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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

Page 79

by Stalder, Janelle

  She smiled, linking her hands behind his neck again. “Yes,” she answered.

  * * *

  Elisa looked up at Wolf and wondered why she had waited this long to admit to her feelings. How could she have been so stupid? Suddenly she was overwhelmed with emotion. She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him again, wanting to make up for all the time they had wasted.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, between kisses. He pulled back, looking at her tenderly.

  “Why?” he asked, his voice worried.

  “I just feel so stupid for denying us this for so long,” she answered, her voice cracking.

  “Don’t,” he smiled. “This is the happiest moment of my life.”

  “I was just so stubborn. I don’t know what was wrong with me.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I think we were both guilty of that. I should be the one apologizing. When you came to me on the walls, I should have never turned you away. I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said, with a shake of his head. “I was stupid, but I’ll never make that mistake again.”

  “No, I was stupid,” she countered. “I shouldn’t have run off and told Markus I would marry him. I don’t know how you can forgive me for that.”

  “It doesn’t matter now. We’re together, and that’s what’s important.” She nodded in understanding. He kissed her again, slowly and deeply, making her head swim. When he pulled back she had to grip the front of his shirt to keep herself from falling. “Let’s go back and join our friends before I decide to just run away with you.” She laughed, and nodded her head again.

  As they walked back towards the palace, Wolf reached out and grabbed her hand. As they walked like this, she marvelled at how wonderful it felt just to have her small hand in his. It was so strong and warm. Such a little gesture meant so much to her. Finally she was his and he was hers, and everything just felt – right.

  “Can I ask you something?” she asked, remembering a question that had been plaguing her for months.

  “Of course,” he said, looking down at her expectantly.

  “How did you know it was me at the Spring Festival?”

  He smiled his knowing, cocky smile that for once didn’t immediately irritate her. Had it ever really bothered her, or had she always found it this handsome and just fought it? She realized there were probably a lot of things about him she had convinced herself she didn’t like that were probably completely untrue.

  “Elisa, I would know you no matter what you wore. I’ve watched you so closely for so long, every inch of you is burned into my memory.” Her cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she knew she was wearing the stupidest grin. He laughed, squeezing her hand. Neither of them said another word as they walked, simply enjoying the fact that they were together.


  Aiden stood talking with Moose and Logan when Lily came running up excitedly. She was literally jumping up and down.

  “Where’s the fire?” Moose asked dryly.

  “I just found out they’re having a light show out in the gardens!” she replied, ignoring him, and directing her answer towards Aiden.

  “What’s a light show?” he asked, wondering why it made her so happy.

  “They shoot them in the sky, and they make different colours and patterns,” she replied, looking at him like he was stupid.

  “Oh, you mean fireworks,” he said. “Why are you so excited?”

  “I’ve never seen them! We’ve only heard of such things, and now I’ll get to see it for myself!” Aiden couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. He hadn’t felt that excited about fireworks since he was a small child. Logan suddenly knocked him in the stomach with his elbow, and he gasped. “Ow, what was that for?” he looked over, rubbing his belly.

  Logan simply pointed, eyebrows raised. Aiden looked over to where he indicated, and felt his eyebrows peak too. Coming through the garden doors were Wolf and Elisa, and they were holding hands! Smiling! Lily started to squeal and jump again, running over to meet their friends. She hugged Elisa. Aiden couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he understood immediately what must have happened.

  Wolf walked up to them, a satisfied grin on his face. It was the first time Aiden had seen him truly relaxed. As Aiden looked at him, he realized that there was always something off about Wolf. There had always been this sense of sadness about him, but now it was gone. Of course it was Logan who finally broke the silence.

  “It’s about damn time!” he said, annoyed, even though he was also grinning like a fool. Wolf shrugged his shoulders. Elisa walked up, and Wolf instantly grabbed her hand again. “You two about drove me nuts,” Logan said, this time talking to Elisa. She laughed, but it was Wolf who replied.

  “We about drove each other nuts, so stop complaining,” he said, rolling his eyes at Logan.

  “Congrats, brother,” Moose said, slapping him on the back. “I knew you weren’t a complete screw-up.”

  “Thanks,” Wolf muttered, shoving Moose playfully with his free hand.

  “Let’s go watch the light show now!” Lily said, hopping up and down again.

  “Okay, okay little bunny, calm down,” Moose said.

  They all walked out together. Aiden held Lily’s hand, feeding off of some of her excitement. When they got outside, he breathed in the fresh air, smelling the salt on the wind. It was amazing in the south. He wondered how long they’d actually be able to stay there. He’d like to have a better look at the city and just enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in Nysa.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lily asked, as if she were reading his thoughts. Aiden nodded, looking at the expansive garden in front of him. There were so many people about, and yet it didn’t detract from the grandeur of it all. It reminded him of the gardens he had seen in pictures of Versailles, but even larger.

  “You think they’ll let us stay here for a bit?” he asked, taking it all in.

  “I hope so,” she replied, wrapping her arm around his waist.

  “Me too.”

  Elisa stopped beside him, Wolf just behind her talking to Logan. Aiden turned to look at her.

