Book Read Free

Do Not Disturb

Page 19

by Lisa Ballenger

  “But they don’t question every thing you do now.” He turned his head to her. “How did it change?”

  “I started talking to them. Stopped fighting their questions.”

  His fingers tightened around hers. “Are you saying this is my fault?”

  “No. I’m just telling you what worked for me.”

  She shivered as the wind swirled across the deck slapping the end of her hair into her face and sending a blast of cold up the hem of her dress. Brett wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tugged her against his side. “You’re cold. We should go inside.”

  “Only if you feel better.”

  “I’ve calmed down. I don’t know if I feel better, but at least I won’t yell at anyone now.”

  “Maybe yelling wouldn’t be so bad.”

  “Yelling? This from Miss Control?”

  “At least it’s communication.”

  “Yeah.” He stroked her arm, the friction creating warmth on that one small spot. “But Tylers don’t yell either.”

  “I see.”

  Who was more stubborn here? Brett or his parents?

  “Just because we aren’t doing what someone expects of us, doesn’t mean what we’re doing is wrong,” she suggested.

  “You think I need to talk to them more. Explain what I’m doing.”

  “I’m saying they love you and you love them and it’s not easy. I’m sure Caroline and Kelly will not be thrilled with a few things we’ll do in the next few years.”

  “You’re right.” He laughed. Finally. “I swore I’d never be like my parents and I hear myself quoting them every day. I hate that.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  He slipped off the rail and hugged her. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He really hated control. She continued to shiver, the goosebumps spreading up her arms. What was she doing with a man who hated everything she needed to make her life work?

  “Go back to your room, Brett.”

  He stood braced in the open doorway of her bedroom, his hands on the doorjambs. “You’d better let me in or my parents will hear us.” He‘d changed into jeans and a sweatshirt, but his feet were bare. He looked entirely too inviting.

  He’d dropped her off at her room twenty minutes earlier, kissing her breathless. They were supposed to be asleep.

  But he was back.

  Hiding behind the door, she leaned her head around to talk. She was naked except for her short cotton nightgown. She’d forgotten her robe.

  “Only for a second, then you have to go back to your room.” She opened the door wider.

  He slid into the gap and shut the door with his foot.

  She cringed at the click of the door. “I’m sure your parents have counted the number of times the doors have opened and closed and know what’s going on.”

  She backed up as Brett stood in front of her, his legs spread wide balancing his stance, his arms crossed over his chest, that glint in his eye. The one she now recognized as “ready.”

  He wanted her.

  “They can’t hear the doors close, darling. And Dad’s already set the alarm, I checked. So no one will be bothering us.”

  He stepped toward her. She backed up.

  “Besides, we’re adults. They don’t care what we do.”

  He stepped toward her. She backed up.

  “Oh, I’m sure they care. It’s their house, Brett. I would never be able to...”

  He stepped forward. She backed into the dresser.

  He leaned down and kissed her. Fiercely, not sweetly.

  “Relax. Remember. That’s the key to being able to---“

  She put her hand over his mouth. “That is not what I meant and you know it.” His teeth nibbled her fingers. “We will be home tomorrow.”

  Why did that feel good? She dropped her hand before he could eat her alive.

  “And who knows how long before we’ll be alone again after we get home. We’ll pick up Kelly and then Caroline will be home and...”

  He kissed her neck. It wasn’t fair.

  “But we’re not alone now either. We’re at your parents’ house. In your Grandmother’s old room for heaven’s sakes.”

  “Grandma would be so proud.” His hands rested on her hips.

  “Is this like the nightshirt you described to me on the phone?”

  It was up to her waist. She had to stop him. His hands were on her sides now.


  He lifted it over her head and kneeled in front of her, kissing her stomach.


  Her hands dropped to his shoulders as he raised his head and nibbled his way up to her breasts.

  “Brett, we have to...”

  “I know we do, baby. I need you.”

  When did he take off her panties? How did she get naked?

  He stood suddenly, stripping his sweatshirt off his gorgeous body, then pulled her close. His erection strained through denim as he bit her shoulder. He began walking her backwards toward the bed.

  “Brett. We can’t. They’ll know.”

  He lifted his head. “You are loud, but I’ll kiss you and that should help keep the noise level down.”

  She fell against the mattress. “I didn’t even think about that. Oh my...” He followed her down, his mouth covering hers, absorbing her words.

  He tilted his head. “See. It works. No worries.”

  She shoved his chest back. “I meant the...” she waved her hand. How could she say this? “The know...”

  His eyes popped open with awareness. “Oh.” His brows drew together, then he released her and slid off the bed. “I’ve got it.” He snatched his sweatshirt off the floor. “We’ll put this under us.”

  “What?” She slipped to the edge of the mattress.

  He stood there with his sweatshirt dangling from his hand, pleased with his solution.

  “This’ll take care of everything. And if you’re on top, we should be able to catch most of the...”

  She hopped off the bed and covered his mouth. Again.

  “I understand.”

