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To Love a Prince

Page 14

by Nana Malone

  Ariel had to direct me past the throngs of people, out from the hallways where I tried to smile politely and nod as people muttered words at me that I didn't understand. Sure enough, I could see their lips moving and the expectation in their eyes and their bright smiles, but nothing registered.

  Had I been wrong all this time? Was it at all possible? I knew that it was likely that Ashton was likely behind everything. I was just having a hard time forcing my brain into compliance.

  For three long years, Max had been my target. Ashton too, but really Max, because he was the tangible force I could respond to. I thought Max was the person trying to kill me, once we were sure it wasn't a stalker. I assumed he'd found out about our plan or was just plain old jealous and wanted Ella back. But this new development, the new angle of my own brother wanting me dead still shook me.

  I knew the treachery and deception and horror he was capable of. I had known since I was a child. But somehow it never connected that he was capable of trying to kill me. I was his brother.

  And Sebastian is his cousin.

  Next to me, Ariel glanced around as if doing her due diligence, checking her surroundings and making sure everything was as it should be, but really, she was double-checking before her hands slid down my arms and into mine. Just that contact, skin to skin, her warmth seeping into me, sharing her strength, it steadied me. Suddenly, the world wasn't listing. I wasn't in danger of toppling over. I was steady on my two feet because she was holding me. Just simply holding my hand, and that meant everything.

  "Come on, this way." She dragged me through the gardens, and I followed, completely oblivious to my surroundings. It was only after a few moments that I realized we were in the Rose Garden in the densest and highest part of the maze. The sounds of the party were a distant memory, and all I could hear was the sound of the ocean crashing onto the sand and the rocks below.

  "I guess it all hit me when I saw them come back. They have Amelia, and she can prove that I didn't do anything. The gnawing pit of fear I’ve carried, all of the reasons for me not being able to come home are slowly being washed away, like my sins."

  She frowned. "You don't have any sins to wash away Tristan."

  "Don't I? Most of the time I’m fine. But there are moments here when I can still feel him, you know? That anger, it bubbles up."

  "What happened to you back then at Ashton’s hands, that wasn't your fault."

  "You know, you can say those words, but that doesn't wash the shame away."

  "I wish there was something more I could do, some way I could show you."

  "I know. I just don't understand how he could hate me so much. How all these years he has spent his time loathing me and plotting my demise. What have I ever done to be hated so much?"

  "You know this has nothing to do with you, right? This is him. This is Ashton, hateful though he may be. I've always known this about your brother. I have always known that he was capable of something like this. This isn't about you. You didn't do anything to be on the bullshit end of his hate stick."

  "I know, it's just that... how did someone get to be like that? Yeah, Mom was cold and unavailable, but Dad loved us. He gave us everything, but he also gave us boundaries and rules and, you know, all that parent stuff."

  She shrugged. "I don't know. I really wish I did, because if people could be explained that easily, I'd have some answers about my father too. But sometimes people are just the way that they are. Occasionally you can change them, and sometimes help them, but you were a child. It wasn't your job. It's still not your job. Ashton has made his decisions on his own. And that's the truth of it."

  "I know."

  "Come here." She took my arms, wrapped one around her back, and then placed the other hand in her palm. I grinned down at her as I pulled her tightly to me. "If you wanted a dance you should have just said so."

  "Well, I have to be a picture of propriety. After all, you do have a girlfriend."

  I frowned and shook my head as she gently placed her fingers to my lips. "I'm teasing. I saw her with Ian. Are you feeling okay about that?"

  I frowned. "Yeah, I guess. It's not like I want her, but her choice is interesting."

  I expected her to be irritated, but she had the same expression I did. "Right? Like, why Ian specifically? Especially after she made a whole big production of you keeping up appearances. He was your friend. For all intents and purposes, I was dating him."

  My jaw clicked. "I don't need a reminder."

  "You know it didn't really go anywhere, right?"

