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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

Page 13

by Sarah Bailey


  “Do not lie to me.”

  Her hands pressed against the wall. She could no more lie to Jamie than she could run away at that moment. He wasn’t going to let her go.


  He smiled, his eyes gleaming in the low light. He curled a lock of her hair around his finger.

  “I’m flattered, but there’s really no need.”

  He shifted closer. She could feel his arousal pressed into her stomach. His lips brushed across her jaw until they met her ear. It made her skin tingle all over. His teeth grazed her earlobe.

  “You are all I think of, Dani. Only you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. His voice was little more than a purr in her ear.

  “You make me so hard, especially seeing you in this little black dress. I’d prefer it on my bedroom floor with you on all fours, my cock buried in your pussy or perhaps you’re ready to let me take your virginity. Either way, I want you. No one else.”

  The words he said sent pulsating waves of desire through her stomach and lower. His nostrils flared. She knew he could smell her arousal.

  “Jamie…” she breathed.

  “Are you ready, Dani? Ready to let me make you mine completely?”

  He pulled away, staring down at her intently. Her hands unstuck from the wall. She reached up, wrapping one around his neck and the other held his face. She nodded. She didn’t trust her voice at all.

  “Good,” he said before he closed the distance and kissed her.

  His mouth was hot and hard against hers. His hands wrapped around her waist, tugging her into him. Dani melted on the spot. How could she be mad at him? Jamie was hers too. She knew that deep down. Her lover. Such a forbidden concept.

  “Come, I’ve got us a room so it will be private,” he told her as he pulled away.

  He took her hand, leading her back out through the club and into the bar on the other side of the building. There were another set of doors next to the bar, which he pushed open. There was a well-lit reception area with a vampire manning the desk.

  “Your room is ready. Your order has been placed inside,” she said with a smile, handing Jamie a key.

  Dani looked up at Jamie when he tugged on her hand and they stepped into the corridor next to the reception.

  “What did she mean order? What happens back here?”

  “You’ve seen what goes on in the club. Here, there are no rules about conduct provided you keep all your activities within your assigned room. As for our order, that would be the human you are going to breathe.”

  Dani tried not to think too hard on what type of things were done behind closed doors. She knew vampires could be vicious and some of the fae folk were worse.

  He unlocked a door to their right and they both went inside, shutting it firmly behind them. There was a large bed with clean, dark sheets. The room was dimly lit. Sitting on the end of the bed was a human male. His blue green eyes intent on the two of them. Dani didn’t know what to say. They were paying this man to allow her to breathe him, take his energy. On some level, that felt wrong, but she had to replenish her magic somehow.

  “Are you going to bite him?” she whispered to Jamie.

  “No, he’s for you. Have you forgotten already? You’re my meal.”

  She rolled her eyes, letting go of his hand and giving him a little shove.

  “I’m not your food source.”

  He grinned, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “I was just teasing.”

  Dani approached the man, giving him a tentative smile as she sat down next to him.

  “Hello,” she said. “You do know what we want, right?”

  “Yes, you are fae. I’m here for as long as you wish to have me.”

  She looked up at Jamie. Nerves prickled her skin. She remembered what happened last time she breathed a human. Jamie hadn’t known what it would do to her then. This time was different. Very different. Tonight she was going to let Jamie suck her blood after she did this. He’d taste the magic in her veins.

  She put her hand out to him. He ghosted to her side and sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want you close whilst I do this.”

  He gave her a gentle smile, lighting up all his features. The tenderness she saw there set her pulse racing. Jamie worried for her. She turned back to the man they’d paid for.

  “When I’m finished, we won’t require you further.”

  He nodded and put out his wrist for her. She cupped his hand with one of hers. Taking a moment to prepare herself, she brought it close to her mouth with both hands. Translucent wisps of energy floated just outside his wrist. Jamie’s hand tightened around her waist and his lips kissed her neck.

  She breathed in. The energy flowed from the man into her. The rush was incredible. Energy converted to magic which pumped through her veins. Jamie’s other hand cupped her breast as he continued to pepper kisses along her neck before he sucked on the delicate skin above her pulsating artery.

  She could feel the sexual tension inside her burning as the magic took hold. Gripping the man’s wrist tighter, she breathed deeper. Last time, she’d been wary because Jamie had bitten the human girl, but she had no fears with this man. She could take more without harming him.

  Jamie’s hand fell from her breast, fingers running up her thigh under her dress. He stroked her through her underwear. She bucked against his hand.

  I want him so much. I need him. I need Jamie.

  Her magic pulsated alongside her desperate need to fuck. It was all becoming too much. The more she took, the more she wanted. Releasing the man’s wrist, she knew at that point, if she didn’t stop, she would drain him dry.

  She fell back against the bed, arching up into Jamie’s touch as she stared up at him. He turned to the man and nodded. The human rose and left the room silently. Jamie ghosted towards it, locking the door before returning to her.

  “Jamie,” she moaned. “Fuck me. I need it right now.”

