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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7)

Page 17

by Sarah Bailey

  “Hello, I hear you’ve been causing trouble again,” she said.

  “I’m always causing trouble.”

  She grinned, leaning back in her chair.

  “On a scale of one to ten, how pissed is the boss?”

  “I’d say he’s about an eight, but you never know with Gav.”

  Neave chuckled.

  “You really do know how to push his buttons. Say, the King of the Fae is a bit of a dick. Are you sure you want him as a father in law?”

  Jamie rolled his eyes. Neave could say what she liked about Dani’s father, he didn’t care. All that mattered was him and Dani being together.

  “Gav said you needed my help.”

  She sighed, drumming her fingers on the desk.

  “Yes, although he doesn’t believe what I suspect is going on.”

  Jamie cocked an eyebrow.

  “And what do you suspect?”

  “There are signs of demon involvement. One of the men I interrogated let it slip.”

  Jamie froze. Demons. Why would demons want to take down the vampire boss of London? It made absolutely no sense. Except to him, it made all the sense in the world.

  “Fucking Selene,” he growled.

  Neave looked up at him, a frown on her face.


  He shoved off the desk and clenched his fists. There was only one demon who wanted to catch Jamie’s attention enough that she’d go to these lengths. Was this her final ploy to get him to agree to be her pet?

  “I have to go,” he said.

  “Hold on a minute, who is Selene? What’s going on?”

  “Selene is the fucking bitch demon who helped me do something stupid a long time ago and if I’m right, she’s gone after Gavin’s business to get to me.”

  Neave stared at him with wide eyes.

  “You got involved with a demon? What the fuck, Jamie?”

  “It’s a long fucking story. One I can’t explain right now. I need to find her.”

  He pulled his phone from his pocket, finding Selene’s number in his contacts and dialling.

  “And then what?” Neave asked.

  “Then I’m going to fucking kill her.”

  He waited. The phone rang several times.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure, Jamie?” Selene answered, her voice low and sultry.

  The sound of it made his skin crawl.

  “Where are you?”

  “Have you got my goods yet?”

  He didn’t. He’d decided he was stopping this shit for good after Selene had run into him and Dani in that bar. Perhaps this is why she’d ramped up her attack on Gavin.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Then I’ll text you the address. Don’t be late.”

  She hung up without giving him a chance to reply. He pulled the phone away from his ear and waited.

  “Jamie, seriously, what is going on?” Neave asked.

  He sighed, knowing he needed to give her some kind of explanation.

  “Selene wants me, Neave. She’s wanted me since I met her not long after I was turned. She helped me when I needed it and has lorded it over my head ever since. It was a stupid fucking deal I made and I paid the ultimate price. She has never taken no for an answer. I didn’t think she’d come after my family, but she has.”

  “What did you do?”

  He shook his head. That was a story he wasn’t going to tell anyone except Dani. His heart lurched. He missed his fae princess even though he’d just been with her. Something tugged at his heart. Dani had been right about the bond. He felt her love for him.

  “It doesn’t matter what I did. What matters is I know she’s gone after Gav and I need to stop her before she fucks everything up completely.”

  His phone buzzed. Selene letting him know the meeting point. He looked back up at Neave.

  “You coming?” he asked.

  She stood, grinning.

  “Why, do you need backup?”

  “I need you to let Gav know if things go south.”

  It was dangerous, him taking Neave along, but he had little choice in the matter. It would never be safe for him to meet Selene alone under these circumstances.

  “Then let’s go.”

  She put her hand in his. The shadows folded around them. A few minutes later, they both stepped out into an abandoned building. Selene was leaning up against a broken fireplace. Her red eyes narrowed when she realised Jamie wasn’t alone.

  “I see you’ve brought a friend with you,” she said.

  Jamie held back a snarl. He was done with her bullshit. Shoving Neave behind him, he took a step towards the demon.

  “You don’t happen to know why my brother’s business is going tits up, do you, Selene?” he spat.

  The demon’s eyes widened slightly for a moment before her features smoothed out. That was all he needed.

  “Why would I know? I thought we were here to exchange goods.”

  “Funny. I don’t believe you. I’m pretty sure you’ve been interfering in Gav’s business dealings for a long time. And to think, you acted all confused as to why I’d returned home from Prague.”

  He shook his head. The demon disgusted him on so many levels. Selene stared at him for a long moment, before she grinned.

  “So, you finally worked it out. You know, Jamie, I didn’t think you were smart enough.”

  “You always seem to underestimate me.”

  He put up two fingers behind his back, signalling to Neave she needed to let Gavin know. He didn’t turn around, hoping she’d get the message.

  “More than just a pretty face.”

  “Why the fuck would you go to all this trouble?”

  “You know why.”

  He laughed. It was hollow even to his ears.

  “You really want me that much? You make me sick, you know that. I wish I’d never fucking asked for your help.”

  Selene’s eyes flashed with anger, the red in them darkening as horns began to sprout from her head. She was losing control of her form.

  Good, I’ve rattled her.