  I nodded tightly. "I know, but when I think about him with his lips on yours, I want to hit him again."

  She rolled her eyes. "You know, that's ridiculous. You've been with Ella for how long, and I really don't want to think about the nature of your relationship."

  I rocked back on my heels and slid my hands into my pockets. "Look, I’m not going to go into any detail with you because it doesn't serve either one of us, but just know that I have loved you, always you. Never anyone else. It didn't matter how hard I tried."

  "And I, on the other hand, don't think I have tried that hard at all."

  "You know what, I'm good with that."

  She smacked my shoulder lightly. "Are you feeling okay about the Ashton thing, though? Amelia is back. She can prove that what you're saying is the truth."

  "I hope so because it occurred to me that if Ashton has manipulated this much, there is a good chance that she is still playing that game."

  "We won't know until we talk to her. But the whole point is she is home now. At the very least, that takes another target off your back. It brings up all the questions. Yeah sure, Zia and I are tech whizzes, but what kind of private investigator did Gilroy hire that couldn't find his daughter? Or didn't he want his daughter found? Or is this part of a larger plan against the crown? Those are the kind of questions I am asking."

  I shook my head, baffled. “Is there always some conspiracy theory running through your mind?"

  "If you had been around here for the last three years, you would know that there is always a conspiracy."

  "You know what, I never doubted it. To hear Roone and Lucas tell it, you guys are basically being shot at on a daily basis. It's a whole other kind of royal family."

  She nodded with a laugh. "It gives a new meaning to royal intrigue."

  "Amelia’s home now though. At the very least, I'd like to get some answers as to why Gilroy thinks I had anything to do with her leaving."

  "And maybe she'll have answers as to why your brother is trying to kill you."

  "Doesn't it suffice that he is Ashton and he's basically the devil?"

  She nodded slowly. "Well, yes. But he has been Ashton for years. So what changed recently? Why in the last six months has someone suddenly tried to kill you? He could have tried to kill you anytime. If he has access to the guards and phones and threats... sure, he has been threatening you, but what triggered the actual action? That's what I want to get to."

  I pulled her tighter. "You know what, I don't want to talk about my brother anymore. Just knowing that this is close to being all over is all I need."

  "I’m good with that."

  "Who taught you how to dance?"

  Her smile was clandestine as she glanced up at me through lowered lashes. "Well, you know, a girl picks up a thing or two."

  "Do I have to kick someone else's ass for teaching you the things that I should have?"

  She snorted. "Nope. Penny and I had to take lessons. We both learned how to do ballroom. Penny was far less graceful at it. She has great rhythm, and she can certainly move, but the whole coordination part of dealing with a partner is problematic."

  I frowned thinking. "But she and Sebastian dance all the time."

  "Yes, because they have learned to work together. But have you ever seen Penny dance with Lucas? It's hilarious. She tries to lead. He won't let her. She steps on his feet. Now, I'm not entirely sure that's not deliberate, but knowing Penny, it's probably not."r />
  It was my turn to laugh. "Is she that bad?"

  Ariel nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yeah. Honestly, her nickname used to be Calamity Penny. She has more confidence now, so she's less klutzy about things. But every now and again, you will see the old Penny come out, and it's hilarious."

  "Noted. When I dance with Her Majesty, wear steel tips. It can't hurt." I glanced down at her. Her red hair was down in soft curls over her back. Her freckles were easily discernable even under her makeup. "Have I told you tonight how beautiful you look?"

  In this light, her green eyes looked almost emerald. "Not yet, but you know what, you can keep talking. I'll need convincing."

  I grinned down at her. "Convincing, huh?"

  She shrugged. "I mean, if you're going to tell a girl some stuff, make her believe it."

  "Oh, I have an idea of how to make you believe." I leaned my head down, meaning to just simply nuzzle her, but her little soft gasp made me want to hear it again. And again. And again. I knew my lips were going to be smeared with makeup, like I gave two shits. I had the woman I loved in my arms at last. There might be a danger on the horizon, but for now, we were safe. And if my brother was trying to kill me, I was going to make him rue the day, because he had already stolen enough from me. I wasn't letting him take anymore.