  “Don’t say it, I know,” she said, sighing.

  He raised both his eyebrows. “Say what?” he asked, biting back his laughter. “I wasn’t going to say anything mean.”

  “I can see the words ‘I told you so’ in your eyes right now. I know we were both stupid and stubborn, so you don’t need to rub it in.” He was laughing by the time she was finished.

  “I was just going to say that I’m glad you two are finally together. You both look really happy. But if you want to call yourself names, by all means go ahead.” She bumped him with her shoulder.

  “Shut up.” They laughed.

  “Elisa.” Both of their heads turned at the same time to see Turk walking up. He was scowling.

  “Yes, daddy?” she asked, her voice squeaking.

  “Markus just informed us that your engagement has been called off. You want to explain to me what’s going on?” Elisa stuttered a bit, before Wolf walked around the Captain to stand behind her, placing a hand on each of her shoulders. Aiden watched as she visibly relaxed with Wolf there.

  “Sir,” Wolf greeted Turk, nodding his head. “Elisa and I would like your permission to continue our betrothal.” Turk’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Sir, I love your daughter, and I would like to take care of her for the rest of my life.” Aiden heard Lily sigh beside him.

  “Is that right?” Turk asked, looking back and forth between the two of them. He focused his eyes on Elisa, narrowing them in question. “What about you Elisa, do you love this boy?”

  “Yes, yes I do,” she replied instantly. He looked at them again, his face unreadable. Suddenly his face broke into a smile, and he laughed loudly. Aiden let out the breath he was holding.

  “Well it’s about time!” he said, slapping Wolf on the back. “I wondered how long it was going to take you two kids to smarten up.”

  Elisa looked at her father like
he was a stranger. “Why did you let me agree to marry Markus if you knew I loved Wolf?” she asked.

  “Elisa, my girl, I learned a long time ago to let you find things out for yourself, and make your own decisions. If I had said anything you would have just wanted to do the opposite.”

  “No I wouldn’t –”

  “Yes you would,” the Captain and Wolf replied together. She huffed, and crossed her arms as she looked at both of them.

  Turk placed a hand on her shoulder affectionately. “Daughter, you are just like your mother. I knew eventually you’d follow your heart, just like she did with me. We might be stubborn, pig-headed, foolish men, but we love you women with all our hearts, and I think deep down inside you recognize that. I’m not saying this boy isn’t a damn fool sometimes, but I can tell when someone loves my daughter, and I’ve known he does for a long time now.”

  Aiden saw Elisa’s eyes get glassy looking before she buried her head in her father’s chest. He heard a sniff from beside him, and looked down to see Lily wiping at her eyes. “What is it with you women and crying?” he asked, teasingly. She smiled up at him with a shrug.

  “It’s just so sweet,” she replied, wistfully. He shook his head, and looked up to see Turk giving Wolf a quick hug. They exchanged quiet words, and then he walked away to where the King stood with his brother and Felix’s sister. They caught each other’s eye, and she smiled shyly at him. He nodded his head back, wanting to go talk to her, but decided to leave it for another night. The way she held onto Callum told him she was still getting used to everything, and he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

  Lily tugged at his hand, leading him to a spot where the others stood, away from the crowd. Aiden wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head. Having her with him, and all his friends there, Aiden felt truly content for the first time since he arrived. This is what life should be like, he thought to himself, wishing it could really be this way.

  “We need to have a celebratory drink,” Logan suggested, getting all their attention.

  “Agreed,” Moose shouted, standing up from his sitting position on the ground.

  “Come on boys, leave the wenches for a minute and have a toast with us,” Logan goaded, walking towards a table that held an array of drinks on the patio.

  “Do you want something?” Aiden asked, leaning down beside Lily’s ear.

  “No, I’m okay,” she replied, turning to smile at him. He gave her a quick peck, before turning to leave. Wolf was still talking to Elisa so he waited until they were finished, feeling slightly guilty for splitting them up. Finally Wolf walked towards him, smiling that same carefree smile that was going to take some getting used to. They reached the table, just as Logan turned with two drinks in his hand. He gave them each one, and then got one for himself before turning back again.

  “To the end of the war between us and North,” he said, lifting his cup.

  “To my brother finally getting the girl he’s wanted since he was seven,” Moose said, with a mocking smile.

  “Shut up,” Wolf said, but didn’t seem a bit bothered about it. “To having us all back together again,” he added, lifting his cup.

  Aiden thought about what he would say. He lifted his glass, opening his mouth to add his toast, but was interrupted by a piercing shriek. Many screams followed, filling the night with a sense of terror. He turned around to see what was happening, just as it swooped down. His whole body froze. Plunging out of the sky, faster than what seemed possible, was an actual person, but with wings. Aiden didn’t understand what he was seeing, but the hairs on his arms rose and he knew it wasn’t right. There was something evil, and somewhat familiar, about this being. As he watched it draw closer, he didn’t realize where he was headed until it was too late.

