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The Zoran's Touch (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

Page 8

by Luna Hunter

  “When the order of exile came, most followed it,” Kazim says.

  “And I don’t blame them,” Daruk adds.

  “Yet we couldn’t, as you can see. We’re mated with human females. Our children are mixed. Our lives and those of the humans are intertwined. That bond can’t and will not be broken, no matter what the Federation wants,” Kazim continues.

  “We decided to fight,” Turnon growls. “Strike back. For the future of our children.”

  “I don’t understand,” I say. “Why are you helping me? This is all my fault. You should hate me.”

  “What do you mean?” Dost says.

  “I killed the humans at Pazar,” I say, my voice flat. “The exile — it’s my fault.”

  Their eyes widen. “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  “That it’s not your fault?” Dost says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The serum?”

  I shake my head. What damn serum?

  Kazim slaps my shoulder. “Brother! You were poisoned! It was a false flag attack!”

  “What?” is all I manage to stammer.

  “Sit down,” Daruk says solemnly. “You’re going to want to sit down for this.”

  I take a seat, and my four Zoran brothers do the same. They lay it all out for me, and I am shocked to my very core.

  Kazim explains to me how secret documents have been leaked — communications between Siya and Basil Onyx — that prove that they used a rage-inducing serum that drove us four to madness. Torin, Kane, Marcas and myself. We suffered for nothing.

  The rage that took a hold of me and my pack that day in Pazar, in the waiting room of the Onyx’s headquarters, wasn’t me. It hadn’t been my feral nature that rose to the surface, like the human judges told me. It’s been repeated back to me so many times even I had started to believe it!

  “They wanted to bury the story on Deasun II that you were there to discuss. They flipped the script. They turned you, the accusers, into the perpetrators,” Dost says.

  “As if committing genocide on the Impas wasn’t enough,” I growl, bile rising in my throat, the anger gripping my heart tightly.

  That’s how it all started. My pack went to Deasun II to train our sneaking skills — the swamps there are perfect for that — only to find the planet’s surface covered in black soot, the air now poisonous, and the dead bodies of the intelligent natives, the Impas, strewn all over the place. We learned that the Onyx Corporation were drilling straight to the planet’s core, and they didn’t care they had to kill an entire planet to get there.

  We traveled to the space station of Pazar that day to confront their leadership about their crimes, but they were one step ahead of us.

  And they turned us four into monsters.

  I have lost so much because of them. Not only my freedom, but also…

  “Miah,” I whisper.


  “I… there was a human that survived the crash as well. We…”

  The Zorans exchange knowing glances, as if they already know where this story is going. My crushed look must say it all.

  “I pushed her away because I was… ashamed. And afraid,” I growl. “That she’d hate me for what I’d done, hate me like I hated myself. And now I learn it’s another Onyx ruse?! I had everything I ever wanted in the palm of my hands and I…”

  “Let it slip away?” a singsong voice from behind says.

  I crane my neck. A blonde human female, holding a baby in her hand, looks at me with a defiant streak in her eyes. I believe her name was Sarah, and the blue-colored babe is Jaboc.

  “Not on my watch you don’t! We’re getting your girl back. Isn’t that right, Jacob?”

  The baby glances up at his mother, a smile on his lips.

  “That’s right. We’re bringing Auntie Miah home, aren’t we?”


  Kazim grabs my shoulder.

  “We’re family here, Egon. We have to stick together. We’ll get your mate back. This I promise.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Found it!”

  Abby’s scream wakes me right up.

  “Wh-what,” I stammer.

  She shoves the tablet in my face.

  “Here! Check it out!”

  “What am I looking at?”

  “Emails! From Siya Onyx herself!”

  I scramble to an upright position and take a moment to let it all sink in.

  “Where did you find these?”

  “OnyxLeaks,” Abby smiles. “On the dark web. Look. Apparently, some Zorans — including Beast, or Egon as you know him — found that the mining site on Deasun II wasn’t really working according to regulations. And that’s an understatement. Apparently, Onyx poisoned an entire planet. Can you believe that?”

  A dark pit in my stomach forms.

  Deasun II.

  That name sounds familiar, like I heard it before, like…

  My blood runs cold.

  I remember.

  I did the calculations on that planet, double-checked the numbers. The amount of unobtanium in the planet’s core was incredible. I’d never seen readings like that before.

  But it was uninhabited! Or at least, that’s what my data said…

  “Are you okay, sis?” Abby asks. “You look like you saw a ghost.”

  Egon was right. There is blood on my hands. I helped cause this…

  The guilt washes over me like a tidal wave.

  “You haven’t seen the real news yet,” Abby insists as she scrolls through the files. “Look! The Zorans went to Pazar, you know that space station? To discuss what they found, and they threatened to go public with the information. And look, Basil and Siya thought up a way of burying this problem...”

  I read along. The dark pit in my stomach grows even bigger

  “By trying out experimental chemical warfare weapons on them.”

  I can barely get the words past my lips. This is so vile, so downright evil… how could anyone even think of a plan like this? Let alone follow it through…

  “I knew something was up,” I say. “Egon is too kind to be the monster they described. Why is this not front page news?”