  She raised a delicate brow. “Actually you know what? I want to show you something instead.”

  “Oh yeah? What could you show me that trumps what I want to show you?”

  With a mischievous smirk, she sank to her knees.


  "Put me down." Ariel squealed and laughed as I carried her down the final steps to the bungalow. I would really have to talk to my cousin about officially making it ours and making it inaccessible to anyone else, because we needed a private space. And since we were amongst a few who ever used it, we’d started to see it as really ours. But what would happen if one day we came down and someone else was actually here?

  "Never. You are my spoil of war, so I'm just going to keep you and lock you up for my pleasure."

  She spoke into my back as I gently swatted her bottom, "I thought I already gave you something for your pleasure."

  Jesus. Just that one little reference to the blowjob she had just given me up in the gardens was enough to make me want to take her right then and there. "Careful, I might request such pleasures again."

  "So soon? Wow, you are a prince among men."

  I chuckled at that and then gently eased her down off my shoulders, cupping her ass.

  She glanced behind her, wondering if she’d hit the sand. "Your Highness, do you know that your hands are on my ass?"

  I squeezed. "Do you have a point?"

  "Well, I'm just saying. It's a bit fresh, don't you think?"

  "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just have your mouth around me, and aren't you the one who has an uncanny knowledge of my balls?"

  Ariel barked a laugh, her head thrown back, moonlight hitting her silhouette, making her look even more beautiful. "That might have been me. Maybe it was my evil twin."

  "Oh, there are two of you? Do you think we could—"

  She poked me on the chest. "Nope. I don't care if she is my twin. You can only have me."

  "I think you are probably even more than I could handle."

  With her other hand, she gently palmed me, and I groaned. "Christ. Woman, are you trying to kill me?"

  "Well, maybe?"

  She pumped me again and I dropped my forehead to hers. "Ariel..." I was quickly losing all my faculties, but what the hell did I care? It was a night for letting go. Tomorrow, I would worry about all the other things. Tomorrow I could worry about the shadows that threatened to infringe. But in that moment, the woman I loved was threatening to make me a very happy man... again. So, I wasn't going to say no. Except, this time, she'd be the one screaming.

  Ariel rose on tiptoes. She looped her arms around my neck and brought her lips up to mine. The kiss was so sweet, lingering just enough to make me want more, to make all the blood that I just got recirculating again to rush down to my dick. "Woman."

  "That's Lady Woman to you."

  "Whatever you say. Either way, you're driving me insane. You know that?"

  "Yeah. I have an idea." She palmed me again, stroking until I was thick and hard like steel.

  "Jesus." I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me, working those slits on her dress to her best advantage. I palmed her ass, squeezing gently, working her hips so her warm, heated center rubbed over me. "I need to be inside you."

  She laughed as she whispered against my lips. "I think that can be arranged." She reached between us and fumbled for my zipper again. "Ariel, Christ."

  "Well, you're the one who put him away. You could be inside me right now. I'm still wet from before. I want you."

  I swallowed hard. "You can't keep teasing me."

  "I'm hardly a tease. As a matter of fact, I'm a sure thing."

  She shifted her dress aside, making room for me. I held her in place. When she had me free, I moaned. "Fuck Ariel, come on, we need to get inside."

  "I don't think I can wait that long." She crossed her legs behind me using my back as leverage and lifted herself up. Just a little, making room so she could slide the length of me below her. She threw her head back and moaned. "God, I love how you feel."

  I couldn’t think. She owned me. I would do anything to slide deep. "Condom..."

  She licked her lips. "I'm on the pill."

  I dragged my eyes open, and I blinked down at her. "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, I just... I can't wait."

  "Fuck. Do it. Put me inside you."

  Gently, she poised me at her heated entrance and then I eased her down over me.

