Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 11

by Sarah Bailey

  “I claimed you,” he said, his voice just above a whisper.

  Her blue eyes shot up to his, wide with confusion.

  “But I thought… I thought that only worked with humans.”

  He shook his head. A vampire could claim anyone they wanted. Non-human claimings were frowned upon. The fact that Dani was a princess of the fae? Strictly forbidden, but Jamie no longer cared. If anyone else touched her, he’d rip their head from their neck.

  “No. You being fae makes it complicated and the fact that you are royalty will result in the Vampire Council declaring my immediate banishment, but it works between any species.”

  Her eyes bugged out at the implications of what he’d done.

  “Why would you do that?”

  If he told her the real reason, then there would really be no going back between them. She’d know she meant more to him than just a girl he liked to fuck. And he really did enjoy fucking her, but Dani was the sort of girl you could fall in love with. Jamie was sure he was halfway there already.

  “The thought of anyone else touching you fills me with… rage.”

  She was quiet for a moment. Her gaze unwavering as emotions flashed across her features. Too fast for him to catch.


  Then she was pressed against him, her arms wrapped around his neck as she planted her lips on his. She kissed him with passion. There was a wildness to the way she devoured him.

  “Yours,” she whispered against his mouth. “I’m yours.”

  And that set him off. He needed to be buried inside her. He wanted to bite her so fucking badly, all of his senses were homed in on the blood flowing through her veins. He could hear it pounding in her neck.

  He kissed her hungrily, not bothering to hide his fangs or his arousal. He ground into her stomach, making his intentions very clear. Fucking Dani across the desk whilst she moaned, panted and writhed beneath him was the only thing on his mind other than sinking his fangs into her neck and tasting her sweet nectar.

  No one would come back here for a good long while. It’d be safe to indulge. To let the waves of their desperate need for each other overcome them.

  He tugged her away from his body. Her eyes were wide with lust and desire. Pushing off her coat, he moved, ghosting around her. He pressed her forwards into the desk, his hand on her lower back, encouraging her to lay across it. She did exactly as he wanted. She let him have the control in their sexual encounters and he loved every moment. Relished in having her submission.

  He leant down and reached around her, unbuttoning her jeans. He pulled them down until they were in a heap on the floor, still wrapped around her ankles. Her lacy black underwear came next. Running his hands over her bare behind, his cock twitched.

  “Jamie,” she moaned. “Please fuck me.”

  “How much do you want it?”

  “So much, please. I’ve missed you. Fuck me, please.”

  He ran his finger along her entrance and found her dripping. He growled low before tugging his cock out of his jeans and running it over where his finger had just been. She moaned again.

  “Please,” she begged, her voice breathy and needy. “Fuck me hard.”

  Sliding inside her slick heat, they both groaned with mutual satisfaction and need. She was so hot and wet, so ready for him.

  “Fuck, Dani, I’ve missed you so much.”

  He gripped both her hips and ground into her up to the hilt before pulling back. Then he fucked her with long, hard strokes which had her gripping the edge of the desk in front of her.

  “That’s it, take my cock like the dirty little girl you really are. You’re my fucktoy, aren’t you, Dani? A plaything for a vampire.”

  “Yes, yours. Only yours. No one else can fuck me like you do.”

  This was their game. She writhed with need as he slammed into her.

  “Fuck me, harder. I’m your toy.”

  “That’s right. Mine.”

  They were both so close after having spent too much time apart. He wanted this to last. Needed it to go on and on because these moments where they were joined were the best of his long existence. And he would stop at nothing to keep Dani with him.

  He turned at the sound of the office door opening but didn’t slow in pace. He couldn’t, even though this was the worst possible thing to happen. The person who’d opened it stood there with their mouth hanging open.

  His entire world flashed before his eyes as he registered who it was. And now they were fucked beyond belief.

  “This is a sight I certainly did not want branded into my retinas,” Neave said with a raised eyebrow.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jamie looked down at the girl his cock was buried in. Dani froze beneath him, her eyes going wide with shock and horror. Nothing about this situation was helpful. He wasn’t quite sure what he should say. How could he make this better? Would Neave tell Gavin?

  “Who is that?” Dani whispered.

  Jamie looked back at his fellow vampire. He stilled inside Dani, not moving away to protect her modesty. The primal urge inside him reared its ugly head, making him want to growl at Neave. Dani was his. Mine. Mine. Mine. The words echoed around his skull. He fought back the urge to bear his fangs and tell her to fuck off. Make it clear this was the woman he’d staked his claim on.

  Internally shaking himself, he gritted his teeth. No need to make things worse.

  “Hello, Neave.”

  “You’re going to clean that desk up after you’re done, right?” she asked.

  Jamie nodded.

  “Fine, I’ll leave you to… finish, but you and I are going to have words afterwards.”

  She stepped back and the door clicked shut. The primal urges died and he relaxed. It was only because Dani was so vulnerable and open below him that he’d felt the need to keep Neave away.

  “It’s bad that she knows about us,” Dani said.


