Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 10

by Sarah Bailey

  “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

  “You are very persuasive.”

  Only because I have control of your mind.

  He pressed against her further. It was time to give her what she wanted.

  “What am I doing to you?” he asked.

  Her eyes clouded over as if she was staring right through him.

  “Running your hands up my thighs. Oh, my dress is so flimsy.”

  He could see what she thought was happening to her. Him ripping off her clothes, touching her intimately. She writhed in the seat in front of him.

  “Oh yes, give me it. Fuck me you dirty little boy,” she moaned.

  She really has no shame.

  “Harder, pound me with your cock.”

  Her breath came faster. She wriggled and moaned, acting as though she really was being pounded roughly. Jamie wanted to laugh, but really, the whole situation disgusted him. The illusion had to be real if Gavin was ever going to come out of this unscathed.

  You can’t just kidnap Arthur Travsmead’s wife without consequences.

  She continued to shout profanities until she screamed, coming apart in front of him. The sight of it almost made him break the chair in annoyance. He stood and walked out of the room without a backwards glance, returning to Gavin and Neave.

  “That was quite a show,” Neave said, winking at him.

  “Shut the fuck up.” He turned to Gavin. “I hope you got what you needed. Do not fucking ask me to do that again.”

  “Thank you,” Gavin said.

  “Can I go now?”

  His brother nodded.

  “Don’t forget, you owe me. I’ll collect on that debt. Mark my words.”

  He folded himself back into the shadows. When he was back in his flat, he tore off his clothes, turned the shower on to scalding hot and let the water run down him. It stung, but he didn’t care. The whole ordeal made him feel dirty and wrong.

  What would Dani think if she knew I’d just made some older woman think I fucked her only with my mind?

  He almost hit the tiled wall. Dani wouldn’t care. She had accepted him, faults and all. What he wanted and needed right now was her. Stepping out of the shower, he dried and dressed. Dawn was still a fair few hours away. Melting into the shadows, he stood on Dani’s balcony five minutes later.

  The room was dark. He tried the handle of the door and found it turned easily.

  Silly girl, leaving the door open. I’ll have to tell her to lock it in future.

  He could see her huddled under the covers and hear her slow, steady breathing. It didn’t matter. He needed to be near her. Closing the door, he slipped out of most of his clothes and pulled back the covers, crawling in the bed next to her.

  Dani’s hair was splayed out across her pillow. Her eyes closed and her brow furrowed. She let out a little moan of distress. He curled around her back, tugging her into him and shushing her.

  “It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispered.

  She whimpered, her body going rigid.

  This is what she meant by nightmares. How long has she suffered like this?

  He wanted to know what plagued her mind.

  Dani cried out, her eyes flying open. She stared at him, blinking rapidly. Neither of them said anything. She twisted in his grasp and buried her face in his chest, holding him to her. A small sob escaped her mouth and he felt dampness on his chest. He pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head.

  When she stopped shaking, she stared up at him. He brushed away the stray tears from her cheeks before leaning down and capturing her mouth. Her hand curled around the back of his neck. It was soft, gentle almost. His hand disappeared under her sleep shirt, running up her side and capturing a breast.

  I want her. I need her. I have to have her.

  She arched against him. A soft moan vibrated against his lips. She let go of his neck, running her hand down his side until she reached his boxers. Fingers stroked his rapidly hardening cock. It was clear she needed him too.

  He pressed her onto her back, removing her clothes with deft hands until she was naked beneath him. He had zero desire to be rough with her. Running his fingers down her stomach, he met her softness. She was already wet for him.

  Will she ever not want me? Her body responds so quickly. What is this between us?

  Sliding out of his boxers, he pressed inside her, grunting at her tightness.

  “Jamie,” she moaned.

  His name on her lips had him in knots. Her hands curled around his back. He captured her mouth, setting a slow, unhurried pace.

  Mine. Dani is mine. I will fucking lose it if anyone touches her like this.

  For the very first time in his existence as a vampire, he didn’t fuck. He worshiped. Burying his face in her neck, he kissed her skin.

  “Mine,” he breathed.


  Claiming wasn’t his style, but all he wanted was to stake one on Dani.

  “You are mine.”

  The words curled around his heart like a vice.

  I claim you, Dani. If another vampire touches you, I won’t be responsible for my actions.

  “What do you mean?” she whispered.

  He didn’t want to talk. Putting a hand over her mouth, he increased his pace. Dani’s eyes were wide with confusion and lust. He shook his head. She’d work it out sooner or later.

  She kissed his palm and he released her mouth. Her hands curled around his neck and their lips met. The soft way she kissed him spoke volumes. They felt something for each other neither of them were ever meant to feel.

  Feelings are getting us in trouble. I told her this is wrong and yet I can’t stay away. She’s mine. Fucking mine.


  The whisper of her words against his lips echoed around his skull. In that moment, he knew he’d lost the battle inside himself. He sunk into her harder until they were both panting, bodies trembling with a mutual release which seemed to go on forever.

