Page 6
She turned obediently and was about to clamber up on it when his hands at her waist stopped her.
“Right there, slave. Bend over the bed for my pleasure,” his hand placed a firm and juicy slap on her naked buttock and she jumped, partly from surprise and partly from a flush of arousal.
Well. Wasn’t that interesting?
She leaned down, letting her belly and breasts rest on the high bed. Simon eased her cuffed hands above her head and stretched her beneath him.
He was hot, so hot she could feel the waves of arousal radiating from his body.
He pulled back as he settled her the way he wanted her.
“Mmmm. This is excellent, slave. You are truly a perfect specimen.”
The bedding muffled her snort.
She felt him bend to her and then jumped as he ran his tongue down her spine to her thong.
His fingers caught at the leather and dragged it roughly from her, lifting her legs and freeing her of the constricting garment. She was left with her thigh high hose.
His hands splayed over her buttocks, pulling them apart, fondling them, squeezing them, and occasionally placing a firm slap on them.
“Do you like that, slave?” he asked.
“Ooooh God,” she groaned, writhing with the pleasure of it. Another slap followed.
“You must answer, my woman.”
“Yes, Master, yes. Oh God, I love it when you do that, it tingles and burns, and ooooh…”
Her answer earned her another firm slap, this time lower and closer to her pussy. She moaned at the warmth and sensitivity that his punishment was arousing in her.
She yelped as his tongue suddenly licked her stinging buttocks, and his mouth nipped her, marking her, branding her with his teeth.
“God Eve, you make me so…” Simon muttered something unintelligible as she felt his cock touching her hot buttocks.
“Tell me, my Master,” she urged, panting and doing her best to open her legs and invite him in.
“You make me want to lose myself in you. I do lose myself in you. It’s wonderful,” he panted, rubbing himself harder against her and using his cock to smear her moisture all over her.
“Simon, Master, please…please…”
Her hands scrabbled against the bed linens as his hands slipped around and found her clit.
“What, slave, what do you want?”
“I want what you want, Master. I want to give you pleasure.”
“Why?” Simon pulled her clit, making her sob and grind herself against his fingers.
“Because I’m your slave. Because…because…dear God, Simon…” she cried out as his fingers teased her unmercifully.
Simon pulled back slightly and reached for the bedside drawer.
He froze.
“Eve. Where’s the box of condoms?” The frantic sound of his voice would have amused Eve if she hadn’t been trembling on the brink of her own inner explosion.
“We don’t need them anymore, Simon.”
“What?” The exclamation erupted from his brain. Simon simply couldn’t believe his ears.
“Look,” said Eve, writhing her buttocks against him and driving all rational thought clean out of his head.
“We’ve reached a point here where we have made a commitment. I think it’s time we made another commitment as well.” She stilled for a moment and glanced over her shoulder towards him.
“I knew tonight was going to be special, Simon. It’s been six months now. We’ve both been certified healthy, and when I said I trust you, I mean it. On many different levels. This is one of them.”
“God, Eve, I’ve never…” stumbling over his words, Simon realized how true that was. He’d never, ever, in his entire life, taken a woman without a protective barrier between them. There were some deeds that lust couldn’t excuse.
“Neither have I, Simon. I wanted you to be my first. “ She gulped. “I’m on the pill, so pregnancy isn’t an issue. Not until we want it to be…”
Thoughts and visions whirled chaotically through Simon’s brain.
Images of Eve carrying his child. Visions of sinking himself unprotected into her heat and emptying his balls, flooding her with his seed. Creating life.
“Are you sure?” His whisper was no louder than a sigh, but Eve heard him.
“Yesssss,” she hissed, pressing back against him again in wanton need.
“I have to see you, Eve. Watch you,” he muttered, backing away and roughly flipping her over.
“We can’t do this unless we see each other’s faces. Watch me, Eve, don’t take your eyes off me…”
Simon tugged Eve to the very edge of the bed and pressed between her thighs. The black lace clad limbs rose to clasp his hips, and he leaned forward, running his hands over her breasts and keeping his gaze fixed on hers.
“Now, Eve?”
“Now Simon,” she breathed, giving him back look for look.
His cock found her, hot, wet and ready for him.
With a steady movement he slid himself into her body.
They both stilled.
“Oh wow,” she crooned, tightening her thighs against him.
“Oh wow indeed,” he whispered. “You’re so hot against me. Like molten lava, like hot silk, like…oh God Eve.”
Words failed him. He could only watch her eyes as he slid out and back in again, amazed at the feel of her flesh welcoming his hard cock, slipping and sliding against it and causing a wonderful friction unlike any he’d ever felt.
Or was it simply that it was Eve? And he was now really touching her? Someplace where no one had touched her before?
His heart swelled and his cock felt like it was a mile long and big around as a telephone pole.
Eve took him all. She pulled him in, time and time again, letting her body caress and squeeze him as he thrust deeper and faster into her amazing body. He was amazed to find that now he could feel the slightest tremor of her tissues, even the folds and ridges of her inner landscape.
She moaned as his thrusts started to reach deep within her, and he slid one hand down to find her clit.
A gasp of sheer delight told him he’d found his target.