  She felt him smile under her fingers, before he drew her hand down.

  “See how creative I am?” He dragged back the coverlet and spread the sweatshirt on the sheets. Standing back to observe his handiwork, he looked pleased. “Of course we could always just use the shower. It would wash away everything and we have experience in there.”

  Allison sank against the mattress and covered her face. “I can’t believe this.”

  “What? I think it’s very smart.”

  “It shouldn’t be this difficult,” she said through her fingers.

  “Oh come on darling, it’s an adventure.” He rubbed her shoulders and pulled her against him. His hard, inviting body.

  “I want you, Allison. I need you,” he whispered. “Don’t you need me too?”

  His hands framed her face. He was so, so sexy.

  “Well, I am already naked.”

  He smiled as she unbuttoned his jeans, running a finger under his waistband and over the top of his smooth, hot erection.

  “Oh yeah.” He gasped. “More.”

  He reached to help remove his pants, but she swatted him away.

  “I can do it.”


  She slowly unzipped his jeans, releasing his erection into her hands. She stroked him, before kneeling to move his pants down his hips. As she stood up, she flicked her tongue out, just touching him as she passed.

  A deep moan and his hands clenching her arms said he liked her move.

  “I think we’d better save that for a time when we’re alone. I can’t promise to be quiet with your mouth on me there.”

  He twisted her around and lay on the bed, her beside him. “But I’ll be arranging a time for us to be alone very soon.” He raised his head from the mattress, a question in his eyes. “If I can have a rain check?”

  “We’ll just have to see if I’m in the mood ne
xt time, won’t we?” She ran her fingers around his erection, not touching it, except for her wrist lightly brushing it as she passed. Her fingers traced down his leg and back up to his stomach.

  “Please be in the mood.”

  “I can’t promise anything...but there’s a chance...” She watched his body respond to her. Oh there’s more than a chance, she thought. He made her want to do things, all sorts of things.

  He wrapped her fingers around his erection. “No more torture. Hold me.”

  With his other hand, he slipped between her legs, finding the same spot they’d discovered the last time.

  How did he remember her body so well?

  Thank God he did.

  Just as her body melted, he drew her on top, his hand still probing, creating the most wonderful...marvelous...

  She raised up on her knees, straddling him, giving him access. Her hand still wrapped around him. They stroked. In rhythm.

  She moved against him, needing it harder.


  “Don’t stop.” She moved faster, his fingers moved faster. It was happening. Again. He had brought her again to...that...

  She arched back. “Yes,” she hissed through her teeth.

  He seized her hips and shoved her down. He was inside. And he was so hard. She caught up to his frantic movements, helping him.

  She felt him up, inside. So far inside.

  “Oh...” Gritting his teeth, he sucked in air through his bared lips. His chest heaving.

  She fell over him.

  His arms slid down her back to her butt, holding her close, still inside.

  “Don’t move,” he warned. “I don’t think I could take anymore without screaming.”

  “So it was good?” she whispered.

  “I’m sure if we practiced some more...”

  She wiggled her bottom. “So we need practice?”

  He clenched her hips, stopping her.

  “Have mercy on me, baby. I’m getting old and can’t take too much excitement.”

  “Then we’d better not plan to do this until...say...a month or so from now.”

  “A month? You’ll be lucky if I don’t attack you on the flight home tomorrow.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Hmmm, have you ever—“

  “Forget it, Brett. This was about as adventurous as I get.”

  “We’ll see about that.”


  “I can’t believe you’re leaving so soon.” Margaret followed Allison and Brett to the rental car early the next morning, chattering as she walked. “Why couldn’t you at least stay until tomorrow?”

  Curtis trailed behind her, his hands in his pockets.

  “Allison needs to get back to Kelly and see her parents.” Brett packed their luggage in the trunk and turned to his mother. “Don’t forget she left her daughter on Thanksgiving.”

  “How selfish of me.” Margaret clasped Allison’s arms. “Of course you want to get back. We’re so happy you could spend these last two nights with us.” She drew Allison into a quick hug. “And please come back. Anytime.”

  “Thanks, Margaret. I enjoyed it so much. Meeting all of you.” She backed up to Brett, not sure what else to commit to, if or when she would see them again.

  “Will you be home Christmas, son?” Curtis held out a hand to Brett.

  Brett’s muscles tensed, his elbow jumping into her arm.

  Relax. They’re just asking.

  Brett pumped his father’s hand. “I don’t know. I’ll call you next week.”

  Good answer. Let’s go before everyone gets out of control.

  Curtis stepped back and dropped his arm across his wife’s shoulder. “You know how much your mother—“

  “Curtis...” Margaret reached up to gently touch his hand. “Drive carefully.”

  Brett kissed his mother’s cheek and opened the door for Allison. He crawled in his side, cranked the car and drove over a mile before he spoke.

  “When will they stop?” Brett asked.

  He wasn’t talking to her. She lay her head back against the seat for the ride to the airport.