  His hands were on her thighs, pushing her dress right up. He tore down her underwear before pulling his cock out. They could undress properly later, right now, all she needed was him inside her.

  “You breathing a human is so fucking hot,” he said as he ran his cock along her entrance. “Fuck, Dani, you’re so wet.”

  He sunk into her fully in one hard thrust. With all the magic rushing through her veins, any pain it might have caused didn’t register with her. She cried out, clutching his back as he leant down and kissed her. He fucked her with long, hard strokes and she revelled in the sensations. Delirious from the magic and his cock, she dug her nails into his shoulders.

  “Harder, more.”

  He pressed her legs up and gave it to her deeper. His mouth brushed against her ear.

  “I want your blood.”

  “Take it. Bite me.”

  He gripped her face and turned it to the side, not faltering in his pace as he pounded into her. His fangs grazed against her neck. Two sharp pricks dug into her skin, but after a moment, she no longer felt it. Jamie sucked her neck and she fell deeper into the insanity between them. Her body shook and trembled.

  Crying out, she held onto Jamie for dear life as her climax exploded through her. Magic seeped out of her body, flowing right into Jamie through her skin and her blood. His body went rigid above her, his fingers digging into her face. She barely registered the pain of him gripping her so hard, fucking her without mercy and lapping up the blood flowing sluggishly from her neck. All Dani felt was ecstasy. Sweet, delirious ecstasy. It was as if she floated above herself, watching what was happening from another plane of the earth. And it was the best moment of her life.

  As she began to regain her senses, Jamie licked her neck and raised his head. His usually molten silver eyes were almost black. His tongue trailed across his bottom lip, catching the rest of her blood left there.

  “I claim you, Princess Dandeli
on Farlane,” he said. “You are mine, now and always.”

  And she felt it. The connection between them bound itself around her heart. Cementing them together for eternity.

  “Yours,” she whispered. “And you’re mine, Jamie.”

  He smirked.

  “Yes, I am. Don’t forget that again.”

  “I won’t.”

  The two puncture marks on her neck faded as her magic healed her immediately. She felt the power thrumming through her veins. This was the most she’d ever taken.

  “You taste like magic,” he told her.

  “And how does magic taste?”

  “If I was to compare it to something I remember from when I was human, I’d say it tasted like wine, sweet with berries and honey and a hint of lavender. Although I imagine the latter is just your taste without magic.”

  He’d told her before she smelt of lavender and honeysuckle. She reached up, cupping his face.

  “You make me happy, Jamie. You know that? For the first time since…”

  She faltered, remembering the last time she’d really felt happy. The time before her mother had died. That night gripped her heart. Her face fell.

  “Since what? Dani, are you okay?”

  She shook her head. The memory burnt into her skin. The knowledge the same thing could happen to her ruining her happiness.

  “No,” she whispered. “I need to tell you something.”

  He pulled her up into sitting position with him and held her, stroking her hair.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  She buried her face in his chest, trying to stem the tide of emotion.

  “My mother died from the same condition I have. She’s why I have nightmares. I couldn’t save her. I was only eight years old. I was walking in our gardens on our estate and I found her on the floor. She was convulsing violently as the magic consumed her. I screamed for help, but no one came. Next to her lay a dead human, completely drained of energy. I don’t know how she slipped up or what happened. All I know is I saw the light in her eyes fade. She died in my arms.”

  Tears fell down her cheeks freely, soaking Jamie’s shirt.

  “I couldn’t save her,” she sobbed. “And I’m scared the same thing will happen to me.”

  He clutched her tighter.

  “I’ll never let that happen to you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. “Never.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  He pulled her face away from his chest, cupping her cheek. He wiped away her tears with his thumb.

  “You’re mine to protect and cherish.”

  His tender expression melted her on the spot. Beneath all of Jamie’s flirting and troublemaking, he was kind and caring. He treated her with respect and was always there when she needed him. Now more than ever she knew keeping Jamie by her side was the most important task she had to accomplish. She’d let nothing and no one stand in her way.

  Jamie carefully began to remove the rest of their clothes and lay her back down on the bed. He stared down at her with nothing but affection in his eyes.

  “I’ll always come for you, Dani. Whenever you’re in danger or you need me. Always.”

  He kissed her with tenderness and stroked her skin with the gentlest of touches. She let Jamie worship every inch of her. This was sex, not fucking. Sex between two people who felt forbidden things for each other. Both of them would go against their people, their rules and regulations just to be with each other. Dani held those words back. She wasn’t ready to tell Jamie about the blood bond she wanted to perform yet.

  They lay in each other’s arms for the longest time afterwards, just savouring the silence and the companionship between them. Dani had exposed her darkest secrets to him. And one day, she knew he’d tell her about the only time he’d killed another being. When he was ready.

  It was only a couple of hours before dawn when she finally made it home to her father’s London townhouse. Yawning, she opened the backdoor and slipped inside. Going into the kitchen, she realised all the lights were on.

  That’s weird.

  When she looked into the dining room area off the kitchen, she knew why. Sitting at the table with Novus was their father. His expression was dark. She stood in the middle of the kitchen staring at them.