  Dani visibly slumped on the desk, her hands uncurling from the edge. They’d both been so close to coming, but the desire they felt had dissipated a little.


  Jamie’s hands tightened around her hips. He should pull out of her and go see to Neave, but he’d not been able to come inside Dani for three weeks. Phone sex was not a substitute. He needed that release and so did she.

  “Do you want to stop?” he asked.

  She squirmed beneath him, her face going a violent shade of red.



  He pulled out and thrust back into her without mercy. She yelped at the increased force. He was always careful not to hurt her the same way he had done when they first fucked, but he was desperate to let go. He wondered how long it would be before she had to replenish her magic. She must not have used it much for it to last this long.

  “Harder,” she panted.

  “I’ll hurt you.”

  “Please, I need you to make me forget the last three weeks without you.”

  He felt the flare of her magic inside her. It pulsated through her veins.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Using the last of it to let you fuck me in the way you clearly want.”


  She craned her head back, staring at him with conviction.

  “I’ll replenish it with you by my side. I need it. You need it. Just let go. I’m yours.”

  Her magic flared again and he lost it. He loved the way it felt when it shimmered beneath her skin and thrummed against him. So he did what she asked and let go, allowing her to feel the full force of his vampiric nature. She cried out, gripping the desk again as her teeth made indents on her bottom lip. The sight of it made him harder if that was even possible.

  “Dani,” he groaned, unable to hold back her name from his lips.

  Nothing and no one felt like her. He did need to let go. Not having this girl with him for three weeks hurt. It made him restless. Only she could sate his hunger.

  “Don’t s
top. I’m going to…”

  She almost screamed, the full force of her climax rocketing through her and by extension, him. Her magic pulsated and her skin shimmered. It wasn’t like when he fucked her the first time, but it was close. He let out a guttural roar when he lost it too. Never in his life had he felt the connection he did with Dani. Nothing and no one matched her.

  He stroked the hair back from her face. She panted, her chest heaving on the desk. He loved watching her come apart around him. Despite what was between them being so wrong, he couldn’t let go of her. And he’d made everything worse by claiming her.

  “What are you going to tell her?” Dani asked.

  Jamie pulled back, tucking himself away and zipping his trousers up.

  “Depends on what she says.”

  He knelt down and tugged her clothes up for her, rebuttoning her jeans. He helped Dani stand on shaky legs and sat her on the desk. Picking her coat up from the floor, he dumped it on the chair in front of the desk. He stood in between her legs and held her face with both hands.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll fix this.”

  She looked up at him, caution in her expression.

  “You say that, but you and I both know this can’t last forever.”

  His chest tightened at her words.

  “Don’t say that.” The words left his mouth before he could censor them.

  “Why not? It’s the truth.”

  His fingers dug into her cheeks, pulling her closer until his forehead rested on hers.

  “You’re my best friend, Dani. You understand me. Do you think I want to let what we have slip through my fingers? I won’t. You’re mine.”

  Her lips parted on a silent gasp.

  “What are you saying?” she whispered.

  “I’m saying I’d go to the ends of the fucking earth to make sure we aren’t parted. Even if it means banishment.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. He could see them threatening to fall. He leant closer, his lips brushing against hers.

  “You’re my lover,” he whispered. “As if I could ever let you go.”

  Dani closed the distance and kissed him. He could feel the wetness on her cheeks as her tears fell. He’d been so fucked up and conflicted in regard to this girl, but now, seeing her so sure this would end, he could no longer hold back. His feelings couldn’t be hidden or denied.

  When he pulled away, he kissed the top of her forehead.

  “Time to see Neave. Wait here.”

  She nodded at him, biting her lip. He wondered what she was thinking at his pronouncement, but their kiss told him she was happy.

  Neave was leaning against the wall outside when he opened the door. She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Cleaned my desk yet?” she asked.

  Jamie rolled his eyes and stepped away so she could walk in. Her eyes fell on Dani and she shook her head.

  “I told you he was trouble.”

  Dani shrugged, wiping her face to hide the fact she’d been crying happy tears.

  “Leave her alone,” Jamie said, walking back into the room and leaning against the desk next to Dani.

  He folded his arms over his chest and eyed Neave. The other vampire smiled at him.

  “Not that I’m surprised you two ended up in bed together or anything, but I’d rather you didn’t fuck on my desk next time.”

  Jamie’s brows drew down.

  “You’re not going to tell Gav?”

  Neave’s eyebrows shot up.

  “As if. He would most definitely shoot the messenger. Besides, I don’t care either way. You’re the one playing with fire, not me.”

  Jamie grinned. He shouldn’t have been worried. Neave might be Gavin’s second, but she was like Jamie’s big sister. Neave was technically younger than him in vampire years, but she certainly didn’t act like it.

  “Nice to know you have a heart.”

  Neave stuck her middle finger up at him, causing him to smile wider, showing a bit of fang.

  “You’re lucky he had to go home and see Daisy or he’d have been with me and you’d have been screwed.”

  Dani looked between the two of them with an odd expression. Almost as if she couldn’t work out why they were both so casual about this. Jamie would talk to her about it later. There were things he needed to ask Neave.