  When Dani curled up against his chest and fell asleep again, he kissed her forehead.

  “We’re screwed,” he whispered. “Well and truly screwed.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Dani shifted restlessly next to Novus. They’d both been summoned back to their father’s estate. Tensions within the community had escalated, cancelling his plans to return to London. King Mitah had decided to allow their kind to air their grievances.

  “The rightful ruler is Gwilliana’s daughter. The line of succession cannot be broken,” said Prince Questor Creekside.

  He was the head of the Creekside clan, distant cousins of the Farlane clan and a rival of Dani’s father. So this is who has been causing all the trouble. I shouldn’t be surprised.

  “This is an argument you have used many times, Questor,” Mitah said. “The Queen of Hell has given up her claim to the throne. I am Gwilliana’s closest relative. The crown is mine by our laws.”

  “How do you expect Cadmi to rule Hell and the fae? She isn’t even full blooded,” Theo added.

  Questor glared at Mitah and Theodus. Dani nudged Novus who rolled his eyes at her.

  “He honestly has no idea,” he whispered.

  “About what?”


  “Perhaps one of us should speak to her. Do you think she’d help clear this up?”

  Novus eyed her with a frown.

  “Good luck getting an audience. Doubt Lucifer would allow you within ten feet of her.”

  Dani shook her head. She wasn’t exactly scared of the King of Hell even if she’d never met him.

  “How do you know?”

  “She rarely leaves Hell and there’s no way they’ll let you go there to see her.”

  Dani sighed. There had to be a way to solve this problem. The trouble was no one had heard from Candace herself regarding the throne. If she could just tell the fae to get lost, then there would be no reason for anyone to discredit her father’s claim to the throne.

  “I have to t
ry. Father doesn’t have time to constantly deal with threats to his position.”

  Novus gave her a sharp look.

  “You need to stay out of this. You’re already on thin ice.”

  “No one except you knows about Jamie.”

  “And it needs to stay that way. Trust me, Dani, your interference is not necessary.”

  Dani didn’t believe that for one moment. She was the only one who could fix it because no one would suspect her. And she liked Candace. Perhaps she could persuade the half witch to put an end to this ridiculous feuding. If anything, it would mean she could go back to spending time with Jamie without the threat of them being discovered.

  She missed him. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, although they’d spent several hours on the phone together. The lack of physical contact with him was getting to Dani. She had to replenish her magic soon. The feeling itched beneath her skin. She only wanted Jamie to fuck her afterwards. No one else. She craved the vampire and their shared connection.

  “Don’t think I don’t see that look in your eye, Dani. Don’t do anything stupid,” Novus hissed, his voice bringing her back into the room.

  “Your concerns have been heeded, Questor,” her father said, a deep frown etched on his brow. “In this time of deep sorrow at the passing of our queen, we must not be divided. We are a beacon of command for the common fae folk. Do you imagine if they knew we were at odds they would stay loyal to the crown?”

  Questor’s face fell a little at Mitah’s words. They all knew the dangers of divisions between the ruling clans. It had happened across the pond. War between the fae folk in America was rife. The Old World did not wish to associate itself with such trouble.

  Questor bowed deeply.

  “My apologies, my king.”

  Dani didn’t believe for one moment he was genuine. There was no doubt in her mind Questor would divide their people if he was left unchecked. Her decision was made. She had to do something to save her people from war and bloodshed. And if that meant facing the Archangel Lucifer and his queen, then so be it. She might hate she was now part of the royal line, but she had to save her father. She couldn’t lose him too. It would be too painful after what happened to her mother.

  “Novy,” she whispered. “I need to return to London as soon as I can.”

  Her brother eyed her warily.

  “You know you can’t leave until he says so. He needs you here and you’re not safe now we know Questor is out for blood.”

  Dani shivered. That was exactly why she had to go.

  “I’ll be safe with Jamie.”

  Novus stared at her for a long moment before letting out a silent sigh.

  “I’ll help you find an excuse.”

  She gave him a grateful smile. No matter what, Novus couldn’t find out what she planned to do. He would never allow it. Her only saving grace was the knowledge she was doing this for the good of her people. He’d surely understand when it was all over.

  Wouldn’t he?


  Jamie drummed his fingers on the bar of Fright Night. It was quiet this evening. He was keeping an eye on things for Neave whilst she was out dealing with shit for Gavin. After they’d forced him to interrogate Mrs Travsmead, they’d spent the past few weeks tracking down the men she’d mentioned. That left Jamie in charge of the bar. A role he was beginning to resent. Whilst he might not have to bartend, he did have to deal with idiotic customers complaining about the stupidest shit he’d ever heard. Only last week someone was in here moaning because the bar didn’t have some ridiculous top shelf expensive gin.

  Why can’t they just get a fucking life?

  He was nursing a glass of Jack and coke when he looked up at the door opening. If he had a beating heart, it would’ve stopped in his chest. It had been three long, long weeks without her. She wasn’t expected back in London for another two.

  What is she doing here and why didn’t she tell me?