  We both swore. I worked one hand up under her dress so I could palm her ass properly.

  Once I had a good grip, I worked the other one. "Oh God. It's so good. Too damn good."

  We nuzzled, stealing quick kisses as I lifted her up and slid her down with ease.

  Up and down. The slow slide and retreat of her heat over me...

  My legs started to shake, and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I stumbled and braced against the wall of the bungalow. She giggled and then groaned when I had enough leverage to slide even deeper.

  "Jesus Christ. Yes. Like that. Deeper."

  Hell yes. "You're so fucking hot. You like the idea that we can be caught doing this?"


  "Like the idea of someone watching us?"

  She tightened her arms around my neck. "God, yes, no. It doesn't matter. I just want—"

  I kept hitting those spots. Finally frustrated, I released her ass and grabbed one strap of her dress, angrily tugging it down. Then I palmed her breast, the globe filling my hand. I rubbed my thumb over her nipple, and she attempted to arch her back. "Jesus, Tristan please, I need more. Fast is good. Always so good."

  With a growl, I dipped my head down. It took some maneuvering to angle my head right and get a good swipe of my tongue over her nipple. But when I did, she shook and then clamped around the top of my dick. With an evil smile I pulled her down at the same time I pumped deep.

  She threw her head back and screamed, "Tristan." And then I picked up my pace. My thumb and forefinger tightened on her nipple, taking my cues from her, pinching lightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to let her know that I was in charge of her pleasure. I was the one giving it to her.

  She writhed in my arms. "Yes please, more... like that..."

  "You're so dirty. I fucking love it. I want to christen every goddamn room in the palace with you, just like this, and bent over, and any way you'll have me. On top... I don't care. Fuck." The electricity wound around my spine, snaking up, making me its bitch, telling me that as much as I thought I was in control, when it came to her I was in control of nothing. Any second now, I was going to blow, and she hadn't come yet.

  I gritted my teeth, praying to God I could hold because I needed her to come. I n
eeded to know that I could brand her like this. She was the hottest and slickest thing I'd ever been inside of, and I wasn't going to lose my shit.

  I readjusted my hold on her. My fingers accidentally grazing over the tight pucker of her ass.

  Her head snapped back up. "Holy shit."

  And I could feel them, the quivers. My eyes snapped open and I watched her. She liked that. Gently, I circled again, and her brows popped. And sure enough, she started working her hips faster in tight little circles. "Do you have more?"

  She nodded as she pushed her hip back against my finger slightly. "Ask for what you want, sweetheart. Tell me, love. Tell me you want it."

  "Yes, more... I want it…. touch me there."

  "Do you like me playing with your ass?"

  She leaned back on my hand again as she grazed her teeth over her bottom lip. "Yes, Tristan. Jesus. Oh God, it feels so good."

  And then she was gripping me. Tightly. Fisting my cock with her heat as I dove into her over and over again. As she tightened and held on, I slid my middle finger further down, making it slick. And then I gently pressed.

  I was right. It was her that was screaming my name. Calling it over and over as she tightened and fisted around me, making me slick. And as I pumped and pumped and pinched her nipple, my finger teasing her forbidden places, I came hard. Like someone had lit my dick up with a rocket that literally was going to explode. All I could do was ride out the wave as I dipped my face into the crook of her neck and bit, marking her in any way I could think of at the moment.

  The night silence was permeated by the crashes of waves and our pants and groans, the whispered and hushed words. I couldn't think. She had managed to wipe my brain completely clean of any thought.

  I wasn't sure how long I held her there, my back bracketed against the wall. I could feel myself softening, but I stayed inside. Then she whispered. "Holy shit, when can we do that again?"

  I laughed into the crook of her neck. "You know what, give me thirty minutes.”

  “Something tells me you're not going to need that long."

  "With you in my arms, likely not."

  Gently, I held her in place as I eased out. Hissing as the cool night air hit my skin.


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