  “You know who’s trustworthy amongst demon kind, right?”

  The other vampire didn’t change her expression.

  “Perhaps, why?”

  Jamie eyed Dani who nodded at him.

  “Dani needs to speak to someone in Hell.”

  “Someone specific?”

  “I need to speak to Candace,” Dani said.

  Neave’s smile faded entirely.

  “You know no one has heard from her around here since she went to Hell, right? I could maybe ask Alistair since they were close or Lukas and Ella.”

  Dani’s eyes widened.

  “You don’t want to know why?”

  “It’s fae business, right? I assume you know her from the fae court, but no, keep your secrets.”

  Jamie knew very well Neave wasn’t a gossip. She just liked helping people out. That’s what made her special and unique for a vampire. She maintained her human emotions and compassion far more than most he’d encountered.

  “Alistair? How is that narcissistic bastard?” Jamie asked.

  Neave barked with laughter. Jamie had met the witch on several occasions last time he was in London. He’d be surprised if Alistair hadn’t fucked half the women in London by now.

  “He’s settled down. Grace is a sweet girl. No idea why she puts up with him. He owns a little shop in Camden with her.”


  “No word of a lie.”

  Seemed even the most resolute of ladies’ men had a weakness. That woman who tamed them. He glanced at Dani.

  She’s definitely taming me.

  Even if they couldn’t have a normal relationship, Dani was still his. Just as he was hers.

  “Anyway, probably worth asking him,” Neave continued. “I can give you his number or maybe Dani wants to pop into his shop.”

  “Just text me both and she can decide,” Jamie said.

  Neave nodded, pulling out her phone.

  “How’s the search going?”

  Neave looked up at him, her eyes narrowing.

  “Badly. Whoever is behind all this shit is good at covering their tracks. I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to mess with Gavin’s business. They’ve successfully tanked one of his investments and it seems others will fall soon. The council are breathing down his neck.”

  Dani curled one of her hands around his which was resting on the desk. He looked at her ice blue eyes, so full of concern. He’d not told her what was going on. He didn’t want to admit what he’d done to Mrs Travsmead for Gavin. Not that he’d done anything wrong, strictly speaking.

  “If you ask me, I think it reeks of supernatural involvement, but Gavin doesn’t want to hear it. He reckons it’s just a bunch of humans with some kind of vendetta against our kind,” Neave finished.

  Jamie was inclined to side with Neave. Whoever was behind this had far too much knowledge of the community. Someone had to be feeding the humans information.

  “I agree. I think you should look into who could want Gavin taken down,” Jamie said.

  “I’ll work on it.” Neave turned and walked towards the door, pausing for a moment. “In the meantime, clean my desk before you bugger off.”

  She left the room.

  Dani hopped off the desk and stood before him. Her eyes were full of caution.

  “Why didn’t you tell me your brother was having problems?”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

  “Vampire society is secretive, Dani. I suppose it’s ingrained. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to keep things from you.”

  He cupped her face, running a thumb along her bottom lip.

  “I understand, it’s not like the fae are any di
fferent.” She looked away. “I think it’d be better if I saw this Alistair by myself.”

  He wondered for a moment why she’d say that, but he’d respect her wishes. This was fae business and he really didn’t have any reason to interfere. Except he worried about her. Dani was still so innocent of their world.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She nodded, stepping away from him. His hand dropped. Her expression was closed off and it concerned him.

  What is she thinking?

  “I want…”

  She paced away, wringing her hands in front of her. His senses prickled.

  “Jamie, I need to replenish my magic. And when I’ve done that, I want…”

  “You want what?”

  She turned back to him, her ice blue eyes wide and her pupils dilated.

  “I want you to bite me.”

  His throat tightened. The thought of her blood sending his senses into overdrive. His fingers itched to hold her down and take it from her by force, but he held himself back. That wasn’t the type of vampire he was. And he cared about Dani too much to ever touch her without her consent.

  “Are you sure?”

  She stayed where she was, but she put her hand on her heart.

  “You have to have my blood in order to fully claim me, don’t you?”

  He nodded once. He’d had a small taste of it the first time they’d fucked, but it wasn’t enough. If they did this, it would send a message to all other vampires she was his. They’d be able to feel she belonged to one of them.

  “Dani, I can’t take it back if you let me do that. You do understand this puts us in danger from both our kinds.”

  “I know it does.”

  Her eyes told him everything. She was scared of losing him. Terrified even. Her hands shook in front of her. He strode towards her and held her face gently in both hands.

  “You’re never going to lose me, Dani. Do you hear me? Never. I promise you that much.”

  Her bottom lip trembled. He leant down, completely unable to resist her allure and sucked it into his mouth. Her eyes widened further. When his fangs slid out, he let them pierce her sensitive flesh.

  One taste. That’s all I need. I can’t hold back any longer. I have to know.

  Her hands curled around his forearms, nails digging into his blazer. He sucked at the pooling blood on her lip. She tasted like heaven. Her scent mingled in with her blood. Lavender and honeysuckle. He dared not bite harder or take more.


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