  Dani stood in the doorway, her mousy brown hair braided down the sides. Her curved ears clearly on show. She was wearing figure-hugging black jeans, low heeled ankle boots, a plain t-shirt with a cardigan under her thick coat. And even though he’d seen her in skimpier clothes, she’d never looked more beautiful and alluring to him.

  When her light blue eyes fell on him, she broke out into a delightful grin. Transforming all her features from concerned, to vibrant and excited.

  Fuck me, that girl is stunning. And she’s mine.

  The last time they’d seen each other, he’d claimed her. Whilst they were still only friends, Dani was his. No other vampire could touch her. And no one else could find out what he’d done. Gavin would banish him for such an action not to mention the shitstorm it might create amongst the fae court. The Vampire Council would likely step in.

  Dani approached him at a slow pace. He could see she was itching to run into his arms and kiss him senseless, but this wasn’t the time nor the place.

  When she finally stood next to him, he smiled.

  “Hello, my little fae friend,” he said, his voice low.

  Her eyebrow arched up.

  “Who are you calling little?”

  He stood, towering over her.

  “Are you not little?”

  She blushed furiously and looked away. He picked up his drink, knocked it back before placing the empty glass on the bar.

  “Come,” he told her, nodding to the bartender, a vampire by the name of Wes who had several piercings, including one in his right eyebrow, and platinum blonde hair.

  Dani followed Jamie through the staff door and down into the Manager’s Office. He leant against the desk, his arms crossed over his chest as she looked around. She’d never been back here before.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” he said.

  Her eyes met his, heat swirling in those blue depths. She strode towards him and placed her hands on his chest.

  “I missed you,” she whispered.

  He dropped his arms, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her against him. Her body moulded to his perfectly.

  “And I you,” he told her before he leant down and claimed her mouth.

  Dani tasted so sweet. He wanted more. So much more. A fire started in his chest, burning down his body until he was rock hard and throbbing. He released her mouth and nibbled her ear. She squirmed against him.

  “What are you doing here, Dani?”

  She let out a small sigh and rested her head against his chest as her arms curled around his back.

  “The trouble with the fae is so much worse than my father led me and Novus to believe. Theo knew, but we clearly weren’t important enough to be told the truth until he had to show a united front amongst the Farlane clan.”

  He clutched her tighter.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He knew there was unrest in the community, but Dani’s body was tense against his. Normally she relaxed right into his hold. Something was bothering her. And he needed to make it better. Needed to soothe her fears. The connection between them intensified the moment he claimed her. And it would only strengthen the moment she let him taste her blood. He wanted that. The need made his throat tight and his fangs popped out.

  For fuck’s sake, now isn’t the time.

  “I’m here because I need your help.”

  “My help?”

  She nodded against his chest.

  “I need to speak to Candace.”

  Jamie froze. Why on earth would she need to speak to the Queen of Hell?

  “She needs to denounce the fae throne in front of the court. I fear if she does not, the Creekside clan will start a war amongst my people. You must know what happened in the US.”

  He’d heard rumours, but the fae tended to keep their affairs under wraps. Dani shouldn’t be telling an outsider about any of this, but they were each other’s confidants. And she said she needed his help.

  “And how do you expect me to help you with that?”

  “I need to get a message to Hell
. I have no idea how to do that, but I thought maybe you would.”

  A sick sense of dread washed over him. Dani knew about his association with a demon. Selene. He could not ask her. Not when it would give her even more power over him. And yet, Dani was trying to prevent a war for her people.


  She looked up at him.

  “I’m not asking you to talk to that woman about it, Jamie.”

  How did she know he was thinking that exact thing?

  “I just thought you’d be able to point me in the right direction. You know the community. I don’t.”

  He relaxed immediately. That was something he could help her with. Perhaps he’d ask Neave. There was no way he’d bring such a thing to Gavin. He’d tell Jamie to stay out of fae business.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  He reached up, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. He wanted to help her because Dani meant everything to him.

  “Thank you.”

  Her blue eyes shone with appreciation. It warmed him from the inside out.

  “What are best friends for?”

  Something flickered in her expression. It was gone before he had time to ask her why she looked so hurt, sad and conflicted. But he’d seen it.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


  The sudden change in her demeanour bothered him. She seemed to curl in on herself a little.

  “The last night we saw each other… you said…”

  She closed her mouth and took a step back from him. His hands fell to his sides. The sudden withdrawal made him wary.

  “I know we’re friends and it’s wrong even if it feels right,” she whispered. “But you told me I’m yours. It wasn’t just something you said in the heat of the moment. What did it mean, Jamie?”

  Then she didn’t understand. Did she not know? Surely her tutor taught her about vampire customs. He rubbed the back of his neck. What if she didn’t like what he’d done? What if she thought it wasn’t right considering they could never have a real relationship with each other? One where they were free and open with their affections. They both knew deep down, they were so much more than friends. They were lovers. And what he really wanted was for Dani to be his completely. Mind, body and soul.


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