  “Dandelion,” her father said, his voice simmering with anger.


  Her hands trembled at her sides. Why was he angry with her?

  “Where have you been?”

  “Just… out.”

  “Have you or have you not been in ObliVion this evening?”

  Her world dropped out from underneath her. Who told him? How had he found out?


  Her father pointed at her.

  “You have defied me in the most fundamental way possible, Dandelion. How could you associate yourself with a vampire? And worse, you allowed him into your bed. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dani’s eyes went to Novus immediately. He looked sad and resigned. He shook his head softly. She knew he hadn’t told their father. He would never betray her. It was someone else. Someone who’d been at ObliVion this evening.

  “Who told you?” she asked.

  “So you’re not denying it?”

  She stood taller. Her convictions about her and Jamie only grew stronger. He told her he’d go against the Vampire Council for her. She’d go against the fae for him.

  “No. I would not insult you like that.”

  “You have already insulted this family by involving yourself with a vampire, Dandelion.”

  She flinched at his words. It wasn’t meant as an insult to them. How could she help the way she felt? How could she let go of someone who made her happy and brought her peace? Who understood her in all the ways her family never did. How?

  “Who told you?”


  Clenching her fists, she bit back a violent curse. That meddling piece of shit. I fucking hate him.

  “Gwilliana’s lapdog?”

  Her father’s green eyes flashed with rage.

  “Do not insult our former queen’s associates. He is loyal to the crown.”

  Loyal only to himself and his own schemes more like.

  Dani had never liked Raoul. He was one of the common fae folk and had always punched well above his weight. She never understood why Gwilliana put up with him.

  “He is meddling in affairs he knows nothing of. You want to know why I’ve been in ObliVion and with a vampire? Fine.”

  She walked towards the dining room table and slammed her hand down on it, leaning forward. Her father’s scowl deepened and Novus’ eyebrows shot up.

  “You have kept me under lock and key far too long. Always so afraid I’ll get into trouble because of my condition. You promised me when I came of age it would stop. Instead, you forced me to remain a prisoner of my own people. You’ve suffocated me. All I wanted was freedom to explore and see the world myself. So yes, I took matters into my own hands, no thanks to you.”

  Mitah’s fists curled on top of the table before he stood, pushing the chair back which screeched across the tiles.

  “You dare speak to me in that tone?”

  “I am not my mother. So what if I met a vampire and we’ve been together? It was my choice. The only thing I’ve been able to do in my life that was my choice.” She pointed at her chest. “I won’t be dictated to any longer.”

  She’d never stood up to her father before. Not once. His eyes flashed with pain momentarily before his features hardened again.

  “You would go against your own father for a… vampire?”

  “I didn’t do any of this to hurt you. I care about him and he cares about me. You don’t understand. He’s my best friend.” Her voice came out more like a plea.

  She hated the look in her father’s eyes. It made her heart crack, the shards digging into her chest. Her eyes went to her brother. His face collapsed in on itself, le
aving her feeling alone. Completely alone. Would he stick up for her? He’d told her so many times what their father had done was wrong. Keeping her locked away.

  “Friend? You dare call that vampire your friend after you allowed him to touch you and enter your bed? Dandelion, I never thought you would stoop to such levels. You were the good one. I have never been more disappointed in one of my children.”

  Tears pricked at her eyes. Her heart was broken. Disappointing her father was the last thing she ever intended.


  “I do not want to hear your excuses. You have done enough damage to this family’s reputation. Taking up with vampires, drawing attention to yourself in the community. Who is this vampire, Dandelion? Tell me his name.”

  How can he not know? Did Raoul not tell him? Did he not recognise Jamie?

  If her father didn’t know, then she might be able to keep Jamie safe from Gavin and the Vampire Council until she could get to him. Mitah couldn’t very well go to Gavin without knowing who it was. If he did, the vampire boss would know instantly, but her father didn’t know that… yet.

  “Why should I tell you when all you’ll do is cause trouble for him?”

  “You will tell me this instant.”

  He slammed his hand down on the table.

  “No. I won’t do it.”

  Novus stood up very slowly and turned to their father.

  “Dani is right. You have kept her away from the world for so long. She hasn’t brought shame to our family. I know she’s gone about this the wrong way, but you left her with no choice.”

  Her heart soared just a little at Novus’ words. He was on her side. Her father pointed at her brother, his expression turning cruel.

  “You will remain silent. I told you to protect her and what have you done instead? Allowed your sister to run riot.”

  Novus’ fists clenched at his sides.

  “No. I won’t let you shout at her. She has been safe with him and he cares about her.”

  “That vampire has led your sister astray.”

  Dani couldn’t take this any longer. Her father didn’t even know Jamie. He was making awful assumptions about her vampire and she wouldn’t allow it.

  “He hasn’t done anything of the sort. You don’t even know him and if you’re going to behave like this, then I’m never telling you. You hear me? Never. I don’t care if you’re disappointed in me. I… I need him and you can’t take him away from me.”


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