  Abby shakes her head. “How can you still be so naive, Miah? Of course this isn’t front page news! Onyx, Central News, the damn Federation itself — it’s all owned by the same handful of billionaires in the end. They all protect each other.”

  “That’s… scary.”

  “It is.”

  My phone beeps. A message from Onyx.

  “Speak of the devil. They want me to come into work — right now.”

  “You can’t go,” Abby says.

  “No, I’m going alright. I want some answers!”

  The subway is as cramped as ever. My nose is pressed against the cold window, my thoughts returning to Egon. I wonder where he is now. He’s suffered through so much… the more I learn of the world, the less I understand it. I thought that when I’d return to Earth, life would go back to normal, but I was wrong.

  Things will never be the same again.

  When I arrive at Onyx headquarters, I’m immediately shepherded into a black limousine. Sitting across from me is no one other than the devil herself.

  Siya Onyx.

  Her jet-black hair is tied up in a bun. There’s not a line or crease in her face, her venomous green eyes fixed on me.

  “Miah,” she says coldly.

  “Siya,” I reply, my voice trembling with anger.

  “That’s Miss Onyx, please.” She hands me a stack of papers. “You will sign this.”

  “What is this?” I ask as I leave through the files.

  “Your statement, saying that the Zoran beast forced himself on you, and that you thank the Onyx Corporation and the Federation for your swift and timely rescue.”

  “Forced?” I cough. “What are you talking about?”

  Her venomous eyes burn with a fiery anger. “You had intercourse with that mons
ter,” she hisses. “Blood traitor! You lied to us. We found traces of his DNA inside of you.”

  I raise my eyebrows in mixture of shock, surprise and offense.

  “You’re pregnant,” she whispers furiously. “Nothing a quick procedure can’t fix, though.”

  My head swims.



  Instinctively, I place my hands on my belly. No one’s harming you, little one. I’ll claw her eyes out if I have to. Even if you’re just a little fertilized egg right now, I’ll still protect you with my life.

  “We’re here,” a young girl to the left of Siya says. Her voice trembles. She’s curled up against the window, putting as much distance between her and her boss as possible, a tablet clutched to her chest.

  That’s got to be her personal assistant. I hadn’t even noticed her, due to Siya’s overwhelming presence.

  I glance out the window. We’ve arrived at Central News’s headquarters.

  “You will be interviewed by Megan Collins, and you will say exactly what I’ve instructed you to say,” Siya says. “But we’re not getting out of this car until you sign this paper.”

  “I-I can’t—” I stammer.

  I can’t believe this. I admired this woman. Once. I strove to be like Siya. I even tied my hair in a bun, just like her. I subscribed to her personal feed. Read the books she recommended. Watched the movies she liked.

  She was an inspiration to me. A model.

  Now I see her for what she really is: a psychopath. Any last doubts I had about her guilt have been completely erased. I have no problem believing this conniving woman tricked Egon.

  “Don’t think for a second he really cares about you,” she bites. “You’re just a piece of meat to those brutes.”

  That’s it.

  I grab the pen and sign the paper.

  However, this interview is not going to way Siya wants it to.

  I’m about to drop some truth bombs.

  I sit across Megan Collins as a make-up artist applies some finishing touches to my face. Here is another dream shattered. I used to watch Central News religiously, believing they were telling me actual news.

  However, it seems they will easily play along with the Onyx propaganda. It makes me wonder what else they’ve been lying to my face about.

  The lights dim, and an assistant raises three fingers.

  “We’re live in three…two…one…”

  “Welcome to Federation Today! My name is Megan Collins, and today I’m joined by Miah Dorsey, who has a harrowing tale to tell. Her spaceship crashed, leaving her in the hands of no one else than the Butcher of Pazar! Tell us your story Miah, please.”

  She turns to me.

  A silence falls over the studio.

  The camera zooms in on my face.

  The red light blinks.

  This is it.

  The whole world is watching.

  I swallow the lump in my throat.

  Let’s do this.

  Megan clears her throat and nods at the statement in front of me. “Please, the world wants to know what happened. Did that Beast force himself on you?”

  “Oh, you want to know if I had intercourse with Egon?” I say. “Yes, yes I had. Though I can assure you, there was no force involved. In fact, it was the best damn thing that ever happened to me. Human men could learn a thing or two, you know.”

  Megan Collin’s face grows redder and redder.

  “What the?” she mumbles under her breath.

  I look over at Siya Onyx. She’s standing behind the cameras, her green eyes are filled with fury, and she gestures wildly at me.

  Can’t harm me now. Unless you want to show your true colors on live, intergalactic TV.

  “Err, let’s talk about the crash,” Megan tries. “It was caused by Beast breaking free and killing the crew, right? It says so right here in your statement.”

  Those last words are laced with menace. She taps the paper, nodding at me, begging me to play along. I’m not going to. That statement may have my name on it, but not a word of it will leave my mouth.