Pulling and teasing the tender nubbin, Simon proceeded to set Eve on fire in just the way he knew she liked.
There was no more Master and slave, there was only Simon and Eve and the pleasure of what they did to each other.
Eve’s ankles were locked around Simon’s buttocks and Simon’s cock was thrusting into her body, bringing them both to the brink of joy.
Simon stopped, seconds from exploding.
“I love you, Eve Bentley. Thank you for this…”
Eve blinked, but didn’t withdraw her gaze from his. “I love you too, Simon Austen. And if you don’t move within five seconds from now, I shall be forced to kill you.”
Simon’s grin turned into a grimace of arousal as he plunged deep, deeper into Eve and made her dreams come true.
She screamed as his body pounded into her clit and started a wave of orgasmic pleasure that Simon could feel beginning at her toes and working it’s way upwards.
The muscle contractions within her were incredible, and Simon pressed even deeper, trying to absorb every single spasm with her as she came.
Her undulations along his cock were harsh and rhythmic, and within seconds he felt that wonderful burn in his buttocks as his own orgasm began.
Bucking with its force, he buried himself in Eve, balls crushed against her as they emptied.
His cock leapt into her flesh with the force of his climax, and the feel of his cum spurting around her womb was almost more than he could bear.
“Eve!” His strangled scream was followed by a sob of pleasure as he emptied himself for the first time into a woman.
Into Eve.
She rolled lazily over onto her side and smooshed her hands into Simon’s chest. His breathing had almost returned to normal, and they were lying limply on the covers,
waiting for their heart rates to slow down.
“Um, Master?”
A snort greeted her words.
“Eve, the whole concept of Master and slave just got re-defined. Do you realize that the slave is essentially the Master of the entire show?”
Eve merely grinned. No way was she going to answer that one. “If you’d be kind enough to release my chains, your slave will continue your pleasure this evening.”
There was silence for a moment as Simon considered her words. She really wanted to giggle, but suppressed it, even though her heart was overflowing with pleasure, and her body overflowing with Simon’s cum.
It had been something quite surreal for Eve, that feeling of being bathed by a man’s seed. Something fundamental had stirred within her. The knowledge that they could create life. It was heady stuff.
He sighed. “Very well. But keep these handy, will you?” Simon neatly unclipped the hooks that fastened the cuffs together, and removed the leash from her collar.
“Um, honey? Wanna keep the collar on? It really looks cool…” he smiled at her and ran his hand over her breast, tugging at the nipple beads and making her wince a little.
“Yes, Master. Whatever you say…” she began to slide off the bed.
“Whoa. Where are you going?”
“Merely to fetch something to tend to your needs, Master,” she replied diffidently, risking a little glance under her eyelashes at him.
His eyebrow was raised, his eyes questioning and a little grin creased his lips. God she loved him.
“Very well, my woman. Tend me.” He lay back with an exaggerated groan.
“Yeah right.”
He raised his head.
“Sorry. I mean yes, of course, Master.” Damn. She really had to watch her dominating tendencies.
Slipping into the bathroom, Eve grabbed the bowl and facecloths she’d readied earlier and returned to the room, standing beside Simon as he sprawled, contentedly, on the bed.
He jumped as she began to wash him with the cool water and the cloth.
“My goodness, Eve,” he laughed. “You do take your duties seriously…”
“Well, you see I read about this in…”
“Don’t tell me. One of your romances, right?”
Eve bit her lip. “Yep.” She carefully washed his cock and gingerly wiped around his balls, making sure to dry him afterwards with a soft towel. “You don’t like it?”
“On the contrary, dear slave. It’s rather deluxe, actually.” He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, so Eve assumed he was happy with her service.
“Of course, I do insist on returning the favor.”
Eve’s hands stilled. “You mean…”
“Of course. It will please me to clean you, Eve.” He’d worded it perfectly too. She was caught in her own trap.
“Lie down here, there’s a good little slave girl.”
Okay, do not curl lip. Slaves do not sass their masters.
Eve lay back on the bed.
Simon reached for a clean cloth and dipped it into the water, lathering the soap and working it to a fragrant mound.
“Washing my slave woman. Hmm. This is a rare experience for me, you know.”
Eve grunted as he began to cleanse her sensitive skin, wiping and tugging a little as he removed their intermingled juices from her flesh.
“Now, mustn’t miss this little bit here, let me see…”
The cloth found her clit and delicately circled it, just barely touching it with a light flicker of lather.
She moaned.
“Mmm. Looks clean enough to eat. I wonder…woman and lavender. Interesting combination.”
Simon leaned forward and slipped his tongue gently over Eve’s clean clit.
She moaned again. “Simon, love…”
“That’s Master Love to you, Eve, slave woman. Your Master desires your pleasure now. Be quite while I take care of it.”
Simon pushed the cleaning supplies aside and knelt to his task. His face disappeared between her thighs, and before she knew it, a dull ache of arousal was beginning again deep within her. “Oh Simon,” she breathed.
“Oh Eve,” he echoed, letting his breath dust her swollen folds and ratchet up her sexual tension.
