bad boy and Dylan had that personality down to a science. He was the one that convinced me to come along for a European vacation. I had no idea that he was the one that marked the targets. I never did see him again and maybe that was for the best. He had betrayed me. If I were to come face to face with him again, I have a feeling that things would turn ugly in a hurry.” Melanie had laid out a dress for her. It was blood red and very slinky and would form to her body like a second skin.

  “I’m glad that you have finally seen reason, Lila. It wouldn’t be good to get on these people’s bad side. They take this business very seriously. I’m going to let you get some rest and I believe that you will be having a visitor sometime tomorrow morning. I would love to tell you that this will be like love at first sight, but I can’t do that. I’m not even sure that he’s capable of showing that kind of emotion. To be honest, I think

  that he might be dead inside. His finger on a loaded gun is not something that is for the faint of heart.” Melanie couldn’t do anything about whether or not Lila would take her advice to heart. She could only hope that she would be there in the morning and not become some kind of hunt for those that wanted to make a name for themselves in the organization. In the 15 years that she had been in this business, she had first hand knowledge that nobody had been able to get away with anything.


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