  “Too late for that now, isn’t it? You couldn’t have gone through with it without me.”

  The memories of that night threatened to invade his mind, but he kept them back. What he’d done was for the best. He hated himself, but nothing could be done about it now. Fifty years had gone by already.

  “I would’ve found another way.”

  “Really? I very much doubt that. It takes a certain kind of magic to break that kind of bond.”

  His hands curled into fists. He really didn’t need Selene blabbing his secrets to Neave.

  “You need to stop this, Selene. I’m done.”

  She laughed, the sound ringing in his ears.

  “You can never be done with me, Jamie. Never. Not unless you want me to tell Gavin what you did.”

  She’s going to play that card, is she? I’m so fucking done with this bitch and her shit.

  He wasn’t afraid any more. He had to take responsibility for his actions. It might have been the worst day of his life, but the truth always came out one way or another. Gavin deserved to know the truth. The truth of how their maker had died.

  “Go a-fucking-head. Tell him. I don’t care any longer. I don’t want you. I never have.”

  Selene’s expression turned vicious.

  “No, you just want that little fae bitch you’ve been hanging around with.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare insult her. She’s mine,” he growled. “She loves me. All you want is to put me in chains. You don’t care about anything but your own selfish needs.”

  He felt something grip his heart in an iron vice. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Neave put a hand on his arm.

  “Jamie?” she said, coming around to his side.

  He put a hand to his chest, staggering backwards.

  “Dani. Something is wrong with Dani.”

  He looked at Neave, his eyes wide with fear.

  “What do you mean?”
  “I feel it, she’s… Fuck, Neave, she’s going to die. I have to go. I have to get to her. You need to warn Gav.”

  Neave turned to find Selene advancing on the both of them. She nodded at Jamie as she zipped away before Selene could grab her. The demon screeched and lunged at Jamie instead. He pushed her off him.

  “You fucking bastard,” she screamed.

  He felt for Dani and in the next moment, he knew exactly where she was.

  “Go fuck yourself, Selene. Mark my fucking words, you’re dead.”

  Then he stepped back into the shadows. Her screaming echoed around his ears, but he’d disappeared already. He had to get to Dani. There was nothing else for it. She was dying. He could feel it. The bond tugged at his heart, ripping it to shreds from the inside out.

  When he stepped out, he was in Hyde Park. It was dark. He looked around frantically until he spied Dani lying on the ground in the middle of a clearing. She was convulsing violently.

  He rushed to her side, kneeling in the dirt. Her eyes were wide and unfocused.

  Fuck. I have to save her. I have to.

  He knew what was happening. This was the same thing that happened to her mother. Except this time, Dani had him. He’d make sure she was okay. It felt so wrong to pull her jeans and underwear down, which was troublesome with her body shaking. Having sex with Dani whilst she was convulsing violently was the last thing he wanted to do. It was the only way to save her life, so he’d do what he had to.

  “It’s okay, Dani. I’m here,” he whispered as he pinned her legs down in the dirt.


  He leant down, staring into her eyes. She blinked twice.

  “I’m going to save you, okay? Just hold on.”

  Her lips curved up slightly at the sides. She was telling him it was okay. She trusted him. It made his heart ache. Even though Dani was dying, her body was still primed for sex. Her condition really was a curse, but Jamie wasn’t going to think about the cost if he didn’t save with her.

  He freed himself from his jeans. Trying to keep Dani as still as he could with her body convulsing, he pressed inside her. A moan tore from Dani’s lips, her body recognising his. It still shook as he started to thrust inside her, but her glazed over expression began to fade.

  “Ja…mie,” she whispered.

  “Shh, let me take care of you.”

  He could feel the magic pulsating inside her, making his fangs pop out. The ache in the back of his throat grew. He knew what she tasted like when she was high on magic, but this was different. Magic was killing her. He didn’t feel right about biting her, but his urges got the better of him.

  “Dani, I want you so much. I’m so sorry. I love you. Please don’t leave me.”

  “Bi…te… me.”

  When she said that, he couldn’t hold back. Her body wasn’t convulsing as violently as it had been when he’d first got to her. He hoped it was working. Turning her head to the side, he buried his fangs in her neck. Her blood and the magic within it tasted so sweet. She moaned again. One of her hands slid around his back.

  “I… love… you.”

  He didn’t take too much. Her blood was potent and he knew he could get lost in it if he wasn’t careful. Dani’s hand on his back reassured him she was getting better. Now, he just had to make her come. It should save her life. It had to work.

  He pressed a hand in between them and touched her core. She bucked against him, her body trembling instead of convulsing.

  “That’s it, Dani. Come for me, please. I need you. You can’t leave me.”

  He circled her core harder, eliciting further moans. Staring down at his beautiful fae princess, her eyes wide and lust filled. He knew she was close. He fucked her harder, desperation in his movements. She wasn’t going to die. Not on his watch.

  “Come for me.”

  Her nails dug into his back the moment she let go. Magic seeped out of her, slamming into his chest, the force of it almost unbearable. She cried out, shaking and trembling in his hold. And he had to let go too. He grunted as wave after wave of magic assaulted him and his cock pulsed wildly inside Dani.

