Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 9

by Sarah Bailey

  “I belong in you,” he growled in her ear. “Only in you.”

  The possessiveness of his tone set her hair on end. Her heart slammed against her ribcage.

  I’m not supposed to feel this way about him. Not supposed to want him like this.

  They both knew they skated on thin ice when it came to each other. It had always been a bad idea for her to turn up at his door and push his buttons. Get him to agree to keep sleeping with her. Even so, now, in this moment, she didn’t regret her actions.

  “Come for me, Dani. Come all over me.”

  His words sent her over the edge. The entire evening had been one long drawn out session of foreplay. She whimpered and bucked against him. He continued to grind into her until she fell limp in his grasp. Only then did he let go and come apart himself. His face buried in her neck, grunting as he slammed into her one last time.

  “You make me crazy,” he whispered without removing his hand from her mouth. “I have no control when I’m with you. None. This is wrong. You know it. I know it. And neither of us can stop tumbling down this path.”

  He kissed her cheek.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  Then he was gone, folding himself back into the shadows leaving her panting and trembling from his touch and his words. Her heart fractured. What he said felt like a knife in her chest.

  This is wrong.

  Jamie had successfully managed to rip away the pleasure she felt from him fucking her so brutally. A single tear ran down her cheek.

  “Why did you have to ruin it?” she whispered into the still, cold night air.

  The silence only suffocated her further. There was nowhere left to hide. And facing the truth stripped her to the core.

  Jamie and I can’t ever just be friends. We’re more than that. He’s someone I never want to lose and yet perhaps one day I will.

  And that simple realisation terrified her.


  Half an hour later when she’d managed to drag herself back inside and take a shower, she walked into Novus’ room. He was lounging on his bed with a book, but he looked up at her approach. She sat down on the edge, sickness coiling in her stomach. She still hadn’t managed to shake her conflicting feelings about the vampire.

  “You took your time,” he said.

  “What did you want to speak to me about?”

  “I see the appeal of your vampire friend now.”

  She frowned, unsure what he was getting at.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “He’s rather attractive.”

  Dani rolled her eyes, looking away.

  “I hadn’t noticed.”

  Jamie is more than attractive. He’s magnetic. I could literally drown in his molten silver eyes.

  “No? I don’t believe you. No one can fail to notice that.”

  “Of course you would, you’d sleep with anyone. Jamie isn’t into men so keep your dirty thoughts to yourself.”

  Novus barked with laughter.

  “A vampire would be a new one, even for me.”

  “Really? The great sexual appeal of my brother hasn’t extended to the undead. What a surprise.”

  “Well, at least I get action.”

  “Screw you. If you’re going to start that, I’m leaving.”

  She made to get up, but his expression of guilt stopped her.

  “I’m sorry, that wasn’t funny. I don’t agree with father’s solution to your problem any more than you do. Say, you haven’t replenished in a while, do you need to?”

  She turned away, not wanting him to see her flush.


  “You’ve been using magic though.”

  His questions waded into dangerous territory.

  “I just need to do it with someone, doesn’t have to be Geul. Just know I’m managing it myself and don’t tell father that either.”


  “Drop it, Novy.”

  “Since when did you keep secrets from me?”

  Since I breathed a human and ended up fucking my best friend who happens to be a vampire and who I also have a really fucked up, complicated relationship with.

  Those were things she couldn’t admit to Novus.

  “Does it matter?”

  She felt a hand on her shoulder. Novus had moved to sit next to her.

  “Dani, what’s really going on? You’ve been different since I got home.”

  It was true. Meeting Jamie had allowed her freedom from her cage. It’d opened her up to new things and she wasn’t about to try stick that side of her back in its box.

  “Maybe I’m tired of being seen as a child by all of you. Maybe I want my own life.”

  “You know he’s just protective because of what happened to Mum.”

  She winced at the mention of their mother. The same thing could happen to her if she wasn’t careful. And there was rarely a night when she didn’t dream of that day. She didn’t want to think of it now.

  “That doesn’t mean he can lock me up and throw away the key.”

  “Is this why you’re hanging out with the vampire?”

  “His name is Jamie and no, that’s not why. It might have been at first, but not anymore. Not now I know him. You might think he’s just a vampire, but he’s funny and easy to talk to. I don’t feel trapped or under any pressure to be something I’m not. He’s the first real friend I’ve made in a long time.”

  She hadn’t meant to admit so much to Novus, but the words just spilt out. Looking up at her brother, she found his eyes full of understanding.

  “You care about him.”

  “Is that so wrong?”

  “No. I’ve never heard you talk about anyone in that way before.”

  “In what way?”

  He squeezed her shoulder.

  “Like they’re special.”

  “That’s because he is.”

  She fiddled with the hem of her t-shirt, knowing she’d probably gone too far.

  “What’s really going on between the two of you? Don’t tell me you’re just friends, Dani. I don’t believe that.”