  As they all stood, watching in abject horror, the winged man reached them in a split second. Aiden panicked, knowing they were all too far to stop what was happening. He could hear Wolf yelling out. Fear built inside him, quickly turning to blinding anger. The air around him stilled, scents and sounds growing sharp. The creature reached out and grabbed her just as her screams filled the air.


  He screamed it in his head. The man turned to look at him at exactly that moment with a strange expression. Aiden moved with the same speed as before, reaching the spot a moment too late. They were already rising into the air, her light hair blowing in the breeze, and her screams ripping into him like they would tear him apart. Then they were gone, and he was left kneeling on the ground where she had been standing before. Chaos was happening all around him, but he couldn’t focus on anything.

  He was too late. He had failed. Guilt crashed over him like a wave.

  They were a small black dot in the sky, moving further and further away. He could see the direction they were headed, and he knew exactly where they were going. All that was left to do was to follow. And he would. He’d follow and he’d get her back. He watched them fly, growing smaller and smaller, in the direction where he would venture to next – East.


  And there will come to be, two souls made from one. Dark as night and light as day. Without one there can be no other. Both made from the darkest of hearts, one will rise up to defend the weak, and return peace to the lands. Made from the God’s children, swift on foot and sure in mind. On land he will rise, while the dark takes to the sky. The Warrior must be raised as such, away from poisoned minds. He will be our saviour.

  – The Prophecy.


  Time was lost, like light and air, sensations and sight – all the things that made a person feel truly alive. All they had was sound.

  The ring of keys jingled loudly in the distance. It echoed down the hall to their ears. Then the scraping as one fit snugly into a lock, twisting the gears with an ominous click. Shivers ran down his spine, in sync with the whining of the hinges. He hated that all the sounds around him were amplified by the loss of sight. Darkness encompassed too much, eliminating that vital sense. Footsteps approached slowly. A distressed sound came behind him. Ethan reached back and put a reassuring hand on Melissa’s trembling body, not that it would do her much good.

  Throughout the days, possibly weeks – maybe even months, he wasn’t sure anymore – during the time they had been locked away like animals, he watched as Melissa slowly slipped further and further away from him. He often wondered how she would come out of this experience, if they even survived it. Was it wrong that he hoped they didn’t? Death seemed simpler than whatever they would have to face outside the stone walls that surrounded them.

  As the footsteps drew nearer, he said a small prayer that it wasn’t their cell the person was coming to. It was still too early for their food, if it could be called that. He hoped it wasn’t the girl with the fire. She terrified him – the absence of emotion in her eyes, the steely set of her spine, and the complete lack of compassion in her cold face. She would kill them, and not blink an eye.

  For the millionth time since he woke up, Ethan wondered where they were. Steps halted outside their door, setting his nerves on edge. He braced for whatever was going to happen to them next. After being held captive for this long, he knew it was only a matter of time before something even more terrible happened to them. What was the point of keeping people prisoners if you weren’t planning on torturing and killing them? No one had laid a finger on them – yet. It was coming though. He knew it. Felt it in his bones. Something bad was going to happen, and there was nothing he would be able to do to protect himself or Melissa. He shifted his body closer to hers, hiding her from view. He could feel the pointed bones of her arms dig into his sides. She had lost so much weight since their abduction. There was no mirror in the cell, so he had no way of knowing what he looked like, but he could guess that he was significantly skinnier as well.

  The lock on their door clicked over, and slowly opened to reveal the eastern man. He had introduced himself as Aziz on their first night here. At the ti
me he had looked like a dying corpse. Melissa had actually screamed when he walked into their cell. Ethan had bitten one back as well. Then, only a short time later, he came back looking fifty years younger. At first Ethan hadn’t realized it was even the same man, until he spoke. Wherever they were, whoever this Aziz was, Ethan didn’t think it was anywhere close to home. This was something he couldn’t have dreamed up in all his World of Warcraft imagination. Sometimes he still wondered if he was dreaming, but the hunger pains and despair was too real to be a dream. Everything was just too real.

  Aziz turned with a slow smile. He loved that they cowered from him, it was written plainly on his face. Ethan hated him more than he had ever hated anyone in his entire life. Even more than his father who had up and left them when Ethan was in grade seven. What he hated most was when he spoke of Aiden. It made Ethan worry. Did Aziz have Aiden too? Was Aiden being tortured somewhere? He feared this for days in the beginning, but it soon became clear that Aiden wasn’t here. No, that was why Ethan and Melissa were here. For whatever reason Aziz wanted Aiden, and they were the bait to reel him in. It made him sick to his stomach.

  “Good morning,” Aziz greeted cheerfully. He was a sick man. “I’ve brought you a new friend.” He turned to look back into the hall. Ethan caught a glimpse of white and blue wings, and struggled to hold back his shiver. The man with the wings was quite possibly the scariest of them all. Even his voice left chills along his arms. Shuffling sounds came before a body was thrown down onto the floor, in the opposite corner of the cell. A dark cloak covered their features.

  “I hope you like your new home,” Aziz said to the newcomer. “This will be it for a long time – or at least until your little lover comes to get you. I’m a patient man. I can wait for him to come to me.” He crouched before them. “But can you?” The slow smile that stretched across his face said horrible things.


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