  When her shaking stopped, she lay beneath him, barely moving at all. Her chest rose and fell, but Dani’s eyes were closed. He stroked her face.

  “Dani,” he whispered. “Come back to me, please.”

  He leant his forehead against hers. Had he done enough to save her life? Had he really brought her back from the brink? His chest tightened again. If he hadn’t, how would he go on without her? She’d become the single most important person in his life. He had nothing without Dani. The love of his life.

  “I love you,” he told her. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to protect you. I should’ve been.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open. She blinked several times. Her hand came up and cupped his cheek as tears flowed out of her eyes.


  She tugged him down and kissed him. The relief he felt threatened to undo him completely. Dani was okay.

  Fuck, I love this girl to death. My fae princess.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his mouth.

  He pulled away, staring down at her.

  “I couldn’t let you go, Dani. Not now. Not ever.”

  Chapter Twenty One

  Dani couldn’t believe Jamie had turned up. That he’d known. She was sure their bond had saved her life. It meant everything to her. She’d been right to perform it. Deep in her soul, she knew Jamie was the one.

  “You came for me.”

  “Of course I did. I felt it. I felt you slipping away and when I searched for you in my heart, I knew exactly where to find you.”

  “You saved my life.”

  He stroked her hair back from her face.

  “I’ll always save you, Dani. I love you.”

  She smiled, pulling him down for another kiss. She felt bloated with all the magic inside her, but she was alive. He tugged her up into sitting position with him, allowing her to lean on his chest.

  “What happened?”

  “Questor, my father’s rival. He made me breathe a human, just as he did with my mother. I had to, Jamie. He had Novus and he was going to kill him if I didn’t.”

  Jamie stroked her hair, clutching her closer.

  “That fucking bastard. I’m going to bring you his fucking head.”

  She couldn’t help smiling at that. Questor deserved it after what he’d done.

  “I need to go to Hell first. Questor got to me before I could open the portal.”

  Jamie pulled away, helping her back into her clothes before adjusting his own. He kissed the top of her head, clutching her close when they stood up together.

  “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d died, Dani.”

  She looked up at him.

  “I’m here.”

  Jamie’s phone rang. He pulled it out his pocket and answered it, putting it on speakerphone for Dani’s benefit.


  “Is Dani okay?” Neave asked without preamble.

  “Yes, I got to her in time. Have you told Gav?”

  “He’s pissed. Where’s Selene?”

  “Fuck knows.”

  Dani clutched him tighter. She didn’t know who they were talking about.

  “This is bad, Jamie. Gavin wants to know what you did.”

  He sighed, running a hand through Dani’s hair. She would have to ask him what was going on when he finished up on the phone with Neave.

  “I know. I’ll tell him, but first, I’m helping Dani. Gav needs to tell the king that a fae called Questor tried to kill Dani and he has Novus, her brother. We’re going to Hell to stop this war. Selene can wait.”

  Neave was silent for a long moment.

  “Go now before he can stop you. I’ll tell him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m just glad you’re getting your happy ever after, Jamie. You deserve it.”

  She hung up. Jamie tucked
his phone back in his pocket. Dani raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Happy ever after?” she asked.

  He grinned, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Mmm, it’s not every day you get to run off into the sunset with your fairy princess.”

  She shoved his chest.

  “Don’t let anyone else catch you mentioning the word fairy. You know it’s an anathema to our kind.”

  He stepped away from her, his eyes bright with amusement.

  “You’re so very easy to tease.”

  Rolling her eyes, she looked around the clearing, spying the shimmering portal again. It was time they went to Hell, but Jamie’s conversation with Neave played on her mind. She walked over to the portal and put her hand on it.

  “Ostende mihi viam.”

  It shuddered under her hand before it swirled around and glowed purple.

  “Shit,” Jamie breathed. “Is this really how we get to Hell?”

  “Yes, I can’t believe it worked. I tried everything before Questor showed up.”

  He stepped up next to her and took her hand.


  “I guess… Who is Selene?”

  He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes growing dark.

  “Selene is the demon you saw in the bar we went to. She’s been messing with Gavin’s business affairs to get to me. It’s a long story, Dani. I don’t think we have time right now.”

  She nodded, tugging on his hand. The two of them stepped into the portal. They could talk about it when they’d seen Candace. That’s if they would even get to see the Queen of Hell.

  The world rushed around them at an alarming pace for several minutes and then they both stepped out into a dark room. It was only lit by a single bulb above their heads. There was a door in front of them. Dani looked up at Jamie.

  “Shall we?” he asked.

  He opened the door for her and the two of them stepped out into a long hallway. Looking left, they saw a huge set of double doors at the end. The hallway contained several other doors, but Dani felt sure they’d find who they sought through those big doors. She swallowed, trying to tamp down her fear.

  A door opened in the middle of the hallway and a woman with blonde hair tied up in a tight ponytail with a white shirt and pencil skirt stepped out. Her eyes fell on the two of them and widened.


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