His hands slid up and down her abdomen, playing in and around her navel, and eventually sliding beneath her to raise her to his mouth.
His tongue was an entity to itself.
Teasing, flicking, plunging into her little nooks and crannies, and making her juices run anew.
She’d thought that her first climax would be of stunning and enormous magnitude, and she was right. She had no idea that she could actually manage a second one. This was surely a night of new experiences.
Slowly and gradually, Simon used his mouth and his tongue to arouse her, and then he leisurely took his time, bringing her along fast, then letting her ease down a little.
Before too long she was a whimpering pile of lust just waiting for his cock to make her explode. “Simon…” she moaned. “Please…I want you…”
She struggled to reach his cock that was now lying rigid against her body.
Evading her hungry grasp, Simon neatly flipped her onto her stomach and once again draped her legs off the edge of the bed.
“I really like these stocking things, Eve. Can we keep them?” he muttered, as he opened her thighs wide and stepped between.
“Sure, honey,” she gasped. “Anything you say…”
“Good,” he sighed, grabbing the head of his cock and slipping it into her folds. “Oh sooo good…”
He slid deep, deep inside her, touching her soul. His cock was hot and hard and filled all her empty spaces.
“Simon,” she breathed, arching her back and thrusting against him.
“Yes,” he said, stroking her with his hands and his cock. “Yes, Eve. Yes. It’s right. Us. This. Forever…” his words faded as his speed increased, and Eve’s heart melted as his hands stroked her and petted her and loved her in time with the pounding of his cock.
He slammed against her in a frenzy, driving her into the blankets and touching a spot deep within her that made her want to scream with the pleasure of it.
She had no idea who was shouting. It might well be her. But in the next instant it no longer mattered.
For the second time that night, Eve Bentley orgasmed.
For the second time that night, Simon Austen was right there with her, filling her, sharing her climax and offering up one of his own.
Her mind emptied of everything but the feel of Simon’s cock spurting its seed within her.
Her heart unfurled the last of its worries and let it evaporate into a huge breathy sigh that echoed around the room.
She was his, and he was hers. It was life, it was destiny, it was nature. It was also wonderful.
With a smile on her face and Simon nearly comatose beside her, Eve slept.
Chapter 8
“So you never did use Matilda?”
Adele smiled across the table at Eve, who was feeling rather like the Cheshire Cat. She couldn’t stop grinning.
“Nope. Two days later, Matilda was still in a heap on the floor.”
“Two days?”
“Hey, being a slave is serious business. And I had microwave pizza…”
“Well, yeah. That wasn’t great. So we ended up sending out for Chinese.”
“But the end result was the same. True love wins out, the lovers end up married happily ever after.” Adele tipped her head and looked at Eve.
“Yep. Pretty much. I have your stuff here, by the way. I’m going to keep the thong and the thigh highs, if it’s all right with you?”
“God yeah. I’ve got plenty. Every time I do a fetish-related shoot I get more merchandise. The thigh highs were a success, were they?”
In spite of herself, Eve blushed. “Um, yeah.”
“Cool.” Adele managed to keep a straight face.
“So, you gonna have a bit of time free in a couple of weeks? Simon and I are going to have a very quiet little thing, just a few words in front of his friend who’s an ordained minister. We’re thinking out at the garden club, you know?”
“Oh yeah, neat. Need photos?”
“Adele,” Eve was caught. She desperately wanted Adele there as a guest, but knew she’d never get any better photos than the ones Adele would take.
“What can I say? You’ll take the most magnificent pictures I can imagine, but I don’t want you working on this day…”
“It’s not work to me, Eve. It’s my passion. Let me enjoy the day the best way I know how?”
“Weelll…” Eve tugged on her lower lip, wishing Simon were there to advise her. But he’d gone off for a daylong conference, and she was stuck with this tough decision.
She sighed. “All right. I’m going with my gut here, because I don’t believe you would have offered if you didn’t want to. But I insist you bring a date, and you only shoot photos when you feel like it, okay?”
Adele smiled happily. “Wonderful. My date will be my newest boyfriend…”
“Oh?” Eve pricked up her ears.
“Yep. His name’s Nikon, he’s 35mm, autofocus, SLR…”
“Adele!” Eve laughed. “Can’t you dredge up someone?”
Adele shrugged. “Sweetie, at my age they’re all too young or too old. I’m happy with my camera equipment and my good friends…” She reached across the table and gripped Eve’s hand with hers.
“Just be happy, Eve. You have a wonderful guy. Enjoy him. Enjoy each other for the rest of your lives?”
“Oh we will, Adele. I’m absolutely positive of that.”
“Good. Now I’m on my way.”
Adele gathered her bag of tricks that Eve had packed for her. “Give Simon a hug from me, and I’ll see you guys soon.”
“Got a shoot today?” asked Eve, following Adele to the door.
“I hope so. And yeah, it’s another fetish one. But Jan hasn’t checked in yet, which isn’t like her, and Brian is a stickler for being on time…” Adele frowned.
“Oooh. Brian. That’s the gorgeous cover-model one, right?” Eve grinned.
“Hey, recently engaged woman. None of that,” Adele mock-punched Eve’s shoulder.