  “That’s what is being said, yes, but I’d like to add a thing or two. I remember a bit more clearly now. Yes, I remember a Federation soldier shooting our pilot in the back of the head and purposefully crashing the ship, trying to kill everyone on board. I remember Egon saving my life many times over. I remember the Federation soldiers and Onyx doctors treating me like a liability, like a number, like trash. I remember Siya Onyx threatening me, just a few minutes ago, if I didn’t take part in this bullshit propaganda machine you’re running here! I remember—”

  The camera cuts away from me, the lights turning back on. Siya runs up to me on her high heels and slaps me hard across the face.

  “You just signed your own death warrant, you Zoran whore. You’ll never see that sister of yours again — I’ll make sure of that!”

  Before I even have a chance to come up with a witty comeback, the doors to the studio burst open in an explosion. Smoke fills the room, and the sound of guns firing makes my heart race. The Federation soldiers, dressed in all-black, drop to the floor like flies. Siya pushes her way past me, rushing for one of the exits.

  And then, a majestic sight appears.


  His massive frame is covered from head-to-toe in plated armor, making him look even bigger and stronger than before.

  For a second it feels like I’m dreaming, but when he scoops me in those strong arms of his, I know I’m wide awake. The jolt that passes through me is too strong to for a dream.

  He’s surrounded by an army of brightly colored Zorans — I see blue, red, purple. It’s complete chaos, with bullets and lasers flying everywhere. Still, Egon finds the time to press his lips against mine.

  For a brief second time stands still. His warm lips makes me forget about everything in the world.

  I gaze into his amethyst eyes. We don’t have to say a word — we both know exactly what we’re thinking.

  “Let’s go!” one of the Zorans screams. “I’ll cover you!”

  I wrap my arms and legs around Egon, clinging to his body as he carries me out of the building. Outside a shuttle is hanging in mid-air, and he grabs onto a rope which is pulled up instantly. Seconds later all the Zorans are back on board, and we’re zipping through the air.

  The blue Zoran removes his helmet, a wide smile on his face.

  “Mission accomplished,” he says. “Miah, welcome to the Resistance.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  It feels so damn good to have my mate back in my arms. I’m never letting her go again. I heard every last words of her speech. I press her tightly against my chest, her scent surrounding my completely.

  “We could’ve gone for Siya,” Daruk says. “I nearly had her in my sights.”

  “Too risky,” Dost answers. “We got what we came for. In and out.”

  Kazim runs his hands over his body. His armor doesn’t even have a scratch. These are some extremely well trained and capable warriors — they might even be a match for my old pack.

  “Everyone safe?” Kazim asks.



  “Think so.”

  Miah is looking at the warriors with big eyes.

  “What’s happening?” she whispers.

  Kazim salutes her, smirking.

  “Resistance, at your service, miss. That was one brave speech you gave there. Egon was right about you.”

  I sense the female’s shoulders are still tense. I rub her neck, relieving some of her tension. It’s not everyday you get abducted by a band of Zoran warriors.

  “Are we safe?”

  Daruk glances out the window.

  “Should be. We’ll be back at our main ship within thirty seconds, and the Federation can’t keep up with our speed. Aria Winters upgraded our engines, and they’re the fastest around.”

  “That’s my baby,” Dost says proudly, thumping his chest.

>   “What about Abby?” Miah asks, her voice jumping an octave. “They’ll come for her!”

  “Don’t worry,” I say. “She’s waiting for us back at the ship.”

  “Very resourceful, that sister of yours. She contacted us, clued us in on your position. That’s how we got there so fast,” Kazim says.

  “What?!” Miah stammers. “I never… that’s it. I know nothing, I suppose.”

  “You know many things,” I growl as I kiss her neck. “Like that I’m never letting you go.”


  We arrive at the ship, and it’s a complete sensory overload. To my surprise, there’s no less than four human women, and three children!

  Which reminds me of the child I’m carrying. I haven’t even told Egon yet…

  The kids are all crowded around Abby, who is reading them a story. When she sees me she glances up and waves with a big smile, before returning to her story, like she never had a doubt in her mind that the Zorans could save me.

  The women all hug me tightly, welcoming me onto their ship and into their homes.

  Out of nowhere, I start crying.

  It’s all too much.

  I thought I’d never see Egon again, I thought Siya would have me locked in some dingy basement for the rest of my life, and look at me now. Surrounded by family, Egon at my side, Abby safe and sound…

  Egon grabs my hand and leads me to a private room.

  “We have to talk,” he says.

  I sit down on the bed and dry my tears. Outside I can see the stars whizzing by. The sound of children laughing reaches my ears, and it makes me smile. In nine months, there’ll be another baby added to the group…

  Egon grabs my hand.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I should trusted you. I should have told you. But I couldn’t. I didn’t know myself that Siya and Basil had tricked me and my crew. I thought that…”

  I nod. “You thought that you did all those things.”

  “Yes. I remember my vision turning red, and then just… blood. Everywhere. And the guilt. Like a suffocating blanket. It destroyed me.”

  I squeeze his hand.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  “Me too. I’d given up on everything… until I met you.”


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