  She didn’t answer him. What can I say? I don’t know how to explain it. Especially not after what he said this evening. Her heart felt tight. Why were her feelings so complicated? It should be simple. They’d made rules about not sleeping together all the time. And they’d broken those tonight. Something between them shifted. It might be miniscule, but it had still changed.

  “I’m keeping you caged like father does, and it’s wrong. I’m sorry.”

  She looked up into the eyes that mirrored her own. Novus seemed sincere, his expression regretful.

  “It was never meant to be this way.”

  “What way?”

  “With me and Jamie. I did something stupid. We crossed a line and I don’t think either of us can ever go back.”

  She let out a hum. It was filled with melancholy. He didn’t say anything, only waited for her to continue.

  “The night I stayed out, we went to ObliVion. I thought I could handle myself, but I was wrong. He showed me there’s darkness in this world even I can’t hide from any longer.” Her eyes fell to her lap, eying the piece of lint on her pyjama bottoms. “I breathed the girl he drank from. Then Raoul almost saw me afterwards. It was too late by then anyway. I had no choice but to tell Jamie the truth. That night changed everything between us. We can only ever be friends to each other and we screwed that up. I would place all the blame on myself but he’s just as much at fault.”

  She waited for Novus to say something but was only met with silence. She felt relief at confessing the truth to someone, but it was tinged with guilt and regret. The person she should be saying these things to was Jamie. She should tell him she couldn’t go back. That what he’d said this evening ruined her because she knew he was right.

  This is wrong. You know it. I know it.

  The words echoed around her skull.

  “That’s not what I expected you to tell me,” Novus said f

  “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know, but it wasn’t that the two of you are together.”

  “It’s not a relationship. We’re friends.”

  He grinned, raising an eyebrow.

  “Friends who fuck.”


  “What? That is what you’re doing.”

  She swatted his arm.

  “Do you have to be so crude?”

  “You’re the one spreading your legs for a vampire. I bet that’s why you took so long to come down and see me. I clearly interrupted the two of you.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  She scowled, getting up and stalking to the door.

  “Dani… I’m sorry. I’m not judging, just curious is all. Besides, I meant to talk to you about father coming, but this changes things.”

  She paused, turning her head back to him.

  “Don’t worry, I told Jamie we can’t see each other when father is here.”

  “It’s more than that. The unrest is worse than he’s let on. Our family is respected, but there are still those who think the crown should’ve gone to Candace regardless of the circumstances of Gwilliana’s death.”

  That was news to Dani. Candace had given up her claim. The last anyone had heard, Lucifer had made her his Queen.

  “They want the crown to go to the Queen of Hell?”

  “The fae are nothing if not stuck in their ways. You and I are young and weren’t brought up with the older beliefs.”

  “So you think we’re in danger.”

  “Maybe. I just want you to be careful. I am more at ease knowing you’re with him when you’re out.”

  She always tried to stay safe. The look in Novus’ eyes concerned her.


  “He’ll protect you, won’t he? If someone tried to take you or hurt you. And stay away from Raoul. He’s dangerous. He was Gwilliana’s right hand man.”

  If she could, she’d never see Raoul again. He’d always creeped her out.

  “Why would anyone come after me?”

  “You’re his favourite, Dani. Everyone knows that.”

  She swallowed as a shiver ran down her spine.

  “I’ll be careful. Night, Novy.”

  He gave her a sad smile.


  When she got into bed, she found herself restless. Tossing and turning for half an hour was futile. She thought about calling Jamie, but his words gave her pause.

  What would I even say?

  Even so, she tugged her phone towards her, settling for a text instead.

  Dani: Novus knows about us.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jamie read the message over ten times.

  Dani: Novus knows about us.

  There were many things her brother could know about them, but only one Dani would message him about after everything that happened this evening. He knows we’re sleeping together. He wanted to ask her. To confirm what he suspected, but he couldn’t. If he did, it would force a conversation he didn’t want to have.

  What the fuck am I doing? I feel so many things for Dani I shouldn’t.

  When she’d knelt at his feet earlier, she’d truly submitted to him. A part of him hated himself for needing it. The other half smashed through its barriers, arriving at the forefront of his mind. She’d given him power over her on a fundamental level. He controlled her pleasure and her pain.

  Sickness coiled inside him. She had no idea what she’d inadvertently unleashed. Dani had a habit of pushing him and now, she’d gone too far. They couldn’t turn back. She was his. He couldn’t openly claim her as a vampire would. The shit storm from the vampire council it would create all but made it impossible. Yet, she was still his.

  We were fucking kidding ourselves if we thought we could just be friends. I want her. Fuck do I want her.

  Frustration bubbled up inside him. He wanted to lash out, hit something or someone. That wasn’t the way to deal with his feelings. What he really wanted was to go back to her. Confess everything. Make her understand he couldn’t let her go. That friends was no longer an option. And that he would do anything to have her by his side, their respective species be damned. He didn’t care she was fae or that she was a princess. He cared for her. Dani. The girl who set his world ablaze.