  Brett dropped Allison’s luggage on the floor next to the kitchen counter. “What time did you tell your parents we’d come out there?”

  It had taken about an hour into the plane ride and Allison’s insistence that Brett help her with the crossword puzzle in the airline magazine, before he slipped back into his carefree Florida mood. Allison had decided there was nothing else she could say about his relationship with his parents. This was something he’d have to work out on his own.

  By the time they landed at Tampa International Airport, he was suggesting they get a hotel room and tell her parents the plane was late.

  It was nice to have him back.

  She pulled her phone out of purse. “I’ll give them a ring.” Before she could dial she noticed a message. “How did I miss this?” She glanced at the side of the phone. Damn. Still on mute.

  She pressed play and speaker then reached for a pad and pencil. The pencil slipped from her hands and skittered across the tile when a female voice screeched out of the recorder. It’d been years since she’d heard the voice, but she would never forget the negative, haughty tone.

  “Allison, this is James’ mother. I received a call from my lawyer Wednesday. Evidently you have hired an attorney and you think can simply brush this issue under the rug. But I have news for you. You will not get away with this. And you will not get one dime of James’ money. Just because you had him fooled, you never fooled us. We knew you were after his money then and you still are.”

  She backed away from the table, hoping to escape the venom spewing out.

  “And just remember, if you pursue this, we have many important...influential friends. Especially in banking.”

  There was a pause and audible intake of breath before the last part of the message froze the air in the room. “And you can forget about me telling you where James is buried. Neither you nor that...child will ever, ever get that close to my son again.”

  The click of the message ending shook Allison out of her trance.

  “My God. She won’t even let Kelly see her father’s grave. And it would help Kelly so much, just to see it.” Allison pressed her fingers to her forehead. “I should have known better than to ask, but who would thought she could be that cruel.”

  Her head snapped up. “And what did she mean by that other comment? Was she threatening me?” She grabbed her knotting stomach. “Could she get me fired?”

  “No.” Brett was at her side, his arms around her shoulders. “She’s trying to scare you.” He moved to her front and lifted her face. “You can’t let her get to you.”

  “But, they do know people.” She shook. Her blood drained from her fingers, leaving her hands cold. “Maybe I should give up. I don’t want the money. I can --”

  He shook her gently. “Listen to yourself, Allison. You know better than to let her do this. Keep this message and let Michael handle it.”

  “No, Brett.” Allison moved her head slowly, left to right, left to right. “This is getting out of control. I don’t know. I...”

  He reached around her and removed the tape. “Are you going to call Michael about this or do you want me to?”

  She kept shaking her head. “I can’t deal with all of this. It’s too much.”

  He grabbed her phone. “we need to forward the message to him now.” His voice softened and he rested his hands on her arms. “You need to relax and get control of yourself before we pick up Kelly.”

  “Control? I have no control.” Her voice escalated, the volume rising. “Everything is out of control.”

  “No it isn’t.” He spoke in soothing tones. “Do you want me to get Kelly for you, so you can have some time?”

  She turned away from his arms and reached for her purse. “No.” She searched for her keys. “I’ll get her. I need to get her back here. In the house. I need to get organized for next week. I need to unpack.”

  “I think you’re saying you want to go alone.” Brett stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Is that it?”

  “I don’t think I’ll be very good company, Brett.” She straightened the mail he had dropped on the counter. Stacking and re-stacking. “I think I’m tired. It’s been a busy few days. And stressful.” She rubbed her hands down the sides of her slacks. “The visit with the lawyer. I need to send him all the information he wants. That will take hours. I haven’t seen Kelly in days. She must be frantic.”

  Brett pulled her against him again. “I don’t want to leave you alone, but maybe you do need to rest and spend some time with Kelly.”

  She nodded against his shirt.

  He turned her to his side and walked to the door, stopping in front of her.

  “Tell your parents I’ll see them next time” He kissed her forehead. “And drive carefully. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Brett. I’m sorry.” She grabbed his arm as he reached for the door. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. And, I know I should be able to handle this better. I never fall apart like this. It’s just getting so --”

  “It’s okay, darling. Everyone falls apart sometime.” He pried her fingers from his sleeve and kissed them. “If you need to talk, call me. You know I’m here for you. Now go get Kelly.”

  The door closed and silence enveloped her.

  She was alone.

  What was happening to her life? Everything used to be in order and now...nothing was going the way she planned. Nothing was in order anymore.

  She rubbed her arms with trembling hands.

  Maybe if she created a plan for the next few weeks. A schedule. Yes, that’s what she needed. A plan of attack. Goals. Tasks. She would handle this with a plan.

  She swung her keys into her palm and rushed to the garage door.

  Control. She needed her life under control.


  Brett drew Allison into his family room as Kelly wandered to Caroline’s room. “Wait a second.”

  He collected the magazines strewn across the sofa.

  “I should never have agreed to this, Brett. I don’t have time. I still have paperwork to send Michael.”

  He dropped the stack to the floor next to the end table. “Sit.” He steered her rigid body down.


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