  He stood up, teetering on the edge of returning to her. Even if she wanted to sleep, he’d hold her until dawn, just to be close to her. His phone buzzed, the ringing sound bringing him crashing back to reality. The reality that what he wanted wasn’t an option for them.

  Checking the caller ID, he sighed.

  “Gav,” he answered curtly.

  “Bar. Now. No excuses. I need you.”

  The line went dead before he had a chance to respond.


  If he didn’t go, he’d have his brother over here giving him hell. He pulled on a coat before folding himself into the shadows. When he stepped out into the Manager’s Office, Neave and Gavin were talking in low voices.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Gavin said.

  “You didn’t give me much choice or notice,” Jamie replied.

  “You know he’s not going to like what you’re asking of him, boss,” Neave said.

  Gavin gave her a sharp look. She just shrugged, clearly nonplussed. Jamie raised an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest.

  “Let me guess, you want me to use my abilities to get information out of someone despite me telling you time and time again I do not do that,” he said.

  “Bingo,” Neave said, earning her another dark look from Gavin.

  “We can’t use conventional methods. They need to remain unharmed,” Gavin said.

  “You mean she needs to remain unharmed,” Jamie said.

  Obviously it’s a woman. He wouldn’t care about torturing a guy.

  “And here I thought you were just a pretty face,” Neave said, grinning. “Got a brain too.”

  Jamie stuck his finger up at her.

  “Enough. Both of you,” Gavin said, slamming his hand down on the desk. “You are like a pair of five year olds. Jamie, I would not ask this of you if it wasn’t important.”

  This is what had caused Jamie to leave London in the first place. Gavin overstepping the mark and asking him to do things he wasn’t happy about.

  And accidentally getting blamed for something I didn’t do. I had nothing to do with the disappearance of a bunch of vampire texts.



  “No. You were fucking there. You saw what happened, so don’t give me any shit about this. I’m not doing it.”

  “I told you,” Neave said.

  Gavin glared at her before turning back to his brother.

  “Who is it anyway?” Jamie asked.

  Neave glanced at Gavin who’s mouth tightened. He turned the laptop on the desk around. Jamie walked over and looked at the live stream of the room they were holding the woman in.

  “What the actual fuck, Gav? Are you fucking insane?”

  He stared at his brother in disbelief. Sitting on a chair, her hands bound to the arms was the wife of the man who owned a large chunk of the real estate in London. The billionaire, Arthur Travsmead.

  “No, I’m not insane.”

  “Why the fuck is she here?”

  He pointed at the screen. She wasn’t unattractive for an older woman, but Jamie knew exactly why Gavin wanted him to be the one to glamour her.

  “She knows who has been interfering in my business arrangements.”

  “Why would she know that?”

  “She likes younger men.”

  Jamie wanted to tell Gavin to go stick it, but he was family. There was no telling what else would happen if they didn’t stop whoever had a vendetta against his brother. It could mean exposure and ruin for their species. That could not be allowed to happen under any circumstances.

  “Fine. You owe me for this, Gav. Big fucking time,” Jamie said before stalking from
the room.

  When he walked into the soundproofed room where they were holding Mrs Travsmead, her head snapped up. Hazel eyes appraised him with interest. Her hair was brown, streaked with blonde highlights.

  “Well, hello,” she purred.

  Jamie tried not to shudder. Just what I needed after tonight with Dani. He schooled his thoughts. Thinking about her would only lead him down a dark path.

  He picked up a chair and set it down in front of her, taking a seat. He wasn’t quite within touching distance.

  “Marissa Travsmead. I hear you’ve been a very bad girl.”

  “And you are a rather attractive boy.”

  Her eyes roamed over him. When she was done with her perusal, she met his eyes. It was her first mistake. Jamie held her gaze, digging his way into her mind. Her eyes glazed over.

  “Tell me, does your husband know how many men you spread your legs for?” he asked.

  “Of course not. He is far too busy fucking his secretary to care what his wife does. Arrogant prick.”

  She flipped her hair back, giving him a sultry grin.

  “Why? Are you interested in taking a ride?”

  He wanted to be sick. Nothing would induce him to touch the woman in front of him. Especially not when he had Dani. Her naked form played havoc with his senses.

  Fuck, Dani. What have you done to me?

  “Perhaps,” he replied, looking down at his fingernails. “You and I need to have a little talk first.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  She uncrossed and crossed her legs, showing him way more than he ever wanted to see.

  I’m going to kill Gav for making me do this.

  “The names of all the men you’ve fucked - and don’t lie to me, Mrs Travsmead. I very much dislike women who try to fuck me over.”

  She was silent for a moment. He could tell she was straining against his hold on her mind. He smiled at her and bit his lip.

  “I’ll write them down for you, shall I? Then you and I can engage in a little fun.”

  “Tut, tut, Mrs Travsmead. You think I’m going to untie you.”

  She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out unattractively. Then she rattled off a series of names, none he recognised. He could only hope Gavin would.


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